xtype of tablet view opening in mobile in sencha touch - extjs4

I am using profiles in my Sencha application to detect whether a device is a desktop, a mobile or a tablet.
I have created a different view for all the profiles and named it Main. I have given xtype to all of them as xtype:'main'.
Now in controller I am adding to the Viewport xtype:'main'. It works fine for tablet but for phone also it loads the same tablet screen.
I read some posts and there it was mentioned that you cannot give same xtype to different views. But my questions is that what is the use of profiles if we cannot give same xtype to same views. Because only one Main (according to specific profile) will be loaded at a time?
Any help is appreciated.


Implement a Master Detail Page inside a Tabbed Page in Xamarin Forms (with Prism)

I have been trying to create a Xamarin Forms App using Prism that works on both phones and tablets.
For the tablet layout I'm trying to create something similar to the draft image below while still reusing the Pages/ViewModels from the phone.
What I have tried:
Using a TabbedPage where each Tab contains a MasterDetailPage. There are two issues with this solution:
Xamarin only recommends using a MasterDetailPage as the root page
I managed to implement this "solution" but probably due to the reason above the xaml of the pages inside the MasterDetailPage don't bind correctly to their ViewModels.
Using a TabbedPage in which each Tab contains a Page divided in two parts which have a ContentView:
This solution works, but I can't reuse the Page from the Phone version directly on the layout.
I did try using Prism Partial Views to implement this solution, but I think the parent Page needs to contain the ViewModel that is going to be used by the ContentView which wouldn't work in this scenario (because it's going to contain two View Models).
Not sharing the Pages/ContentViews/ViewModels between phone and tablet:
This solution works, because I can implement the MasterDetailPage with ContentViews but there's is no code being shared for pages/views that basically do exactly same thing so it's really not ideal.
Any idea on how I can implement this layout while still sharing the Views and View Models between the Phone and Tablet implementations?
Note: This app is for Android, iOS and UWP using Xamarin Forms 3.4 and Prism 7.1

Simultaneous iAD's results in only one getting served

I seem to have a peculiar problem, which is as follows. I have two views in an iOS app 1) TableViewController View as a table and a click on a particular row of the table would land me in new UIView. I am using iAd to serve banner ads on those two views.
Now the problem is : iAd is not serving ads on the second view after it had served on the landing table view. But if I disable the ads on the first view i.e table view controller I can see the ads being served on the second page i.e UIview.
I have also checked these against admob and found that above doesn't seem to happen with them.
Any help is appreciated !

Converting iPhone app to Universal, XCode 5.1 using Xib files

Our application(only for iPhone) is already in iTunes. Which was developed using xib files. Now client wants same app should support both iPhone & iPad.
1. If I change "Development Info -> Devices -> Universal", will this work properly in both kind of devices?
A. If Yes for above : If I change version of an app on iTunes with the same project name. How this can be achieved?
B. What Settings should I do in plist file and with xib files?
Plz suggest.
Thanks in Advance
You can change to Universal, so the application will RUN in both iPhone and iPad. Nonetheless, you will have to make changes to xib depending on the behavior of your app. Usually, iPads use list and detail views if it's in landscape, for example:
or in portrait view:
both look something like:
I want to point out again, on how your app behaves. Is not mandatory to use master-detail style, only if it fits your app.
And you can upload your binary to iTunes without problems. You could have problems if your app is using Universal and changing to iPhone or iPad only. And don't touch your plist.

How do you add a video into a master-detail application?

My app contains a Master View with tableview cells, which, when clicked, goes to a detail view. I'm currently using the latest version of xcode (4.5), and I would appreciate any help on how to go about coding a video into my app. This video should be wifi independent.

iphone app that takes photo or video in one view

i am looking for some sample code/tutorial that will demonstrate taking a photo or video using one view in an iPhone app, with a toggle switch. Similar to the built-in iOS camer app.
any help is greatly appreciated!
This library includes the functionality for both photo and video taking. Also, it allows you to present a popup for the user to select photo/video.