How to convert Epoch time to date? - sql

Hi I have a column with number datatype
the data like 1310112000 this is a date, but I don't know how to make it in an understandable format:
ex: 10-mar-2013 12:00:00 pm
Can any one please help me.

That is EPOCH time: number of seconds since Epoch(1970-01-01). Use this:
SELECT CAST(DATE '1970-01-01' + ( 1 / 24 / 60 / 60 ) * '1310112003' AS TIMESTAMP) FROM DUAL;
08-JUL-11 AM

Please try
select from_unixtime(floor(EPOCH_TIMESTAMP/1000)) from table;
This will give the result like E.g: 2018-03-22 07:10:45
PFB refence from MYSQL

In Microsoft SQL Server, the previous answers did not work for me. But the following does work.
SELECT created_time AS created_time_raw,
dateadd( second, created_time, CAST( '1970-01-01' as datetime ) ) AS created_time_dt
FROM person
person is a database table, and created_time is an integer field whose value is a number of seconds since epoch.
There may be other ways to do the datetime arithmetic. But this is the first thing that worked. I do not know if it is MSSQL specific.


timestamp string to timestamp in sql

Date data saved from stripe start_date as string timestamp like "1652789095".
Now I want to filter with this timestamp string form last 12 months.
what should I do ?
how can I filter with this timestamp string?
These are some examples - I'm sure there are plenty of options that would work.
convert to date
select *
from Table
to_timestamp(cast(start_date as int)::date > date_add(now(), interval -1 year);
work with unix timestamps
-- approx 1 year ago, by way of example
select *
from Table
start_date > '1621253095';
-- exactly one year ago, calculated dynamically
select *
from Table
start_date >
cast(unix_timestamp(date_add(now(), interval -1 year)) as varchar);
I'm not a MySQL guy really so forgive any syntax errors and fix up the sql as needed to work in MySQL.
PostgreSQL: how to convert from Unix epoch to date?

SQL difference between two datetime columns

I have a dataset with 2 columns of datetime datatype as shown here:
I want to take the difference between the two dates and I try it with this code:
original_due_date - due_date as difference
However I'm not sure if the same would suffice as this is a datetime and not just date.
Any inputs would be much appreciated.
Desired output
The question was originally tagged Postgres, so this answers the original question.
Presumably, you are storing the values as timestamps. If you just want the results in days, then convert to dates and take the difference:
Select t.*,
(t.original_due_date::date - t.due_date::date) AS difference
from Table t;
If you want fractional days, then a pretty simple method is to extract the "epoch", which is measured in seconds, and use arithmetic:
Select t.*,
( extract(epoch from t.original_due_date -
extract(epoch from t.due_date
) / (24.0 * 60 * 60) AS decimal_days
from Table t;
transform timestamps to seconds (unix_timestamp), calculate difference and divide by (60*60*24) to get days
select (unix_timestamp(original_due_date, 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm')-unix_timestamp(due_date, 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm'))/(60*60*24) as difference_days
from (select '07-01-2021 00:00' as due_date, '02-10-2020 00:00' as original_due_date) t

Hive SELECT records from 1 hour ago

I have a hive table that contains a column called timestamp. The timestamp is a bigint field generated from java System.currenttimemillis(). I suppose it should be in UTC. Right now I am trying to select records from 1 hour ago. I know in MySQL you can do something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE datetimefield >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
In hive, it seems like NOW() is missing. I did some searching and find unix_timestamp(). I should be able to get the current UTC time in milliseconds by doing a unix_timestamp()*1000.
So if i want to get records from 1 hour ago I am thinking about doing something like:
SELECT * FROM hivetable WHERE datetimefield >= (unix_timestamp()*1000-3600000);
Can someone suggest if it's the right way to approach this problem? Also what if I want to select like 1 day ago? Seems inconvenient to convert that to milliseconds. Any help or suggested readings will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
Yes unix_timestamp() gets you the seconds elapsed since Unix epoch. You can subtract 60*60*1000 milliseconds and compare your field to get the desired records.
For Hive 1.2.0 and higher you can use current_timestamp
select *
from hivetable
datetimefield >= ((unix_timestamp()*1000) - 3600000);
For 1 day,convert the milliseconds to date format and use date_sub
select *
from hivetable
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(datetimefield,'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss')) >=

PLSQL - convert unix timestamp with millsecond precision to timestamp(6)

I have a unix timstamp with millsecond precision like below:
I need to convert it to timestamp(6). This is the format I need:
05-NOV-14 AM
(Fyi examples above are not matching dates, just using as example.)
What's the best way to go about this?
The following might work for you (where myunixtimestamp is the name of the column in which your Unix timestamps are stored):
SELECT TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' + NUMTODSINTERVAL(myunixtimestamp/1000, 'SECOND')
FROM mytable;
For example,
SELECT TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' + NUMTODSINTERVAL(1523572200000/1000, 'SECOND')
FROM dual;
gives a result of 2018-04-12 10:30:00.000000000 PM.
Hope this helps.
Assuming that current timestamp is: 1523572200000, try following:
select cast (to_date('1970-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + 1523572200000/1000/60/60/24 as timestamp) from dual;
to_date('1970-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') is epoch time
<unix_timestamp>/60/60/24 was divided by 1000 miliseconds 60 second and 60 minutes and 24 hours because in oracle we are adding days

SQL Query to find out records created in last hour (working with epoch datetime format)

I want to find out the records created in last one hour.
Here is my WHERE clause
WHERE Create_DateTime > (DATEDIFF(s,'1970-01-01 00:00:00', GETDATE())-(3600))
The Create_DateTime is in epoch integer format.
It does run but I do not get the expected result.
Anyone knows a proper query for this?
I am not very familiar with SQL functions but I tried GETUTCDATE() in place of GETDATE() and it gave me the expected result.
GETDATE() is giving me the time that is 8 hours earlier from my current time. I am in PST.
please try
Create_DateTime > DATEDIFF(minute,CAST(yourvarcharcolumn as datetime),GETDATE())<=60
Wouldn't this work ?
select * from myTable where Datediff(minute, Create_DateTime, getutcdate()) <= 60