Test Account Setup for PayFlow Link and PayPal Payments Advanced - payflowlink

I am trying to setup a test account to test my module which will work for PayFlow Link and Paypal Payments Advanced. I am following this tutorial.
The problem is that I don't have "PayPal Express Checkout" feildset in my settings. Here is an image of it. The field set also appears in this paypal tutorial on youtube.
Also when ever I try to send a request to payflow api, it always says "User Authentication Failed" although all the parameters are correct.
I have setup a test account for Paypal Manager.

The field in question is expecting the primary email address of the PayPal account you will be using to accept Express Checkout (PayPal) payments. You can specify both a live account and a sandbox account.
"User Authentication Failed" indicates your credentials are not correct. You should be using the same credential you use to log into the manager:


Paypal refund adaptive api always give error "NO_API_ACCESS_TO_RECEIVER"

Currently i am using UK's PayPal Business account for PayPal adaptive api.
I successfully able to pay via PayPal adaptive api in my mobile app. Now i want to refund payment to sender and i am following the PayPal developer API Doc, i am follow this link for get refund. :- https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/adaptive-payments/Refund_API_Operation/
I have already put third party permission as mention in doc, still i am not able to refund success. I am always get "NO_API_ACCESS_TO_RECEIVER" status in response.
Please help me anyone, I try all thing as per research. What is wrong with my settings.
Yes, I have solved it,
You just get username from API credential after that open paypal sandbox account of your sandbox receiver and put your username into receiver's third party permission.
After you can refund that receiver.

Cannot get PayPal sandbox account to link to third party permissions

My goal is to create a business PayPal sandbox account which has the account type Business Pro and which allows me to grant access to third party APIs.
Currently there are two ways of creating sandbox accounts in PayPal. The first method involves creating an account from the developer dashboard and linking that account to the PayPal dev account via the link provided on the Sandbox Accounts page. However, creating an account this way does not allow me to link third party APIs. When I log into the sandbox account and click the link to update Api Access it gives a browser error of "Too many redirects".
The second way of creating a sandbox account involves going to sandbox.paypal.com and signing up a Business account on there. I am then able to link this sandbox account to the PayPal dev account from, again the link provided in the dev dashboard. Creating a sandbox account this way also allows me bypass the browser error and link third party APIs. However, it doesn't allow me to upgrade that sandbox account to Business Pro, and gives me the following error: Something went wrong. PayPal Payments Pro could not be enabled. Try again.
Is there any way I can create a sandbox account which is able to link to third party APIs and be a Business Pro type?
To anyone else that might have this problem, I had to create a ticket here: https://www.paypal-techsupport.com/app/ask and ask them the question of why it wasn't linking. They had to change my account type to a new one that they were/are developing.

How do I get an API Username, Password, & signature from PayPal to use in a third party plugin

I ended up here from paypal because I can only find programming info to add apps to paypal or something to that effect. I am trying to get info from paypal to plug into WP-Client so I can invoice clients through my website via Paypal. Every time I ask this question on Paypals site they send me to the developers reference which I don't understand nor need. The programming is done, I just want access to my paypal account through my plugin which asks for the API username, Password, and Signature.
You can login to this tool to obtain your API credentials quickly and easily.
This info can be obtained in your Paypal profile after you login to your PayPal account.
Hope this helps.

Paypal Sandbox- going to a live production environment

I have a new WP, woo-commerce site with paypal express plugin. I have added my paypal API credentials (not sandbox credentials) and am set to Live-Production mode but am still being directed to Paypal Sandbox when checking out. How do I get out of the testing environment on my site
change the occurrence of https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr into https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr
Below are steps to change environment on PayPal express plugin from wordpress admin panel.
1- In your admin panel go to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout.
2- Enter the following information to complete your WooCommerce Express Checkout configurations:
Enable PayPal express checkout by Click the box.
Environment - Set to Live unless testing with PayPal sandbox environment credentials.
Enable PayPal mark - Check.
PayPal API Username - Write your Live API username.
PayPal API Password - Write your Live API password.
PayPal API Signature - Write your Live API Signature.
Payment Action - Select from dropdown Sale or Authorize.
Check additional options.

Can I let test users skip logging into PayPal sandbox?

I am using the PayPal sandbox to test user transaction on my website.
The site is going to be put through usability testing soon.
The problem is, whenever a user goes to complete a transaction, they are first asked to "Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features."
This is the link that my form points to: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr
I want the test users to skip having to create a PayPal sandbox account and just use the test user accounts that I have setup.
Is this possible?
This is not possible. A user has to have a developer account created at developer.paypal.com to be able to use any PayPal hosted payment methods on the sandbox.
However, you can submit API calls to the sandbox without the members needing a developer.paypal.com sandbox account.