Display on a website if I'm online for Google Hangouts - api

Currently I can add a "start hangout" button to my website https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/button
However, it's kind of a dead button, it just starts hangouts and there's no way to actually see if I'm online of offline.
Is there a way for me to put next to that button whether or not my Google+ account "...#dancourse.co.uk" is online currently so someone could call me (if they had my address)?
An Api?
A Javascript library?
Thanks, DanC


How to add sign in to {x} with Google elegant pop-up on top-right corner

Sites like https://streeteasy.com/ and https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ incorporate the same UI that allows you to log-in using Google Auth with one click. The photo below shows an example.
Since many sites have this identical UI, I assume there is some Google/Firebase mode, but I do not see documentation related to this.
Perhaps this link in the html provides some help in figuring this out? ux_mode=popup I am familiar with, but ui_mode=card I am not. https://accounts.google.com/gsi/iframe/select?client_id=388036620207-3uolk1hv6ta7p3r9l6s3bobifh086qe1.apps.googleusercontent.com&ux_mode=popup&ui_mode=card&as=al2HYo2TiehJpHITNY8fJQ&channel_id=9384f02a26b236ce29c0acab5000e8c656b9bbfb3202c094cd65f92e2468d6a3&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.geeksforgeeks.org
This UI use "One tap sign-in and sign-up" of Google. Is very easy, the URL with complete integration and implementation is:
I found the solution in
Documentation for the automatic "Continue as" Google popup

How can i add a snapchat sharing button to my website. Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?

I am developing a website.I have added the many social login or sharing buttons,links like facebook,tweeter,gplus,pintrest on my php,html based website.
Now i have to add the social sharing button for snapchat.Is it possible to provide a link or button on my website to share a snap,image,content of stories in snapchat ?
I have tried to find out for any API or snapchat link or button to achive, but doesn't found any thing.
I also saw the question doesn't have any answer,reply,comments.
Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?
From the snapchat blog link following, I found that there is no API available provided by snapchat.
Is it possible to share contents of snapchat?
That blog post is more talking about using a 3rd party app intead of the snapchat app, this is something i can never see being allowd but is also not what i think you are after.
I assume you mean that you want to be able to share a screenshot or specific image on snapchat. I have not been able to find a way of doing this, the closest thing was a 3rd party app that enabled link insertion to snapchat (http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/06/you-can-now-embed-links-in-snapchat-screenshots-using-emoji/)
On the other hand, if you want them to connect to you, this can be done with the url https://www.snapchat.com/add/yourUserName
hope this helps

Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat? [duplicate]

I am developing a website.I have added the many social login or sharing buttons,links like facebook,tweeter,gplus,pintrest on my php,html based website.
Now i have to add the social sharing button for snapchat.Is it possible to provide a link or button on my website to share a snap,image,content of stories in snapchat ?
I have tried to find out for any API or snapchat link or button to achive, but doesn't found any thing.
I also saw the question doesn't have any answer,reply,comments.
Is it possible to add Sharing button for Snapchat?
From the snapchat blog link following, I found that there is no API available provided by snapchat.
Is it possible to share contents of snapchat?
That blog post is more talking about using a 3rd party app intead of the snapchat app, this is something i can never see being allowd but is also not what i think you are after.
I assume you mean that you want to be able to share a screenshot or specific image on snapchat. I have not been able to find a way of doing this, the closest thing was a 3rd party app that enabled link insertion to snapchat (http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/06/you-can-now-embed-links-in-snapchat-screenshots-using-emoji/)
On the other hand, if you want them to connect to you, this can be done with the url https://www.snapchat.com/add/yourUserName
hope this helps

How to get response from google share api.?

I am using a google+ share button. It is working fine and content is also shared successfully. But I want to generate notification on successful share and the same for error.
For that I need response of google+ share. If anyone have idea how to get response from google+ share api, Please share. Thanks for your help.
The Google+ Share button does not offer a mechanism for detecting the sharing of a post for the web. The onstartinteraction and onendinteraction parameters are triggered on the hover events in case you need to listen to those for other events.
The +1 button does offer a callback but that isn't used for detecting a share from the button but rather a +1. Also, you need to be careful to ensure that you follow the Google+ button policy.

Is there anyway to have hangouts outside google+?

Is there any way by which we can have a hangout session within our webapp, say in an iframe ?
I was about to experiment with hangout api, but going by existing apps on hangout, it seems they can only be viewed and used from within Google+.
Is there a work around where I can make the user feel that hangout is a part of my app rather than my app being part of the hangout ?
There's no way to embed a hangout into your web application, but you can use the hangout button to launch a hangout app. This allows you to integrate features and data from your web application into a hangout.
The hangout button is made up of an image and a hangout launching link. It comes in a few sizes. Here's the code for the smallest size (75x19 px)
<a href="https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_?gid=APP_ID" style="text-decoration:none;">
<img src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/s2/oz/images/stars/hangout/1/gplus-hangout-15x79-normal.png"
alt="Start a Hangout"
In this snippet you must substitute APP_ID with your application's ID from the API console. When you are viewing your project you'll find the application ID at the end of the URL.
Currently, there's no way of embedding a Hangout app in your web application. But, there's an opened issue tracker where you can add your comments about the need of this feature and Google might release it in their future API releases.