Suppose there are three variables that take on discrete integer values, say w1 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, w2 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, and w3 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}. The task is to pick one value from each set such that the resulting triplet minimizes some (black box, computationally expensive) cost function.
I've tried the surrogate optimization in Matlab but I'm not sure it is appropriate. I've also heard about simulated annealing but found no implementation applied to this instance.
Which algorithm, apart from exhaustive search, can solve this combinatorial optimization problem?
Any help would be much appreciated.
The requirement/benefit of Simulated Annealing (SA), is that the objective surface is somewhat smooth, that is, we can be close to a solution.
For a completely random spiky surface- you might as well do a random search
If it is anything smooth, or even sometimes, it makes sense to try SA.
The idea is that (sometimes) changing only 1 of the 3 values, we have little effect on out blackbox function.
Here is a basic example to do this with Simulated Annealing, using frigidum in Python
import numpy as np
w1 = np.array( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] )
w2 = np.array( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] )
w3 = np.array( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] )
W = np.array([w1,w2,w3])
I define a black-box using the Rastrigin function.
def rastrigin_function_n( x ):
N-dimensional Rastrigin
x_i is in [-5.12, 5.12]
A = 10
n = x.shape[0]
return A*n + np.sum( x**2- A*np.cos(2*np.pi * x) )
def black_box( x ):
Transform from domain [1,12] to [-5,5]
to be able to push to rastrigin
x = (x - 6.5) * (5/5.5)
return rastrigin_function_n(x)
Simulated Annealing needs to modify state X. Instead of taking/modifying values directly, we keep track of indices. This simplifies creating new proposals as an index is always an integer we can simply add/subtract 1 modulo LENGTH.
def random_start():
returns 3 random indices
return np.random.randint(0, LENGTH, size=3)
def random_small_step(x):
change only 1 index
d = np.array( [1,0,0] )
if np.random.random() < .5:
d = np.array( [-1,0,0] )
return (x+d) % LENGTH
def random_big_step(x):
change 2 indici
d = np.array( [1,-1,0] )
return (x+d) % LENGTH
def obj(x):
We have a triplet of indici,
1. Calculate corresponding values in W = [w1,w2,w3]
2. Push the values in out black-box function
indices = x
values = W[np.array([0,1,2]), indices]
return black_box(values)
And throw a SA Scheme at it
import frigidum
local_opt =,
neighbours=[random_small_step, random_big_step],
I am not sure what the minimum for this function should be, but it found a objective with 47.9095 with indicis np.array([9, 2, 2])
For frigidum to change the cooling schedule, use alpha=.9. My experience is that all the work of experiment which cooling scheme works best doesn't out-weight simply let it run a little longer. The multiplication you proposed, (sometimes called geometric) is the standard one, also implemented in frigidum. So to implement Tn+1 = 0.9*Tn you need a alpha=.9. Be aware this cooling step is done after N repeats, so if repeats=100, it will first do 100 proposals before lowering the temperature with factor alpha
Simple variations on current state often works best. Since its best practice to set the initial temperature high enough to make most proposals (>90%) accepted, it doesn't matter the steps are small. But if you fear its soo small, try 2 or 3 variations. Frigidum accepts a list of proposal functions, and combinations can enforce each other.
I have no experience with MINLP. But even if, so many times experiments can surprise us. So if time/cost is small to bring another competitor to the table, yes!
Try every possible combination of the three values and see which has the lowest cost.
I have a set of 6 variables and some numerical values are available for different settings of variables. The variable x, y and z are all functions of a, b and c. I want to find the optimal setting of a, b and c that minimize x subject to
1) y = 200 (say);
2) z < 30 (say)
If all the functions in question are linear in regarding to their arguments then this is the problem that Linear programming solves. There are known approaches and algorithms to solve a linear programming problem, your choice depends on other constraints that you did not specify.
I wonder if there is a fast algorithm, say (O(n^3)) for computing the cofactor matrix (or conjugate matrix) of a N*N square matrix. And yes one could first compute its determinant and inverse separately and then multiply them together. But how about this square matrix is non-invertible?
I am curious about the accepted answer here:Speed up python code for computing matrix cofactors
What would it mean by "This probably means that also for non-invertible matrixes, there is some clever way to calculate the cofactor (i.e., not use the mathematical formula that you use above, but some other equivalent definition)."?
Factorize M = L x D x U, whereL is lower triangular with ones on the main diagonal,U is upper triangular on the main diagonal, andD is diagonal.
You can use back-substitution as with Cholesky factorization, which is similar. Then,
M^{ -1 } = U^{ -1 } x D^{ -1 } x L^{ -1 }
and then transpose the cofactor matrix as :
Cof( M )^T = Det( U ) x Det( D ) x Det( L ) x M^{ -1 }.
If M is singular or nearly so, one element (or more) of D will be zero or nearly zero. Replace those elements with zero in the matrix product and 1 in the determinant, and use the above equation for the transpose cofactor matrix.
Consider the following pseudo code:
a <- [0,0,0] (initializing a 3d vector to zeros)
b <- [0,0,0] (initializing a 3d vector to zeros)
c <- a . b (Dot product of two vectors)
In the above pseudo code, what is the flop count (i.e. number floating point operations)?
More generally, what I want to know is whether initialization of variables counts towards the total floating point operations or not, when looking at an algorithm's complexity.
In your case, both a and b vectors are zeros and I don't think that it is a good idea to use zeros to describe or explain the flops operation.
I would say that given vector a with entries a1,a2 and a3, and also given vector b with entries b1, b2, b3. The dot product of the two vectors is equal to aTb that gives
aTb = a1*b1+a2*b2+a3*b3
Here we have 3 multiplication operations
(i.e: a1*b1, a2*b2, a3*b3) and 2 addition operations. In total we have 5 operations or 5 flops.
If we want to generalize this example for n dimensional vectors a_n and b_n, we would have n times multiplication operations and n-1 times addition operations. In total we would end up with n+n-1 = 2n-1 operations or flops.
I hope the example I used above gives you the intuition.
I was wondering about this problem concerning Katatsuba's algorithm.
When you apply Karatsuba you basically have to do 3 multiplications per one run of the loop
Those are (let's say ab and cd are 2-digit numbers with digits respectively a, b, c and d):
X = bd
Y = ac
Z = (a+c)(c+d)
and then the sums we were looking for are:
bd = X
ac = Y
(bc + ad) = Z - X - Y
My question is: let's say we have two 3-digit numbers: abc, def. I found out that we will have to perfom only 5 multiplications to do so. I also found this Toom-3 algorithm, but it uses polynomials I can;t quite get. Could someone write down those multiplications and how to calculate the interesting sums bd + ae, ce+ bf, cd + be + af
The basic idea is this: The number 237 is the polynomial p(x)=2x2+3x+7 evaluated at the point x=10. So, we can think of each integer corresponding to a polynomial whose coefficients are the digits of the number. When we evaluate the polynomial at x=10, we get our number back.
What is interesting is that to fully specify a polynomial of degree 2, we need its value at just 3 distinct points. We need 5 values to fully specify a polynomial of degree 4.
So, if we want to multiply two 3 digit numbers, we can do so by:
Evaluating the corresponding polynomials at 5 distinct points.
Multiplying the 5 values. We now have 5 function values of the polynomial of the product.
Finding the coefficients of this polynomial from the five values we computed in step 2.
Karatsuba multiplication works the same way, except that we only need 3 distinct points. Instead of at 10, we evaluate the polynomial at 0, 1, and "infinity", which gives us b,a+b,a and d,d+c,c which multiplied together give you your X,Z,Y.
Now, to write this all out in terms of abc and def is quite involved. In the Wikipedia article, it's actually done quite nicely:
In the Evaluation section, the polynomials are evaluated to give, for example, c,a+b+c,a-b+c,4a+2b+c,a for the first number.
In Pointwise products, the corresponding values for each number are multiplied, which gives:
X = cf
Y = (a+b+c)(d+e+f)
Z = (a+b-c)(d-e+f)
U = (4a+2b+c)(4d+2e+f)
V = ad
In the Interpolation section, these values are combined to give you the digits in the product. This involves solving a 5x5 system of linear equations, so again it's a bit more complicated than the Karatsuba case.