SSRS Report Data Source for Query with Multiple Databases - sql

I have a dataset that pulls from multiple databases on the same server. Historically (without doing research) in this case I would set the data source to ReportServer (the database that houses the execution log for the server, ect.) and noticed the dataset doesn't seem to care what the data source is.
I did a few hours of digging and couldn't find an answer. When using (or in my case, unioning) multiple data bases in a dataset, what should the dataset data source be in Visual Studio?

Specifying the database in the connection string sets the starting, default database for the query. If your permissions are adequate, then there is nothing to stop you from accessing other databases.
The database in the connection string will give your query the context that is used when you don't specify a database name as part of a table. If your query is simply:
SELECT * FROM vw_Interactions
then this will run against the database specified in your connection string.
For your case, when using a table with the same name across multiple databases, the default database doesn't matter much, as long as the data access account has permissions that let the query work.


How to sync/update a database connection from MS Access to SQL Server

I need to get data sets from CSV files into SQL Server Express (SSMS v17.6) as efficiently as possible. The data sets update daily into the same CSV files on my local hard drive. Currently using MS Access 2010 (v14.0) as a middleman to aggregate the CSV files into linked tables.
Using the solutions below, the data transfers perfectly into SQL Server and does exactly what I want. But I cannot figure out how to refresh/update/sync the data at the end of each day with the newly added CSV data without having to re-import the entire data set each time.
Upsizing Wizard in MS Access - This works best in transferring all the tables perfectly to SQL Server databases. I cannot figure out how to update the tables though without deleting and repeating the same steps each day. None of the solutions or links that I have tried have panned out.
SQL Server Import/Export Wizard - This works fine also in getting the data over to SSMS one time. But I also cannot figure out how to update/sync this data with the new tables. Another issue is that choosing Microsoft Access as the data source through this method requires a .mdb file. The latest MS Access file formats are .accdb files so I have to save the database in an older .mdb version in order to export it to SQL Server.
I have no loyalty towards MS Access. I really am just looking for the most efficient way to get these CSV files consistently into a format where I can perform SQL queries on them. From all I have read, MS Access seems like the best way to do that.
I also have limited coding knowledge so more advanced VBA/C++ solutions will probably go over my head.
Trying to get several different daily updating local CSV files into a program where I can run SQL queries on them without having to do a full delete and re-import each day. Currently using MS Access 2010 to SQL Server Express (SSMS v17.6) which fulfills my needs, but does not update daily with the new data without re-importing everything.
Thank you!
You can use a staging table strategy to solve this problem.
When it's time to perform the daily update, import all of the data into one or more staging tables. Execute SQL statement to insert rows that exist in the imported data but not in the base data into the base data; similarly, delete rows from the base data that don't exist in the imported data; similarly, update base data rows that have changed values in the imported data.
Use your data dependencies to determine in which order tables should be modified.
I would run all deletes first, then inserts, and finally all updates.
This should be a fun challenge!
You said:
I need to get data sets from CSV files into SQL Server Express (SSMS
v17.6) as efficiently as possible.
The most efficient way to put data into SQL Server tables is using SQL Bulk Copy. This can be implemented from the command line, an SSIS job, or through ADO.Net via any .Net language.
You state:
But I cannot figure out how to refresh/update/sync the data at the end
of each day with the newly added CSV data without having to re-import
the entire data set each time.
It seems you have two choices:
Toss the old data and replace it with the new data
Modify the old data so that it comes into alignment with the new data
In order to do number 1 above, you'd simply replace all the existing data with the new data, which you've already said you don't want to do, or at least you don't think you can do this efficiently. In order to do number 2 above, you have to compare the old data with the new data. In order to compare two sets of data, both sets of data have to be accessible wherever the comparison is to take place. So, you could perform the comparison in SQL Server, but the new data will need to be loaded into the database for comparison purposes. You can then purge the staging table after the process completes.
In thinking further about your issue, it seems the underlying issue is:
I really am just looking for the most efficient way to get these CSV
files consistently into a format where I can perform SQL queries on
There exist applications built specifically to allow you to query this type of data.
You may want to have a look at Log Parser Lizard or Splunk. These are great tools for querying and digging into data hidden inside flat data files.
An Append Query is able to incrementally add additional new records to an existing table. However the question is whether your starting point data set (CSV) is just new records or whether that data set includes records already in the table.
This is a classic dilemma that needs to be managed in the Append Query set up.
If the CSV includes prior records - then you have to establish the 'new records' data sub set inside the CSV and append just those. For instance if you have a sequencing field then you can use a > logic from the existing table max. If that is not there then one would need to do a NOT compare of the table data with the csv data to identify which csv records are not already in the table.
You state you seek something 'more efficient' - but in truth there is nothing more efficient than a wholesale delete of all records and write of all records. Most of the time one can't do that - but if you can I would just stick with it.

Move data between two Azure SQL databases without using elastic query

I am in need of suggestion to move data from a particular table in one azure sql database to the other azure sql database which has the same table structure without using elastic query
Using SQL Server Management Studio to connect to SQL azure database, right click the source database and select generate scripts.
During the wizard, after have select the tables that you want to output to a query window, then click advanced. About half way down the properties window there is an option for "type of data to script". Select that and change it to "data only", then finish the wizard.
The heck the script, rearrange the inserts for constraints, and change the using at the top to run it against my target DB.
Then right click on the target database and select new query, copy the script into it, and run it.
This will migrate the data.
Please consider using the "Transfer SQL Server Objects task" in SSIS. You can learn all the advantages it provides on this article.
You can use PowerShell to query each database and move data between them as needed. Here's an example article on how to get this done.
Using PowerShell when working with Azure has a number of other benefits in what you can do and can control as well. It's a good choice to spend time learning.
In the source database I created SPs to select the data from the tables.
In the target database I created table types (which would be available in programmability) for the tables with the same structure as in the source.
I used Azure function to move the data into table type from source.
In the target database I created SPs to insert data into the tables from their respective table types.
After ensuring the transfer of data, I would be deleting those records moved to the target in the source database and for this I created SPs.

Azure Machine Learning Write output to Azure SQL Database

I am using Azure Machine Learning to clustering data.
The input data is from an Azure SQL Database, and it works fine.
At the end of everything I want to write the output to a table in the same Azure SQL Database, but I get this error:
Error: Error 1000: AFx Library library exception:
Sql encountered an error: Login failed for user
Anyone any idea?
Thank you very much!
Please follow the instructions and examine the examples provided here to properly use the Export Data module to save the data of ML to Azure SQL Database.
How to Export Data to an Azure SQL Database
Add the Export Data module to your experiment. You can find this module in the Data Input and Output group in the experiment items list in Azure Machine Learning Studio.
Connect it to the module that produces the data that you want to export to Azure SQL DB.
For Data destination, select Azure SQL Database. This option supports Azure SQL Data Warehouse as well.
Set the following options specific to Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
Database server name
Type the server name that is generated by Azure. Typically it has the form <generated_identifier>
Database name
Type the name of a database on the server you just specified.The database must already exist; the Export Data cannot create it.
Server user account name
Type the user name of an account that has access permissions for the database.
Server user account password
Provide the password for the specified user account.
Comma-separated list of columns to be saved
Type the names of the columns in the experiment that you want to write to the database.
Data table name
Type the name of the table where data will be stored.
For Azure SQL Database, if the table does not exist, it will be created. For Azure SQL Data Warehouse, the table must already exist and have the correct schema, so be sure to create it in advance.
Comma-separated list of datatable columns
Type the names of the columns as you wish them to appear in the destination table. The columns should correspond in order with the column names that you list in Comma-separated list of columns to be saved.
if you are writing to Azure SQL Data Warehouse, the columns names must match those already in the destination table schema.
Number of rows written per SQL Azure operation
Indicate how many rows should be written to the destination table in each batch. By default, the value is set to 50, which is the default batch size for Azure SQL Database. However, you should increase this value if you have a large number of rows to write.
For Azure SQL Data Warehouse, we recommend that you set this value to 1. If you use a larger batch size, the size of the command string that is sent to Azure SQL Data Warehouse can exceed the allowed string length, causing an error.
If you don't want to write new results each time you run the experiment, select the Use cached results option. If there are no other changes to module parameters, the experiment will write the data the first time the module is run, and thereafter not perform writes.
However, a write will always be performed if any parameters have been changed in Export Data that would change the results.
Run the experiment.
Find the issue!
I needed to create an specific user with this SQL code:
CREATE USER AMLApplicationUser WITH PASSWORD = '************';
and then add the user to these roles on the database I want to write.
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER AMLApplicationUser;
ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER AMLApplicationUser;
I guess only the datawriter role is enough, but I needed datareader too.
So in conclusion, seems that database admin role can be used to read data, but not to write data from AML.
Thank you for your help!

Getting data from different database on different server with one SQL Server query

Server1: Prod, hosting DB1
Server2: Dev hosting DB2
Is there a way to query databases living on 2 different server with a same select query? I need to bring all the new rows from Prod to dev, using a query
like below. I will be using SQL Server DTS (import export data utility)to do this thing.
Insert into Dev.db1.table1
Select *
from Prod.db1.table1
where table1.PK not in (Select table1.PK from Dev.db1.table1)
Creating a linked server is the only approach that I am aware of for this to occur. If you are simply trying to add all new rows from prod to dev then why not just create a backup of that one particular table and pull it into the dev environment then write the query from the same server and database?
Granted this is a one time use and a pain for re-occuring instances but if it is a one time thing then I would recommend doing that. Otherwise make a linked server between the two.
To backup a single table in SQL use the SQl Server import and export wizard. Select the prod database as your datasource and then select only the prod table as your source table and make a new table in the dev environment for your destination table.
This should get you what you are looking for.
You say you're using DTS; the modern equivalent would be SSIS.
Typically you'd use a data flow task in an SSIS package to pull all the information from the live system into a staging table on the target, then load it from there. This is a pretty standard operation when data warehousing.
There are plenty of different approaches to save you copying all the data across (e.g. use a timestamp, use rowversion, use Change Data Capture, make use of the fact your primary key only ever gets bigger, etc. etc.) Or you could just do what you want with a lookup flow directly in SSIS...
The best approach will depend on many things: how much data you've got, what data transfer speed you have between the servers, your key types, etc.
When your servers are all in one Active Directory, and when you use Windows Authentification, then all you need is an account which has proper rights on all the databases!
You can then simply reference all tables like server.database.schema.table
For example:
insert into server1.db1.dbo.tblData1 (...)
select ... from server2.db2.dbo.tblData2;

Few questions from a Java programmer regarding porting preexisting database which is stored in .txt file to mySQL?

I've been writing a Library management Java app lately, and, up until now, the main Library database is stored in a .txt file which was later converted to ArrayList in Java for creating and editing the database and saving the alterations back to the .txt file again. A very primitive method indeed. Hence, having heard on SQL later on, I'm considering to port my preexisting .txt database to mySQL. Since I've absolutely no idea how SQL and specifically mySQL works, except for the fact that it can interact with Java code. Can you suggest me any books/websites to visit/buy? Will the book Head First with SQL ever help? especially when using Java code to interact with the SQL database? It should be mentioned that I'm already comfortable with using 3rd Party APIs.
View from 30,000 feet:
First, you'll need to figure out how to represent the text file data using the appropriate SQL tables and fields. Here is a good overview of the different SQL data types. If your data represents a single Library record, then you'll only need to create 1 table. This is definitely the simplest way to do it, as conversion will be able to work line-by-line. If the records contain a LOT of data duplication, the most appropriate approach is to create multiple tables so that your database doesn't duplicate data. You would then link these tables together using IDs.
When you've decided how to split up the data, you create a MySQL database, and within that database, you create the tables (a database is just something that holds multiple tables). Connecting to your MySQL server with the console and creating a database and tables is described in this MySQL tutorial.
Once you've got the database created, you'll need to write the code to access the database. The link from OMG Ponies shows how to use JDBC in the simplest way to connect to your database. You then use that connection to create Statement object, execute a query to insert, update, select or delete data. If you're selecting data, you get a ResultSet back and can view the data. Here's a tutorial for using JDBC to select and use data from a ResultSet.
Your first code should probably be a Java utility that reads the text file and inserts all the data into the database. Once you have the data in place, you'll be able to update the main program to read from the database instead of the file.
Know that the connection between a program and a SQL database is through a 'connection program'. You write an instruction in an SQL statement, say
Select * from Customer order by name;
and then set up to retrieve data one record at a time. Or in the other direction, you write
Insert into Customer (name, addr, ...) values (x, y, ...);
and either replace x, y, ... with actual values or bind them to the connection according to the interface.
With this understanding you should be able to read pretty much any book or JDBC API description and get started.