Inserting a row at the specific place in SQLite database - sql

I was creating the database in SQLite Manager & by mistake I forgot to mention a row.
Now, I want to add a row in the middle manually & below it the rest of the Auto-increment keys should be increased by automatically by 1 . I hope my problem is clear.

You shouldn't care about key values, just append your row at the end.
If you really need to do so, you could probably just update the keys with something like this. If you want to insert the new row at key 87
Make room for the key
update mytable
set key = key + 1
where key >= 87
Insert your row
insert into mytable ...
And finally update the key for the new row
update mytable
set key = 87
where key = NEW_ROW_KEY

I would just update IDs, incrementing them, then insert record setting ID manually:
INSERT INTO cats (name) VALUES ('John');
INSERT INTO cats (name) VALUES ('Mark');
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Mark |
UPDATE cats SET ID = ID + 1 WHERE ID >= 2; -- "2" is the ID of forgotten record.
| 1 | John |
| 3 | Mark |
INSERT INTO cats (id, name) VALUES (2, 'SlowCat'); -- "2" is the ID of forgotten record.
| 1 | John |
| 2 | SlowCat |
| 3 | Mark |
Next record, inserted using AUTOINCREMENT functionality, will have next-to-last ID (4 in our case).


PostgreSQL add new not null column and fill with ids from insert statement

I´ve got 2 tables.
CREATE TABLE content (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
name text
id bigserial NOT NULL,
The tables are already filled with a lot of data.
Now I want to add a new column content_id (NOT NULL) to the data table.
It should be a foreign key to the content table.
Is it possible to automatically create an entry in the content table to set a content_id in the data table.
For example
| id | name |
| 1 | abc |
| 2 | cde |
| id |... |
| 1 |... |
| 2 |... |
| 3 |... |
Now I need an update statement that creates 3 (in this example) content entries and add the ids to the data table to get this result:
| id | name |
| 1 | abc |
| 2 | cde |
| 3 | ... |
| 4 | ... |
| 5 | ... |
| id |... | content_id |
| 1 |... | 3 |
| 2 |... | 4 |
| 3 |... | 5 |
According to the answers presented here: How can I add a column that doesn't allow nulls in a Postgresql database?, there are several ways of adding a new NOT NULL column and fill this directly.
Basicly there are 3 steps. Choose the best fitting (with or without transaction, setting a default value first and remove after, leave the NOT NULL contraint first and add afterwards, ...)
Step 1: Adding new column (without NOT NULL constraint, because the values of the new column values are not available at this point)
ALTER TABLE data ADD COLUMN content_id integer;
Step 2: Inserting the data into both tables in a row:
WITH inserted AS ( -- 1
(SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM content),
(SELECT MAX(id) FROM content) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data)
'dummy text'
), matched AS ( -- 2
SELECT AS data_id, AS content_id
row_number() OVER ()
FROM data
) d
row_number() OVER ()
FROM inserted
) i ON i.row_number = d.row_number
) -- 3
UPDATE data d
SET content_id = s.content_id
SELECT * FROM matched
) s
WHERE = s.data_id;
Executing several statements one after another by using the results of the previous one can be achieved using WITH clauses (CTEs):
Insert data into content table: This generates an integer series starting at the MAX() + 1 value of the current content's id values and has as many records as the data table. Afterwards the new ids are returned
Now we need to match the current records of the data table with the new ids. So for both sides, we use row_number() window function to generate a consecutive row count for each records. Because both, the insert result and the actual data table have the same number of records, this can be used as join criterion. So we can match the id column of the data table with the new content's id values
This matched data can used in the final update of the new content_id column
Step 3: Add the NOT NULL constraint

Primary key collision in scope of one trasaction

I have a postgresql database, which heavily relies on events from the outside, e.g. administrator changing / adding some fields or records might trigger a change in overall fields structure in other tables.
There lies the problem, however, as sometimes the fields changed by the trigger function are primary key fields. There is a table, which uses two foreign keys ids as the primary key, as in example below:
# | PK id1 | PK id2 | data |
0 | 1 | 1 | ab |
1 | 1 | 2 | cd |
2 | 1 | 3 | ef |
However, within one transaction (if I may call it such, since, in fact, it is a plpgsql function), the structure might be changed to:
# | PK id1 | PK id2 | data |
0 | 1 | 3 | ab |
1 | 1 | 2 | cd |
2 | 1 | 1 | ef |
Which, as you might have noticed, changed the 0th record's second primary key to 3, and the 2nd's to 1, which is the opposite of what they were before.
It is 100% certain that after the function has taken its effect there will be no collisions whatsoever, but I'm wondering, how can this be implemented?
I could, in fact, use a synthetic primary key as a BIGSERIAL, yet there is still a need for those two ids to be UNIQUE constained, so it wouldn't do the trick, unfortunately.
You can declare a constraint as deferrable, for example a primary key:
CREATE TABLE elbat (id int,
nmuloc int,
You can then use SET CONSTRAINTS in a transaction to set deferrable constraints as deferred. That means that they can be violated temporarily during the transaction but must be fulfilled at the transaction's COMMIT.
Let's assume we have some data in our example table:
INSERT INTO elbat (id,
We can now switch the IDs like this:
UPDATE elbat
SET id = 2
WHERE nmuloc = 1;
FROM elbat;
UPDATE elbat
SET id = 1
WHERE nmuloc = 2;
There's no error even though the IDs are both 2 after the first UPDATE.
More on that can be found in the documentation, e.g. in CREATE TABLE (or ALTER TABLE) and SET CONSTRAINTS.

Increment a column value of an entity in an SQL table

I've set up the following table:
CREATE TABLE transactions (txn_id SERIAL, stock VARCHAR NOT NULL, qty INT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL);
On inserting few rows, the table looks like this:
txn_id | stock | qty | user_id
1 | APPL | 2 | 1
2 | GOOGLE | 3 | 4
3 | TSLA | 1 | 2
Now, while adding a new insert into the table,
for example - INSERT INTO transactions (stock, qty, user_id) VALUES ('APPL', 3, 1)
if 'stock' and 'user_id' match (as in the above example), i only want the quantity to be updated in the database. Such as in this case, the row 1 entity should have its 'qty' column value incremented by +3.
Is there a solution to this without using any ORM like SQLalchemy etc. ?
You want on conflict. First set up a unique constraint on the stock/user_id columns:
alter table transactions add constraint unq_transactions_stock_user_id unique (stock, user_id);
Then use this with an on conflict statement:
insert into transactions (stock, qty, user_id)
values ('APPL', 3, 1)
on conflict on constraint unq_transactions_stock_user_id do update
set qty = coalesce(transactions.qty, 0) + excluded.qty;

Postgresql Sequence vs Serial

I was wondering when it is better to choose sequence, and when it is better
to use serial.
What I want is returning last value after insert using
I read this question
PostgreSQL Autoincrement
I never use serial before.
Check out a nice answer about Sequence vs. Serial.
Sequence will just create sequence of unique numbers. It's not a datatype. It is a sequence. For example:
create sequence testing1;
select nextval('testing1'); -- 1
select nextval('testing1'); -- 2
You can use the same sequence in multiple places like this:
create sequence testing1;
create table table1(id int not null default nextval('testing1'), firstname varchar(20));
create table table2(id int not null default nextval('testing1'), firstname varchar(20));
insert into table1 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');
insert into table2 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');
select * from table1;
| id | firstname |
| 1 | tom |
| 2 | henry |
select * from table2;
| id | firstname |
| 3 | tom |
| 4 | henry |
Serial is a pseudo datatype. It will create a sequence object. Let's take a look at a straight-forward table (similar to the one you will see in the link).
create table test(field1 serial);
This will cause a sequence to be created along with the table. The sequence name's nomenclature is <tablename>_<fieldname>_seq. The above one is the equivalent of:
create sequence test_field1_seq;
create table test(field1 int not null default nextval('test_field1_seq'));
Also see:
You can reuse the sequence that is auto-created by serial datatype, or you may choose to just use one serial/sequence per table.
create table table3(id serial, firstname varchar(20));
create table table4(id int not null default nextval('table3_id_seq'), firstname varchar(20));
(The risk here is that if table3 is dropped and we continue using table3's sequence, we will get an error)
create table table5(id serial, firstname varchar(20));
insert into table3 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');
insert into table4 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');
insert into table5 (firstname) values ('tom'), ('henry');
select * from table3;
| id | firstname |
| 1 | tom |
| 2 | henry |
select * from table4; -- this uses sequence created in table3
| id | firstname |
| 3 | tom |
| 4 | henry |
select * from table5;
| id | firstname |
| 1 | tom |
| 2 | henry |
Feel free to try out an example:!15/074ac/1
2021 answer using identity
I was wondering when it is better to choose sequence, and when it is better to use serial.
Not an answer to the whole question (only the part quoted above), still I guess it could help further readers. You should not use sequence nor serial, you should rather prefer identity columns:
create table apps (
id integer primary key generated always as identity
See this detailed answer: (and also

Write SQL script to insert data

In a database that contains many tables, I need to write a SQL script to insert data if it is not exist.
Table currency
| id | Code | lastupdate | rate |
| 1 | USD | 05-11-2012 | 2 |
| 2 | EUR | 05-11-2012 | 3 |
Table client
| id | name | createdate | currencyId|
| 4 | tony | 11-24-2010 | 1 |
| 5 | john | 09-14-2010 | 2 |
Table: account
| id | number | createdate | clientId |
| 7 | 1234 | 12-24-2010 | 4 |
| 8 | 5648 | 12-14-2010 | 5 |
I need to insert to:
currency (id=3, Code=JPY, lastupdate=today, rate=4)
client (id=6, name=Joe, createdate=today, currencyId=Currency with Code 'USD')
account (id=9, number=0910, createdate=today, clientId=Client with name 'Joe')
script must check if row exists or not before inserting new data
script must allow us to add a foreign key to the new row where this foreign related to a row already found in database (as currencyId in client table)
script must allow us to add the current datetime to the column in the insert statement (such as createdate in client table)
script must allow us to add a foreign key to the new row where this foreign related to a row inserted in the same script (such as clientId in account table)
Note: I tried the following SQL statement but it solved only the first problem
INSERT INTO Client (id, name, createdate, currencyId)
SELECT 6, 'Joe', '05-11-2012', 1
WHERE not exists (SELECT * FROM Client where id=6);
this query runs without any error but as you can see I wrote createdate and currencyid manually, I need to take currency id from a select statement with where clause (I tried to substitute 1 by select statement but query failed).
This is an example about what I need, in my database, I need this script to insert more than 30 rows in more than 10 tables.
any help
You wrote
I tried to substitute 1 by select statement but query failed
But I wonder why did it fail? What did you try? This should work:
INSERT INTO Client (id, name, createdate, currencyId)
(select from currency as c where c.code = 'USD') as currencyId
WHERE not exists (SELECT * FROM Client where id=6);
It looks like you can work out if the data exists.
Here is a quick bit of code written in SQL Server / Sybase that I think answers you basic questions:
create table currency(
id numeric(16,0) identity primary key,
code varchar(3) not null,
lastupdated datetime not null,
rate smallint
create table client(
id numeric(16,0) identity primary key,
createddate datetime not null,
currencyid numeric(16,0) foreign key references currency(id)
insert into currency (code, lastupdated, rate)
--inserts the date and last allocated identity into client
insert into client(createddate, currencyid)