Error making/compiling objective C file - objective-c

Today I had my first lesson in Objective_C, it was about how to create "HELLO WORLD". After I downloaded the compiler and wrote the program I had to run it through the "shell" ,as stated in the tutorial, using the command "make" but i receive "No target specified and no makefile found. stop" error
To note, I program objectivec under windows OS
main.m Code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(#"***Sweet tutos***\n");
NSLog(#"***Hello World!***\n");//This will output Hello World!
[pool release];
return 0;
GNU makfile:
# This script was developed for SweetTutos Tutorials
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
# make a simple program in Objective-C, call it SweetTutos
TOOL_NAME = SweetTutos
# The implementation Objective-C file which is going to be compiled
SweetTutos_OBJC_FILES = main.m
# Header files of your project
#SweetTutos_HEADER_FILES = xxx.h //here goes all header files (.h). For the moment,
on n'en a pas.
# Define compilation flags
# Include rules for creating a command line tool for Objective-C
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

"no makefile found" usually means you have no file named literally GNUmakefile, makefile or Makefile in the current directory (or the directory pointed at if you use -C).
In the Makefile you need to specify at least one rule so that make can do something. The first rule in the file (sequentially, not chronologically) becomes the default rule, so you don't actually have to specify a target like the error message indicates.


How can Poplar codelets include code from other header files?

Is it possible for codelets to reference code in other files, like header files?
If I have a codelet file
#include "FileB.h"
class SomeCustomVertex : public Vertex {
bool compute() {
int a = SomeConstantDefinedInFileB;
and some other "codelet" file
const int SomeConstantDefineInFileB = 42;
and in the host graph program:
graph.addCodelets({"codelets/FileA.cpp", "codelets/FileB.h"});
I get a compile error from popc:
fatal error: 'FileB.h' file not found
#include "FileB.h"
1 error generated.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'poplar::graph_program_compilation_error'
what(): Codelet compilation failed (see compiler output for details)
I figured this out.
Graph::addCodelets has a parameter StringRef compileFlags = "", which you can use to inject compiler options.
popc --help shows an option
-I arg Add directory to include search path
So when I use graph.addCodelets({"codelets/FileA.cpp"}, "-I codelets"); in the host program, and have my codelets in 'codelets' subdirectory, this works. No need to explicitly list the ".h" files in the arguments.
Incidentally, also a good way to ensure compiler optimisation (-O3) for the custom codelets.

CMake adds -Dlibname_EXPORTS compile definition

CMake adds the following compile definition to all source code files automatically when simply compiling a target:
Why is this done and how can I disable it?
cmake add <libname>_EXPORTS macros only for shared libraries. It's useful when exporting API's in Windows DLL.
#if defined(_WINDOWS) && defined(testlib_EXPORTS)
# define API_DLL extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
# define API_DLL
API_DLL void foo();
It could be disabled by setting the DEFINE_SYMBOL property of target to empty.
# disable the <libname>_EXPORTS

Calling a dll from fortran

I am aiming at calling a dll file from a fortran compiler. I am doing all this in windows using the mingw compiler.
The dll was created using a g++ compiler
The code for which I am trying to create a dll
// example_dll.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include "example_dll.h"
__stdcall void hello()
command entered in the command prompt
g++ -c -DBUILDING_EXAMPLE_DLL example_dll.cpp
g++ -shared -o example_dll.dll example_dll.o -Wl,--out-implib,libexample_dll.a
The above two commands creates the dll file.
The job now is to create a fortran script to compile the dll file previously created.
For this purpose I am looking forward to create a fortran file capable of linking to the dll previously created.
Any help will be appreciated.
Later I tried some of the possibilities. My updated files are as follows
C file for which the DLL is created is as follows
// example_dll.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "example_dll.h"
EXPORT void tstfunc (void)
EXPORT int Double11(int x)
printf("From the Double11\n");
return x;
.h file used to create the DLL is as follows
// example_dll.h
// the dll exports
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// the exe imports
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
// function to be imported/exported
EXPORT void tstfunc (void);
EXPORT int Double11(int x);
Fortran file used to link the dll is as follows
! fortcall.f90
program ForCall
integer :: sum
integer :: inte3
SUBROUTINE write() BIND(C,NAME='tstfunc')
SUBROUTINE get_integer(inte,inte2) BIND(C,NAME='Double11')
END SUBROUTINE get_integer
CALL write
CALL get_integer(1,inte3)
print*,"the output is",inte3
After entering the following directive in the command prompt
gfortran -o dll_foo_test fortcall.f90 -L. example_dll.dll
The output will be as follows
From the Double11
the output is -2
At this point something is not right. The code is capable of passing a value from FORTRAN to the DLL, whereas the code is not returning the right value from the dll. Some junk value of -2 is being displayed instead of 1.
I would like to fix that part in the code.

Objective C - how to programmatically stop execution for debugging, while allowing continuation?

I have had success getting my debug builds to stop execution when a condition is programmatically specified, using the standard NSAssert(condition_which_should_evaluate_true, #"error message") statement in Objective C, and adding in an "All Exceptions" breakpoint in the Breakpoint Navigator.
Well and good, but most of the time when I'm debugging, I'd also like to continue normal program execution after that point. Often continuing the program after a failed assertion helps to track down the source of the confusion/bug. At least as far as I remember when I was programming on a different platform.
Is there a standard way to do so in Objective C development?
There's a way. It's not an Objective-C thing, it's a Unix thing.
kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
or simply:
In Swift:
This will break in the debugger in the __kill or __pthread_kill function. You will need to then go up a few stack frames to look at the frame that called kill or raise. You can use the debugger`s continue command to resume execution.
Note that if you're not running under the debugger and you execute this, your app will just hang. Take a look at [Technical Q&A QA1631: Detecting the Debugger]( You can use that information to write a wrapper function or macro that only sends SIGSTOP when running under the debugger. This answer may help.
Also, the Foundation framework provides a different assert macro for use in regular functions. It's NSCAssert.
Sounds like you want to use Conditional Breakpoints. If you set a breakpoint by clicking in the margin of your source code, then ctrl-click the little blue breakpoint thing, you can edit some options, including making the breakpoint conditional on the value of a variable.
Here's a blog post with some screenshots and more info.
This Stack Overflow question has some good pointers, too.
If you insist on triggering the breakpoint programmatically, then write a function and put a breakpoint inside it:
void MyConditionalBreak(BOOL condition, NSString *comment)
if (condition) {
NSLog(#"Stopped because %#", comment); // SET BREAKPOINT ON THIS LINE
Then you can call this function in a similar manner to NSAssert. If you declare the function in your project's precompiled header file (Whatever.pch) it will be available in all of your source files, without having to explicitly #import anything.
Here is how I do it:
First, in breakpoints tab I set my apps to break if any exception is raised:
Then In code (I usually have common header file containing common definitions like this that I import everywhere):
static void ThrowException(NSString* reason)
#throw [NSException
#catch (NSException * e)
NSLog(#"%#", e);
#define MYAssert(test, fmt, ...) if (!(test)) { ThrowException([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s !!! ASSERT !!! " fmt, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__]); }
Now, You can use it like NSAssert, but instead of killing your app, you merely trigger a breakpoint:
MYAssert(bEverythingOkay, #"Something went wrong!");
// Or with arguments of course
MYAssert(bEverythingOkay, #"Something went wrong (TestValue=%zd; Reason=%#)", myTestValue, [this getLastError]);
I'm by no means an expert in this field but I use code that can break into the debugger via keyboard input.
DCIntrospect by domesticcatsoftware on github does this.
Take a look at the top of it's main file DCIntrospect.m and see how it does it.
It references a few sources, but from my experience it's quite up to date with the current assembly required to break into the debugger on armv6/7 and the simulator
External references for more background info
Not sure why nobody else gave a clear straightforward answer... It's been five years but better late than never..
#ifdef DEBUG
#define manualBreakpoint() \
Breakpoint called on: \n\n\
File: %s \n\n\
Line number: %i", __FILE__, __LINE__);\
#define manualBreakpoint() ;
To use it simply just type the following: manualBreakpoint();
This will halt the app when that code is called and display the current method in your stack trace (as well as logging the file name and line number your app has halted on) IFF you are in debug mode, if you are in production mode for appstore (aka release, distribution, or archive) it will do nothing.
Using Rob's comments, and some ideas from "ios5 Programming: Pushing the Limits", and the Lumberjack framework, here's a macro to get the debugger to stop and allow for continuation during an assertion in DEBUG build, but to otherwise do as it always does during RELEASE (or actually any non-DEBUG) build.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define MyAssert(condition, desc, ...) \
if (!(condition)) { \
NSLog((desc), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
if (AmIBeingDebugged()) \
kill (getpid(), SIGSTOP); \
else { \
NSLog(#"%#, %d: could not break into debugger.", THIS_FILE, __LINE__); \
} \
#define MyCAssert(condition, desc, ...) \
if (!(condition)) { \
NSLog((desc), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
if (AmIBeingDebugged()) \
kill (getpid(), SIGSTOP); \
else \
NSLog(#"%#, %d: could not break into debugger.", THIS_FILE, __LINE__)); \
} \
#else //NOT in DEBUG
#define MyAssert(condition, desc, ...) \
if (!(condition)) { \
DDLogError((desc), ## __VA_ARGS__); \ //use NSLog if not using Lumberjack
NSAssert((condition), (desc), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
#define MyCAssert(condition, desc, ...) \
if (!(condition)) { \
DDLogError((desc), ## __VA_ARGS__); \ //use NSLog if not using Lumberjack
NSCAssert((condition), (desc), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
#endif //end DEBUG
These macros require the function AmIBeingDebugged(), which you can get from Apple at the link Rob gave: Technical Q&A QA1631: Detecting the Debugger. (You will also need to define DEBUG in your build settings.)
Note that I've chosen Lumberjack's DDLogError() over NSLog() in non-DEBUG builds because it will spit out the method, file and line number where the fatal assertion occurred.
A simple trick, if you want to use the console, is:
if (!condition_which_should_evaluate_true) {
; // Put breakpoint here
Then you put your breakpoint inside that line. If the condition evaluates to NO, then your breakpoint is invoked.

Separating Code To Be Organized

I'm building a zipper application, but it has a declaration that I want to separate it in another file (compress-file.m), but only when I separate the files I got an error when compiling with a variable, see it:
[ubuntu#eeepc:~/Desktop] make
This is gnustep-make 2.0.2. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Making all for app LeafZip...
Compiling file main.m ...
main.m: In function ‘main’:
main.m:7: error: ‘PATH_MAX’ undeclared (first use in this function)
main.m:7: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
main.m:7: error: for each function it appears in.)
main.m:12: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘compressFile’
main.m:7: warning: unused variable ‘outFileName’
make[1]: *** [obj/main.o] Error 1
make: *** [] Error 2
Also see the line 7 of main.m file:
char outFileName[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
And see some lines of compress-file.m:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
/* Buffer to hold data read */
char buf[BUFSIZ] = { 0 };
size_t bytes_read = 0;
gzFile *out = gzopen(outFileName, "wb");
I know that is Objective-C extension, but it's only because when I solve this problem I will need to continue the development in Objective-C. What I need to do to correct this?
PATH_MAX is not always defined by including <limits.h>. If you want to use it, you probably need to fall back on the fragment:
#include <limits.h>
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX _POSIX_PATH_MAX /* Or possibly _XOPEN_PATH_MAX */
#endif /* PATH_MAX */
Did you even include limits.h in your main program? If not, you need to do so.
Looks like main.m needs to #include <limits.h>. It also seems like it will need to include a header describing compressFile (which I guess you moved into compress-file.m.