Pandas shifting uneven timeseries data - pandas

I have some irregularly stamped time series data, with timestamps and the observations at every timestamp, in pandas. Irregular basically means that the timestamps are uneven, for instance the gap between two successive timestamps is not even.
For instance the data may look like
Timestamp Property
0 100
1 200
4 300
6 400
6 401
7 500
14 506
24 550
59 700
61 750
64 800
Here the timestamp is say seconds elapsed since a chose origin time. As you can see we could have data at the same timestamp, 6 secs in this case. Basically the timestamps are strictly different, just that second resolution cannot measure the change.
Now I need to shift the timeseries data ahead, say I want to shift the entire data by 60 secs, or a minute. So the target output is
Timestamp Property
0 750
1 800
So the 0 point got matched to the 61 point and the 1 point got matched to the 64 point.
Now I can do this by writing something dirty, but I am looking to use as much as possible any inbuilt pandas feature. If the timeseries were regular, or evenly gapped, I could've just used the shift() function. But the fact that the series is uneven makes it a bit tricky. Any ideas from Pandas experts would be welcome. I feel that this would be a commonly encountered problem. Many thanks!

Edit: added a second, more elegant, way to do it. I don't know what will happen if you had a timestamp at 1 and two timestamps of 61. I think it will choose the first 61 timestamp but not sure.
new_stamps = pd.Series(range(df['Timestamp'].max()+1))
shifted = pd.DataFrame(new_stamps)
shifted.columns = ['Timestamp']
merged = pd.merge(df,shifted,on='Timestamp',how='outer')
merged['Timestamp'] = merged['Timestamp'] - 60
merged = merged.sort(columns = 'Timestamp').bfill()
results = pd.merge(df,merged, on = 'Timestamp')
[Original Post]
I can't think of an inbuilt or elegant way to do this. Posting this in case it's more elegant than your "something dirty", which is I guess unlikely. How about:
lookup_dict = {}
def assigner(row):
lookup_dict[row['Timestamp']] = row['Property']
df.apply(assigner, axis=1)
sorted_keys = sorted(lookup_dict.keys)
df['Property_Shifted'] = None
def get_shifted_property(row,shift_amt):
for i in sorted_keys:
if i >= row['Timestamp'] + shift_amt:
row['Property_Shifted'] = lookup_dict[i]
return row
df = df.apply(get_shifted_property, shift_amt=60, axis=1)


how to add a character to every value in a dataframe without losing the 2d structure

Today my problem is this: I have a dataframe of 300 X 41. Its encoded with numbers. I want to append an 'a' to each value in the dataframe so that another down stream program will not fuss about these being 'continuous variables' which they arent, they are factors. Simple right?
Every way I can think to do this though returns a dataframe or object that is not 300x 41...but just one long list of altered values:
Please end this headache for me. How can I do this in a way that returns a 400 X 31 altered output?
> dim(x)
[1] 300 41
>x2 <- sub("^","a",x)
[1] 12300 1

Using Pandas and Numpy to search for conditions within binned data in 2 data frames

Python newbie here. Here's a simplified example of my problem. I have 2 pandas dataframes.
One dataframe lightbulb_df has data on whether a light is on or off and looks something like this:
Light On?
Where the time is in seconds since start of day and 1 is the lightbulb is on, 0 means the lightbulb is off.
The second dataframe sensor_df shows whether or not a sensor detected the lightbulb and has different time values and rates.
Sensor Detect?
Both dataframes are very large with 100,000s of rows. The lightbulb will turn on for a few minutes and then turn off, then back on, etc.
Using the .diff function, I was able to compare each row to its predecessor and depending on whether the result was 1 or -1 create a truth table with simplified on and off times and append it to lightbulb_df.
# use .diff() to compare each row to the last row
lightbulb_df['light_diff'] = lightbulb_df['Light On?'].diff()
# the light on start times are when
#.diff is less than 0 (0 - 1 = -1)
light_start = lightbulb_df.loc[lightbulb_df['light_diff'] < 0]
# the light off start times (first times when light turns off)
# are when .diff is greater than 0 (1 - 0 = 1)
light_off = lightbulb_df.loc[lightbulb_df['light_diff'] > 0]
# and then I can concatenate them to have
# a single changed state df that only captures when the lightbulb changes
lightbulb_changes = pd.concat((light_start, light_off)).sort_values(by=['Light_Time'])
So I end up with a dataframe of on start times, a dataframe of off start times, and a change state dataframe that looks like this.
Light On?
Now my goal is to search the sensor_df dataframe during each of the changed state times (above 5790.771 to 5790.782 and 5790.783 to 5790.784) by 1 second intervals to see whether or not the sensor detected the lightbulb. So I want to end up with the number of seconds the lightbulb was on and the number of seconds the sensor detected the lightbulb for each of the many light on periods in the change state dataframe. I'm trying to get % correctly detected.
Whenever I try to plan this out, I end up using lots of nested for loops or while loops which I know will be really slow with 100,000s of rows of data. I thought about using the .cut function to divide up the dataframe into 1 second intervals. I made a for loop to cycle through each of the times in the changed state dataframe and then nested a while loop inside to loop through 1 second intervals but that seems like it would be really slow.
I know python has a lot of built in functions that could help but I'm having trouble knowing what to google to find the right one.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Summing time series with slight variance in timestamps

I imagine that I have several time series like following, from different "sources":
time events
0 1000 1080000
1 2003 2122386
2 3007 3043985
3 4007 3872544
4 5007 4853763
Here, an monotonic increasing count events is sampled every 1000 ms. The sampling is not exact so most of the timestamps vary from their ideal values by a few ms - e.g., the second point is at 2003 instead of 2000.
I want to sum several of these time series: they will all be sampled at ~1000 ms but may not agree to the exact millsecond. E.g another time series could be:
time events
0 1000 1070000
1 2002 2122486
2 3006 3063985
3 4007 3872544
4 5009 4853763
I'd like something reasonable in terms of the final result. For example the same number of rows as each of the input dataframes, with a timestamp column the same as the first, or average of the inputs times. As long as the inputs are smooth, the outputs should be too.
I'd suggest DataFrame.reindex() with nearest method. Example:
def combine_datasources(reference_df, extra_dfs, tolerance_ms=100):
reindexed_df_list = [df.reindex(reference_df.index, method='nearest', tolerance=tolerance_ms) for df in extra_dfs]
combined = pd.concat([reference_df, *reindexed_df_list])
return combined.groupby(combined.index).sum()
combine_datasources(df_a, [df_b])
This code changes the index on the dataframes in the extra_dfs list to match the index for the reference dataframe. Then, it concatenates all of the dataframes together. It uses groupby to do the sum, which requires that the indexes match exactly to work. The timestamps will be the same as the one on the reference dataframe.
Note that if you have data from a time period not covered by the reference dataframe, that data will be dropped.
Here's the output for the dataset in your question:
1000 2150000
2003 4244872
3007 6107970
4007 7745088
5007 9707526

Pandas run function only on subset of whole Dataframe

Lets say i have Dataframe, which has 200 values, prices for products. I want to run some operation on this dataframe, like calculate average price for last 10 prices.
The way i understand it, right now pandas will go through every single row and calculate average for each row. Ie first 9 rows will be Nan, then from 10-200, it would calculate average for each row.
My issue is that i need to do a lot of these calculations and performance is an issue. For that reason, i would want to run the average only on say on last 10 values (dont need more) from all values, while i want to keep those values in the dataframe. Ie i dont want to get rid of those values or create new Dataframe.
I just essentially want to do calculation on less data, so it is faster.
Is something like that possible? Hopefully the question is clear.
Building off Chicodelarose's answer, you can achieve this in a more "pandas-like" syntax.
Defining your df as follows, we get 200 prices up to within [0, 1000).
df = pd.DataFrame((np.random.rand(200) * 1000.).round(decimals=2), columns=["price"])
The bit you're looking for, though, would the following:
def add10(n: float) -> float:
"""An exceptionally simple function to demonstrate you can set
values, too.
return n + 10
df["price"].iloc[-12:] = df["price"].iloc[-12:].apply(add10)
Of course, you can also use these selections to return something else without setting values, too.
>>> df["price"].iloc[-12:].mean().round(decimals=2)
309.63 # this will, of course, be different as we're using random numbers
The primary justification for this approach lies in the use of pandas tooling. Say you want to operate over a subset of your data with multiple columns, you simply need to adjust your .apply(...) to contain an axis parameter, as follows: .apply(fn, axis=1).
This becomes much more readable the longer you spend in pandas. 🙂
Given a dataframe like the following:
0 197.45
1 59.30
2 131.63
3 127.22
4 35.22
.. ...
195 73.05
196 47.73
197 107.58
198 162.31
199 195.02
[200 rows x 1 columns]
Call the following to obtain the mean over the last n rows of the dataframe:
def mean_over_n_last_rows(df, n, colname):
return df.iloc[-n:][colname].mean().round(decimals=2)
print(mean_over_n_last_rows(df, 2, "Price"))

Is there a way to use cumsum with a threshold to create bins?

Is there a way to use numpy to add numbers in a series up to a threshold, then restart the counter. The intention is to form groupby based on the categories created.
amount price
0 27 22.372505
1 17 126.562276
2 33 101.061767
3 78 152.076373
4 15 103.482099
5 96 41.662766
6 108 98.460743
7 143 126.125865
8 82 87.749286
9 70 56.065133
The only solutions I found iterate with .loc which is slow. I tried building a solution based on this answer
sumvals = np.frompyfunc(lambda a,b: a+b if a <= 100 else b,2,1)
df['cumvals'] = sumvals.accumulate(df['amount'], dtype=np.object)
The use-case is to find the average price of every 75 sold amounts of the thing.
Solution #1 Interpreting the following one way will get my solution below: "The use-case is to find the average price of every 75 sold amounts of the thing." If you are trying to do this calculation the "hard way" instead of pd.cut, then here is a solution that will work well but the speed / memory will depend on the cumsum() of the amount column, which you can find out if you do df['amount'].cumsum(). The output will take about 1 second per every 10 million of the cumsum, as that is how many rows is created with np.repeat. Again, this solution is not horrible if you have less than ~10 million in cumsum (1 second) or even 100 million in cumsum (~10 seconds):
i = 75
df = np.repeat(df['price'], df['amount']).to_frame().reset_index(drop=True)
g = df.index // i
df = df.groupby(g)['price'].mean()
df.index = (df.index * i).astype(str) + '-' + (df.index * i +75).astype(str)
0-75 78.513748
75-150 150.715984
150-225 61.387540
225-300 67.411182
300-375 98.829611
375-450 126.125865
450-525 122.032363
525-600 87.326831
600-675 56.065133
Name: price, dtype: float64
Solution #2 (I believe this is wrong but keeping just in case)
I do not believe you are tying to do it this way, which was my initial solution, but I will keep it here in case, as you haven't included expected output. You can create a new series with cumsum and then use pd.cut and pass bins=np.arange(0, df['Group'].max(), 75) to create groups of cumulative 75. Then, groupby the groups of cumulative 75 and take the mean. Finally, use pd.IntervalIndex to clean up the format and change to a sting:
df['Group'] = df['amount'].cumsum()
s = pd.cut(df['Group'], bins=np.arange(0, df['Group'].max(), 75))
df = df.groupby(s)['price'].mean().reset_index()
df['Group'] = pd.IntervalIndex(df['Group']).left.astype(str) + '-' + pd.IntervalIndex(df['Group']).right.astype(str)
Group price
0 0-75 74.467390
1 75-150 101.061767
2 150-225 127.779236
3 225-300 41.662766
4 300-375 98.460743
5 375-450 NaN
6 450-525 126.125865
7 525-600 87.749286