OpenSSL in GitLab, what verification for self-signed certificate? - ssl

On Debian, using GitLab, I ran into issues with my self-signed certificate.
Reading through the code after a lot of searching on the Internet (I guess, it's the last resort, FOSS is helpful), I found the following lines in gitlab-shell/lib/gitlab_net.rb which left me... perplexed.
if config.http_settings['self_signed_cert']
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
Most Stack Overflow responses about the diverse issues I've had until now have led me to believe that VERIFY_NONE, as you'd expect, doesn't verify anything. VERIFY_PEER seems, based on my reading, to be the correct setting for self-signed.
As I read it, it feels like taking steps to secure my connection using a certificate, and then just deciding to not use it? Is it a bug, or am I misreading the source?

gitlab-shell (on the GitLab server) has to communicate to the GitLab instance through an HTTPS or SSH URL API.
If it is a self-signed certificate, it doesn't want any error/warning when trying to access those GitLab URLs, hence the SSL::VERIFY_NONE.
But, that same certificate is also used by clients (outside of the GitLab server), using those same GitLab HTTPS URLs from their browser.
For them, the self-signed certificate is useful, provided they install it in their browser keystore.
For those transactions (clients to GitLab), the certificate will be "verified".
The OP Kheldar point's out in Mislav's post:
OpenSSL expects to find each certificate in a file named by the certificate subject’s hashed name, plus a number extension that starts with 0.
That means you can’t just drop My_Awesome_CA_Cert.pem in the directory and expect it to be picked up automatically.
However, OpenSSL ships with a utility called c_rehash which you can invoke on a directory to have all certificates indexed with appropriately named symlinks.
(See for instance OpenSSL Verify location)
cd /some/where/certs
c_rehash .


Solve boost.asio certificate failed error -without- access to source code, to find out what information Philips Hue Bridge shares

This is a bit of a super duper specific question, but who knows there's someone out there that can help me.
I happen to have Philips Hue Bridge and I would love to know what personal information it is sharing with the outside world. Using tcpdump on my router I figured the Hue Bridge has a rather talkative personality. But because it talks over SSL tunnels, I have no idea what it says. So what I did is I setup a SonicWall with SSL-DPI with a CA, got root access to the Hue Bridge and found the application that does the talking to wws:// (its called websocketcd). I then replaced the root certificate on the Hue Bridge, adjusted the cipher to match the Sonicwall and now I am stuck due to boost.asio trowing an validation error of my certificate:
For those not too familiar with the error codes, this is what they mean:
lib(20) is ERR_LIB_SSL
To verify it's not my SonicWall or certificate that is causing the problem, I executed openssl s_client -connect -CAfile ca.pem from the Hue Bridge and that validates the chain perfectly fine, the same way as the original certificate. I also verified that the application is loading my root certificate and cipher correctly (because if change the cipher, I get a cipher error error). Also in my browser, I can visit without certificate errors. Here's my self made certificate chain, in case someone wants to check it: (password for download/key 1020304050, it's a temporary key that only exists in my local test env. so it's safe to share ;-)
If websocketcd wasn't a binary file, the problem was super easy to solve using set_verify_mode, but unfortunately it is a binary and that makes life significantly more complicated.
Is there anyone who can give me advice how to make this blob called websocketcd with boost.asio in it accept my root certificate? What I tried too: letting it communicate without ssl and with ssl without encryption (eNULL:aNULL ciphers). I am a bit hesitant to share the blob but for those who have a Hue Bridge too, it's located at /usr/bin/websocketcd.
Perhaps you can use strace (or maybe even ltrace) to spot which certificate paths it is using for root authorities.
If it uses a single file, you might be abel to hack it by replacing it with a CA that verifies your MITM certificate.
Sometimes the file can contain multiple certificates, so worth appending/prepending yours.
If you're in luck, there will be a readdir on a directory containing certificates. If so, you should be able to add your root certificate (in PEM form) there and **remember to run c_rehash on that directory.
For those interested: after some 20hrs, I figured that websocketcd requires a certificate revocation list for each CA in the chain (which do not have to have any revoked serials). These CLRs need to be included in the root CA file that is loaded using the ca-filename argument. I was not aware that Boost Asio could demand that a CLR is present for each CA, but apparently, they (Signify) managed to do so.

LDAPS Microsoft Active Directory Multiple Certificates RFC6125

We have an Microsoft Active Directory Domain with a large pool of domain controllers (DC) that are are setup with LDAP. These are all setup with LDAPS and uses Certificate Services via a template to setup a certificate with the domain name (i.e. test.corp) in the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) for the LDAPS server to serve.
Since these are DC's, DNS is setup in a pool for each these systems to respond to requests to test.corp in a round robin fashion.
Each of these DC's have multiple templates and multiple certificates in the Local Computer\Personal Certificate Store.
Upon testing, using a nodejs module, ldapjs when making a LDAPS request using the domain name, test.corp we notice that a handful of servers fail with the following message:
Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match
certificate's altnames: Host: test.corp. is not in the cert's
altnames: othername:, DNS:.test.corp
As we investigated we found that these handful of LDAPS servers are serving the incorrect certificate. We determined this by using the following command
openssl s_client -connect .test.corp:636
If you take the certificate section of the output and put it in a file and use a tool such as the Certificate manager or certutil to read the file, you can see the certificate is not the correct one. (It does not have the domain "test.corp" SAN). We also verified this by comparing the Serial Numbers
As we investigated, since we have DC's that have multiple certificates in the Local Computer\Personal Certificate store, we came across the following article:
It suggests putting the certificate from the local computer\Personal certificate store to the Active Directory Domain Service\Personal store. We followed the steps outlined but we found the same results.
Upon further investigation, it was suggested to use a tool called ldp or adsiedit. We then proceeded to use these tools and spoofed the local machine's host file we were doing the test from, to point the domain (test.corp) to the ip's of one of the DC's that are giving us trouble. After a restart to clear any cache we tested the "ldp" and "adsiedit" tools to connect to test.corp. These systems did not report any errors.
We found this odd, we then ran the openssl command to see what certificate it was serving from this same system and we found it was still serving the incorrect certificate.
Upon further research, it appears that the "ldp" upon selecting the SSL checkbox and "adsiedit" tools were not compliant with RFC6125, specifically B.3
, which basically states the identity of the certificate must match the identity of the request otherwise the handshake would fail. This identity verification is done by using the certificate common name (CN) or the SAN.
Based on this appears the tools "ldp" and "adsiedit" are not conforming to the RFC6125 standard.
All this to say, we need to first fix the handful of domain controllers that are serving the correct certificate. We are open to suggestions since we have been working on this problem for the past few months. Second, is there a way to get the MS tools in question to work to the RFC6125 standard?
This has been moved to:
RFC6125 specifically states that it does not supersede existing RFCs. LDAP cert handling is defined in RFC4513. Outside of that, RFC6125 has significant flaws. See also
LDP will supposedly validate the SSL against the client store if you toggle the ssl checkbox on the connection screen.
That said, I'm not surprised that neither it nor ADSI edit enforce that part of the standard given they are often used to configure or repair broken configurations. Out of the box and without Certificate Services they use self signed certs on LDAPS. I would wager 80% of DCs never get a proper certificate for LDAP. If they enforced it most wouldn't be able to connect. A better design decision would have been to toggle off the validation.
I use a similar openssl command to verify my own systems. I think it's superior to LDP even if LDP were to validate the certificate. To save you some effort, I would suggest using this variant of the openssl command:
echo | openssl s_client -connect .test.corp:636 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates -issuer -subject -text
That should save you having to output to a file and having to read it with other tools.
I've found LDAPS on AD to be a huge pain for the exact reasons you describe. It just seems to pick up the first valid cert it can find. If you've already added it to the AD DS personal store, I'm not sure where else to suggest you go other than removing some of tother certs from the DCs computer store.

GoDaddy SSL On Heroku doesn't work

I purchased my SSL certificate from GoDaddy.
I made the common name
In my DNS settings I have the website forwarding from the naked domain to the
I removed any settings inside Heroku regarding the SSL certificate from the GUI.
Then I went through the instructions here.
To recap, I generated my server.key by first creating the crs files and sending those to GoDaddy.
I purchased the $20/mo endpoint.
GoDaddy gives me a downloadable ZIP for my certificates, one with one certificate, and one with 3 certificates inside of it.
I run the following command to install the bundled version first with the following failing message that follows:
heroku certs:add server.crt server.key --type endpoint
No certificate given is a domain name certificate.
The reason I even tried to use the bundle is that my SSL doesn't work in firefox, and intermediary cert is not being included. After looking around for an answer on this, I couldn't find one.
So to get my website back up and running in the short term, I decided to just do what I did before, and upload the single cert. That works, but not really.
Now I get this message when I run the cUrl test:
* error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
Also, my website is down. :(
How do I fix this?
The answer in my case seems to be that purchasing an SSL cert is not necessary on Heroku. When you purchase a paid hosting package they provide SSL certificates by default without having to buy their SSL add-on endpoint.
There are likely other use-cases for using a paid SSL cert, but in my case I didn't have to do that.
If this answer helped you please upvote this question as some people seem to think it's a question worth down voting.

How to tell LDAP SSL server with multiple certificates to return the one that I need?

My simple LDAP java program, using
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, <UserDN>);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, <Password>);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldaps://<host>:636");
to make LDAP SSL authentication stopped working ever since a 2nd server certificate with the same CN but other details in the subject are different was installed on the server which I don't have access at all.
The program fails when I make the initial context
new InitialDirContext(env);
The error is "Failed to initialize directory context: <host>:636"
It returns the 2nd server certificate when I run
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <host>:636 </dev/null
that makes me believe that the solution will be to find a way to tell the server which certificate to use.
I search and read a lot of articles on this topic and I have to admit that I am very confused, it is not clear to me if these articles are talking about client certificate or server certificate, or the actions to be taken are for the client side, or server side.
In one article, it says that I can use a custom SSLSocketFactory with the keystore path and
env.put("java.naming.ldap.factory.socket", "");
But I don't know the path to the server certificate keystore on the server.
In one Microsoft article, it says the best resolution is to have just one server certificate on the server or to put the server certificate to Active Directory Domain Services (NTDS\Personal) certificate store for LDAPS communications. But I don't have access to the server and the 'fix' to this problem has to be done in my LDAP java program.
In another article, it says to use Server Name Indication (SNI) extension.
So is there a way that I can specify which certificate I want to the server? Or my problem is somewhere else?
Thanks a lot.
Here is the stack trace:
javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: <host>:636; socket closed
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.readReply(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.ldapBind(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.authenticate(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.connect(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.<init>(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getUsingURL(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getUsingURLs(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getLdapCtxInstance(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(
When I used Jxplorer to run the same test, it gave me the same error.
EJP was right to point out that the issue was that the certificate was not trusted. Many thanks EJP.
When I installed the CA Certificate in %JAVA_HOME%/lib/security/cacerts, Jxplorer worked. My program still failed. I had to add these lines in it to make it work (not sure if I need all of them though ...):
But since the certificate is not trusted in the first place, I simply 'force' our server to trust it, hence this solution is not acceptable. And neither our server nor the LDAP server runs with Java 7. So SNI is out too!
EJP mentioned that I could control the server certificate by restricting the cipher suites or accepted issuers in the client (my webapp), if the server certificates have different algorithms or issuers. The 2 certificates do have different issuers, however, I don't know how to do that and I could not find anything on that neither.
EJP can you please elaborate, or point me to some sites ... ?
If the certificates have different issuers, you can control which certificate you get at the client by controlling which of those issuers is in your truststore. If only one of them is, that's the one you'll get. If they're both there, you get pot luck. Note that if your truststore also contains a common super-issuer, again it's probably pot luck.
The result isn't pot luck if you specify one and only one certificate in the Certificates - Service (Active Directory Domain Service) - NTDS\Personal location in Microsoft Management Console. Contrary to Microsoft docs I've read, though, a domain controller restart seemed to be necessary for the newly specified certificate to 'take hold'.

Using pip with 'insecure' mercurial

Is it possible to use pip with a requirements file to install from a Mercurial repository which needs to be accessed using --insecure in order to work.
The repository is accessed via SSL, and due to pip ignoring Server Name Indication (SNI), a valid SSL certificate is not being honoured (it uses the main certificate for the IP address). --insecure gets round this issue
hg clone --insecure
So where you can usually do something like this:
pip install -e hg+
or have the following in a pip requirements file:
Neither of these work due to the SSL SNI issue.
Does anyone have any good suggestions?
Why don't you try to use [hostfingerprints] in your ~/.hgrc?
For example:
[hostfingerprints] = 38:76:52:7c:87:26:9a:8f:4a:f8:d3:de:08:45:3b:ea:d6:4b:ee:cc
To obtain the self-signed certificate, follow the steps suggested in
The root CA certificate for a server can for example be retrieved with
Firefox. Browse to and verify that this is the
repository you trust, click the lock symbol in the lower right corner,
View Certificate, Details, select the certificate at the top of the
Certificate Hierarchy, Export, "X.509 Certificate (PEM)" and save
somewhere for example as server.pem. With other browsers on Windows
you have to view the certificate at the top of the Certification Path
and "Copy to File" as "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)". Several such
files can be concatenated into one cacerts file.