Is Worklight App Center able to distribute app to Windows 8 Tablet - ibm-mobilefirst

I wonder how I can distribute an app via Worklight App Center to a Winodws 8 tablet, with latest Worklight 6.2. If it's supported, can you point where I can find the instructions?
I'm able to generate the appx file via MS Visual Studio 2013 Professional. But when I tried to upload it to the App Center, it's saying 'Wrong file extension' and doesn't allow me to move to next step. My Worklight App Center version is [Version: 01-20141015-1508].

IBM Application Center supports: Android, BlackBerry 6/7, iOS and Windows Phone 8.
Windows 8 is not supported.
The Application Center manages mobile applications; it supports any
kind of Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, or BlackBerry OS 6 or OS 7
application, including applications that are built on top of the
Worklight® platform.
The last line means any Worklight-based apps, for the mentioned operating systems.


How do build and deploy WP8 app on device which is created from Mobile First 7.1?

I made simple Test app to check direct update in Mobile First 7.1.
Added WindowsPhone8 - Universal environment. Opened created native windows8 folder in Visual Studio. Now its showing three folders namely .Shared, .Windows8(Windows8.1) and .WindowsPhone8(WindowsPhone8.1).
Now I want to create xap of WP8 to deploy on device. How to do that? In 6.1 and 6.3 it was just deploy on device. Here I am not seeing that kind of option.
1) By design of Microsoft, Windows 8 Universal project comes with 3 projects within - Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 and shared.
Note that this is different from the Windows Phone Silverlight project.
2) Direct update feature is available only in Windows Phone Silverlight and not Windows Universal.

Worklight 6.0 - Steps to fix IBM App Center for iOS8?

I am using IBM Worklight 6.0 with December 14th fix.
I am trying to use IBM App Center client for iOS8.
I have seen multiple discussions about this issue:
IBM Worklight Application Center iOS unresponsive to touch events
IBM App center not working for iOS8
I copied the project from my server, where the fix is installed, and built for iOS, but when I inspect the mobile App, I can see that the application is using Dojo 1.9.0.
> dojo.version.toString();
"1.9.0 (29469)"
I can see that the IBM App Center mobile client does not use Dojo Toolkit, but includes a dojo.js file (with a size of 1.2MB).
My question is : What are steps to build IBM App Center for Worklight 6.0, knowing that the fix is installed (Both Worklight studio and server)?
Do I need to manually change dojo.js file with a newer version? if yes, where can I find such file?
The AppCenter installation contains an Application Center Installer application project.
This is a Worklight project with the iPhone environment. The app that is generated from it is the Installer application that you need to install on a device, and from which the user will then install any subsequent applications distributed via Application Center.
Make sure you are using the provided Worklight project; there are no additional changes to be done to to project (other than using your own bundleId, ...).
It could be that you are missing the Dojo library in your workspace?
You can generate it by creating a new Worklight project and application using the Dojo wizard in Studio.
When you received the fix, it contains a new project for IBM app centre.
You need to get this project and import it to your Eclipse Environment and rebuild the IBM app centre (APK and IPA) files.
You have to redeploy these files to IBM app centre console and re-download them on your iOS8 devices.
I believe the iOS8 fix starts from version V6.2, and we have downloaded fix v6.2.0.1.
So, I'm not sure about V6.0.
Please verify with IBM.

Connecting Actual iPhone to the Mobile test workbench shows white screen on iPhone

I have installed Mobile Test Workbench (Latest from eclipse marketplace) in Eclipse Kepler.
I have recently updated IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Client on iPhone.
My previous question regarding instrumentation of iOS app for emulator
Now I am trying to connect actual iPhone to the MTWW server but the application I downloaded from iTunes is not connecting to it. It only shows white screen when I hit url :
but it shows some list of URLs, including /mobile, when I hit:
The iPhone model is: 4s
iOS is: 6.1
So what can be the problem here? Whether is it bug in iOS client app?
When I try to connect it to the MTWW server running on windows machine then sometimes it gets connected.
Below given are environment specification of my system
System: MacBook Pro
OS X version: 10.8.5
Worklight: 6.1
Emulator: 6.1
Build for iOS: 6.1

Titanium Appcelerator support for Windows Mobile

I am trying to venture into Hybrid app development by using Titanium Appcelerator.
I am targeting all major platforms including Windows Mobile. But after I have installed the Titanium Studio I found that there is no option available to build for Windows Mobile.
Does Titanium support Windows Mobile apps or is there any work around to build apps for Windows Mobile using appcelerator
Now Titanium supports windows phone development.!/guide/Getting_Started_with_the_Windows_Phone_SDK-section-37538371_GettingStartedwiththeWindowsPhoneSDK-RunontheEmulator
Please see this answer. Titanium currently not supporting Windows-8. But it plans for windows-8 support. You can refer Titanium Support Plans for Windows 8 also.

Is a WinJS/Javascript + Html5 app written for Windows 8 compatible with Windows phone 8?

Is a WinJS/Javascript + Html5 app written in javascript for Windows 8 compatible with Windows phone 8? From today's presentation, the recommended way is C#/XAML. It makes me wonder if my js app for windows 8 becomes compatible with WP8 (ofcourse with minor changes)?
Based on the information released at the June 2012 Windows Phone Summit, it appears that the development choices for Windows Phone 8 are:
XAML with C#/VB code
Native C++/C code
HTML 5 Browser Control
Based on their choice of wording, I infer that both C++/XAML and WinRT/HTML5 development models will not be available.
We'll know more once a preview of the WP8 SDK is released "later this summer".
WinJS/Javascript + Html5 app written in javascript for Windows 8 compatible with Windows phone 8?
No. Apps (not games) are still written in C#/VB.NET and XAML.
If your app runs in the browser, IE10 is able to render HTML5, but you'll not get any platform interop features.