Move the anchorpane using ScrollPane in javafx fxml - scrollpane

In my JAVAFX FXML application i used Scrollpane to move the anchorpane .I paste all controls inside the scrollpane the problem i found that scrollpane cannot scroll child fxml.ScrollPane is working in parent fxml


Qt UIC: Non-modal pop-up not inheriting style from parent

I am trying to create a non-modal (modeless) QMessageBox window with several buttons and text. To make it modeless, I am giving it the MainWindow object as its parent (which inherits from QMainWindow).
For example:
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def create_popup(self):
message_box = QMessageBox(self)
# add buttons, text, etc.
However, the issue arises that I am providing the styling of my MainWindow through a stylesheet, built from a .ui file (using PyQt5.uic.loadUi('file', main_window)). In the .ui file, I am specifying the stylesheet of the MainWindow as having background-color: black. Because the QMessageBox I create inherits from MainWindow, it also inherits its stylesheet, making both the background of the box black and that of the buttons.
I know I could manually style the box, but I would like to be able the remove the style applied by the parent to the children, while still maintaining the ability to use the QMessageBox as a modeless pop-up.
If I remove the parent of the QMessageBox (so I do message_box = QMessageBox(None)), calling show() does nothing - I have to use exec_(). This does result in the expected presentation of the box with the default styling, however.
If I try to manually override the background-color attribute (with message_box.setStyleSheet("background-color: grey;")), this messes up the style of the buttons, and makes them into rectangular boxes (since the buttons also inherit from the QMessageBox).
I would like to make it so that either 1) the style applied to my MainWindow is not inherited by the QMessageBox, 2) the QMessageBox can be modeless without being a child of the MainWindow, or 3) I can override the styles with the full styles that are default to my platform (including OS and dark mode preferences, like Qt normally does).

how to keep scroll on modal popup called from an other modal window

here my problem:
I open a modal popup and I can scroll it properly, then when I open a new model popup from this one if I try to scroll down this popup the scroll is on the main webpage in background. How can I focus the scroll on the active modal popup?
thank you

apex 5.0.1 and css class for HTML button

in apex 4.2.3 i can add class to my button using
Button style : HTML button
Button CSS Classes : myclass
in apex 5
Button style is changed by Button template (HTML button (legacy - APEX5 migration)
==> Where can i put my button css class ?
CSS Classes is hidden by default to display it we have to do one of the two things
1- click on Show all
2- click on "Go to group" then "Appearance"

Sencha Touch 2.1 calling another view based on MVC

Using ST 2.1 and MVC I am trying to call another view. Shouldn't I have a view and a controller for each panel? If needed of course. I think a static about page will not need a controller.
So my layout would be.
Here is my overall project structure.
My app.js calls Main.js. This is my main view and controller. My Main view extends Container. On the Main view I have created a titlebar with left and right buttons and a title. Then I created a panel that holds my main buttons. Then I created a toolbar at the bottom that just has an image.
I want my Main container to change the panel in the middle but keep the top and bottom bars. Each of my views is a panel with various things on them. I can get the overall screen to change but it takes my titlebar and toolbar with it.
I hope this is enough info. Thanks, Donnie
If you want to change just the panel you have to put that panel as item into parent panel. When you want to change this panel with other panel or anything else just get reference of parent panel and remove existing content before adding new panel.
var p = Ext.getCmp("myPanel");
var pp = Ext.getCmp("parentPanel");
var newPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel', {html : "some content"});
pp.remove(p, true);
PS - I haven't tested this code, its just guideline.

Loading UserControl within a Child Window

I have a child window created in silverlight. I need to load a user control within the child window(for a content change in the same child window) on a button click.
How can i acheive this?
Say for Example: If i have a child window with a Header -> Content -> Button.
I just need to change the content part and the button part on click of the button.
I need to change the buttons also since navigation is not possible using the same button click events.
Is it possible to acheive this in Silverlight 4.0 or 5.0?
Here is one way to do it. Create a canvas to hold the content and on button click, add the user control and add it as a child to the canvas. If you want to change the button, rather than changing the button, in the same button click the button content to a different text.
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
SilverlightControl1 control1 = new SilverlightControl1();
Hope this helps.