Connecting Actual iPhone to the Mobile test workbench shows white screen on iPhone - ibm-mobilefirst

I have installed Mobile Test Workbench (Latest from eclipse marketplace) in Eclipse Kepler.
I have recently updated IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Client on iPhone.
My previous question regarding instrumentation of iOS app for emulator
Now I am trying to connect actual iPhone to the MTWW server but the application I downloaded from iTunes is not connecting to it. It only shows white screen when I hit url :
but it shows some list of URLs, including /mobile, when I hit:
The iPhone model is: 4s
iOS is: 6.1
So what can be the problem here? Whether is it bug in iOS client app?
When I try to connect it to the MTWW server running on windows machine then sometimes it gets connected.
Below given are environment specification of my system
System: MacBook Pro
OS X version: 10.8.5
Worklight: 6.1
Emulator: 6.1
Build for iOS: 6.1


Does react native support development for below android 5.0 apps

I was developing app for 4.2.2 but unable to run adb reverse command as the react documentation says it wont suport below 5.0. Hence I am unable to produce apk
Using adb reverse
Note that this option is available on devices running android 5.0+ (API 21).
Have your device connected via USB with debugging enabled (see paragraph above on how to enable USB debugging on your device).

IBM App center app doesn't work on Android 5.0.1

We are facing an issue with IBM app centre app where it is not working on Android 5.0.1.
The issue is once we login to the IBM app through android device (Samsung S5 with OS 5.0.1) All our applications are not clickable and they just got highlighted and we can't go to the install page for our specific app.
It works on pervious versions of Android OS.
Worklight Server version:
I'm not sure if this is the same issue that we faced earlier with iOS8 and we have to get an ifix for it.
Reference : IBM App center not working for iOS8
Because you are using a very old iFix of Worklight 6.2, my first and foremost suggestion for you is to download the latest available 6.2 iFix from IBM Fix Central, and use the AppCenter client sources from that iFix.
See if the problem repeats itself as well. If yes, you will need to open a PMR (support ticket).

Is Worklight App Center able to distribute app to Windows 8 Tablet

I wonder how I can distribute an app via Worklight App Center to a Winodws 8 tablet, with latest Worklight 6.2. If it's supported, can you point where I can find the instructions?
I'm able to generate the appx file via MS Visual Studio 2013 Professional. But when I tried to upload it to the App Center, it's saying 'Wrong file extension' and doesn't allow me to move to next step. My Worklight App Center version is [Version: 01-20141015-1508].
IBM Application Center supports: Android, BlackBerry 6/7, iOS and Windows Phone 8.
Windows 8 is not supported.
The Application Center manages mobile applications; it supports any
kind of Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, or BlackBerry OS 6 or OS 7
application, including applications that are built on top of the
Worklight® platform.
The last line means any Worklight-based apps, for the mentioned operating systems.

Worklight 6.1 - Error on Blackberry 10

I'm using Worklight Studio and trying to build an app for Blackberry 10
I create a new Worklight app (no customizations other than adding the blackberry 10 environment), run it on the Worklight server, and use ripple to build and deploy to the blackberry 10 simulator.
The app installs on the simulator, But when it launches, I immediately get a JavaScript error:
[ERROR] Error initializing Cordova: Extension Device not found
This is possibly related to a problem seen with Cordova 3.1 (see: Error initializing cordova: Extension device not found in PhoneGap 2.9.0 and blackberry10 webworks application) but I'm not seeing any solutions.
Is there any way to get Worklight 6.1 apps to work on Blackberry 10?
My guess is that your issue is mentioned in infocenter
basically, did you do the "ant qnx copy-extensions" command ?

Can't select older iOS SDK Simulator Version in Titanium Studio

I have installed the SDK's for 6.x and 7.0 in xcode and I'd like to test my app on ios6 in the simulator using titanium studio.
After poking around for some time I still can't find a way to select a different iOS version in my run configurations. As you can see, SDK's are installed and I can select them in the simulator itself, but the only way to test the app is by launching 7.0 (Titanium won't launch anything else).
Manually switching between versions and relaunching the app from titanium doesn't help either.
Looks like Titanium Studio has problem with simulator settings. Compiling project from console with titanium build -p ios will run your app on simulator with current settings. Also you can use additional flags to force different type of simulator:
--retina use the retina version of the iOS Simulator
--sim-64bit in combination with --retina flag & --tall flag, start the 64-bit tall version of the retina simulator
--tall in combination with --retina flag, start the tall version of the retina device