How to select a dynamic date with SQL stored procedure - sql

I have created a stored procedure to generate a delivery day when a customer requests it.
Depending on the zone of the customer it outputs the delivery day.
But now I also want to add date to it. So it not only output what day, but also the date on that day in the upcoming week.
This is what my stored procedure looks like now (customerId is my IN parameter)
CASE customer_zone
WHEN 1 THEN 'monday'
WHEN 2 THEN 'tuesday'
WHEN 3 THEN 'wednesday'
WHEN 4 THEN 'thursday'
WHEN 5 THEN 'friday'
ELSE 'unknown'
FROM customer
WHERE customer_id = customerId;
It works fine, but I really don't know how to handle the date feature - I guess I can use the now() function and add some number to it according to the relative day?

It looks like your customer_zone is a number from 1 to 5. Perhaps you can simply add the customer_zone to NOW() or CURRENT_DATE() to get the relative date. Something like this:
FROM customer

The first Monday in the future is always
You can add (customer_zone - 1) days to this to get the first M/T/W/T/F for customer_zone 1/2/3/4/5. Depending on your SQL implementation, you may need now(), today(), etc., instead of getdate().
If you google SQL with "next monday", you'll find a lot of useful stuff.


SQL Changing Date by one workday and filter for it

I'm running the following query
and getting a column of datetimes. I would like to change this column or alternatively add a column, that adds a workday to the corresponding datetime and I want to be able to filter for the date at the same time
My approach for changing the workday is like this CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, date) = 'Friday' THEN DATEADD(dw, 3, date), but I don't know how to fit that in. Here I'm adding 3 days to Friday because it should skip to Monday the next workday, in the other cases I would add only 1 day, for Monday to Thursday.
Maybe there is a better way?
In this image I tried to show how the result of an examplatory query should
look like. I have all dates available but I want to filter for the 14th, which should show me the 11 dates, because of the added workday. Since June 11 is Friday
I think my Main problem is I don't know how make the extra column depending on the given datetime, it should add 3 on Fridays and 1 on every other day (Saturday and Sunday don't exist in the base data)
Thanks for your responses.
I have a solution now. If it can be easier, let me know, if you like. Anyway, thanks for your help everyone
Set #Date = '14/06/2021'
WHERE (CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, #Date) = 'Monday' THEN DATEADD(DAY, -3, #Date) ELSE DATEADD(DAY, -1, #Date) END) = a.DAT
You seem to be describing a case expression:
SELECT (CASE WHEN DATENAME(weekday, date) = 'Friday'
END) as next_date
Welcome to S/O. If your table already has a datetime column, that is probably best. Dont try to break things down such as a date column, a time column, and some workday column. There are plenty of functions that allow you to extract parts as needed. However, your post tags only show SQL instead of a specific database such as sql-server, mysql, oracle, etc. but appears SQL-Server via DateAdd() function.
With date functions you could do things like filtering based on the "Day" of the given date/time column NOT being a Sat or Sun. Or, filtering on a single month by a >= first day of the month but less than first day of following month. This way you dont have to worry about time factors. This type of query would allow inclusion of working up to 11:59:59pm before following day.
If you edit your question with any additional clarifications on why adding 3 days per your example may help offer additional resolution. Try not to just put things that could be long in comments. Then just comment back on my post and I'll try to follow-up (in addition to others that may follow this post).

Recurring Date Calculator SQL

I'm looking to create a recurring date calculator that will correspond to EVENTS on a specific calendar date. Each event has its own rule.
For example, for EVENT A rule is "Occurs Tuesday monthly with the start date Tuesday 9-17-2019. I'm using a time dimension table with every date populated until 2025. Using these dates I was using in the WHERE clause
WHERE dayname = 'tuesday' and ( DATEDIFF(DAY, '2019-09-17', Calendar_Date) % 28 ) = 0 to get monthly tuesdays.
But I'm running into issues when there are two 5 Tuesdays in a month. 3-3-2020 and 3-31-2020. Need date populated to be 4-7-2020 instead of 3-31-2020.
Can anyone help with a solution?
With your query, you're pretty close. All you need to do is to then sub-select
SELECT MIN(CalendarDate) AS CalendarDate
FROM (your query goes here) AS d
GROUP BY YEAR(CalendarDate), MONTH(CalendarDate);

How to round up a month-date based on certain parameters

I need to round up a month-date based on certain parameters. For example: If I have a parameter where if a day in a given month is between the 6th and the 4th of the next month, I need my query to return the next months date. Is there a way to round up the month given these parameters without hard coding case whens for every single month ever?
SELECT case when date_trunc('day',li.created_at between '2019-03-06 00:00:00' and '2019-04-06 00:00:00' then '2019-04-01' end)
FROM line_items li
If you want the beginning of the month, but offset by 4 days, you can use date_trunc() and subtract some number of days (or add some number of days). You seem to want something like this:
select dateadd(month, 1, date_trunc('month', li.created_at - interval '4 day'))
Another approach is to create a canonical "dates" table that precomputes the mapping from a given date to a new date using your rounding scheme. The mapping could be done outside of redshift in a script and the table loaded in (or within redshift using a user defined function).

Case statement using date intervals

I am trying to create a variable that sums sales in 3 months for each customer after their first purchase in the time series. The code below errors and says I'm missing a parentheses.
when merch.trans_dt between min(merch.trans_dt)
and add_date(min(merch.trans_dt), interval 3 month)
then merch.rdswrit_rps_netnet_pur_amt
end) as spend_next3
You can do this by simply using addition, rather than a function: min(merch.trans_dt) + interval 3 month.
However, this may not give you the answer you want. In many cases, such as to_date('1/31/2015','mm/dd/yyyy') + interval '3' month, this will result in ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified.
You're better off using add_months as indicated previously in the comments: add_months(min(merch.trans_dt),3).

Business Days calculation

I have a query where I am calculating total days between two days including start and end date by the following SQL query. If the end date is not null, then end date is considered as current date.
This query does the job. But I do not want to count Sat and Sundays. Possible public UK Holidays.(I can do this one, if I can get the logic for Saturdays and Sundays)
SELECT DateDiff(day,DateADD(day,-1,StartDate),ISNULL(EndDate,getDate()))numberOfDays
FROM <mytable>
How do I count only weekdays between two dates?
Thank you
I would strongly recommend a calendar table for this, especially if you need to take specific holidays into account. Calculating Easter dynamically, for example, is going to be a royal pain.
If you're going to use T-SQL alone, be careful about using functions that rely on regional/language settings for the output of things like DATENAME ...
Take a look at the DATEDIFF MSDN page.
At the bottom of the page, there is some user-generated content.
One user posted a function there which does exactly what you want, including holidays (headline: "UDF to return the number of business days, including a check to a bank holidays table").
try this
SELECT DateDiff(day,DateADD(day,-1,StartDate),ISNULL(EndDate,getDate())) -
( CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, StartDate) = 'Sunday' OR
DATENAME(dw,ISNULL(EndDate,getDate())) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
- ( CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, StartDate) = 'Saturday' OR
DATENAME(dw,ISNULL(EndDate,getDate())) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM <mytable>