Getting data from different database on different server with one SQL Server query - sql

Server1: Prod, hosting DB1
Server2: Dev hosting DB2
Is there a way to query databases living on 2 different server with a same select query? I need to bring all the new rows from Prod to dev, using a query
like below. I will be using SQL Server DTS (import export data utility)to do this thing.
Insert into Dev.db1.table1
Select *
from Prod.db1.table1
where table1.PK not in (Select table1.PK from Dev.db1.table1)

Creating a linked server is the only approach that I am aware of for this to occur. If you are simply trying to add all new rows from prod to dev then why not just create a backup of that one particular table and pull it into the dev environment then write the query from the same server and database?
Granted this is a one time use and a pain for re-occuring instances but if it is a one time thing then I would recommend doing that. Otherwise make a linked server between the two.
To backup a single table in SQL use the SQl Server import and export wizard. Select the prod database as your datasource and then select only the prod table as your source table and make a new table in the dev environment for your destination table.
This should get you what you are looking for.

You say you're using DTS; the modern equivalent would be SSIS.
Typically you'd use a data flow task in an SSIS package to pull all the information from the live system into a staging table on the target, then load it from there. This is a pretty standard operation when data warehousing.
There are plenty of different approaches to save you copying all the data across (e.g. use a timestamp, use rowversion, use Change Data Capture, make use of the fact your primary key only ever gets bigger, etc. etc.) Or you could just do what you want with a lookup flow directly in SSIS...
The best approach will depend on many things: how much data you've got, what data transfer speed you have between the servers, your key types, etc.

When your servers are all in one Active Directory, and when you use Windows Authentification, then all you need is an account which has proper rights on all the databases!
You can then simply reference all tables like server.database.schema.table
For example:
insert into server1.db1.dbo.tblData1 (...)
select ... from server2.db2.dbo.tblData2;


Copying data from one table to another between two SQL Server instances

I have an application that uses a remote database connection as a source (SQL Server), but the database table is case sensitive, and I need it not to be. To solve this I am looking to keep a local copy of that table. Values are regularly added and removed from the source table, so I need the local table to be kept up to date, hourly. What is the simplest way to accomplish this?

Synchronizing the table structure between two sql server databases

I'm using two databases test and prod in the same SQL Server instance. The databases share the same data structure but contains different data, is there an easy way to synchronize the structure between the two so if I modify a table in test automatically update also the same table in prod?
You could write a trigger on the table in test which uses a MERGE to update the table in prod...
I would be careful of persisting changes made in a test environment to a prod environment automatically though.

Keeping temp tables in memory after switching servers?

How can I get #tempTable to stay in memory after switching servers. Is this possible?
Select *
into #tempTable
from dbo.table
I have data in server 1 that I want to compare in server 2, but I only have readonly access to server 2 (so I can't just move my data there), and the table in server 2 is too big to move to server 1. This is why I want to know how to keep a temp table in memory after connecting to a new server.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
What you write is possible, but it just creates a temporary table on the server where the table is.
You probably want:
select *
into #Server2Table
from server2.database.dbo.table
You can then use #Server2Table in additional queries on the same connection where you copied it (such as the same window in SSMS or the same job step or the same stored procedure). If you need it in a more permanent location, either use a global temporary table (starts with ##) or a "real" table.
This requires the ability to link servers, using something like:
sp_addlinkedserver server2
You would run this on server1. Perhaps your DBA will need to set it up.
I have found that queries often run faster when loading cross-server tables into a temporary table. This is not because temporary tables are stored in memory. This is because there is more information available about a table on a local server for the SQL optimizer to take advantage of.
You could export the data from your query and import that into a database on your first server. You can use the SQL server import/export wizard. Bit convoluted, but if this happens a lot you can use SSIS to automate this move or even simply tick the 'Save this package' box. Once you have the data in your first server you can do whatever you like with it.

How do I recreate a VIEW as a local table in SQL Server?

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and have access to a bunch of views without the original tables that the view depends on. I have copied some data from this view into a file and would like to import it into a database that I locally created to do some analysis.
The brute-force way of doing this is to manually write down the CREATE TABLE statement looking at the columns in the view but is there a better way to get the CREATE or CREATE VIEW statement that I can directly use to recreate a similar table in my localhost?
Create a linked server in your localhost to this server. Then use (while connected to localhost)
SELECT * INTO NewTableName FROM LinkedServer.DBName.SchemaName.View
and a new table in your current DB in localhost would be created.
What I typically prefer to do is use SSIS for data transforms. The first step in the package would be to grab the definition using a SELECT INTO ... WHERE 1=0 so that it doesn't bring over any data and minimizes the locking time (SELECT INTO's result in database wide locks). Then once you have the resulting table with the source view's definition, then copy the data over.
If you're afraid the view's definition can change, stick with an INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM SQL task. Otherwise, save the definition that you retrieved from the SQL above and create the table (if it does not already exist). Then use a data flow task to transfer the data over.
With either of these approaches, you avoid the potential double hop scenario (if you're using Windows authentication). It's also reusable in a SQL agent job if you need to do this periodically. Otherwise, it may be a little overkill.
Or you can just run the first part in SSMS but I definitely recommend using the WHERE 1=0 then using an INSERT INTO rather than a straight SELECT INTO. Again, to minimize database locking.

Bteq Scripts to copy data between two Teradata servers

How do I copy data from multiple tables within one database to another database residing on a different server?
Is this possible through a BTEQ Script in Teradata?
If so, provide a sample.
If not, are there other options to do this other than using a flat-file?
This is not possible using BTEQ since you have mentioned both the databases are residing in different servers.
There are two solutions for this.
Arcmain - You need to use Arcmain Backup first, which creates files containing data from your tables. Then you need to use Arcmain restore which restores the data from the files
TPT - Teradata Parallel Transporter. This is a very advanced tool. This does not create any files like Arcmain. It directly moves the data between two teradata servers.(Wikipedia)
If I am understanding your question, you want to move a set of tables from one DB to another.
You can use the following syntax in a BTEQ Script to copy the tables and data:
Or just the table structures:
If you get real savvy you can create a BTEQ script that dynamically builds the above statement in a SELECT statement, exports the results, then in turn runs the newly exported file all within a single BTEQ script.
There are a bunch of other options that you can do with CREATE TABLE <...> AS <...>;. You would be best served reviewing the Teradata Manuals for more details.
There are a few more options which will allow you to copy from one table to another.
Possibly the simplest way would be to write a smallish program which uses one of their communication layers (ODBC, .NET Data Provider, JDBC, cli, etc.) and use that to take a select statement and an insert statement. This would require some work, but it would have less overhead than trying to learn how to write TPT scripts. You would not need any 'DBA' permissions to write your own.
Teradata also sells other applications which hides the complexity of some of the tools. Teradata Data Mover handles provides an abstraction layer between tools like arcmain and tpt. Access to this tool is most likely restricted to DBA types.
If you want to move data from one server to another server then
We can do this with the flat file.
First we have fetch data from source table to flat file through any utility such as bteq or fastexport.
then we can load this data into target table with the help of mload,fastload or bteq scripts.