Why is memory sometimes deallocated immediately and other times only when autorelease pool is drained? - objective-c

I made simple experiment and found some strange behavior. Here some code - part of long method with ARC enabled:
MKObject *obj = [[MKObject alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[temp addObject:obj];
obj = nil;
temp = nil;
//here deallocating is called on obj (MKObject)
//other stuff
but if I change NSMutableArray to NSArray and literal initialisation
NSArray *temp = #[obj];
deallocating executed before autoreleasepool closed, not after setting nil to all references. Did I missed something ?

A few observations:
In your first example, neither the MKObject nor the NSMutableArray is an autorelease object, so these objects will be deallocated immediately, not waiting for the autorelease pool to drain:
MKObject *obj = [[MKObject alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[temp addObject:obj];
obj = nil;
temp = nil;
In your second example, the NSArray is an autorelease object, so the NSArray (and therefore, the MKObject) will not be deallocated until the autorelease pool is drained.
MKObject *obj = [[MKObject alloc] init];
NSArray *temp = #[obj];
obj = nil;
temp = nil;
To understand why the array literal, #[], creates an autorelease object, one should note that it expands to +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:]. Autorelease objects are created whenever you instantiate an object with any method other than using alloc followed by an init (whether init, or one of the permutations, such as initWithObjects:).
As you observed, when an app creates autorelease object, the object will not be immediately be deallocated, but it will when the autorelease pool drains. Since we generally yield back to the runloop quickly (at which point the pool will be drained), the choice of autorelease objects or non-autorelease objects has little practical impact in simple cases. But if the app, for example, has a for loop in which it creates many autorelease objects without yielding back to the runloop, it could be problematic (especially if MKObject was large or you were doing this many times). For example:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
MKObject *obj = [[MKObject alloc] init];
NSArray *temp = #[obj];
// Note, because they are local variables which are falling out of scope, I don't have to manually `nil` them.
Because we are instantiating autorelease NSArray objects in this example, the above would keep all 100 arrays and objects in memory until you yielded back to the runloop and the autorelease pool had a chance to drain. This means that the app's "high water mark" (the maximum amount memory it uses at any given time), would be higher than it might need to be. You could remedy this by either:
use a non-autorelease object (such as by using alloc/init) instead of using the array literal:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
MKObject *obj = [[MKObject alloc] init];
NSArray *temp = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:obj, nil];
by introducing your own, explicitly declared #autoreleasepool:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
#autoreleasepool {
MKObject *obj = [[MKObject alloc] init];
NSArray *temp = #[obj];
In this final example, the autorelease pool will be drained for each iteration of the for loop, resolving any challenges with autorelease objects that would otherwise have their deallocation deferred until the end of the loop.
One final caveat: In general, methods that begin with alloc and init (or a variation of the init method), will not generate autorelease objects, whereas all other methods, such as arrayWithObjects:count: will generate autorelease objects. One notable exception is the NSString class, which due to internal memory optimizations, does not conform to this rule. So, if you have any doubt, you can employ your own manual #autoreleasepool if you are repeatedly instantiating and releasing objects, and you are unsure as to whether the objects are autorelease objects or not. And, as always, profiling your app with the Allocations tool in Instruments is a good way of observing the app's high water mark. For an illustration of how these various techniques can impact the memory usage of your app, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/19842107/1271826.

The array was being retained by the autorelease pool. As described in Clang's Objective-C Literals documentation, the array literal syntax expands to a call to +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:], which creates an autoreleased array.

A couple of things I see, though I'm not entirely clear on the question so I can't say which applies:
Adding an object to an NSArray or NSMutableArray increments the object's retain count.
In the first instance, you manually instantiate obj, which gives it retain count 1.
Adding it to the NSMutableArray makes its retain count 2.
In this case, obj = nil decrements retain to 1;
temp = nil tells the array to handle releasing its contents. Those w/retain count 0 get dealloc'd immediately.
In the 2nd instance with #[] literal creation, the literal syntax under the hood creates an autoreleased object using the method arrayWithObjects: count:. When this is no longer needed it goes to the autorelease pool for eventual deallocation.
It isn't an issue of the objects IN the array but the way the arrays themselves were created.
Edited my original response to address comments below - I was confusing the issue.


Using Autoreleased Objects in iOS apps

To return a NSArray or NSDictionary, I have seen most people use the below implementation and this is also what some books suggest. (iOS Development A Practical Approach - )
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMUtableArray alloc] init];
//Add elements to the array
NSArray *students = [NSArray arrayWithArray:temp];
return students;
self.studentsList = [self listOfStudents];
But can this same be done by the below way also?
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMUtableArray alloc] init];
NSArray *students = [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:temp];
[temp release];
//Add elements to the array
return students;
NSArray *array = [self newListOfStudents];
self.studentsList = array;
[array release];
Assume these methods are called in the main thread itself.
Interms of memory usage , I think that the second option is good, because it does not create autoreleased objects, because they are released only at when the autorelease pool is drained.
I assume that the main autorelease pool is drained only when the app quits. So if the method in OPTION 1 is used many times ,(since they are getting called in ViewWillAppear) I think that many lists will be in autorelease pool being released only when the app quits.
So is the OPTION 2 approach the better approach?
I have updated the viewWillAppear implementation for better clarity.
I think in the second example you meant to call
self.studentsList = [self newListOfStudents];
In case that studentsList is a retained property, this would leak now.
Also, that temp array in both examples is just useless overhead. In the second example it's plain nonsense.
The cleanest solution is
-(NSArray *)listOfStudents {
NSMutableArray *list = [NSMutableArray array];
// Add things to array
return list;
Two more advices:
1) you might run the static analyzer over your code, which will point to memory issues.
2) if you feel more confident with memory management, switch over to ARC.

NSMutableArray in loop leaks memory even when I explicitly release it

This loop leaks memory:
int64_t i,verylongnumber;
//misc. code
NSMutableArray *myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[myArray removeAllObjects];
[myArray release];
I've tried everything to keep it from leaking memory, but I can't. I think it has something to do with the NSNumbers. I assume they are created autoreleased, but does that mean I have to free them individually (i.e. use alloc)? How would I even do that? Create a separate variable for each NSNumber and insert that into the array? That seems like a lot of work. I tried [myArray removeAllObjects], but that made no difference. it is within my own thread with its own autorelease pool. I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
This fixed it:
I added an additional autorelease pool inside the loop:
int64_t i,verylongnumber;
//misc. code
NSAutoreleasePool *pool2 = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:65535],
[myArray release];
[pool2 drain];
I'll take a stab at this..
You can remove [myArray removeAllObjects] as it is redundant. NSArray's do retain their objects, but they also release them when the array itself is deallocated.
The NSNumbers themselves are autoreleased. However if you do a very very large loop then that autoreleased memory won't actually be freed until the for loop exits and eventually the run loop as well (unless you have setup a separate NSAutoreleasePool somewhere).
So I can see how the memory usage would increase as this loop iterates, but at completion it should free the memory. How did you arrive at the conclusion that you have a leak?
Are you waiting to see if the objects get released in the near future?
Autoreleased objects are released at some point in the near future. In the case above, you're looping a very long number of times creating many objects. They will not get released within the scope of that code.
In a GUI app it means after the function returns when the run loop is being run. In a console app, it's when the pool is released.
Check out:
Autorelease pools provide a mechanism whereby you can send an object a
“deferred” release message.
The key is the deferred point.
EDIT: (after comment)
Note that you can drain the pool. The other option is to create non-autoreleased numbers (alloc/init) and explicitly release in your long running loop. depending on the code, that may be desirable since draining the pool could release objects deferred for release which code later in that loop/scope assumes is still deferred. If you want to control it, then control it.
NSArray retains objects when they're added to NSArray. This means that NSArray takes ownership of that object. when the object is removed from NSArray or NSArray destroyed, the object is released (reference count -1). If object dont have any other owner then object is destroyed.
The following code will create memory leak
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithFloat:floatValue]; //reference count is 1, you are the owner
[aArray addObject:number] //reference count is 2, aArray is also owner.
So to remove memory leak , you shoul release number.
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithFloat:floatValue]; //reference count is 1, you are the owner
[aArray addObject:number] //reference count is 2, aArray is also owner.
[number release]; // reference count is 1, you are not owner og number
If you are adding autorelease object to NSArray, no need to release that object. when the autorelease pool is popped that object will loose its ownership.
In your example with each for loop, NSNumber is created while the old one is still hanging around in memory waiting for the autorelease pool to be released.

Memory Leak - Objective c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Objective C Memory Management
My code is showing a memory leak here:
NSMutableArray* newImageArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray* newMediaArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if (self.categoryIndex == 0) {
for (int i=1; i < [categoryArray count]; i++)
newImageArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[newImageArray arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[self getImageArrayByCategoryIndex:i]]];
else {
newImageArray = [self getImageArrayByCategoryIndex:self.categoryIndex];
for (int i=0; i < [newImageArray count]; i++)
Media* media = [[Media alloc] init];
NSString* imageFile = [newImageArray objectAtIndex: i];
media.imageFile = [UIImage imageNamed:imageFile];
media.imageLabel = [[imageFile lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
media.soundFile = [appFolderPath stringByAppendingString:[[[imageFile stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingString: #".wav"] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: IMAGES_FOLDER withString: SOUNDS_FOLDER]];
[newMediaArray addObject:media];
self.mediaArray = newMediaArray;
[self setNextMediaIndex];
I am not releasing media because it is being used by newMediaArray (which is used by mediaArray, which is used my my main object). Shouldn't everything get released when I release my main object?
It looks like you are leaking all over the place in a variety of ways
newImageArray gets allocated but never released, additionaly you are overwriting the version that you allocated in the first line of you code with another version. So even if you released it at the end of this code segment, the wrong version would get released. It looks like you don't even need to allocate this one.
newMediaArray gets allocated but never released, you assign it to a property mediaArray if you are using #synthesize to create the code for that property, depending on how you declared that property, the setter will retain the value i.e. newMediaArray creating a leak.
media gets allocated but never released, it get added to a NSMutableArray which means it will get retained by the array. If your app crashes when you release media in the for loop the problem is somewhere else
The Memory Management Programming Guide is pretty much a must read
When an NSMutableArray such as newMediaArray adds an object, it will retain that object. You don't need to (nor should you) retain the object on the array's behalf. This is fundamentally how memory management in Objective-C works: each object retains the things it references, and releases them when finished. newMediaArray is its own object, so it'll manage its own references.
You should release media near the end of the body of your for loop because you're done using that object. If you don't release it then, you'll lose your reference to it and you'll have no way to release it in the future.
You do
[newMediaArray addObject:media];
that means that newMediaArray has done a retain on media. You can then release media (you should). The retain done in the array method will keep it alive as long as the array references it. If you don't release it in your method, the retain count will remain 2, and even if the array releases it, it will still be 1 and not be dealloc-ed.
You could do:
Media *media = [[[Media alloc] init] autorelease];
Then the autorelease pool will release it in time, but not before this method ends.
You need to have the [media release] statement at the bottom of the loop. newMediaArray should also be released after it is assigned to the mediArray property.

Obj-c autorelease a variable up a chain of methods

I'm new to Obj-C and I have a question concerning the autorelease. Is it ok to return an autoreleased variable for several methods? For example:
- (void) methodC {
Object anObj = [self methodB];
//Do something with anObj
- (Object *) methodB {
return [self methodA];
- (Object *) methodA {
Object anObj = [[anObj alloc] init];
release [anObj autorelease];
Will the variable remain valid even if it is returned up a method chain and used at the top? Or does it have to be retained somewhere along the way?
thank you
Yes, it will be valid in this case. You only have to worry about the variable being deallocated if somebody drains the autorelease pool. As long as you've written every function that returns along the way and you don't explicitly drain the autorelease pool, you don't have to worry about objects being deallocated from under you.
In the vast majority of cases, the code in the NSRunLoop takes care of draining the autorelease pool. When you return control from your application code to the API code (such as by returning from a touchesBegan handler etc.), you don't know if the autorelease pool will be drained, so you have to assume in the worst case that it will. In that case, you have to retain any objects you want to keep references to.
For example:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Object *anObj = [self methodC]; // Your methodC as before -- anObj is valid
[pool drain]; // anObj will be deallocated here
The variable should remain valid. You only need to retain an object if it is actually "owned" by some other object and could be indirectly/unintentionally released along with it. For example, if you extracted an object from an array and then released the array, your object reference could become invalid unless you explicitly retain it.
For more details, see Object Ownership and Dismissal, particularly the sections on Autorelease and Validity of Shared Objects. The latter uses the following code to illustrate how you could "accidentally" make an object reference invalid.
heisenObject = [array objectAtIndex:n];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// heisenObject could now be invalid.
The following code shows how to mitigate this problem using retain.
heisenObject = [[array objectAtIndex:n] retain];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// use heisenObject.
[heisenObject release];

Memory Management for shared array elements

I am a little confused about releasing memory for array elements that are shared by multiple arrays. Here's the scenario:
Manager class has an instance variable NSMutableArray* mgrArray
Helper class has an instance variable NSMutableArray* helperArray.
Manager's init method:
NSMutableArray* mgrArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
Food *f = [[[Food alloc] initWithType:#"Fruit"] autorelease];
[mgrArray addObject:f];
Helper's init method:
NSMutableArray* helperArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
The manager object passes some of the mgrArray elements to Helper class to store for Helper's own access purposes (say for efficiency). Some Manager method that does this:
Food *e1 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:3];
Food *e2 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:5];
Food *e3 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:7];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e1];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e2];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e3];
Question 1: when adding e1 to helperArray, should it be copied or retained or is it alright as written above?
Question 2: who should release the memory of the food objects and how?
If you put an object in an array, it retains it. If you remove an object from an array, the array releases it.
It is that simple; ownership -- retains -- should always be bounded by lines of encapsulation.
If you need to ensure that an object remains alive when you are using it, retain it. The one edge case is if you do something like:
foo = [someArray objectAtIndex: 0];
[someArray removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
At that point, foo may have been released. To fix:
foo = [someArray objectAtIndex: 0];
[foo retain];
[someArray removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
.. do stuff ..
[foo release];
Question 1: when adding e1 to
helperArray, should it be copied or
retained or is it alright as written
Simply add e1 to the helperArray. Done.
Question 2: who should release
the memory of the food objects and
When the array is released to the point of being dealloc'd, all objects contained within the array will be released (but not necessarily deallocated unless nothing else holds a retain).
An object will be retained when added to an array and released when removed from an array.
If you are using an autoreleased object there is nothing else to do.
If you are using a regular object, you can release it after it is added to the first array.