Error when mapping with RestKit - objective-c

Im making an application that gets 3 JSON from a Wordpress site, then it maps them in 3 different classes: Products, Locations and Categories, the Products and Categories mapping works just fine, but when Im mapping the Locations it gets mixed with the Products, and causes an error in both, heres my Location class:
#interface Location : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * alias;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet * street;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet * number;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet * state;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet * city;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet * zipcode;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet * locationId;
and here is the Products class:
#interface AllProducts : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet * locationId;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet * productCategoryId;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *prices;
below is the mapping Im using:
//Products Mapping
RKObjectMapping *productsMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[AllProducts class]];
[productsMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:#{
#"title": #"name",
#"custom_fields.product_0_sucursal": #"locationId",
/*#"custom_fields.tipo_de_producto": #"productType",
#"custom_fields.product_0_price": #"price",
#"custom_fields.product_0_real_id": #"realId",
#"custom_fields.product_0_size": #"size",
#"custom_fields.product_0_modificador": #"mod",
#"custom_fields.product_0_temperatura": #"temp",*/
#"": #"productCategoryId"
[productsMapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:#"custom_fields"
RKResponseDescriptor *productsResponseDescriptor = [RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:productsMapping method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:nil keyPath:#"posts" statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassSuccessful)];
[objectManager addResponseDescriptor:productsResponseDescriptor];
//Locations Mapping
RKObjectMapping *locationsMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Location class]];
[locationsMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:#{
#"title": #"alias",
#"custom_fields.calle": #"street",
#"custom_fields.numero": #"number",
#"custom_fields.estado": #"state",
#"custom_fields.ciudad": #"city",
#"custom_fields.codigo_postal": #"zipcode",
#"custom_fields.locationid": #"locationId"
RKResponseDescriptor *locationsResponseDescriptor = [RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:locationsMapping method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:nil keyPath:#"posts" statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassSuccessful)];
[objectManager addResponseDescriptor:locationsResponseDescriptor];
I have the mapping definitions in the AppDelegate, and the call of the objects is in the tableview controllers
For Locations:
RKObjectManager* objectManager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
NSDictionary *parameters;
parameters = #{
#"json" : #"get_posts",
#"post_type" : #"locations"
[objectManager getObjectsAtPath:#"" parameters:parameters success:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, RKMappingResult *mappingResult)
_locations = [mappingResult array];
[[self tableView]reloadData];
failure:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error){
[self handleFailure:operation withError:error];
and for Products:
//Getting all the products
RKObjectManager *objectManager = [RKObjectManager sharedManager];
//Mutable array that will contain the products when a category is selected
_productByCategory = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSDictionary *parameters;
parameters = #{
#"json" : #"get_posts",
#"post_type" : #"products"
//Getting all the products and then selecting only the products that are in the category selected
[objectManager getObjectsAtPath:#"" parameters:parameters success:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, RKMappingResult *mappingResult)
_products = [mappingResult array];
NSArray *tempProducts = _products;
//NSString *productToAdd;
BOOL isDuplicate = NO;
for(NSSet *currentProduct in tempProducts)
for(NSSet *product in _productByCategory)
if ([[currentProduct valueForKey:#"_name"] isEqualToString:[product valueForKey:#"_name"]]){
isDuplicate = YES;
if(!isDuplicate && [currentProduct valueForKey:#"_name"] != nil && [[currentProduct valueForKey:#"_productCategoryId" ] containsObject:category.categoryId] && [[currentProduct valueForKey:#"_locationid"] containsObject:location.locationId]){
//productToAdd = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", [currentProduct valueForKey:#"_name"]];
[_productByCategory addObject:currentProduct];
/*if([[currentProduct valueForKey:#"_productCategoryId" ] containsObject:category.categoryId])
[_productByCategory addObject:currentProduct];
[[self tableView]reloadData];
failure:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error){
[self handleFailure:operation withError:error];
//update view title
self.title = [category.categoryName lowercaseString];
and below are the JSON for both:
"status": "ok",
"count": 2,
"count_total": 2,
"pages": 1,
"posts": [
"id": 263,
"type": "locations",
"slug": "sucursal-plaza-regia",
"url": "http://localhost/?locations=sucursal-plaza-regia",
"status": "publish",
"title": "Sucursal Plaza Regia",
"title_plain": "Sucursal Plaza Regia",
"content": "",
"excerpt": "",
"date": "2014-03-25 15:44:29",
"modified": "2014-03-25 15:44:29",
"categories": [],
"tags": [],
"author": {
"id": 1,
"slug": "arturocalvo",
"name": "arturocalvo",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"nickname": "arturocalvo",
"url": "",
"description": ""
"comments": [],
"attachments": [],
"comment_count": 0,
"comment_status": "closed",
"custom_fields": {
"calle": [
"Av. Eugenio Garza Sada"
"numero": [
"No. 3720 Local L-3"
"estado": [
"Nuevo Leon"
"ciudad": [
"codigo_postal": [
"locationid": [
"id": 256,
"type": "locations",
"slug": "sucursal-plaza-404-2",
"url": "http://localhost/?locations=sucursal-plaza-404-2",
"status": "publish",
"title": "Sucursal Plaza 404",
"title_plain": "Sucursal Plaza 404",
"content": "",
"excerpt": "",
"date": "2014-03-24 16:58:20",
"modified": "2014-03-24 16:58:20",
"categories": [],
"tags": [],
"author": {
"id": 1,
"slug": "arturocalvo",
"name": "arturocalvo",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"nickname": "arturocalvo",
"url": "",
"description": ""
"comments": [],
"attachments": [],
"comment_count": 0,
"comment_status": "closed",
"custom_fields": {
"calle": [
"Av. Gomez Morin"
"numero": [
"404 Local A3-5"
"estado": [
"Nuevo Leon"
"ciudad": [
"San Pedro Garza Garcia"
"codigo_postal": [
"locationid": [
"query": {
"ignore_sticky_posts": true,
"post_type": "locations"
"status": "ok",
"count": 5,
"count_total": 5,
"pages": 1,
"posts": [
"id": 267,
"type": "products",
"slug": "cafe-americano-3",
"url": "http://localhost/?products=cafe-americano-3",
"status": "publish",
"title": "Cafe Americano",
"title_plain": "Cafe Americano",
"content": "",
"excerpt": "",
"date": "2014-03-25 16:55:58",
"modified": "2014-03-25 16:55:58",
"categories": [
"id": 1,
"slug": "coffeebar",
"title": "Coffee Bar",
"description": "",
"parent": 0,
"post_count": 3
"tags": [],
"author": {
"id": 1,
"slug": "arturocalvo",
"name": "arturocalvo",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"nickname": "arturocalvo",
"url": "",
"description": ""
"comments": [],
"attachments": [],
"comment_count": 0,
"comment_status": "closed",
"custom_fields": {
"tipo_de_producto": [
"tipo_de_bebida": [
"product_0_size": [
"product_0_price": [
"product_0_sucursal": [
"product_0_temperatura": [
"product_0_modificador": [
"product_0_priceid": [
"product": [
"id": 266,
"type": "products",
"slug": "cafe-americano-2",
"url": "http://localhost/?products=cafe-americano-2",
"status": "publish",
"title": "Cafe Americano",
"title_plain": "Cafe Americano",
"content": "",
"excerpt": "",
"date": "2014-03-25 16:55:23",
"modified": "2014-03-25 16:55:23",
"categories": [
"id": 1,
"slug": "coffeebar",
"title": "Coffee Bar",
"description": "",
"parent": 0,
"post_count": 3
"tags": [],
"author": {
"id": 1,
"slug": "arturocalvo",
"name": "arturocalvo",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"nickname": "arturocalvo",
"url": "",
"description": ""
"comments": [],
"attachments": [],
"comment_count": 0,
"comment_status": "closed",
"custom_fields": {
"tipo_de_producto": [
"tipo_de_bebida": [
"product_0_size": [
"product_0_price": [
"product_0_sucursal": [
"product_0_temperatura": [
"product_0_modificador": [
"product_0_priceid": [
"product": [
The problem is that when I make the request for only products, it works fine, when i make the request for only locations it works fine too, but when the two are made, location tries to map to products class and products tries to map to location class, and I get an Error, can somebody help me to know what Im doing wrong?, thanks in advance

Because RestKit can't tell the difference between the responses because the path patterns and key paths of both descriptors are identical (all of the difference is in the URL query parameters and they aren't used by RestKit).
So, you either need to change the request URL (and change pathPattern:nil on the response descriptors). Or change the JSON (so you have a different key path). Or delete the response descriptors after each request and recreate only the appropriate one before a request. Or use 2 different object managers, each with only 1 response descriptor.


Unable to access data in Postgres query where clause

I am dealing with the following JSON in a Postgres database column called steps in a table called tCampaign :
"name":"Step 1",
"rewardConditions": [
"conditionDefinitions": [
"properties": null,
"name": "Registration"
"properties": null,
"name":"Opt In"
"properties": {"activation": {"type": "onReward"}, "betFlavour": "SPORTS", "channels": ["__use_campaign_restrictions__"], "expiry": {"offset": {"days": "02", "hours": "00", "minutes": "00", "seconds": "00"}, "type": "relative"}, "inRunning": "-", "maxReward": {"USD": "1"}, "minimumOdds": "", "oddsInput": {"minimumOdds": {"american": "", "european": ""}}, "retail": "offBetBuild", "returnStakeOnPayout": "false"},
"name" : "Step 2",
"stepReference" : "01daa4a0-bc79-11eb-ab6f-2fa1cb676e38",
"rewardConditions": [
"conditionDefinitions": [
"instanceId" : "01fb15ae-01d0-49e1-966a-8ff438e9a191",
"type" : "genericSportsBet",
"properties" : {"betFlavour": "SPORTS", "betTrackEventThreshold": "10", "betTypes": [ "SGL" ], "builderBetOption": "ALL", "channels": [ "__use_campaign_restrictions__" ], "currencyThresholdMap": { "USD": "1" }, "eventHierarchySelection": { "categories": [], "classes": [], "events": [], "marketTemplates": [], "markets": [ "5824" ], "retrobetEventIds": [ "1200" ], "selections": [], "selectionsMarket": [], "types": [] }, "eventHierarchySelectionUI": { "markets": [ { "id": 5824, "mapping": [], "name": "Match Result", "parentId": 1200, "parentParentId": 5, "path": [ "Category: |England|", "Class: |England Premier League|", "Type: |GK Team K| |vs| |GK Team L|" ], "selectionMapper": false, "settled": "N", "startTime": "2021-05-31 11:15:00", "status": "A" } ] }, "inRunning": "-", "legTypes": [ "WIN" ], "metOnSettlement": false, "minOdds": "", "oddsInput": { "minOdds": { "american": "", "european": "" } }, "priceTypes": [ "LP" ]},
"name" : "Sports Bet"
"instanceId" : "0110eb70-44f9-4d57-40bb-09ff4169136c",
"type" : "sportsReward",
"properties" : {"activation": {"type": "onReward"}, "betFlavour": "SPORTS", "channels": ["__use_campaign_restrictions__"], "expiry": {"offset": {"days": "02", "hours": "00", "minutes": "00", "seconds": "00"}, "type": "relative"}, "inRunning": "-", "maxReward": {"USD": "2"}, "minimumOdds": "", "oddsInput": {"minimumOdds": {"american": "", "european": ""}}, "retail": "offBetBuild", "returnStakeOnPayout": "false"},
"name" : "Freebet",
"calculator" : {"type":"fixed","value":"100"}
and have written the following query to extract properties from conditionDefinitions :
select conditionDefinitions->'properties' as properties from tcampaign cmp
LEFT JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(steps) singleStep ON true
LEFT JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(singleStep->'rewardConditions') rewardConditions on TRUE
LEFT JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(rewardConditions->'conditionDefinitions') conditionDefinitions on TRUE
where properties is not null ;
but I get the following error :
ERROR: column "properties" does not exist
LINE 5: where properties is null ;
If I remove the where clause the query runs fine. Why do I not have access to properties in the where clause? Because I can see results coming back if I remove the WHERE clause, so the query does have results

restkit nested object with array mapping

I have this json:
"status": "ok",
"post": {
"id": 171,
"type": "locations",
"slug": "plaza-404",
"url": "http://localhost/?locations=plaza-404",
"status": "publish",
"title": "Sucursal Plaza 404",
"title_plain": "Sucursal Plaza 404",
"content": "",
"excerpt": "",
"date": "2014-03-05 19:59:50",
"modified": "2014-03-07 19:11:43",
"categories": [],
"tags": [],
"author": {
"id": 1,
"slug": "arturocalvo",
"name": "arturocalvo",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"nickname": "arturocalvo",
"url": "",
"description": ""
"comments": [],
"attachments": [],
"comment_count": 0,
"comment_status": "closed",
"custom_fields": {
"id": [
"location_id": [
"calle": [
"Av. Gomez Morin No.404 Local A3-5"
And i Want to map only the title the custom field called "calle", this is my interface for Location
#interface Location : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet * calle;
and this is my code
RKObjectMapping *locationMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Location class]];
RKObjectMapping *locationCustomMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass: [LocationCustom class]];
[locationMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:#{
#"title": #"name",
#"calle": #"calle"
RKResponseDescriptor *locationResponseDescriptor = [RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:locationMapping method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:nil keyPath:#"post" statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassSuccessful)];
[objectManager addResponseDescriptor:locationResponseDescriptor];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:baseURL];
RKObjectRequestOperation *objectRequestOperation = [[RKObjectRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request responseDescriptors:#[ locationResponseDescriptor ]];
But for some reason i cant map it, everythime gets a null value, can somebody help me?
You are missing a level in the JSON that you need to tell RestKit to navigate. Use:
#"custom_fields.calle": #"calle"
in your mapping.

Parsing JSON and get the values [duplicate]

I have the following JSON:
"meta": {
"code": 200
"response": {
"deals": [
"id": 32373,
"date_added": "2011-01-13 12:12:50",
"end_date": "2011-01-14 10:00:00",
"active": 1,
"discount": {
"raw": 71,
"formatted": "71%"
"price": {
"raw": "85.00",
"formatted": "$85"
"value": {
"raw": "300.00",
"formatted": "$300"
"purchased": 82,
"left": null,
"title": "$85 For $300 Babyface Facial At Park Avenue MedSpa",
"yipit_title": "71% off Babyface Facial",
"url": "",
"yipit_url": "",
"images": {
"image_big": "",
"image_small": ""
"division": {
"slug": "new-york",
"name": "New York",
"active": 1,
"time_zone_diff": -4,
"lat": "40.7142690000000000",
"lon": "-74.0059730000000000",
"url": ""
"tags": [
"name": "Facial",
"slug": "facial",
"url": ""
"name": "Spa",
"slug": "spa",
"url": ""
"business": {
"name": "Park Avenue MedSpa",
"url": "",
"locations": [
"address": "565 Park Ave",
"locality": "New York",
"phone": "212-593-8821",
"lat": null,
"lon": null
"source": {
"name": "LivingSocial",
"slug": "livingsocial",
"paid": 0,
"url": ""
Here is how I am parsing it:
NSArray *deals = [[results objectForKey:#"response"] valueForKey:#"deals"];
NSLog(#"%#",[[results objectForKey:#"response"] valueForKey:#"deals"]);
for(NSDictionary* deal in deals)
NSLog(#"Title: %#", [deal valueForKey:#"title"]);
NSLog(#"URL: %#", [deal valueForKey:#"url"]);
NSLog(#"Value: %#", [[deal valueForKey:#"value"] valueForKey:#"formatted"]);
NSLog(#"Picture URL: %#", [[deal valueForKey:#"images"] valueForKey:#"image_small"]);
NSLog(#"Business: %#", [[deal valueForKey:#"business"] valueForKey:#"name"]);
NSLog(#"Address: %#", [[[deal valueForKey:#"business"] valueForKey:#"locations"] valueForKey:#"address"]);
NSLog(#"City: %#", [[[deal valueForKey:#"business"] valueForKey:#"locations"] valueForKey:#"locality"]);
NSLog(#"Phone: %#", [[[deal valueForKey:#"business"] valueForKey:#"locations"] valueForKey:#"phone"]);
[items addObject:deal];
My logging looks good except for Address, City and Phone. Here is the log:
Title: $10 for $20 Worth of Food and Drinks at Blondies in Tempe
Value: $20
Picture URL:
Business: Blondies Sports Bar
Address: (
"501 S Mill Ave"
City: (
Phone: (
From the JSON you provided, locations is an array (that's what the square brackets mean), so the values that are returned from valueForKey: are contained in NSArray instances (hence the parentheses).
You could use objectAtIndex: before the last call to valueForKey: to obtain just the value you're looking for.
By the way, you can also use valueForKeyPath: to simplify accessing nested values, for example
[deal valueForKeyPath:#""];
[[deal valueForKey:#"business"] valueForKey:#"locations"] returns an array. Calling -valueForKey: on an NSArray executes valueForKey: for every object in the array and returns an array of the results (see the NSArray documentation for this). So that's what you get, an array of the corresponding values.
You could try changing your code to something like this:
NSDictionary *primaryLocation = [[[deal valueForKey:#"business"] valueForKey:#"locations"] objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Address: %#", [primaryLocation valueForKey:#"address"]);
NSLog(#"City: %#", [primaryLocation valueForKey:#"locality"]);
NSLog(#"Phone: %#", [primaryLocation valueForKey:#"phone"]);

List of countries and country dialing codes for iOS [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm looking a list of countries and their dialing codes available in perhaps a plist file or Objective-C dictionary.
I know there are some lists in PHP like this:
and if it comes to it I'll port it manually, but that's error prone.
Quite simple. Open the PHP version in vim, enter one command, and clean up the tags and separator.
:%s/.*= \='\(.*\) (\(+\=.*\))';.*/#"\1" : #"\2",
This is why everyone should learn vim.
(New object literal syntax - requires XCode 4.5/clang 4.1).
The transformed list, to prevent link rot:
// Country code
NSDictionary *codes = #{
#"Canada" : #"+1",
#"China" : #"+86",
#"France" : #"+33",
#"Germany" : #"+49",
#"India" : #"+91",
#"Japan" : #"+81",
#"Pakistan" : #"+92",
#"United Kingdom" : #"+44",
#"United States" : #"+1",
#"Abkhazia" : #"+7 840",
#"Abkhazia" : #"+7 940",
#"Afghanistan" : #"+93",
#"Albania" : #"+355",
#"Algeria" : #"+213",
#"American Samoa" : #"+1 684",
#"Andorra" : #"+376",
#"Angola" : #"+244",
#"Anguilla" : #"+1 264",
#"Antigua and Barbuda" : #"+1 268",
#"Argentina" : #"+54",
#"Armenia" : #"+374",
#"Aruba" : #"+297",
#"Ascension" : #"+247",
#"Australia" : #"+61",
#"Australian External Territories" : #"+672",
#"Austria" : #"+43",
#"Azerbaijan" : #"+994",
#"Bahamas" : #"+1 242",
#"Bahrain" : #"+973",
#"Bangladesh" : #"+880",
#"Barbados" : #"+1 246",
#"Barbuda" : #"+1 268",
#"Belarus" : #"+375",
#"Belgium" : #"+32",
#"Belize" : #"+501",
#"Benin" : #"+229",
#"Bermuda" : #"+1 441",
#"Bhutan" : #"+975",
#"Bolivia" : #"+591",
#"Bosnia and Herzegovina" : #"+387",
#"Botswana" : #"+267",
#"Brazil" : #"+55",
#"British Indian Ocean Territory" : #"+246",
#"British Virgin Islands" : #"+1 284",
#"Brunei" : #"+673",
#"Bulgaria" : #"+359",
#"Burkina Faso" : #"+226",
#"Burundi" : #"+257",
#"Cambodia" : #"+855",
#"Cameroon" : #"+237",
#"Canada" : #"+1",
#"Cape Verde" : #"+238",
#"Cayman Islands" : #"+ 345",
#"Central African Republic" : #"+236",
#"Chad" : #"+235",
#"Chile" : #"+56",
#"China" : #"+86",
#"Christmas Island" : #"+61",
#"Cocos-Keeling Islands" : #"+61",
#"Colombia" : #"+57",
#"Comoros" : #"+269",
#"Congo" : #"+242",
#"Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Zaire)" : #"+243",
#"Cook Islands" : #"+682",
#"Costa Rica" : #"+506",
#"Ivory Coast" : #"+225",
#"Croatia" : #"+385",
#"Cuba" : #"+53",
#"Curacao" : #"+599",
#"Cyprus" : #"+537",
#"Czech Republic" : #"+420",
#"Denmark" : #"+45",
#"Diego Garcia" : #"+246",
#"Djibouti" : #"+253",
#"Dominica" : #"+1 767",
#"Dominican Republic" : #"+1 809",
#"Dominican Republic" : #"+1 829",
#"Dominican Republic" : #"+1 849",
#"East Timor" : #"+670",
#"Easter Island" : #"+56",
#"Ecuador" : #"+593",
#"Egypt" : #"+20",
#"El Salvador" : #"+503",
#"Equatorial Guinea" : #"+240",
#"Eritrea" : #"+291",
#"Estonia" : #"+372",
#"Ethiopia" : #"+251",
#"Falkland Islands" : #"+500",
#"Faroe Islands" : #"+298",
#"Fiji" : #"+679",
#"Finland" : #"+358",
#"France" : #"+33",
#"French Antilles" : #"+596",
#"French Guiana" : #"+594",
#"French Polynesia" : #"+689",
#"Gabon" : #"+241",
#"Gambia" : #"+220",
#"Georgia" : #"+995",
#"Germany" : #"+49",
#"Ghana" : #"+233",
#"Gibraltar" : #"+350",
#"Greece" : #"+30",
#"Greenland" : #"+299",
#"Grenada" : #"+1 473",
#"Guadeloupe" : #"+590",
#"Guam" : #"+1 671",
#"Guatemala" : #"+502",
#"Guinea" : #"+224",
#"Guinea-Bissau" : #"+245",
#"Guyana" : #"+595",
#"Haiti" : #"+509",
#"Honduras" : #"+504",
#"Hong Kong SAR China" : #"+852",
#"Hungary" : #"+36",
#"Iceland" : #"+354",
#"India" : #"+91",
#"Indonesia" : #"+62",
#"Iran" : #"+98",
#"Iraq" : #"+964",
#"Ireland" : #"+353",
#"Israel" : #"+972",
#"Italy" : #"+39",
#"Jamaica" : #"+1 876",
#"Japan" : #"+81",
#"Jordan" : #"+962",
#"Kazakhstan" : #"+7 7",
#"Kenya" : #"+254",
#"Kiribati" : #"+686",
#"North Korea" : #"+850",
#"South Korea" : #"+82",
#"Kuwait" : #"+965",
#"Kyrgyzstan" : #"+996",
#"Laos" : #"+856",
#"Latvia" : #"+371",
#"Lebanon" : #"+961",
#"Lesotho" : #"+266",
#"Liberia" : #"+231",
#"Libya" : #"+218",
#"Liechtenstein" : #"+423",
#"Lithuania" : #"+370",
#"Luxembourg" : #"+352",
#"Macau SAR China" : #"+853",
#"Macedonia" : #"+389",
#"Madagascar" : #"+261",
#"Malawi" : #"+265",
#"Malaysia" : #"+60",
#"Maldives" : #"+960",
#"Mali" : #"+223",
#"Malta" : #"+356",
#"Marshall Islands" : #"+692",
#"Martinique" : #"+596",
#"Mauritania" : #"+222",
#"Mauritius" : #"+230",
#"Mayotte" : #"+262",
#"Mexico" : #"+52",
#"Micronesia" : #"+691",
#"Midway Island" : #"+1 808",
#"Micronesia" : #"+691",
#"Moldova" : #"+373",
#"Monaco" : #"+377",
#"Mongolia" : #"+976",
#"Montenegro" : #"+382",
#"Montserrat" : #"+1664",
#"Morocco" : #"+212",
#"Myanmar" : #"+95",
#"Namibia" : #"+264",
#"Nauru" : #"+674",
#"Nepal" : #"+977",
#"Netherlands" : #"+31",
#"Netherlands Antilles" : #"+599",
#"Nevis" : #"+1 869",
#"New Caledonia" : #"+687",
#"New Zealand" : #"+64",
#"Nicaragua" : #"+505",
#"Niger" : #"+227",
#"Nigeria" : #"+234",
#"Niue" : #"+683",
#"Norfolk Island" : #"+672",
#"Northern Mariana Islands" : #"+1 670",
#"Norway" : #"+47",
#"Oman" : #"+968",
#"Pakistan" : #"+92",
#"Palau" : #"+680",
#"Palestinian Territory" : #"+970",
#"Panama" : #"+507",
#"Papua New Guinea" : #"+675",
#"Paraguay" : #"+595",
#"Peru" : #"+51",
#"Philippines" : #"+63",
#"Poland" : #"+48",
#"Portugal" : #"+351",
#"Puerto Rico" : #"+1 787",
#"Puerto Rico" : #"+1 939",
#"Qatar" : #"+974",
#"Reunion" : #"+262",
#"Romania" : #"+40",
#"Russia" : #"+7",
#"Rwanda" : #"+250",
#"Samoa" : #"+685",
#"San Marino" : #"+378",
#"Saudi Arabia" : #"+966",
#"Senegal" : #"+221",
#"Serbia" : #"+381",
#"Seychelles" : #"+248",
#"Sierra Leone" : #"+232",
#"Singapore" : #"+65",
#"Slovakia" : #"+421",
#"Slovenia" : #"+386",
#"Solomon Islands" : #"+677",
#"South Africa" : #"+27",
#"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : #"+500",
#"Spain" : #"+34",
#"Sri Lanka" : #"+94",
#"Sudan" : #"+249",
#"Suriname" : #"+597",
#"Swaziland" : #"+268",
#"Sweden" : #"+46",
#"Switzerland" : #"+41",
#"Syria" : #"+963",
#"Taiwan" : #"+886",
#"Tajikistan" : #"+992",
#"Tanzania" : #"+255",
#"Thailand" : #"+66",
#"Timor Leste" : #"+670",
#"Togo" : #"+228",
#"Tokelau" : #"+690",
#"Tonga" : #"+676",
#"Trinidad and Tobago" : #"+1 868",
#"Tunisia" : #"+216",
#"Turkey" : #"+90",
#"Turkmenistan" : #"+993",
#"Turks and Caicos Islands" : #"+1 649",
#"Tuvalu" : #"+688",
#"Uganda" : #"+256",
#"Ukraine" : #"+380",
#"United Arab Emirates" : #"+971",
#"United Kingdom" : #"+44",
#"United States" : #"+1",
#"Uruguay" : #"+598",
#"U.S. Virgin Islands" : #"+1 340",
#"Uzbekistan" : #"+998",
#"Vanuatu" : #"+678",
#"Venezuela" : #"+58",
#"Vietnam" : #"+84",
#"Wake Island" : #"+1 808",
#"Wallis and Futuna" : #"+681",
#"Yemen" : #"+967",
#"Zambia" : #"+260",
#"Zanzibar" : #"+255",
#"Zimbabwe" : #"+263"
NSDictionary *dictCodes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"972",#"IL", nil];
With thanks to AlBeebe, I used that to swap it around to convert the country code to a dialling prefix in a Swift Dictionary declaration.
let prefixCodes = ["AF": "93", "AE": "971", "AL": "355", "AN": "599", "AS":"1", "AD": "376", "AO": "244", "AI": "1", "AG":"1", "AR": "54","AM": "374", "AW": "297", "AU":"61", "AT": "43","AZ": "994", "BS": "1", "BH":"973", "BF": "226","BI": "257", "BD": "880", "BB": "1", "BY": "375", "BE":"32","BZ": "501", "BJ": "229", "BM": "1", "BT":"975", "BA": "387", "BW": "267", "BR": "55", "BG": "359", "BO": "591", "BL": "590", "BN": "673", "CC": "61", "CD":"243","CI": "225", "KH":"855", "CM": "237", "CA": "1", "CV": "238", "KY":"345", "CF":"236", "CH": "41", "CL": "56", "CN":"86","CX": "61", "CO": "57", "KM": "269", "CG":"242", "CK": "682", "CR": "506", "CU":"53", "CY":"537","CZ": "420", "DE": "49", "DK": "45", "DJ":"253", "DM": "1", "DO": "1", "DZ": "213", "EC": "593", "EG":"20", "ER": "291", "EE":"372","ES": "34", "ET": "251", "FM": "691", "FK": "500", "FO": "298", "FJ": "679", "FI":"358", "FR": "33", "GB":"44", "GF": "594", "GA":"241", "GS": "500", "GM":"220", "GE":"995","GH":"233", "GI": "350", "GQ": "240", "GR": "30", "GG": "44", "GL": "299", "GD":"1", "GP": "590", "GU": "1", "GT": "502", "GN":"224","GW": "245", "GY": "595", "HT": "509", "HR": "385", "HN":"504", "HU": "36", "HK": "852", "IR": "98", "IM": "44", "IL": "972", "IO":"246", "IS": "354", "IN": "91", "ID":"62", "IQ":"964", "IE": "353","IT":"39", "JM":"1", "JP": "81", "JO": "962", "JE":"44", "KP": "850", "KR": "82","KZ":"77", "KE": "254", "KI": "686", "KW": "965", "KG":"996","KN":"1", "LC": "1", "LV": "371", "LB": "961", "LK":"94", "LS": "266", "LR":"231", "LI": "423", "LT": "370", "LU": "352", "LA": "856", "LY":"218", "MO": "853", "MK": "389", "MG":"261", "MW": "265", "MY": "60","MV": "960", "ML":"223", "MT": "356", "MH": "692", "MQ": "596", "MR":"222", "MU": "230", "MX": "52","MC": "377", "MN": "976", "ME": "382", "MP": "1", "MS": "1", "MA":"212", "MM": "95", "MF": "590", "MD":"373", "MZ": "258", "NA":"264", "NR":"674", "NP":"977", "NL": "31","NC": "687", "NZ":"64", "NI": "505", "NE": "227", "NG": "234", "NU":"683", "NF": "672", "NO": "47","OM": "968", "PK": "92", "PM": "508", "PW": "680", "PF": "689", "PA": "507", "PG":"675", "PY": "595", "PE": "51", "PH": "63", "PL":"48", "PN": "872","PT": "351", "PR": "1","PS": "970", "QA": "974", "RO":"40", "RE":"262", "RS": "381", "RU": "7", "RW": "250", "SM": "378", "SA":"966", "SN": "221", "SC": "248", "SL":"232","SG": "65", "SK": "421", "SI": "386", "SB":"677", "SH": "290", "SD": "249", "SR": "597","SZ": "268", "SE":"46", "SV": "503", "ST": "239","SO": "252", "SJ": "47", "SY":"963", "TW": "886", "TZ": "255", "TL": "670", "TD": "235", "TJ": "992", "TH": "66", "TG":"228", "TK": "690", "TO": "676", "TT": "1", "TN":"216","TR": "90", "TM": "993", "TC": "1", "TV":"688", "UG": "256", "UA": "380", "US": "1", "UY": "598","UZ": "998", "VA":"379", "VE":"58", "VN": "84", "VG": "1", "VI": "1","VC":"1", "VU":"678", "WS": "685", "WF": "681", "YE": "967", "YT": "262","ZA": "27" , "ZM": "260", "ZW":"263"]
I generated json file for this list:
"countries": [
"code": "+7 840",
"name": "Abkhazia"
"code": "+93",
"name": "Afghanistan"
"code": "+355",
"name": "Albania"
"code": "+213",
"name": "Algeria"
"code": "+1 684",
"name": "American Samoa"
"code": "+376",
"name": "Andorra"
"code": "+244",
"name": "Angola"
"code": "+1 264",
"name": "Anguilla"
"code": "+1 268",
"name": "Antigua and Barbuda"
"code": "+54",
"name": "Argentina"
"code": "+374",
"name": "Armenia"
"code": "+297",
"name": "Aruba"
"code": "+247",
"name": "Ascension"
"code": "+61",
"name": "Australia"
"code": "+672",
"name": "Australian External Territories"
"code": "+43",
"name": "Austria"
"code": "+994",
"name": "Azerbaijan"
"code": "+1 242",
"name": "Bahamas"
"code": "+973",
"name": "Bahrain"
"code": "+880",
"name": "Bangladesh"
"code": "+1 246",
"name": "Barbados"
"code": "+1 268",
"name": "Barbuda"
"code": "+375",
"name": "Belarus"
"code": "+32",
"name": "Belgium"
"code": "+501",
"name": "Belize"
"code": "+229",
"name": "Benin"
"code": "+1 441",
"name": "Bermuda"
"code": "+975",
"name": "Bhutan"
"code": "+591",
"name": "Bolivia"
"code": "+387",
"name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
"code": "+267",
"name": "Botswana"
"code": "+55",
"name": "Brazil"
"code": "+246",
"name": "British Indian Ocean Territory"
"code": "+1 284",
"name": "British Virgin Islands"
"code": "+673",
"name": "Brunei"
"code": "+359",
"name": "Bulgaria"
"code": "+226",
"name": "Burkina Faso"
"code": "+257",
"name": "Burundi"
"code": "+855",
"name": "Cambodia"
"code": "+237",
"name": "Cameroon"
"code": "+1",
"name": "Canada"
"code": "+238",
"name": "Cape Verde"
"code": "+ 345",
"name": "Cayman Islands"
"code": "+236",
"name": "Central African Republic"
"code": "+235",
"name": "Chad"
"code": "+56",
"name": "Chile"
"code": "+86",
"name": "China"
"code": "+61",
"name": "Christmas Island"
"code": "+61",
"name": "Cocos-Keeling Islands"
"code": "+57",
"name": "Colombia"
"code": "+269",
"name": "Comoros"
"code": "+242",
"name": "Congo"
"code": "+243",
"name": "Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Zaire)"
"code": "+682",
"name": "Cook Islands"
"code": "+506",
"name": "Costa Rica"
"code": "+385",
"name": "Croatia"
"code": "+53",
"name": "Cuba"
"code": "+599",
"name": "Curacao"
"code": "+537",
"name": "Cyprus"
"code": "+420",
"name": "Czech Republic"
"code": "+45",
"name": "Denmark"
"code": "+246",
"name": "Diego Garcia"
"code": "+253",
"name": "Djibouti"
"code": "+1 767",
"name": "Dominica"
"code": "+1 809",
"name": "Dominican Republic"
"code": "+670",
"name": "East Timor"
"code": "+56",
"name": "Easter Island"
"code": "+593",
"name": "Ecuador"
"code": "+20",
"name": "Egypt"
"code": "+503",
"name": "El Salvador"
"code": "+240",
"name": "Equatorial Guinea"
"code": "+291",
"name": "Eritrea"
"code": "+372",
"name": "Estonia"
"code": "+251",
"name": "Ethiopia"
"code": "+500",
"name": "Falkland Islands"
"code": "+298",
"name": "Faroe Islands"
"code": "+679",
"name": "Fiji"
"code": "+358",
"name": "Finland"
"code": "+33",
"name": "France"
"code": "+596",
"name": "French Antilles"
"code": "+594",
"name": "French Guiana"
"code": "+689",
"name": "French Polynesia"
"code": "+241",
"name": "Gabon"
"code": "+220",
"name": "Gambia"
"code": "+995",
"name": "Georgia"
"code": "+49",
"name": "Germany"
"code": "+233",
"name": "Ghana"
"code": "+350",
"name": "Gibraltar"
"code": "+30",
"name": "Greece"
"code": "+299",
"name": "Greenland"
"code": "+1 473",
"name": "Grenada"
"code": "+590",
"name": "Guadeloupe"
"code": "+1 671",
"name": "Guam"
"code": "+502",
"name": "Guatemala"
"code": "+224",
"name": "Guinea"
"code": "+245",
"name": "Guinea-Bissau"
"code": "+595",
"name": "Guyana"
"code": "+509",
"name": "Haiti"
"code": "+504",
"name": "Honduras"
"code": "+852",
"name": "Hong Kong SAR China"
"code": "+36",
"name": "Hungary"
"code": "+354",
"name": "Iceland"
"code": "+91",
"name": "India"
"code": "+62",
"name": "Indonesia"
"code": "+98",
"name": "Iran"
"code": "+964",
"name": "Iraq"
"code": "+353",
"name": "Ireland"
"code": "+972",
"name": "Israel"
"code": "+39",
"name": "Italy"
"code": "+225",
"name": "Ivory Coast"
"code": "+1 876",
"name": "Jamaica"
"code": "+81",
"name": "Japan"
"code": "+962",
"name": "Jordan"
"code": "+7 7",
"name": "Kazakhstan"
"code": "+254",
"name": "Kenya"
"code": "+686",
"name": "Kiribati"
"code": "+965",
"name": "Kuwait"
"code": "+996",
"name": "Kyrgyzstan"
"code": "+856",
"name": "Laos"
"code": "+371",
"name": "Latvia"
"code": "+961",
"name": "Lebanon"
"code": "+266",
"name": "Lesotho"
"code": "+231",
"name": "Liberia"
"code": "+218",
"name": "Libya"
"code": "+423",
"name": "Liechtenstein"
"code": "+370",
"name": "Lithuania"
"code": "+352",
"name": "Luxembourg"
"code": "+853",
"name": "Macau SAR China"
"code": "+389",
"name": "Macedonia"
"code": "+261",
"name": "Madagascar"
"code": "+265",
"name": "Malawi"
"code": "+60",
"name": "Malaysia"
"code": "+960",
"name": "Maldives"
"code": "+223",
"name": "Mali"
"code": "+356",
"name": "Malta"
"code": "+692",
"name": "Marshall Islands"
"code": "+596",
"name": "Martinique"
"code": "+222",
"name": "Mauritania"
"code": "+230",
"name": "Mauritius"
"code": "+262",
"name": "Mayotte"
"code": "+52",
"name": "Mexico"
"code": "+691",
"name": "Micronesia"
"code": "+1 808",
"name": "Midway Island"
"code": "+373",
"name": "Moldova"
"code": "+377",
"name": "Monaco"
"code": "+976",
"name": "Mongolia"
"code": "+382",
"name": "Montenegro"
"code": "+1664",
"name": "Montserrat"
"code": "+212",
"name": "Morocco"
"code": "+95",
"name": "Myanmar"
"code": "+264",
"name": "Namibia"
"code": "+674",
"name": "Nauru"
"code": "+977",
"name": "Nepal"
"code": "+31",
"name": "Netherlands"
"code": "+599",
"name": "Netherlands Antilles"
"code": "+1 869",
"name": "Nevis"
"code": "+687",
"name": "New Caledonia"
"code": "+64",
"name": "New Zealand"
"code": "+505",
"name": "Nicaragua"
"code": "+227",
"name": "Niger"
"code": "+234",
"name": "Nigeria"
"code": "+683",
"name": "Niue"
"code": "+672",
"name": "Norfolk Island"
"code": "+850",
"name": "North Korea"
"code": "+1 670",
"name": "Northern Mariana Islands"
"code": "+47",
"name": "Norway"
"code": "+968",
"name": "Oman"
"code": "+92",
"name": "Pakistan"
"code": "+680",
"name": "Palau"
"code": "+970",
"name": "Palestinian Territory"
"code": "+507",
"name": "Panama"
"code": "+675",
"name": "Papua New Guinea"
"code": "+595",
"name": "Paraguay"
"code": "+51",
"name": "Peru"
"code": "+63",
"name": "Philippines"
"code": "+48",
"name": "Poland"
"code": "+351",
"name": "Portugal"
"code": "+1 787",
"name": "Puerto Rico"
"code": "+974",
"name": "Qatar"
"code": "+262",
"name": "Reunion"
"code": "+40",
"name": "Romania"
"code": "+7",
"name": "Russia"
"code": "+250",
"name": "Rwanda"
"code": "+685",
"name": "Samoa"
"code": "+378",
"name": "San Marino"
"code": "+966",
"name": "Saudi Arabia"
"code": "+221",
"name": "Senegal"
"code": "+381",
"name": "Serbia"
"code": "+248",
"name": "Seychelles"
"code": "+232",
"name": "Sierra Leone"
"code": "+65",
"name": "Singapore"
"code": "+421",
"name": "Slovakia"
"code": "+386",
"name": "Slovenia"
"code": "+677",
"name": "Solomon Islands"
"code": "+27",
"name": "South Africa"
"code": "+500",
"name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
"code": "+82",
"name": "South Korea"
"code": "+34",
"name": "Spain"
"code": "+94",
"name": "Sri Lanka"
"code": "+249",
"name": "Sudan"
"code": "+597",
"name": "Suriname"
"code": "+268",
"name": "Swaziland"
"code": "+46",
"name": "Sweden"
"code": "+41",
"name": "Switzerland"
"code": "+963",
"name": "Syria"
"code": "+886",
"name": "Taiwan"
"code": "+992",
"name": "Tajikistan"
"code": "+255",
"name": "Tanzania"
"code": "+66",
"name": "Thailand"
"code": "+670",
"name": "Timor Leste"
"code": "+228",
"name": "Togo"
"code": "+690",
"name": "Tokelau"
"code": "+676",
"name": "Tonga"
"code": "+1 868",
"name": "Trinidad and Tobago"
"code": "+216",
"name": "Tunisia"
"code": "+90",
"name": "Turkey"
"code": "+993",
"name": "Turkmenistan"
"code": "+1 649",
"name": "Turks and Caicos Islands"
"code": "+688",
"name": "Tuvalu"
"code": "+1 340",
"name": "U.S. Virgin Islands"
"code": "+256",
"name": "Uganda"
"code": "+380",
"name": "Ukraine"
"code": "+971",
"name": "United Arab Emirates"
"code": "+44",
"name": "United Kingdom"
"code": "+1",
"name": "United States"
"code": "+598",
"name": "Uruguay"
"code": "+998",
"name": "Uzbekistan"
"code": "+678",
"name": "Vanuatu"
"code": "+58",
"name": "Venezuela"
"code": "+84",
"name": "Vietnam"
"code": "+1 808",
"name": "Wake Island"
"code": "+681",
"name": "Wallis and Futuna"
"code": "+967",
"name": "Yemen"
"code": "+260",
"name": "Zambia"
"code": "+255",
"name": "Zanzibar"
"code": "+263",
"name": "Zimbabwe"
Below is the swift version of country dialing code along-with country name:
func getCountryCallingCode(countryRegionCode:String) -> [String] {
let prefix = ["AF": ["Afghanistan","93"],
"AX": ["Aland Islands","358"],
"AL": ["Albania","355"],
"DZ": ["Algeria","213"],
"AS": ["American Samoa","1"],
"AD": ["Andorra","376"],
"AO": ["Angola","244"],
"AI": ["Anguilla","1"],
"AQ": ["Antarctica","672"],
"AG": ["Antigua and Barbuda","1"],
"AR": ["Argentina","54"],
"AM": ["Armenia","374"],
"AW": ["Aruba","297"],
"AU": ["Australia","61"],
"AT": ["Austria","43"],
"AZ": ["Azerbaijan","994"],
"BS": ["Bahamas","1"],
"BH": ["Bahrain","973"],
"BD": ["Bangladesh","880"],
"BB": ["Barbados","1"],
"BY": ["Belarus","375"],
"BE": ["Belgium","32"],
"BZ": ["Belize","501"],
"BJ": ["Benin","229"],
"BM": ["Bermuda","1"],
"BT": ["Bhutan","975"],
"BO": ["Bolivia","591"],
"BA": ["Bosnia and Herzegovina","387"],
"BW": ["Botswana","267"],
"BV": ["Bouvet Island","47"],
"BQ": ["BQ","599"],
"BR": ["Brazil","55"],
"IO": ["British Indian Ocean Territory","246"],
"VG": ["British Virgin Islands","1"],
"BN": ["Brunei Darussalam","673"],
"BG": ["Bulgaria","359"],
"BF": ["Burkina Faso","226"],
"BI": ["Burundi","257"],
"KH": ["Cambodia","855"],
"CM": ["Cameroon","237"],
"CA": ["Canada","1"],
"CV": ["Cape Verde","238"],
"KY": ["Cayman Islands","345"],
"CF": ["Central African Republic","236"],
"TD": ["Chad","235"],
"CL": ["Chile","56"],
"CN": ["China","86"],
"CX": ["Christmas Island","61"],
"CC": ["Cocos (Keeling) Islands","61"],
"CO": ["Colombia","57"],
"KM": ["Comoros","269"],
"CG": ["Congo (Brazzaville)","242"],
"CD": ["Congo, Democratic Republic of the","243"],
"CK": ["Cook Islands","682"],
"CR": ["Costa Rica","506"],
"CI": ["Côte d'Ivoire","225"],
"HR": ["Croatia","385"],
"CU": ["Cuba","53"],
"CW": ["Curacao","599"],
"CY": ["Cyprus","537"],
"CZ": ["Czech Republic","420"],
"DK": ["Denmark","45"],
"DJ": ["Djibouti","253"],
"DM": ["Dominica","1"],
"DO": ["Dominican Republic","1"],
"EC": ["Ecuador","593"],
"EG": ["Egypt","20"],
"SV": ["El Salvador","503"],
"GQ": ["Equatorial Guinea","240"],
"ER": ["Eritrea","291"],
"EE": ["Estonia","372"],
"ET": ["Ethiopia","251"],
"FK": ["Falkland Islands (Malvinas)","500"],
"FO": ["Faroe Islands","298"],
"FJ": ["Fiji","679"],
"FI": ["Finland","358"],
"FR": ["France","33"],
"GF": ["French Guiana","594"],
"PF": ["French Polynesia","689"],
"TF": ["French Southern Territories","689"],
"GA": ["Gabon","241"],
"GM": ["Gambia","220"],
"GE": ["Georgia","995"],
"DE": ["Germany","49"],
"GH": ["Ghana","233"],
"GI": ["Gibraltar","350"],
"GR": ["Greece","30"],
"GL": ["Greenland","299"],
"GD": ["Grenada","1"],
"GP": ["Guadeloupe","590"],
"GU": ["Guam","1"],
"GT": ["Guatemala","502"],
"GG": ["Guernsey","44"],
"GN": ["Guinea","224"],
"GW": ["Guinea-Bissau","245"],
"GY": ["Guyana","595"],
"HT": ["Haiti","509"],
"VA": ["Holy See (Vatican City State)","379"],
"HN": ["Honduras","504"],
"HK": ["Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China","852"],
"HU": ["Hungary","36"],
"IS": ["Iceland","354"],
"IN": ["India","91"],
"ID": ["Indonesia","62"],
"IR": ["Iran, Islamic Republic of","98"],
"IQ": ["Iraq","964"],
"IE": ["Ireland","353"],
"IM": ["Isle of Man","44"],
"IL": ["Israel","972"],
"IT": ["Italy","39"],
"JM": ["Jamaica","1"],
"JP": ["Japan","81"],
"JE": ["Jersey","44"],
"JO": ["Jordan","962"],
"KZ": ["Kazakhstan","77"],
"KE": ["Kenya","254"],
"KI": ["Kiribati","686"],
"KP": ["Korea, Democratic People's Republic of","850"],
"KR": ["Korea, Republic of","82"],
"KW": ["Kuwait","965"],
"KG": ["Kyrgyzstan","996"],
"LA": ["Lao PDR","856"],
"LV": ["Latvia","371"],
"LB": ["Lebanon","961"],
"LS": ["Lesotho","266"],
"LR": ["Liberia","231"],
"LY": ["Libya","218"],
"LI": ["Liechtenstein","423"],
"LT": ["Lithuania","370"],
"LU": ["Luxembourg","352"],
"MO": ["Macao, Special Administrative Region of China","853"],
"MK": ["Macedonia, Republic of","389"],
"MG": ["Madagascar","261"],
"MW": ["Malawi","265"],
"MY": ["Malaysia","60"],
"MV": ["Maldives","960"],
"ML": ["Mali","223"],
"MT": ["Malta","356"],
"MH": ["Marshall Islands","692"],
"MQ": ["Martinique","596"],
"MR": ["Mauritania","222"],
"MU": ["Mauritius","230"],
"YT": ["Mayotte","262"],
"MX": ["Mexico","52"],
"FM": ["Micronesia, Federated States of","691"],
"MD": ["Moldova","373"],
"MC": ["Monaco","377"],
"MN": ["Mongolia","976"],
"ME": ["Montenegro","382"],
"MS": ["Montserrat","1"],
"MA": ["Morocco","212"],
"MZ": ["Mozambique","258"],
"MM": ["Myanmar","95"],
"NA": ["Namibia","264"],
"NR": ["Nauru","674"],
"NP": ["Nepal","977"],
"NL": ["Netherlands","31"],
"AN": ["Netherlands Antilles","599"],
"NC": ["New Caledonia","687"],
"NZ": ["New Zealand","64"],
"NI": ["Nicaragua","505"],
"NE": ["Niger","227"],
"NG": ["Nigeria","234"],
"NU": ["Niue","683"],
"NF": ["Norfolk Island","672"],
"MP": ["Northern Mariana Islands","1"],
"NO": ["Norway","47"],
"OM": ["Oman","968"],
"PK": ["Pakistan","92"],
"PW": ["Palau","680"],
"PS": ["Palestinian Territory, Occupied","970"],
"PA": ["Panama","507"],
"PG": ["Papua New Guinea","675"],
"PY": ["Paraguay","595"],
"PE": ["Peru","51"],
"PH": ["Philippines","63"],
"PN": ["Pitcairn","872"],
"PL": ["Poland","48"],
"PT": ["Portugal","351"],
"PR": ["Puerto Rico","1"],
"QA": ["Qatar","974"],
"RE": ["Réunion","262"],
"RO": ["Romania","40"],
"RU": ["Russian Federation","7"],
"RW": ["Rwanda","250"],
"SH": ["Saint Helena","290"],
"KN": ["Saint Kitts and Nevis","1"],
"LC": ["Saint Lucia","1"],
"PM": ["Saint Pierre and Miquelon","508"],
"VC": ["Saint Vincent and Grenadines","1"],
"BL": ["Saint-Barthélemy","590"],
"MF": ["Saint-Martin (French part)","590"],
"WS": ["Samoa","685"],
"SM": ["San Marino","378"],
"ST": ["Sao Tome and Principe","239"],
"SA": ["Saudi Arabia","966"],
"SN": ["Senegal","221"],
"RS": ["Serbia","381"],
"SC": ["Seychelles","248"],
"SL": ["Sierra Leone","232"],
"SG": ["Singapore","65"],
"SX": ["Sint Maarten","1"],
"SK": ["Slovakia","421"],
"SI": ["Slovenia","386"],
"SB": ["Solomon Islands","677"],
"SO": ["Somalia","252"],
"ZA": ["South Africa","27"],
"GS": ["South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands","500"],
"SS​": ["South Sudan","211"],
"ES": ["Spain","34"],
"LK": ["Sri Lanka","94"],
"SD": ["Sudan","249"],
"SR": ["Suriname","597"],
"SJ": ["Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands","47"],
"SZ": ["Swaziland","268"],
"SE": ["Sweden","46"],
"CH": ["Switzerland","41"],
"SY": ["Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)","963"],
"TW": ["Taiwan, Republic of China","886"],
"TJ": ["Tajikistan","992"],
"TZ": ["Tanzania, United Republic of","255"],
"TH": ["Thailand","66"],
"TL": ["Timor-Leste","670"],
"TG": ["Togo","228"],
"TK": ["Tokelau","690"],
"TO": ["Tonga","676"],
"TT": ["Trinidad and Tobago","1"],
"TN": ["Tunisia","216"],
"TR": ["Turkey","90"],
"TM": ["Turkmenistan","993"],
"TC": ["Turks and Caicos Islands","1"],
"TV": ["Tuvalu","688"],
"UG": ["Uganda","256"],
"UA": ["Ukraine","380"],
"AE": ["United Arab Emirates","971"],
"GB": ["United Kingdom","44"],
"US": ["United States of America","1"],
"UY": ["Uruguay","598"],
"UZ": ["Uzbekistan","998"],
"VU": ["Vanuatu","678"],
"VE": ["Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)","58"],
"VN": ["Viet Nam","84"],
"VI": ["Virgin Islands, US","1"],
"WF": ["Wallis and Futuna Islands","681"],
"EH": ["Western Sahara","212"],
"YE": ["Yemen","967"],
"ZM": ["Zambia","260"],
"ZW": ["Zimbabwe","263"]]
let countryDialingCode = prefix[countryRegionCode]
return countryDialingCode!
Then call above function to use the dialing code & the respective country name to display in the UI.
let currentLocale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let countryCode = currentLocale.objectForKey(NSLocaleCountryCode) as! String
print("Country code according to Locale \(countryCode)")
let countryArray = getCountryCallingCode(countryCode)
print("Country Array according to the Locale \(countryArray)")
print("Country Name \(countryArray[0])")
print("Dialing code \(countryArray[1])")
With full country names:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#[#"Aland Islands",#"358"],#"AX",
#[#"American Samoa",#"1"],#"AS",
#[#"Antigua and Barbuda",#"1"],#"AG",
#[#"Bosnia and Herzegovina",#"387"],#"BA",
#[#"Bouvet Island",#"47"],#"BV",
#[#"British Indian Ocean Territory",#"246"],#"IO",
#[#"British Virgin Islands",#"1"],#"VG",
#[#"Brunei Darussalam",#"673"],#"BN",
#[#"Burkina Faso",#"226"],#"BF",
#[#"Cape Verde",#"238"],#"CV",
#[#"Cayman Islands",#"345"],#"KY",
#[#"Central African Republic",#"236"],#"CF",
#[#"Christmas Island",#"61"],#"CX",
#[#"Cocos (Keeling) Islands",#"61"],#"CC",
#[#"Congo (Brazzaville)",#"242"],#"CG",
#[#"Congo, Democratic Republic of the",#"243"],#"CD",
#[#"Cook Islands",#"682"],#"CK",
#[#"Costa Rica",#"506"],#"CR",
#[#"Côte d'Ivoire",#"225"],#"CI",
#[#"Czech Republic",#"420"],#"CZ",
#[#"Dominican Republic",#"1"],#"DO",
#[#"El Salvador",#"503"],#"SV",
#[#"Equatorial Guinea",#"240"],#"GQ",
#[#"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",#"500"],#"FK",
#[#"Faroe Islands",#"298"],#"FO",
#[#"French Guiana",#"594"],#"GF",
#[#"French Polynesia",#"689"],#"PF",
#[#"French Southern Territories",#"689"],#"TF",
#[#"Holy See (Vatican City State)",#"379"],#"VA",
#[#"Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China",#"852"],#"HK",
#[#"Iran, Islamic Republic of",#"98"],#"IR",
#[#"Isle of Man",#"44"],#"IM",
#[#"Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",#"850"],#"KP",
#[#"Korea, Republic of",#"82"],#"KR",
#[#"Lao PDR",#"856"],#"LA",
#[#"Macao, Special Administrative Region of China",#"853"],#"MO",
#[#"Macedonia, Republic of",#"389"],#"MK",
#[#"Marshall Islands",#"692"],#"MH",
#[#"Micronesia, Federated States of",#"691"],#"FM",
#[#"Netherlands Antilles",#"599"],#"AN",
#[#"New Caledonia",#"687"],#"NC",
#[#"New Zealand",#"64"],#"NZ",
#[#"Norfolk Island",#"672"],#"NF",
#[#"Northern Mariana Islands",#"1"],#"MP",
#[#"Palestinian Territory, Occupied",#"970"],#"PS",
#[#"Papua New Guinea",#"675"],#"PG",
#[#"Puerto Rico",#"1"],#"PR",
#[#"Russian Federation",#"7"],#"RU",
#[#"Saint Helena",#"290"],#"SH",
#[#"Saint Kitts and Nevis",#"1"],#"KN",
#[#"Saint Lucia",#"1"],#"LC",
#[#"Saint Pierre and Miquelon",#"508"],#"PM",
#[#"Saint Vincent and Grenadines",#"1"],#"VC",
#[#"Saint-Martin (French part)",#"590"],#"MF",
#[#"San Marino",#"378"],#"SM",
#[#"Sao Tome and Principe",#"239"],#"ST",
#[#"Saudi Arabia",#"966"],#"SA",
#[#"Sierra Leone",#"232"],#"SL",
#[#"Sint Maarten",#"1"],#"SX",
#[#"Solomon Islands",#"677"],#"SB",
#[#"South Africa",#"27"],#"ZA",
#[#"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",#"500"],#"GS",
#[#"South Sudan",#"211"],#"SS​",
#[#"Sri Lanka",#"94"],#"LK",
#[#"Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands",#"47"],#"SJ",
#[#"Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)",#"963"],#"SY",
#[#"Taiwan, Republic of China",#"886"],#"TW",
#[#"Tanzania, United Republic of",#"255"],#"TZ",
#[#"Trinidad and Tobago",#"1"],#"TT",
#[#"Turks and Caicos Islands",#"1"],#"TC",
#[#"United Arab Emirates",#"971"],#"AE",
#[#"United Kingdom",#"44"],#"GB",
#[#"United States of America",#"1"],#"US",
#[#"Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)",#"58"],#"VE",
#[#"Viet Nam",#"84"],#"VN",
#[#"Virgin Islands, US",#"1"],#"VI",
#[#"Wallis and Futuna Islands",#"681"],#"WF",
#[#"Western Sahara",#"212"],#"EH",
#[#"Zimbabwe",#"263"],#"ZW", nil];
All in one solution : country name with code and flag. and by this code you can also create sections by name. Please support if this really help you
self.aryCountryName= [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Afghanistan",#"Albania",#"Algeria",#"Andorra",#"Angola",#"Antigua and Barbuda",#"Argentina",#"Armenia",#"Australia",#"Austria",#"Azerbaijan",#"Bahamas",#"Bahrain",#"Bangladesh",#"Barbados",#"Belarus",#"Belgium",#"Belize",#"Benin",#"Bhutan",#"Bolivia",#"Bosnia and Herzegovina",#"Botswana",#"Brazil",#"Brunei Darussalam",#"Bulgaria",#"Burkina Faso",#"Burundi",#"Cabo Verde",#"Cambodia",#"Cameroon",#"Canada",#"Central African Republic",#"Chad",#"Chile",#"China",#"Colombia",#"Comoros",#"Congo",#"Costa Rica",#"Côte d'Ivoire",#"Croatia",#"Cuba",#"Cyprus",#"Czech Republic",#"Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)",#"Democratic Republic of the Cong",#"Denmark",#"Djibouti",#"Dominica",#"Dominican Republic",#"Ecuador",#"Egypt",#"El Salvador",#"Equatorial Guinea",#"Eritrea",#"Estonia",#"Ethiopia",#"Fiji",#"Finland",#"France",#"Gabon",#"Gambia",#"Georgia",#"Germany",#"Ghana",#"Greece",#"Grenada",#"Guatemala",#"Guinea",#"Guinea-Bissau",#"Guyana",#"Haiti",#"Honduras",#"Hungary",#"Iceland",#"India",#"Indonesia",#"Iran",#"Iraq",#"Ireland",#"Israel",#"Italy",#"Jamaica",#"Japan",#"Jordan",#"Kazakhstan",#"Kenya",#"Kiribati",#"Kuwait",#"Kyrgyzstan",#"Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos)",#"Latvia",#"Lebanona",#"Lesotho",#"Liberia",#"Libya",#"Liechtenstein",#"Lithuania",#"Luxembourg",#"Macedonia",#"Madagascar",#"Malawi",#"Malaysia",#"Maldives",#"Mali",#"Malta",#"Marshall Islands",#"Mauritania",#"Mauritius",#"Mexico",#"Micronesia (Federated States of)",#"Monaco",#"Mongolia",#"Montenegro",#"Morocco",#"Mozambique",#"Myanmar",#"Namibia",#"Nauru",#"Nepal",#"Netherlands",#"New Zealand",#"Nicaragua",#"Niger",#"Nigeria",#"Norway",#"Oman",#"pakistan",#"palau",#"panama",#"papua New Guinew",#"Paraguay",#"Peru",#"philippines",#"Poland",#"Portugal",#"Qatar",#"Republic of Korea (South Korea)",#"Republic of Moldova",#"Romania",#"Russian Federation",#"Rwanda",#"Saint Kitts and Nevis",#"Saint Lucia",#"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",#"Samoa",#"San Marino",#"Sao Tome and Principe",#"Saudi Arabia",#"Senegal",#"Serbia",#"Seychelles",#"Sierra Leone",#"Singapore",#"Slovakia",#"Slovenia",#"Solomon Islands",#"Somalia",#"South Africa",#"South Sudan",#"Spain",#"Sri lanka",#"Sudan",#"Suriname",#"Swaziland",#"Sweden",#"Swazerland",#"Syrian Arab Republic",#"Tajikistan",#"Thailand",#"Timor-Leste",#"Togo",#"Tonga",#"Trinidad and Tobago",#"Tunisia",#"Turkey" ,#" Turkmenistan",#"Tuvalu",#"Uganda",#"Ukraine",#"United Arab Emirates",#"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",#"United Republic of Tanzania",#"United States of America",#"Uruguay",#"Uzbekistan",#"Vanuatu",#"Venezuela",#"Vietnam",#"Yemen",#"Zambia",#"Zimbabwe",nil] ;
// Country Code Array
self.aryCountryCode= [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"93",#"355",#"213",#"376",#"244",#"1268",#"54",#"374",#"61",#"43",#"994",#"1242",#"973",#"880",#"1246",#"375",#"32",#"501",#"229",#"975",#"591",#"387",#"267",#"55",#"673",#"359",#"226",#"257",#"238",#"855",#"237",#"1",#"236",#"235",#"56",#"86",#"57",#"269",#"242",#"506",#"225",#"385",#"53",#"357",#"420",#"850",#"243",#"45",#"253",#"1767",#"1809",#"593",#"20",#"503",#"240",#"291",#"372",#"251",#"679",#"358",#"33",#"241",#"220",#"995",#"49",#"233",#"30",#"1473",#"502",#"224",#"245",#"592",#"509",#"504",#"36",#"354",#"91",#"62",#"98",#"964",#"353",#"972",#"39",#"1876",#"81",#"962",#"76",#"254",#"686",#"965",#"996",#"856",#"371",#"961",#"266",#"231",#"218",#"423",#"370",#"352",#"389",#"261",#"265",#"60",#"960",#"223",#"356",#"692",#"222",#"230",#"52",#"691",#"377",#"976",#"382",#"212",#"258",#"95",#"264",#"674",#"977",#"31",#"64",#"505",#"227",#"234",#"47",#"968",#"92",#"680",#"507",#"675",#"595",#"51",#"63",#"48",#"351",#"974",#"82",#"373",#"40",#"7",#"250",#"1869",#"1758",#"1784",#"685",#"378",#"239",#"966",#"221",#"381",#"248",#"232",#"65",#"421",#"386",#"677",#"252",#"27",#"211",#"34",#"94",#"249",#"597",#"268",#"46",#"41",#"963",#"992",#"66",#"670",#"228",#"676",#"1868",#"216",#"90",#"993",#"688",#"256",#"380",#"971",#"44",#"255",#"1",#"598",#"998",#"678",#"58",#"84",#"967",#"260",#"263",nil];
// Country Flag Array
self.aryCountryFlag =[[ NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"af_32.png",#"al_32.png",#"dz_32.png",#"ad_32.png",#"ao_32.png",#"ag_32.png",#"ar_32.png",#"am_32.png",#"au_32.png",#"at_32.png",#"az_32.png",#"bs_32.png",#"bh_32.png",#"bd_32.png",#"bb_32.png",#"by_32.png",#"be_32.png",#"bz_32.png",#"bj_32.png",#"bt_32.png",#"bo_32.png",#"ba_32.png",#"bw_32.png",#"br_32.png",#"bn_32.png",#"bg_32.png",#"bf_32.png",#"bi_32.png",#"cv_32.png",#"kh_32.png",#"cm_32.png",#"ca_32.png",#"cf_32.png",#"td_32.png",#"cl_32.png",#"cn_32.png",#"co_32.png",#"km_32.png",#"cg_32.png",#"cr_32.png",#"ci_32.png",#"hr_32.png",#"cu_32.png",#"cy_32.png",#"cz_32.png",#"kp_32.png",#"cd_32.png",#"dk_32.png",#"dj_32.png",#"dm_32.png",#"do_32.png",#"ec_32.png",#"eg_32.png",#"sv_32.png",#"gq_32.png",#"er_32.png",#"ee_32.png",#"et_32.png",#"fj_32.png",#"fi_32.png",#"fr_32.png",#"ga_32.png",#"gm_32.png",#"ge_32.png",#"de_32.png",#"gh_32.png",#"gr_32.png",#"gd_32.png",#"gt_32.png",#"gn_32.png",#"gw_32.png",#"gy_32.png",#"ht_32.png",#"hn_32.png",#"hu_32.png",#"is_32.png",#"in_32.png",#"id_32.png",#"ir_32.png",#"iq_32.png",#"ie_32.png",#"il_32.png",#"it_32.png",#"jm_32.png",#"jp_32.png",#"jo_32.png",#"kz_32.png",#"ke_32.png",#"ki_32.png",#"kw_32.png",#"kg_32.png",#"la_32.png",#"lv_32.png",#"lb_32.png",#"ls_32.png",#"lr_32.png",#"ly_32.png",#"li_32.png",#"lt_32.png",#"lu_32.png",#"mk_32.png",#"mg_32.png",#"mw_32.png",#"my_32.png",#"mv_32.png",#"ml_32.png",#"mt_32.png",#"mh_32.png", #"mr_32.png",#"mu_32.png",#"mx_32.png",#"fm_32.png",#"mc_32.png",#"mn_32.png",#"me_32.png",#"ma_32.png",#"mz_32.png",#"mm_32.png",#"na_32.png",#"nr_32.png",#"np_32.png",#"nl_32.png",#"nz_32.png",#"ni_32.png",#"ne_32.png",#"ng_32.png",#"no_32.png",#"om_32.png",#"pk_32.png",#"pw_32.png",#"pa_32.png",#"pg_32.png",#"py_32.png",#"pe_32.png",#"ph_32.png",#"pl_32.png",#"pt_32.png",#"qa_32.png",#"kr_32.png",#"md_32.png",#"ro_32.png",#"ru_32.png",#"rw_32.png",#"kn_32.png",#"lc_32.png",#"vc_32.png",#"ws_32.png",#"sm_32.png",#"st_32.png",#"sa_32.png",#"sn_32.png",#"rs_32.png",#"sc_32.png",#"sl_32.png",#"sg_32.png",#"sk_32.png",#"si_32.png",#"sb_32.png",#"so_32.png",#"za_32.png",#"ss_32.png",#"es_32.png",#"lk_32.png",#"sd_32.png",#"sr_32.png",#"sz_32.png",#"se_32.png",#"ch_32.png",#"sy_32.png",#"tj_32.png",#"th_32.png",#"tl_32.png",#"tg_32.png",#"to_32.png",#"tt_32.png",#"tn_32.png",#"tr_32.png",#"tm_32.png",#"tv_32.png",#"ug_32.png",#"ua_32.png",#"ae_32.png",#"gb_32.png",#"tz_32.png",#"us_32.png",#"uy_32.png",#"uz_32.png",#"vu_32.png",#"ve_32.png",#"vn_32.png",#"ye_32.png",#"zm_32.png",#"zw_32.png",nil];
// Counrty Name Dic
self.dicCountryName= #{#"A" : #[#"Afghanistan",#"Albania",#"Algeria",#"Andorra",#"Angola",#"Antigua and Barbuda",#"Argentina",#"Armenia",#"Australia",#"Austria",#"Azerbaijan"],
#"B" : #[#"Bahamas",#"Bahrain",#"Bangladesh",#"Barbados",#"Belarus",#"Belgium",#"Belize",#"Benin",#"Bhutan",#"Bolivia",#"Bosnia and Herzegovina",#"Botswana",#"Brazil",#"Brunei Darussalam",#"Bulgaria",#"Burkina Faso",#"Burundi"],
#"C" : #[#"Cabo Verde",#"Cambodia",#"Cameroon",#"Canada",#"Central African Republic",#"Chad",#"Chile",#"China",#"Colombia",#"Comoros",#"Congo",#"Costa Rica",#"Côte d'Ivoire",#"Croatia",#"Cuba",#"Cyprus",#"Czech Republic"],
#"D" : #[#"Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)",#"Democratic Republic of the Cong",#"Denmark",#"Djibouti",#"Dominica",#"Dominican Republic"],
#"E" : #[#"Ecuador",#"Egypt",#"El Salvador",#"Equatorial Guinea",#"Eritrea",#"Estonia",#"Ethiopia"],
#"F" : #[#"Fiji",#"Finland",#"France"],
#"G" : #[#"Gabon",#"Gambia",#"Georgia",#"Germany",#"Ghana",#"Greece",#"Grenada",#"Guatemala",#"Guinea",#"Guinea-Bissau",#"Guyana"],
#"H" : #[#"Haiti",#"Honduras",#"Hungary"],
#"I" : #[#"Iceland",#"India",#"Indonesia",#"Iran",#"Iraq",#"Ireland",#"Israel",#"Italy"],
#"J" : #[#"Jamaica",#"Japan",#"Jordan"],
#"K" : #[#"Kazakhstan",#"Kenya",#"Kiribati",#"Kuwait",#"Kyrgyzstan"],
#"L" : #[#"Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos)",#"Latvia",#"Lebanona",#"Lesotho",#"Liberia",#"Libya",#"Liechtenstein",#"Lithuania",#"Luxembourg"],
#"M" : #[#"Macedonia",#"Madagascar",#"Malawi",#"Malaysia",#"Maldives",#"Mali",#"Malta",#"Marshall Islands",#"Mauritania",#"Mauritius",#"Mexico",#"Micronesia (Federated States of)",#"Monaco",#"Mongolia",#"Montenegro",#"Morocco",#"Mozambique",#"Myanmar"],
#"N" : #[#"Namibia",#"Nauru",#"Nepal",#"Netherlands",#"New Zealand",#"Nicaragua",#"Niger",#"Nigeria",#"Norway"],
#"O" : #[#"Oman"],
#"P" : #[#"pakistan",#"palau",#"panama",#"papua New Guinew",#"Paraguay",#"Peru",#"philippines",#"Poland",#"Portugal"],
#"Q" : #[#"Qatar"],
#"R" : #[#"Republic of Korea (South Korea)",#"Republic of Moldova",#"Romania",#"Russian Federation",#"Rwanda"],
#"S" : #[#"Saint Kitts and Nevis",#"Saint Lucia",#"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",#"Samoa",#"San Marino",#"Sao Tome and Principe",#"Saudi Arabia",#"Senegal",#"Serbia",#"Seychelles",#"Sierra Leone",#"Singapore",#"Slovakia",#"Slovenia",#"Solomon Islands",#"Somalia",#"South Africa",#"South Sudan",#"Spain",#"Sri lanka",#"Sudan",#"Suriname",#"Swaziland",#"Sweden",#"Swazerland",#"Syrian Arab Republic"],
#"T" : #[#"Tajikistan",#"Thailand",#"Timor-Leste",#"Togo",#"Tonga",#"Trinidad and Tobago",#"Tunisia",#"Turkey" ,#" Turkmenistan",#"Tuvalu"],
#"U" : #[#"Uganda",#"Ukraine",#"United Arab Emirates",#"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",#"United Republic of Tanzania",#"United States of America",#"Uruguay",#"Uzbekistan"],
#"V" : #[#"Vanuatu",#"Venezuela",#"Vietnam"],
#"Y" : #[#"Yemen"],
#"Z" : #[#"Zambia",#"Zimbabwe"]};
// Country Code Dic
self.dicCountryCode = #{#"A" : #[#"93",#"355",#"213",#"376",#"244",#"1268",#"54",#"374",#"61",#"43",#"994"],
#"B" : #[#"1242",#"973",#"880",#"1246",#"375",#"32",#"501",#"229",#"975",#"591",#"387",#"267",#"55",#"673",#"359",#"226",#"257"],
#"C" : #[#"238",#"855",#"237",#"1",#"236",#"235",#"56",#"86",#"57",#"269",#"242",#"506",#"225",#"385",#"53",#"357",#"420"],
#"D" : #[#"850",#"243",#"45",#"253",#"1767",#"1809"],
#"E" : #[#"593",#"20",#"503",#"240",#"291",#"372",#"251"],
#"F" : #[#"679",#"358",#"33"],
#"G" : #[#"241",#"220",#"995",#"49",#"233",#"30",#"1473",#"502",#"224",#"245",#"592"],
#"H" : #[#"509",#"504",#"36"],
#"I" : #[#"354",#"91",#"62",#"98",#"964",#"353",#"972",#"39"],
#"J" : #[#"1876",#"81",#"962"],
#"K" : #[#"76",#"254",#"686",#"965",#"996"],
#"L" : #[#"856",#"371",#"961",#"266",#"231",#"218",#"423",#"370",#"352"],
#"M" :#[#"389",#"261",#"265",#"60",#"960",#"223",#"356",#"692",#"222",#"230",#"52",#"691",#"377",#"976",#"382",#"212",#"258",#"95"],
#"N" : #[#"264",#"674",#"977",#"31",#"64",#"505",#"227",#"234",#"47"],
#"O" : #[#"968"],
#"P" : #[#"92",#"680",#"507",#"675",#"595",#"51",#"63",#"48",#"351"],
#"Q" : #[#"974"],
#"R" : #[#"82",#"373",#"40",#"7",#"250"],
#"S" : #[#"1869",#"1758",#"1784",#"685",#"378",#"239",#"966",#"221",#"381",#"248",#"232",#"65",#"421",#"386",#"677",#"252",#"27",#"211",#"34",#"94",#"249",#"597",#"268",#"46",#"41",#"963"],
#"T" : #[#"992",#"66",#"670",#"228",#"676",#"1868",#"216",#"90",#"993",#"688"],
#"U" : #[#"256",#"380",#"971",#"44",#"255",#"1",#"598",#"998"],
#"V" : #[#"678",#"58",#"84"],
#"Y" : #[#"967"],
#"Z" : #[#"260",#"263"]};
// Country Flag Dic is below
self.dicCountryFlag = #{#"A" : #[#"af_32.png",#"al_32.png",#"dz_32.png",#"ad_32.png",#"ao_32.png",#"ag_32.png",#"ar_32.png",#"am_32.png",#"au_32.png",#"at_32.png",#"az_32.png"],
#"B" : #[#"bs_32.png",#"bh_32.png",#"bd_32.png",#"bb_32.png",#"by_32.png",#"be_32.png",#"bz_32.png",#"bj_32.png",#"bt_32.png",#"bo_32.png",#"ba_32.png",#"bw_32.png",#"br_32.png",#"bn_32.png",#"bg_32.png",#"bf_32.png",#"bi_32.png"],
#"C" : #[#"cv_32.png",#"kh_32.png",#"cm_32.png",#"ca_32.png",#"cf_32.png",#"td_32.png",#"cl_32.png",#"cn_32.png",#"co_32.png",#"km_32.png",#"cg_32.png",#"cr_32.png",#"ci_32.png",#"hr_32.png",#"cu_32.png",#"cy_32.png",#"cz_32.png"],
#"D" : #[#"kp_32.png",#"cd_32.png",#"dk_32.png",#"dj_32.png",#"dm_32.png",#"do_32.png"],
#"E" : #[#"ec_32.png",#"eg_32.png",#"sv_32.png",#"gq_32.png",#"er_32.png",#"ee_32.png",#"et_32.png"],
#"F" : #[#"fj_32.png",#"fi_32.png",#"fr_32.png"],
#"G" : #[#"ga_32.png",#"gm_32.png",#"ge_32.png",#"de_32.png",#"gh_32.png",#"gr_32.png",#"gd_32.png",#"gt_32.png",#"gn_32.png",#"gw_32.png",#"gy_32.png"],
#"H" : #[#"ht_32.png",#"hn_32.png",#"hu_32.png"],
#"I" : #[#"is_32.png",#"in_32.png",#"id_32.png",#"ir_32.png",#"iq_32.png",#"ie_32.png",#"il_32.png",#"it_32.png"],
#"J" : #[#"jm_32.png",#"jp_32.png",#"jo_32.png"],
#"K" : #[#"kz_32.png",#"ke_32.png",#"ki_32.png",#"kw_32.png",#"kg_32.png"],
#"L" : #[#"la_32.png",#"lv_32.png",#"lb_32.png",#"ls_32.png",#"lr_32.png",#"ly_32.png",#"li_32.png",#"lt_32.png",#"lu_32.png"],
#"M" :#[#"mk_32.png",#"mg_32.png",#"mw_32.png",#"my_32.png",#"mv_32.png",#"ml_32.png",#"mt_32.png",#"mh_32.png", #"mr_32.png",#"mu_32.png",#"mx_32.png",#"fm_32.png",#"mc_32.png",#"mn_32.png",#"me_32.png",#"ma_32.png",#"mz_32.png",#"mm_32.png"],
#"N" : #[#"na_32.png",#"nr_32.png",#"np_32.png",#"nl_32.png",#"nz_32.png",#"ni_32.png",#"ne_32.png",#"ng_32.png",#"no_32.png"],
#"O" : #[#"om_32.png"],
#"P" : #[#"pk_32.png",#"pw_32.png",#"pa_32.png",#"pg_32.png",#"py_32.png",#"pe_32.png",#"ph_32.png",#"pl_32.png",#"pt_32.png"],
#"Q" : #[#"qa_32.png"],
#"R" : #[#"kr_32.png",#"md_32.png",#"ro_32.png",#"ru_32.png",#"rw_32.png"],
#"S" : #[#"kn_32.png",#"lc_32.png",#"vc_32.png",#"ws_32.png",#"sm_32.png",#"st_32.png",#"sa_32.png",#"sn_32.png",#"rs_32.png",#"sc_32.png",#"sl_32.png",#"sg_32.png",#"sk_32.png",#"si_32.png",#"sb_32.png",#"so_32.png",#"za_32.png",#"ss_32.png",#"es_32.png",#"lk_32.png",#"sd_32.png",#"sr_32.png",#"sz_32.png",#"se_32.png",#"ch_32.png",#"sy_32.png"],
#"T" : #[#"tj_32.png",#"th_32.png",#"tl_32.png",#"tg_32.png",#"to_32.png",#"tt_32.png",#"tn_32.png",#"tr_32.png",#"tm_32.png",#"tv_32.png"],
#"U" : #[#"ug_32.png",#"ua_32.png",#"ae_32.png",#"gb_32.png",#"tz_32.png",#"us_32.png",#"uy_32.png",#"uz_32.png"],
#"V" : #[#"vu_32.png",#"ve_32.png",#"vn_32.png"],
#"Y" : #[#"ye_32.png"],
#"Z" : #[#"zm_32.png",#"zw_32.png"]};
self.countryIndexTitles = #[#"A", #"B", #"C", #"D", #"E", #"F", #"G", #"H", #"I", #"J", #"K", #"L", #"M", #"N", #"O", #"P", #"Q", #"R", #"S", #"T", #"U", #"V", #"W", #"X", #"Y", #"Z"];
You can use info from here.
You can take code:name from here
and combine with code:phoneCode here
Information there is always up-to-date and you can download it in app at any time. So you can be sure that you always have latest info about phone codes
Use NSLocale:
let countries = NSLocale.ISOCountryCodes().flatMap({
(code) -> [String:String]? in
let id = NSLocale.localeIdentifierFromComponents([NSLocaleCountryCode: code])
if let name = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: NSLocale.currentLocale().localeIdentifier).displayNameForKey(NSLocaleIdentifier, value: id) {
return ["name" : name, "code" : code]
return nil

Read Specific Character from NSSTRING and save them in NSDictionary (LinkedIn Api)

I am using Linkedin Api in my Iphone App.I want to read the Connection Names and their Profession.In First Step I read the user name and Professional by using the Following Api.
It return the following String and I convert that string in to NSDictionary .Its Work Fine.
coming string is equql to {
"headline": "Computer Software Professional",
"lastName": "Ahmed",
"siteStandardProfileRequest": {"url": "*a135617*s143990*"},
"firstName": "Umair"
Nsstring to NSDictionary conversion:-
Data coming from LinkedIn site
NSString *responseBody = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
NSLog(#"coming string is equql to %#",responseBody);
NSDictionary *profile = [responseBody objectFromJSONString];
[responseBody release];
if ( profile )
name.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%# %#",
[profile objectForKey:#"firstName"], [profile objectForKey:#"lastName"]];
headline.text = [profile objectForKey:#"headline"];
The Above code Work Fine.
But when i use Connection Api.(For Linkedin Friends)
I receive the following response in String.
coming string is equql to {
"values": [
"headline": "--",
"id": "jrzlnzmKgH",
"lastName": "ahmad",
"pictureUrl": "",
"location": {
"name": "United Arab Emirates",
"country": {"code": "ae"}
"siteStandardProfileRequest": {"url": "*a135617*s143990*"},
"apiStandardProfileRequest": {
"headers": {
"values": [{
"name": "x-li-auth-token",
"value": "name:RO5n"
"_total": 1
"url": ""
"firstName": "junaid"
"headline": "Field Testing Engineer at SENSYS",
"id": "iZbYn6whQT",
"lastName": "Ali Ayub",
"location": {
"name": "Pakistan",
"country": {"code": "pk"}
"siteStandardProfileRequest": {"url": "*a135617*s143990*"},
"apiStandardProfileRequest": {
"headers": {
"values": [{
"name": "x-li-auth-token",
"value": "name:k_Wj"
"_total": 1
"url": ""
"industry": "Government Administration",
"firstName": "Prince"
"headline": "Student at comsats",
"id": "AZtfwY31D2",
"lastName": "Anwar",
"location": {
"name": "Pakistan",
"country": {"code": "pk"}
"siteStandardProfileRequest": {"url": "*a135617*s143990*"},
"apiStandardProfileRequest": {
"headers": {
"values": [{
"name": "x-li-auth-token",
"value": "name:4_ll"
"_total": 1
"url": ""
"industry": "Computer Networking",
"firstName": "Irfan"
"headline": "WiMAX RF Planning Engineer at IACGRP",
"id": "ERjOSiKbPo",
"lastName": "Arsil",
"pictureUrl": "",
"location": {
"name": "Pakistan",
"country": {"code": "pk"}
"siteStandardProfileRequest": {"url": "*a135617*s143990*"},
"apiStandardProfileRequest": {
"headers": {
"values": [{
"name": "x-li-auth-token",
"value": "name:ouYS"
"_total": 1
"url": ""
Now I want to convert it in to NsDictionary With key Value Like Firstname,Lastname etc.How can I do This.
Thanks in Advance
You need to use a JSON library for iPhone. One of them is the TouchJSON library, you can see this question to learn more.
Use Json Libraray for Retreive your Values.Its so Simple.Thanks