Jive 7: How to change profile data / action? - struts

I am writing a plugin for Jive (SBS) 7 and want to add more data to the template for the user profile Overview page (i.e. /people/admin ). In Jive 6 I did overwrite the profile path in struts and added my own ViewProfile action. But this action seems to be called no more.
I also cannot even figure out where the templates I changed get their data from (soy/people/profile/{userProfile, header, head}.soy) or what action is responsible for.
So how can I add another property to the soy file that gets a custom property for the targetUser? (custom property = property saved in the database table jiveuserprop)

You need to create a plugin and then use the option. Then, you simply use jquery to add the extra stuff.
you can create an action that takes in information using getters or post and throw it into the user's extended properties. You can create another action that'll retrieve that info in json.
then, simply use jquery's getJson to grab the info and use selectors to show the data in the user profile.
Don't forget to use the $j(document).ready(function(){ // your code here }); to show the info
simple example:
$j("div#j-profile-header-details").append("<p>hello World</p>");
will append "hello world" under the user's email address / job title.
hope this helps. feel free to ask more questions if it doesn't make sense. here's a good link on writing the javascript part of the plugin: http://docs.jivesoftware.com/jive/7.0/community_admin/index.jsp?topic=/com.jivesoftware.help.sbs.online/developer/PluginXMLReference.html

I got an answer in the Jive Developer community:
profile is an action in Struts2. /people/username is a URL Mapper permutation


Get blog post custom field in template head - Sitefinity

I need to set several meta tag values in my page head to values set in blog post custom fields.
How do I access the blog item viewmodel from the head?
I've created a separate MVC view snippet for my custom head and referenced it in my template's layout, that much works.
I grab some of the same custom field values inside my blog template via references like Model.Item.Fields.MyFieldName.Fields.Title.
Adding this same line to the head template throws a
System.Web.HttpCompileException with little useful information attached. I somewhat expected this, as I suspect that viewmodel for the blog post only exists in the context of the blog widget.
Ends up that I need to rebuild after every change to the head cshtml file or I get this error. Seeing as this is about a four-minute process with Sitefinity (15 seconds to build, 3:45 to do whatever Sitefinity does for about four minutes), this is a gruelingly horrid thing to have to do.
However the Model is null at this level.
Also tried
Per the ever-helpful and highly knowledgeable #Veselin Vasilev, I looked into passing the data up via MetaDataFields. I didn't see these options in my admin section for the widget. To clarify, I'm using the built-in "Blog posts" widget with a customized view file.
But if it's possible to do this, it gives me hope that there's a way to pass more data up, even if it's going to take some work.
EDIT: Sitefinity v.10.2 and above:
There is an easier way to achieve what you are trying - in Page edit mode, in the Blog Posts widget click Edit and then Advanced. Then you should see a MetaDataFields button. Click it and you should see several meta data related fields.
In the MetaTitle field put the name of your custom field and save.
Also, from the docs:
If you leave MetaTitle field empty, Sitefinity CMS adds takes its value from the Title field of the static content item or from the identifier field of a dynamic content item. Otherwise, the tag is populated with the contents of the field that you have entered in MetaTitle field.
More details here:
Sitefinity 10.1 and below:
Check this article
Basically, in your view you get a reference to the Page object and then update its Header with the meta data you need.

DNN get params in view are not available in edit

I am creating a dnn module. The content depends on the param in the url.
I want to be able to edit this content in the 'edit content' mode. However when i go to edit content the param in the url is no longer accessible because it is the parent document. How do i go about passing this value from the view.ascx to the edit.ascx?
Try storing the param in cookies or localstorage. Then you should be able to access it. Of course the user will be able to modify it but you can do a check that the user has not modified it by storing a server side encryption or somthing like that.
A workaround is to have a field where the user enters this parameter. But i know this isn't a very good solution. I am guessing that you will have to override the dotnetnuke core to do this (yes i know it sucks).
I hope I am understanding the question properly.
To pass parameters from your View to Edit controls, you should first make sure they are registered properly in the module definition. You default View should have an empty controlkey and your Edit should be registered with a control key, for example "addedit".
When creating a link between your view control and edit control, use the EditUrl() method of PortalModuleBase. When passing a parameter, for example an id of the item you want to load into your edit control, you can pass them as arguments in the EditUr method.
Example (in my view.ascx.cs):
lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("id", "16", "addedit");
This will assign a module view link to the edit.ascx (assuming the controlkey in the definition is addedit) passing in a url parameter "id" with value 16.
See my DNN Module Views tutorial for a complete lesson on how to do DNN module views and navigation.

Creating a new view results in 404 Page

I am trying to do something very simple and I seem to be missing something. I tried to scour the internet for results but haven't gotten anywhere so I was wondering if someone can please advise on this seemingly easy and straightforward task.
I have a working MVC Application and have created Models, Controllers, Views using the defaults (scaffolding).
Now I want to create a new view for one of my controller actions:
public ActionResult Index()
return View(db.Blog.ToList());
So I right click on Action Result and click Add View.
This gives me a dialog box where I specify a view name of "Test", I click "Create a Strongly Typed View" check box and select model class of Blog.
For scaffold template, I leave empty (note I have tried index without any good result)
Now I click the Add button.
As expected this creates a new view test.cshtml under Views/Blogs
Now when I begin without debugging and go to url: localhost:12341/Blog/Test
I get the following error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Blog/test
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.17929
There could be a lot of issues with why it doesn't work. It is probably worth your while to look into ASP.NET MVC routing. For now, Mystere Man's solution might be a "quick fix" assuming you have everything else set up to their defaults.
In particular, when you tell your browser to go to localhost:12341/Blog/Test then it will (probably) look for a Controller called BlogController and then perform the Test action. In your case, your action is called Index so you would want to go to localhost:12341/Blog/Index (though you may be able to omit Index since it's the default action). Lastly, since your action is called Index then the View() function will automatically look for Index.cshtml. This is detailed somewhat in the msdn documentation:
In particular:
If the ViewName property is empty, the current action name is used in place of the ViewName property.
Your action method is called Index, not Test. If you want the url to be /Test, then you need to name the action method Test (there are other ways to do it, but this is the best way)
If you want to use the view Test, then you need to specify it in your View() method.
return View("Test", db.Blogs.ToList());
However, you will still need to use the Index url /Blogs/Index because your action method is Index.

PrestaShop - Reload CMS page with additional parameters

Situation: I needed to add form with POST method to CMS page. I created custom hook and a module displaying the form successfully. Then I need to react to user input errors eg. when user doesn't enter email address I need to detect it, display the whole page again together with the form and with "errors" in user input clearly stated.
Problem: The problem is to display the WHOLE page again with connected information (eg. about errors etc.). In the module PHP file when I add this kind of code,
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'modulename.tpl');
it (naturally) displays ONLY the form, not the whole CMS page with the form.
In case of this code,
I can't get to transfer any information by GET neither POST method.
$_POST['test'] = 1;
I tried to assign to smarty variables too
$smarty->assign('test', '1');
(I need to use it in .tpl file where the form itself is created) but no way to get it work.
{if isset($test)}...,
{if isset($smarty.post.test)}...,
{if isset($_POST['test'])}... {* neither of these conditionals end up as true *}
Even assigning a GET parameter to url has no impact, because there is link rewriting to some kind of friendly url I guess, no matter I included other argument or not. ([SHOPNAME]/cms.php?id_cms=7&test -> [SHOPNAME]/content/7-cmspage-name)
My question is: is there a way to "redirect" or "reload" current page (or possibly any page generally) in prestashop together with my own data included?
I kind of explained the whole case so I'm open to hear a better overall solution than my (maybe I'm thinking about the case in a wrong way at all). This would be other possible answer.
The simplest method would be to use javascript to validate the form - you can use jQuery to highlight the fields that are in error; providing visual feedback on how the submission failed. In effect you don't allow the user to submit the form (and thus leave the page) until you're happy that the action will succeed. I assume that you will then redirect to another page once a successful submission has been received.
There's lots of articles and how-tos available for using javascript, and indeed jQuery for form validation. If you want to keep the site lean and mean, then you can provide an override for the CMS controller and only enqueue the script for the specific page(s) you want to use form validation on.
If the validation is complex, then you might be best using AJAX and just reloading the form section of your page via a call to your module. Hooks aren't great for this kind of thing, so you might want to consider using an alternative mnethod to inject your code onto the cms page. I've written a few articles on this alternative approach which can be found on my prestashop blog

How can I display Joomla modules within a component?

I have a component with several categories of games and I want to display a different banner depending on the category. I need the banner (and link) to be customizable so it's not simply a case of showing categoryX.jpg or whatever.
I saw this Joomla help page on another question, but it only seems to display a module type, not one specific module. I'd like to use various mod_custom modules and display the one appropriate to the category (I can store each module's ID if necessary).
Any ideas?
This can be done in a 2 step process:
Use the "Load module into article" plugin to allow yourself to access the module using a plugin call like:
{module [*mod_id*]} // where *mod_id* is the module id
Now that you can call a plugin to put your module anywhere, you now need to go to the view code of your/a component you wish to add the module to and add this code:
echo JHTML::_('content.prepare', '{module [*mod_id*]}');
Please see this link - http://www.alltogetherasawhole.org/group/developers/forum/topics/running-joomla-content-plugins - regarding point number 2. I was trying to do the same thing and I found it didn't work, and the reason for this was a comment you can find on the page link above:
"I noticed that some plugin actually expect option=com_content for them to process onPrepareContent properly, so you might actually want to "fool" them by callin JRequet::setVar and restoring the correct values after the trigger."
If you would like to show module within PHP code then use this code, it's worked for me :
<?php echo JHTML::_('content.prepare', '{loadposition position-2}'); ?>
If you want to show module inside html content then just put this code where you want to show module.
{loadposition position-2}
It loads all modules which are assigned to position-2.
You can also use the Joomla Module Renderer
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $doc->loadRenderer('modules');
$position = 'custom_position_name';
$options = array('style' => 'raw');
echo $renderer->render($position, $options, null);
Just a heads up, Along with being assigned the module position, that module also has to be set to "Display on All pages".
Joomla has this functionality built in. You can use the {loadposition XX} command within your content items. You can specify custom module positions that do not appear in your template to insure that you have the correct module in the correct article.
You could create a new module?
If each category appears in the querystring (catid=X) then you could take a similar approach to https://support.pillwax.com/open-source/doku.php?id=joomla:header_image.
Alternatively, that link might actually do it for you.