Accurev change name of a workspace - accurev

I need to rename a workspace created in accurev.
How can it be made with accurev GUI or CLI?
In the case of regular stream it is possible with a "change stream" option, but fro workspace this option is not active.

GUI: View -> Workspaces -> Select Workspace -> Right Click -> Edit -> Change name
CLI: accurev chws -w oldname newname

If you want to rename the Stream.
GUI -> Right Click on Stream -> Change Stream -> In name give the new name


How to set IntelliJ IDEA to keep tabs open even if file is deleted?

I often place my tabs in an order I like, or ctrl-tab to recently used tabs. But then I temporarily checkout a branch in git in which those files are missing, and the tabs automatically disappear. Even in simpler editors such as notepad++, deleted files can be kept open in the editor. Can this be done in IntelliJ IDEA? Thanks.
(There seems to be no such option in the obvious File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs)
There is unfortunately no such option.
I typically use ctrl-e key very often, to re-open recently used files.
There is another option you could look at, and that is "restore workspace" configuration on switching branches.
You can try settings -> version control -> Confirmation -> Restore workspace on branch switching and see if that helps.

Is there shortcut to VCS commands in Intellij?

For example, I have to click "VCS->git->pull" to update a project. How to configure the UI to make those operations executed by commands that are directly available to users?
What you can do is assign a shortcut for specific command.
Intellij -> Settings -> Keymap -> Version Control System -> Git ->
Then Right click on pull and
add Keyboard shortcut
Or For Add Icon Pull to your Toolbar you can
Right click on toolbar -> Customize Menus and Toolbars -> open Main
Toolbar node -> click on position where you would like to put new
action -> Add After -> Select the action ( Main Menu - VCS
- Git - Repository - Pull -> OK )
If you want you can custom the icon also.

Intellij Idea: Override and update local changes

Is there a way to override/replace the local changes from the version controls (like svn, CVS)? In Eclipse, I can right click on the project->team->synchornize.. then it shows all changes comparing to the repository. Then, If I need to override the file, "update and override" option is there. Correspondingly, Is there such a way to replace local changes in a class or a package with one click in IntelliJ Idea?
(I found a way to compare incoming changes, then I had to get one by one changes to my local class files) . I use IntelliJ Idea community edition 15
For single file you can follow below steps :
a) Right click on file
b) Git ---> Show History
c) It will show a window in which you can see the history of changes, select a commit,right click on it. Select Get.
Link :
If I understand the question right, I think you need to revert your local changes then update from the remote. You can do this at a class or package level, or on the whole project.
I think it is going to be an two way process.
Revert the changes (Ctrl+Alt+Z).
Update the project (Ctrl+T).
Choose the project(if you have multiple files changed), right click -> GIT -> Compare with branch(select the branch which you want to override your changes) -> it will show the differences it detected -> click "Get" icon, it prompts "Some files were locally modified" -> choose "Overwrite Modified Files"
But sometimes it doesn't work well.
Another simple but dangerous way is to use git command:
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
(Then all your local change will be lost)

How to get the changes from other person's workspace in Accurev?

There are some changes in other person's AccuRev workspace. I can't promote these changes, because there is an overlap. I can't resolve the overlap, because the workspace is not mine. I can't cross-promote these changes, because apparently such functionality doesn't work with workspaces. I'd prefer not to reattach the workspace to my PC, because such action would disrupt the workflow of the other person.
I want to get these changes into my own workspace.
Is there a way?
You can do this a few ways.
By file:
For each file you want, in your workspace, select the file -> open the "version browser" -> select the version of the file from the other workspace -> right click -> You can either "Send to Workspace", Patch or Merge.
By Transaction:
Right click on the other users workspace -> Show History -> Select the transaction you want that includes the changes -> Right click -> Send to Workspace -> Pick your destination workspace.

How to download a specific version of the code from RTC?

In SVN we have one option to download code on a particular revision. This provides the flexibility to download code on old revision also for build.
Is there a option in RTC to download a code on particular revision?
Yes: once you have done a repo workspace on a stream (where that old version was baselined), you can select a component (in the components section of your workspace), and click on "Replace with".
You can then chose the baseline you want to see, and it will be downloaded if you have a local workspace or sandbox in place.
Simply don't "deliver" to the stream, or you would replace the most recent baseline by an old one.
For setting a file to an older version, it is a bit manual (as in this thread):
Right click on the file in the change set, and select "show history" (or if the file is in an editor, right click on the editor and select "Team -> Show_History). That will open the History view on the file, form which you can select the version you want.
The only thing that worked for me was:
On your workspace's tab [Pending Changes] -> RightClick on the component that you want to get file(s) back -> [Show] -> [History]
RightClick on the "PackOfChanges" that has your wanted file(s) -> [Revert]
PS: It won't actually revert your actual project state to that day, and won't undo that "commit". The only thing that it does is showing on your workspace's tab [Pending Changes] all the diferences between that day and you actual code, and in every file(s) that you want back you:
"DoubleClick" the file that you want back that was showed by revert, and an Editor will appear with the diferences between you file's actual code and it self on that day, and you pass all the code from the right to the left.
After it's done, on your workspace's tab [Pending Changes], RightClick on the RevertPackage -> Remove
Have a nice day! 😄