Error on Load Event when using My.Settings -

I am currently having an issue with the usage of embedded settings in my application. I intend to use them with the form load/closing event, but I am recieving an error like this user:
Error when loading mySettings [Visual basics 2010]
I looked at my settings.vb file and everything appears to be in order, but I am not really sure what could have become incorrect/corrupt because it is all generated when I make changes to the project properties. In order to check if my usage of the settings was correct I created a new project with:
Private Sub Load()
Textbox1.Text = My.Settings.Test
End Sub
Private Sub Close()
My.Settings.Test = TextBox1.Text
End Sub
Everything is working perfectly in the new project, so the error is isolated to my particular project. Has anyone encountered this or have any ideas on how to remedy it?
Thanks for any help!
Exact Same Error from another user:

For those people googling this in the future here is the solution in my case:
Click View Detail and continue navigation through the error detail until you find the path to the app.config file. Once you find it move it to a backup location and run your app again. The file will be regenerated correctly.


AXAcroPDF will not load

I have a PDF COM control on a Windows Forms Application. The process is simple, a file path is sent to a Sub, it checks if the file exists and if so, loads the file on my PDF control and shows the form. The code is simple:
Public Sub LoadPDF(ByVal pathPDF As String)
If System.IO.File.Exists(pathPDF) Then
MessageBox.Show("No image available. Please check FEMA and CAMSIS.")
End If
End Sub
This code worked 2 hours ago. The same code still works in other applications (that pull the exact same file path). I have compared designer codes/control properties/etc between the current application and the others. I can't find a difference at all. I have tried completely recreating the form and COM control.
Does anyone know why this may be happening?
My solution:
The reference .dll files were corrupt. I used the solution here C# System.AccessViolationException and System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
to fix it. Everything seems to be running fine for now.
Use this instead
axAcroPDF1.src = PDFPath;
To load your PDF into the control instead of LoadFile.

Can't run Startup form

As usual, I change the startup form under Application tab. At this time, it doesn't run my selected Startup form. Whatever I set to any forms or even excluding that form, it still runs the same form. Why does it happen?
Try deleting .pdb file in debug directory and start with Build > Clean [Your SolutionName]
Check the <MainForm> element in <project>\My Project\Application.myapp.
If it's still not working right then check the code in <project>\My Project\Application.Designer.vb and look at the sub OnCreateMainForm. This is where the form is assigned to the main form property of the application.
Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateMainForm()
Me.MainForm = Global.<ApplicationName>.<FormName>
End Sub
Just rebuilding the project will do the trick
try to delete the \bin and \obj directories. Then clean & rebuild.

A strange behaviour shared variable issue in

When I was using , I came across a very strange behaviour, I created a simple test WPF project to reproduce it. here is the details. I have a very simple class, which when an instance is created, the class will create a test.txt file
Public Class Test
Public Sub New()
Using writer As New System.IO.StreamWriter("test.txt")
End Using
End Sub
End Class
Then in the Application.xaml.vb
Class Application
' Application-level events, such as Startup, Exit, and DispatcherUnhandledException
' can be handled in this file.
Shared tt As New Test()
End Class
I simply define a shared variable. my expectation of this are, when I start the application, the variable will be initiated, and a "test.txt" file will be created.
If the Configuration is "Debug" , everything is fine.
If the Configuration is "release", When I start press F5 in Visual Studio 2010, everything is fine as well, it worked as expected, file had been create
But When I start it without debug, press (Ctrl+F5), the variable had not been initiated, file had not been created as I expected.
I am not fully understand why this happen, Can anyone help me out?
Thanks and regards
Is this shared variable accessed somewhere? It could been removed due to compiler optimization. Try to add some code that uses the variable.

Form.Load event not firing, form showing

I fear that there is something obviously wrong with my code, but I have come across a situation where the Form.Load event is not firing when I create and show my form.
The form is not subclassed (as I've seen some problems with that in some searches), and I am not getting any errors thrown when I step through the code in the debugger.
I have a break point set on the IDE-created form load function (which does have the Handles MyBase.Load signature suffix) but the breakpoint is never reached and the form does display and work.
The form is passed three arguments in the constructor but the IntializeComponent() function is called before anything else is done.
Public Sub New(ByVal argA As Object, ByVal argB As Object, ByVal mode As FormMode)
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Other code here,
' No errors generated
End Sub
The form load function is as follows, (but this is never actually executed as the event is not fired).
Private Sub frmInstrumentEditor_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Not argA Is Nothing Then ' argA set in constructor
' Operations using argA
End If
End Sub
I might add I am using some databinding with some controls and the argA object, but if this was producing an error I thought I would have seen this (I have CLR Execpetions settings set to Thown in the debugger > exceptions window)
Any ideas why this might be occurring?
I just had a similar issue (it was in Shown event, not Load, but the root cause is the same). The reason was hidden deep in one of the ancestors - there was an unhandled NullReferenceException thrown and this exception was somehow "muted".
I found it after extensive debugging with F11.
But... when writing this answer I found this post on SO
Just add Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException) in your Main() method.
If you're using a 64-bit machine, it provides you with the solution (it worked in my case, too).
I had a similar problem. On opening the form for the first time, the load event would not be tiggered but on opening it the second time, all would be well. The problem tuned out to be one of my text boxes which was bound to a field that I had deleted from the database (sql server - I was using datasets, tableadaptors and bindingsources in a fairly standard way).
Make sure that all the controls on your form that are databound have fields that exist in the dataset and that the dataset is an accurate reflection of the underlying database table (the easiest was to do this last bit is to use the "Configure data source with wizzard" button on the data sources window (menu -data - show data sources) and remove the table. Then use it again to add the table back- this should make sure all the data matches.
Hope this helps.
OK I had the SAME problem (I think) and the clues here helped. It was databinding (sort of)
I had properties of some controls bound to settings and when I delete these settings the form load event stopped running. Removed the bindings and now it is running again.
Here is another idea.
What happens if you set all exception types (not just for the CLR) to be thrown instead of user-unhandled. Does the application break anywhere at all?
Also, just to double check, you are in debug mode right?
The problem you are experiencing may be caused by the application needing to fully load the form before you can do the "other code." This could be due to the other code dealing with objects on the form that haven't finished loading. You could use a timer that gets enabled in the load function to execute the other code. This way you don't have any timing issues and you can first load the form, and then a split second later, run the code you want from the timer.
Is your windows form inheriting from a base page? If so, the base page probably also has a Form Load event handler. In that base page Form Load event handler you will probably find an exception that is being thrown. So it is exiting the base page form load event handler and not firing the form load event handler in your inherited windows form.
I had a similar issue, the problem was a mistake in the databinding. Omit the code for databinding and give it a try. I think the load event handler will be hit. Then see what's wrong with the databinding part.
Had the same problem. Checked my data bindings, everything looked ok. Got to thinking, even though form was closed, maybe .NET wasn't sure (old days, sometimes forms were only hidden and not really closed).
I added the event handler FormClosed and put a single line in it:
Private Sub frmScheduleInquiry_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
End Sub
Problem solved!
Have spent 4 hours and finally got clues from this answers.
in my case i was having couple of TextBox control on the form bound to a BindingSource with respective column, i still have that bindingsource on the form but what was happened that i deleted one column from underlying database table so on the form there is still one TextBox exist pointing to that column with bindingsource, in fact there is no column like that because i deleted !..... this lead Form.load event was not firing ........finally fixed..
thanks to all of you ..
I had the exact same problem just happen to me. Turns out I had added some ApplicationsSettings properties to a form TextBox control, but later wanted to delete them. I thought I had cleared everything out, but obviously I didn't - and this was what caused the Form_Load() (and maybe other events as well) to not fire. Deleting and then re-adding the offending TextBox did the trick.
Hope this helps
Matt is probably right about this one. Have you tried adjusting your code like this:
Private Sub frmInstrumentEditor_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Not argA Is Nothing Then ' argA set in constructor
' Operations using argA
MessageBox.Show("argA has not been set")
End If
End Sub
If the messagebox appears it means that the event is fired before your argument is initialized. It would also account for the 'strange' behaviour concerning closing/opening the form.
Have you tried running the argA operations in the 'Shown' event?
Not sure if this will help, but I just ran into this issue because somebody mistakenly deleted the Handles Me.Load. I see you show MyBase.Load try changing it to Me.Load.
I had a similar issue. It turned out that I was not using the Show method on the form - instead using a user32.dll ShowWindow call. This means the form still appeared, but the Load event was never fired because the dotNet Show method was never called.
I know that this is an old post, but I thought that if someone was searching this issue, that my fix to this problem might help.
I was having this same problem as stated in the originally posted question, but I didn't have any data bound fields on the form. I found that the problem was in the fact that I was using the CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion method and it was causing the silent problem. I set the application from debug mode to release and the problem still existed. Through trial and error I remarked out the defining method Dim xVersion As Version = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion
and presto... its now working as usual.
I ended up changing the orginal code the code below.
Dim xVersion As Version = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion
sysVersion = String.Format("{0}.{1}{2}.{3}", xVersion.Major, xVersion.Minor, xVersion.Build, xVersion.Revision)
New code
#If (DEBUG) Then
sysVersion = "[Debug mode]"
Dim xVersion As Version = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion
sysVersion = String.Format("{0}.{1}{2}.{3}", xVersion.Major, xVersion.Minor, xVersion.Build, xVersion.Revision)
#End If
I hope this helps someone.
Happy Coding...
Same problem, I rewrote the designer and that fixed it. The designer was loading then crashing (silently of course), and form_load was not firing due to that.
Had same issue, but cause was totally different.
Form was being shown using form.Show() instead of form.ShowDialog()
I experienced this symptom when building and running a .NET 4.0 WinForms application which loaded a series of older assemblies (.NET 2.0; .NET 1.1).
In the past I had seen this cause a mixed-mode assembly exception. In this particular case, the main Form loaded without exception and without executing any of its Form Load code.
The solution, in my case, was to set useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true" in the App.config document.
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>
Make sure your "Solution Configuration" box at the top of your IDE is showing "Debug".
I found that if it showed "Release" the "Load" method was not captured by the debugger.
In my case, the main form had WindowState: Maximized set in the designer. This was causing the window to be drawn on screen prior to the Load event firing.

VB.NET 2005 problems with Designer not being able to process a code line

I have a problem in my project with the .designer which as everyone know is autogenerated and I ahvent changed at all. One day I was working fine, I did a back up and next day boom! the project suddenly stops working and sends a message that the designer cant procees a code line... and due to this I get more errores (2 in my case), I even had a back up from the day it was working and is useless too, I get the same error, I tryed in my laptop and the same problem comes. How can I delete the "FitTrack"? The incredible part is that while I was trying on the laptop the errors on the desktop were gone in front of my eyes, one and one second later the other one (but still have the warning from the designer and cant see the form), I closed and open it again and again I have the errors...
The error is:
Warning 1 The designer cannot process the code at line 27:
Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Me.CrystalReport11
The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again. C:\Documents and Settings\Alan Cardero\Desktop\Reportes Liquidacion\Reportes Liquidacion\Reportes Liquidacion\Form1.Designer.vb 28 0
I would back up the designer.cs file associated with it (like copy it to the desktop), then edit the designer.cs file and remove the offending lines (keeping track of what they do) and then I'd try to redo those lines via the design mode of that form.
I would take out the static assignment in the designer to the resource CrystalReport11 and then add a load handler to your form and before setting the ReportSource back to CrystalReport11 do a check
If(Not DesignMode) Then Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Me.CrystalReport11
Here is a mockup..
Public Sub New()
AddHandler Me.Load, New EventHandler(AddressOf Form1_Load)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If (Not DesignMode) Then Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Me.CrystalReport11
End Sub
You should be able to take a backup, clear the lines that are having problems then when you re-open it the designer will fix the code.
The key is that you want to let the designer re-generate, then just validate that all needed lines are there.
That usually works for me, but you just have to be sure to remove all lines that it doesn't like.
I do an easy way; Right Click on the report then choose Run Custom Tool.
Automatically it fixes all problems and working for me, i solve 52 crystal ReportViewer errors.