The input coordinates are off after I have created an OrthographicCamera using a viewport width and height of 480px*320p. How would I go about fixing this? Another question to with the viewport aspect ratio, how would I go about having a few fixed sizes and adjusting to the phones aspect ratio?
I'm trying to create a 2D cross-platform game (primarily for android & ios in portrait mode, however compatibility with a tablet/desktop would be a bonus) and I'm trying to wrap my head around scaling of my sprites.
I've looked online, and I've ended up setting the following in my Project Settings > Stretch
'Mode' : 2D
'Aspect' : keep-height.
According to the viewport of my android phone is 360 x 640px (the standard 16:9 ratio for mobiles). But obviously phones/tablet screens come in all sorts of dimensions.
If I wanted to create a sprite with a width exactly 1/3rd of that of my screen/viewport, how should I go about doing this? Should I be creating multiple sprites of various dimensions (in say, GraphicsGale) to account for different screen sizes, or should I be purely doing this scaling in Godot?
I know there's a 'scale' property in Godot, but I can't see a way of setting my image width and height via pixels or by a percentage of the viewport.
Have you tried setting the sprite size depending on the viewport height and width ?
$sprite.size.x = get_viewport().size.x * 0.33
$sprite.size.y = get_viewport().size.y * 0.33
You can check out this reddit post if this is not working.
I'm making an application that generates a 2D area (you can think of it as a drawing), with a camera hovering over it. The size of said drawing isn't known in advance, and could change greatly. After the "drawing" is generated, I want to position the camera so that the whole drawing is in view.
My original idea was to calculate the points that are at the top, bottom, left, and right of the drawing and having the camera move back, "zooming out" until they are all in sight, but there has to be a better way, right?
Assuming you are working in 2D (thus orthographic camera mode), you can set the camera's orthographicSize:
Camera.main.orthographicSize = height / 2F; //half of the height of the area
Then, set the aspect ratio (width / height):
Camera.main.aspect = 1F; //for example, a square area
Is there any way to fill video without stretching and cutting the video ?
1- MPMovieScalingModeFill - its stretching video.
2- MPMovieScalingModeAspectFill - its cutting video.
3- MPMovieScalingModeAspectFit - its shooing video in centre and showing black area.
No. Think about it! The MPMoviePlayerController's view is not the same aspect (ratio height to width) as the movie. So to make it fit, either you must cut some off (of either height or width), or you must letterbox it (black area) with one dimension being too small, or you must distort.
You should do the opposite: size the MPMoviePlayerController's view to fit the aspect of the movie!
I let the user select a photo from the iPhone library, and I grab the UIImage.
I output the size of the image, and it says 320x480, but it doesn't seem to be, because when I draw the image on the screen using CGRectMake(0,0,320,480), it only shows the upper left portion of the image. Aren't the images much bigger than 320x480 because of the high resolution?
I'd like to scale the image to force it to be 320x480. If it is less than 320x480, it should not be rescaled at all. If the width is greater than 320 or the height is greater than 480, it should scale in a way so that it becomes as close to 320x480 as possible, but by keeping the proper proportion of width to height. So, for instance, if it scales to 320x420, that is fine, or 280x480.
How can I do this in Objective-C?
Setting the image view's content mode like this:
myView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
will preserve the aspect ratio.
I am facing this problem while trying to rotate the map in my iPhone app
The view gets clipped and rotation also happens. I want to avoid the clipping. Any tips ?
heres the code:
viewToRotate.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(0.8, 0., 0., 1.);
You need your map rotated in 3D ? If not (which is what I think you need), then just use CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (be careful, as it requires the angle in radians).
Also, if you don't want your map to be clipped, you need to make your map bigger, like in the image below (open in new tab to see it bigger)
First, you need to calculate the diagonal of the rectangle (your visible map) as instructed in the image above (which I call "radius" because that would be the radius of the smallest circle bigger than your rectangle).
Second, using the radius, you need to calculate the (smallest) square that will allow your map to be seen without clipping. This square will be used to set the bounds of your map (caution: NOT the frame - Apple specifies that, when using rotation, you should not use frame - just bounds and / or center).
Make sure this square is centered on the center of your visible map rectangle (i.e. the square should have X pixels above AND below the small rectangle ... and Y pixels left AND right of the small rectangle).
Hope it helps !
Did you ever figure out the solution?
The only way I could do it was to make the MapView in Interface Builder much bigger than the actual size of the screen area its supposed to cover, then I centered the MapView such that its center was in the center of the narrower viewable area.
Rotation seemed to work similarly to how it works in the built-in Maps app.
My guess is that you have to do this so that the image tiles streaming in from Google cover a wide enough area to "fill in the blanks" so to speak, even if they're not always visable.
If you apply a little math, you could probably programmatically size and position the MapView such that you void clipping, but don't require more tiles than is absolutely necessary.