How to add a scripting engine to Gecko or Webkit? - webkit

I would like to understand what is involved in adding support for a non-Javascript scripting engine to Gecko or Webkit. I've looked through the documentation, but don't see what interface an engine must implement nor any mechanism for registering an engine.
My goal is to support a tag like this: <script type="text/scheme" src="web-ui.scheme">
To be very clear, I am not interested in compiling to Javascript. I would like to know how to implement and deploy a scripting engine that has no dependencies on Javascript whatsoever.

I think Dartium is a good reference for your request of add script engine (Dartium adds Dart engine to Chromium/Blink: <script type="application/dart">).
See Dartium:


Download HERE JS API for IDE code completion?

is there a way to download the here maps JS api 3.x to provide code completion in my IDE (like PHPStorm)?
I didn't find anything in the documentation.
Regards, Kristian
My knowledge of PHPStorm is limited, but are you able to use the javascript files by downloading them using the direct urls ?
Although you will run into issues when there are updates in the javascript file.

Can we use any javascript framework to build maximo anywhere app

Mobile First supports any javascript Framework like DOJO/Sencha/jQuery/AngularJS. So is it possible to build new maximo anywhere app also through any above mentioned JS Framework?
The answer is Yes. The mentioned frameworks are frontend/client-side frameworks and as such have no relation to the functionality that MobileFirst and/or Maximo provide you with. They relate to how the app looks, not what the app does.
Yes but, please understand you could have to rewrite some of the ANT scripts used to build the apps. I haven't attempted this yet, and would love to hear your feedback as to what you find. I'm not a fan of dojo and would like an alternative like ionic too!

how extend webkit in C/C++

I would like to learn how to extend JavaScript functionality by adding some plug-ins to webkit based browsers.
Any link or tutorial from where I can start.
I looked into
but it used GTK+, I am looking webkit enhancement in C/C++
Seems you have some confusion...
Why did you tag this "firefox-addon" and "firefox-addon-sdk" when Firefox is not Webkit based? (It uses Gecko).
Also, GTK+ is a C++ wrapper over the C interface to a GUI toolkit. (?)
If you want some good opportunities to mess with WebKit, you can install Qt Creator and try out their WebKit examples, which include plugins as well as some more basic integration:
You should read up on NPAPI/PPAPI if your goal is to write plugins for existing web browsers:

where can I get a XD version dojo source

WHere can I get a XD version of dojo source like the one hosted on google? What I want to do is to host dojo source from my local CDN, and my custom dojo module in my web application. Is this a good practice? or I might as well just include the dojo source in my web app, and run the custom build?
You can build an xd version of dojo from the source code
Here are instructions on how to do it:
See the section on "doing xdomain builds"
In our organization (a large one), we do have a CDN version of dojo deployed on internal CDN mainly since some of our webapps are not allowed to access extranet (firewall issues).
For performance, though, a custom build gives biggest boost since it is customized to the modules you need/use - once the custom build is done, you only need to ship a single compressed js output file and a small number of supporting files
When doing your custom build, you can use the xdDojoPath and loader=xdomain if you wish to use cross domain dojo to load your optimized js - see for some notes on this
Also see related SO question: Dojo on a CDN vs own install
The good news is that with Dojo 1.7+ and the new loader, you don't have to do anything special for a cross domain build (good answer above from #Vijay Agrawal, but I think that reference guide link may need some updating for 1.7) Just write your code to the new AMD format, use asynch:true, run the build tools to create layers, and deploy them on any server. AMD makes use of callbacks and many of the tricks the old Dojo xd builder used to employ, but in a much simpler way.
To support older code, there is a legacy cross domain mode mentioned in the loader docs.

How I can integrate browser engine to my MASM app?

I'm developing an app on MASM using the RadASM IDE. This IDE comes with an IE control (WebBrowser) but the content that I want to display is broken on that browser (XHTML+CSS), also I want to remove the dependency of an external IE dll so the only solution that comes to my mind is use an engine of other browser like Firefox or Chrome.
I've searched over the net and I found some DevKits that meets my requeriments, but they are designed to work with VS2005+ or they just are coded on C++.
If someone know a way to integrate a browser engine (Not IE) to a MASM app, will be highly appretiated.
I doubt you will find any browser SDK that specifically helps you call it from assembly language. Almost nobody actually writes applications in assembly language today. However, C is pretty close to assembly, so all you have to do is use the instructions for C and translate to assembly language. Since you're already writing an application in assembly language, that should be no trouble for you.
You can use any SDK that comes with pre-compiled binaries using the WinAPI functions LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress. Or you can build your own import libraries for MASM by following what either Iczelion did write on that topic (definately worth a read) or by reading the 3 part guide on my website, which is based on Iczelions guide but works on a live example, namely creating your own MASM import library for the FMOD API.
Weather it is worth all the hassle is another question.