hive query for selecting top 10 of each category - hive

I have a hive table with fields similar to :
Now, I want to extract a list of top 10 products(based on count) for each subcategory( a combo of seller,catgid,subcatgid) and want a result like :
Seller1, catg1,subcatg1,{{prodid1,prod1details},{prodid2,prod2details},{prodid3,prod3details},{prodid4,prod4details}....}
Seller2, catg2,subcatg2,{{prodid5,prod5details},{prodid6,prod6details},{prodid7,prod7details},{prodid8,prod8details}....}
So basically I want the product details(preferably in json format) for all the top 10 products till each subcategory
Is this even possible with a hive query? If yes, then could you please provide an example and If not, is there an alternative?

Found the answer to the above question at

Take a look at the 'collect_max' UDF in Brickhouse ( ) . I think it can provide a more scalable solution for larger datasets ( in that you can reduce the amount of sorting that you need to do).


Query Snowflake Jobs [duplicate]

is there any way within snowflake/sql query to view what tables are being queried the most as well as what columns? I want to know what data is of most value to my users and not sure how to do this programatically. Any thoughts are appreciated - thank you!
2021 update
The new ACCESS_HISTORY view has this information (in preview right now, enterprise edition).
For example, if you want to find the most used columns:
select obj.value:objectName::string objName
, col.value:columnName::string colName
, count(*) uses
, min(query_start_time) since
, max(query_start_time) until
from snowflake.account_usage.access_history
, table(flatten(direct_objects_accessed)) obj
, table(flatten(obj.value:columns)) col
group by 1, 2
order by uses desc
2020 answer
The best I found (for now):
For any given query, you can find what tables are scanned through looking at the plan generated for it:
SELECT *, "objects"
WHERE "operation"='TableScan'
You can find all of your previous ran queries too:
from table(information_schema.query_history())
So the natural next step would be combine both - but that's not straightforward, as you'll get an error like:
SQL compilation error: argument 1 to function EXPLAIN_JSON needs to be constant, found 'SYSTEM$EXPLAIN_PLAN_JSON('SELECT * FROM a.b.c')'
The solution would be to combine the queries from the query_history() with the SYSTEM$EXPLAIN_PLAN_JSON outside (to make the strings constant), and then you will be able to find out the most queried tables.

SQL Getting first value from a column and duplicate it in a new column

Hi guys, first thank you for reading and for your potential help.
I'm beginner in Standard SQL and i'm trying to do something but I'm stuck.
As you can see on the picture I have some products with the same item_group_id.
For these products , I want to take the FIRST declinaison value and give it to the other products having the same item_group_id in a new column.
to be more clear I will give the example for the products I encircled.
This is what I'm trying to get :
sku Declinaison item_group_id NEW_COLUMN
195810 ...multi dimensional sophistiqué_10 P195800 ...multi dimensional sophistiqué_10
195820 ...multi dimensional sophistiqué_20 P195800 ...multi dimensional sophistiqué_10
Thank you so much for your help
A way to achieve this could be using a JOIN clause to reference the same table twice. However, this approach is not recommended as it computes many more rows than needed.
Using an analytic function such as FIRST_VALUE is the recommended approach:
sku, declinaison, item_group_id,

SQL: Reduce resultset to X rows?

I have the following MYSQL table:
- ID (bigint)
- timestamp
- entityid
- value (double)
The table contains >1 billion entries. I want to be able to visualize any time-window. The time window can be size of "one day" to "many years". There are measurement values round about every minute in DB.
So the number of entries for a time-window can be quite different. Say from few hundrets to several thousands or millions.
Those values are ment to be visualiuzed in a graphical chart-diagram on a webpage.
If the chart is - lets say - 800px wide, it does not make sense to get thousands of rows from database if time-window is quite big. I cannot show more than 800 values on this chart anyhow.
So, is there a way to reduce the resultset directly on DB-side?
I know "average" and "sum" etc. as aggregate function. But how can I i.e. aggregate 100k rows from a big time-window to lets say 800 final rows?
Just getting those 100k rows and let the chart do the magic is not the preferred option. Transfer-size is one reason why this is not an option.
Isn't there something on DB side I can use?
Something like avg() to shrink X rows to Y averaged rows?
Or a simple magic to just skip every #th row to shrink X to Y?
Although I'm using MySQL right now, I'm not tied to this. If PostgreSQL f.i. provides a feature that could solve the issue, I'm willing to switch DB.
I maybe found a possible solution:
See section "Data aggregation".
The key is not to use a unixtimestamp but a date and "trunc" it, avergage the values and group by the trunc'ed date. Could work for me, but would require a rework of my table structure. Hmm... maybe there's more ... still researching ...
Inspired by update 2, I came up with this query:
SELECT (`timestamp` - (`timestamp` % 86400)) as aggtimestamp, `entity`, `value` FROM `measuredata` WHERE `entity` = 38 AND timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-01-25') group by aggtimestamp
Works, but my DB/index/structue seems not really optimized for this: Query for last year took ~75sec (slow test machine) but finally got only a one value per day. This can be combined with avg(value), but this further increases query time... (~82sec). I will see if it's possible to further optimize this. But I now have an idea how "downsampling" data works, especially with aggregation in combination with "group by".
There is probably no efficient way to do this. But, if you want, you can break the rows into equal sized groups and then fetch, say, the first row from each group. Here is one method:
select md.*
from (select md.*,
row_number() over (partition by tile order by timestamp) as seqnum
from (select md.*, ntile(800) over (order by timestamp) as tile
from measuredata md
where . . . -- your filtering conditions here
) md
) md
where seqnum = 1;

How to get the first tuple inside a bag when Grouping

I do not understand how to deal with duplicates when generating my output, so I ended up getting several duplicates but I want one only.
I've tried using LIMIT but that only applies when selecting I suppose. I also used DISTINCT but wrong scenario I guess.
grouped = GROUP wantedTails BY tail_number;
smmd = FOREACH grouped GENERATE wantedTails.tail_number as Tails, SUM(wantedTails.distance) AS totaldistance;
So for my grouped, I got smg like (not the whole):
but I expect (N983JB,44550). How can I delete those duplicates generated during grouping? Thank you!
The way I see it, there are two ways to de-duplicate data in Pig.
Less flexible but a convenient way is to apply MAX to the columns which need to be de-duplicated after performing a GROUP BY. Apply SUM only if you want to add up values across duplicates:
dataWithDuplicates = LOAD '<path_to_data>';
grouped = GROUP dataWithDuplicates BY tail_number;
dedupedData= FOREACH grouped GENERATE
--Since you have grouped on tailNumber, it is already de-duped
group AS tailNumber,
MAX(dataWithDuplicates.distance) AS dedupedDistance,
SUM(dataWithDuplicates.distance) AS totalDistance;
If you want more flexibility while de-duping, you can take help of nested-FOREACH in Pig. This question captures the gist of its usage: how to delete the rows of data which is repeating in Pig. Other references for nested-FORACH:

How to get repeatable sample using Presto SQL?

I am trying to get a sample of data from a large table and want to make sure this can be repeated later on. Other SQL allow repeatable sampling to be done with either setting a seed using set.seed(integer) or repeatable (integer) command. However, this is not working for me in Presto. Is such a command not available yet? Thanks.
One solution is that you can simulate the sampling by adding a column (or create a view) with random stuff (such as UUID) and then selecting rows by filtering on this column (for example, UUID ended with '1'). You can tune the condition to get the sample size you need.
By design, the result is random and also repeatable across multiple runs.
If you are using Presto 0.263 or higher you can use key_sampling_percent to reproducibly generate a double between 0.0 and 1.0 from a varchar.
For example, to reproducibly sample 20% of records in table using the id column:
from table
where key_sampling_percent(id) < 0.2
If you are using an older version of Presto (e.g. AWS Athena), you can use what's in the source code for key_sampling_percent:
from table
where (abs(from_ieee754_64(xxhash64(cast(id as varbinary)))) % 100) / 100. < 0.2
I have found that you have to use from_big_endian_64 instead of from_ieee754_64 to get reliable results in Athena. Otherwise I got no many numbers close to zero because of the negative exponent.
select id
from table
where (abs(from_big_endian_64(xxhash64(cast(id as varbinary)))) % 100) / 100. < 0.2
You may create a simple intermediate table with selected ids:
SELECT <id_column>
This will contain only sampled ids and will be ready to use it downstream in your analysis by doing JOIN with data of interest.