Download HERE JS API for IDE code completion? - ide

is there a way to download the here maps JS api 3.x to provide code completion in my IDE (like PHPStorm)?
I didn't find anything in the documentation.
Regards, Kristian

My knowledge of PHPStorm is limited, but are you able to use the javascript files by downloading them using the direct urls ?
Although you will run into issues when there are updates in the javascript file.


requirejs support for remotely loaded dojo with ArcGIS/ESRI

I'm working on a project with ArcGIS/ESRI in WebStorm. According to the documentation, "Dojo is included with the ArcGIS JavaScript API so there is no need to host/reference/install it." This means WebStorm has no idea what require is:
How do I add support without installing Dojo/require?
Was just going to comment, but can't yet?! Anyway, I had to reengineer my web-site dev-ops to account for the ESRI javascript API. I am using 4.6 though...
The API, which includes dojo, may be installed, but it has to be configured into your site. Once you reference dojo/dojo.js, all will be good. But you need the config set-up first.
Start here:
There is a link to the API javascript resources. This will really help understand the process!
Also don't miss:
I am just getting this stuff "almost" working. And actually had a build question to post and saw this. Hope it helps. I was using AMD and thought I had to go the requirejs route, but the dojo stuff worked out better for me. Check them both out and see what works for you! Good Luck!

What could be the best approach to download the files from the web page using Selenium WebDriver with C#?

I am working on an application which has one module. The functionality of a module is to "opens the web page >> browse folders >> find links (.PDF/.XLSX/.DOC) and download the files on my local system".
I get stuck in this module. Can anybody tell me the best approach to accomplish the above task?
I am using selenium web driver with C# to develop the above application.
Downloading with Selenium tends to be a quagmire, especially when dealing with cross-browser compatibility; going with JavaRobot, Sikuli, or FireFox only solutions all have their own issues
I'd suggest looking at using Selenium to get to the page with the files to download and figuring the links that way, then using WGet or similar to actually download the files.
SQA.StackExchange has couple good items here. The two best options are the WGet method mentioned above, or write a download library in native code. - adding javascript source map links

We are currently using in our build steps to minify scripts contained in our corporate CDN. Is it possible to hook into the minification process to add links to javascript source maps, so we can debug minified scripts in the browsers?
No. Not at this time. However, I did enter a feature request:
Maybe you (or someone else) can propose a solution via pull request?

how to install and getting start with webrtc on windows server

Hi could anyone to tell me how to install depot tools.I went through documentation and trying to install the webrtc in windows,I installed visual studio 2010 and some related stuff given in documentation still i am in confusion and many questions like why visual studio is required? are we have write code in visual studio?It acts like IDE for webrtc?
If not please tell me where we have to place our project in local file system and how to implement my first demo application..I found a video published by google demonstrating about webrtc in that they wrote code in a html file so is html file itself enough to develop.?
Though i have done a sample application in a html file still i am getting blank page and in console i am getting as UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION near navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() please help me out to know more about webrtc.
I suggest you start by watching the excellent videos about WebRTC from Justin Uberti and Cullen Jennings, and then (shameless self promotion) get to grips with the code and examples in Getting Started With WebRTC on HTML5 Rocks. is the home of the WebRTC project -- lots of resources and demos there.
Just last month we released an open source project aimed to get developers into WebRTC fast and easy.
It includes a cross-platform server kit which will run in Windows. Working demos are included.
I just built the webrtc solution using VS2010 by following this web pages instructions and NOT using cygwin. I had but one issue which to resolve required the manual copying of two files into the correct folder, you will know which two files should you see the names of these files and read the error, you will then know the expected location when the build fails.
Ultimately you will get a peerconnection_server.exe and a peerconnection_client.exe by way of sample. I was able to modify them easily.
Hope this helps. Be sure to install the prerequisites and follow the instructions to the letter.
As a clarification, the webrtc C++ library is one implementation you can use for the protocol. Another is using the webrtc implementation in a (very) modern web browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. Then, you'll just need HTML + JS, as per the articles in HTML5 Rocks.

Testing a file streaming with selenium?

Is it possible to test a webpage which supports an export mechanism? This export mechanism streams the data displayed in a table via xml to the user. For now it's sufficient to test if the streaming works and the user receives a file, regardless of the file content. Any ideas how I can achieve this with selenium?
I googled around for a while, and according to selenium core FAQ, u may need to use firefox template to do that.
u may take a look of this:
I have not yet personally tested that though.
If you're using Selenium script by itself, this would be hard, if not impossible. Luckily, you can run selenium from Java, C# and more and have it integrate with JUnit, NUnit or your favorite unit testing framework. If you use one of these languages, you could use it to cause selenium to export the file to a specific location, then use C#/Java to actually go out on the file system and verify that the file was correctly exported to the location, and do any other validation on it.
For doing this development, you can typically find all the client libraries under the bin directory of Selenium server. If you're using Selenium IDE, you can even export your test cases to C#, Java, Ruby, or whatever else, or just use it as an example to manually write your own in code.
Hope that helps!