Running load tests from home network - testing

I need to perform a load test using loadrunner to simulate load generated from external network (My home network) on servers placed in some organization in the same region.
The application which will be tested is a web site (Not Heavy one) which users can be logged into and get personal information.
I am very concerned that my home network bandwidth wouldn't be enough to generate the following load :
I need to simulate 250 Web concurrent users which will perform about 30,000 transactions in an hour.
My home network specs and statistics:
Download - 75M - 7.5 Megabyte/sec
Upload - 3.5 M - 350Kbyte / sec
From your experience is this would be enough to generate the desired load? If not what can be done to simulate load from external network?

One Load Generator is never enough from a process perspective. Consider at least three, two for primary load and one for a control set. So, right off of the bat you are likely to have issues.
Mentioned previously. Go to the cloud: Amazon, CloudAzure, GoDaddy, Rackspace, 1&1, etc... all have virtual machines that you can use for performance testing hosts running load generator software. More locations is better as this minimizes the influence of one host network over another if you are looking for representative experiences. Odds are your site will be on one backbone and some of your load generators may have to peer over from another backbone. This is not bad as this provides a more realistic view of your end user experiences from different locations.
Check your end user agreement from your home. Unless you have a business class agreement from your home such traffic may appear to be a DDOS event, setting off alarms at your service provider. Don't be surprised if you find yourself suddenly cut off from the internet without warning. I have seen this happen before with people attempting to generate load from their homes against a site.

As you can see in the comments, the amount of load you can generate is affected not only by the network bandwidth but also by the script itself and the LG machine specifications. What I mean is that there is no definitive answer to your question without taking all the parameters into account.
What you should do is create an account on one of the popular cloud providers (Amazon, Azure, HP) and create a machine with the exact specifications you need based on the parameters as you know them. Most of these services allow you to increase the machine size and the bandwidth if needed for some extra pay.
Good luck!


LR 12.55/TruClient vusers are stuck in Init state not going to running

I created a TruClient Web (IE) protocol script in LR12.55, when I try to run the script with 50 users, only some would go into running state (in between 25-37) and the rest would stuck in init forever.
I tried to change the Controller -> Options-> Timeout and changed Init timeout from default 180 to 999 however it does not resolve the issue. Can anybody comment on how to resolve this????
TruClient runs a real browser for each vuser (virtual-user), so system resource consumption is higher the API-level testing.
It is possible that 50 vusers is too much for your load-generator machine.
I'd suggest checking CPU and memory levels during the run. If either is over 80% utilization, you should split your load between multiple load-generator machines.
If resources are not fully utilized, the failures should be analyzed to determine the root cause.
To further e-Dough's excellent response, you should expect not to execute these virtual users on the same hardware as the controller. You should expect at least three load generators to be involved, two as primary load and one as a control set. This is in addition to the controller.
Your issue does manifest as the classical, "system out of resources" condition. Consider the same best practices for monitoring your load generator health as you would in monitoring your application under test infrastructure. You want to have monitors for your classical finite resource model components ( CPU, DISK, MEMORY and NETWORK) plus additional sub components, such as a breakout of System and Application under CPU, to understand where and how your system is performing. You want to be able to eliminate false negatives on scalability where your load generators are so unhealthy that they are distorting your test results - Virtual users showing the application is slow when in fact the Virtual Users are slow because the machine in use is resource constrained.

Stress testing a desktop app system

If I want to stress test a 'classic' client-server (desktop app <-> LAN <-> database server) Windows Forms desktop application to see how it performs when many concurrent PC users are using it, how should I go about it? I want to simulate many PC users concurrently going through a work flow, to see if it all stands up and at what point the system degrades unacceptably. I've looked at many test tools but they all seems to be skewed toward testing functionality or web app performance, which is quite different.
Clearly having many actual people on actual PCs is not practical, and lots of virtual machines on a few PCs is not representative either. 'Cloud' computing (EC2, Azure etc) looks promising but the documentation and pricing information all seems to be skewed towards mobile apps or web servers, again not the same (but that could just be presentation so I remain open to the idea). I need to be able to virtualise a small LAN of many client machines running the application and a database server.
Can anyone suggest how to do this, or recommend something?
IMHO the real question is - do you really need to do performance testing in your case? Consider this - where is your business and functional logic?
Performance testing of Desktop applications is oxymoron by itself. Desktop application is made to be used by one person at a time. So if getting a response takes 5 seconds, it will take (pretty much) 5 seconds no matter how many users are clicking the button. The only real thing close to your backend is the DB and they by design support serious asynchronous load. In case this is not enough - just make a cluster.

Test website program performance under pressure visualization

I want to know that how can I test my website (web-based program) performance with the factors of speed and response time when using MS-SQL Server and
Actually I want to know when my users increased to 1,000,000 and more, how the speed and performance changed?
Thank you
There are a number of tools to run load tests against web sites; I like JMeter ( - open source, free, easy to use - but there are lots of others - google "web performance testing" and take your pick.
All those tools allow you to specify a number of concurrent users, wait times between page requests, and then specify one or more user journeys through the site. They will give you a report showing response times as the number of users changes.
You can install the load testing applications on any machine; most have the concept of "controller", and "load agent". The controller orchestrates the load test, while the load agents execute the tests. Generating the equivalent load of 1 million visitors is likely to require significant horse power - you may need to use one of the cloud providers of load testing solutions. Again, Google is your friend here.

Planning the development of a scalable web application

We have created a product that potentially will generate tons of requests for a data file that resides on our server. Currently we have a shared hosting server that runs a PHP script to query the DB and generate the data file for each user request. This is not efficient and has not been a problem so far but we want to move to a more scalable system so we're looking in to EC2. Our main concerns are being able to handle high amounts of traffic when they occur, and to provide low latency to users downloading the data files.
I'm not 100% sure on how this is all going to work yet but this is the idea:
We use an EC2 instance to host our admin panel and to generate the files that are being served to app users. When any admin makes a change that affects these data files (which are downloaded by users), we make a copy over to S3 using CloudFront. The idea here is to get data cached and waiting on S3 so we can keep our compute times low, and to use CloudFront to get low latency for all users requesting the files.
I am still learning the system and wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on this idea or insight in to how it all might work. I'm also curious about the purpose of projects like Cassandra. My understanding is that simply putting our application on EC2 servers makes it scalable by the nature of the servers. Is Cassandra just about keeping resource usage low, or is there a reason to use a system like this even when on EC2?
Cassandra is a non-relational database engine and if this is what you need, you should first evaluate Amazon's SimpleDB : a non-relational database engine built on top of S3.
If the file only needs to be updated based on time (daily, hourly, ...) then this seems like a reasonable solution. But you may consider placing a load balancer in front of 2 EC2 images, each running a copy of your application. This would make it easier to scale later and safer if one instance fails.
Some other services you should read up on: -- Amazons load balancer solution. -- Used to pass messages between systems, in your DA (distributed architecture). For example if you wanted the systems that create the data file to be different than the ones hosting the site. -- Allows you to adjust the number of instances online based on traffic
Make sure to have a good backup process with EC2, snapshot your OS drive often and place any volatile data (e.g. a database files) on an EBS block. EC2 doesn't fail often but when it does you don't have access to the hardware, and if you have an up to date snapshot you can just kick a new instance online.
Depending on the datasets, Cassandra can also significantly improve response times for queries.
There is an excellent explanation of the data structure used in NoSQL solutions that may help you see if this is an appropriate solution to help:
WTF is a Super Column

The ideal multi-server LAMP environment

There's alot of information out there on setting up LAMP stacks on a single box, or perhaps moving MySQL onto it's own box, but growing beyond that doesn't seem to be very well documented.
My current web environment is having capacity issues, and so I'm looking for best-practices regarding configuration tuning, determining bottlenecks, security, etc.
I presently host around 400 sites, with a fair need for redundany and security, and so I've grown beyond the single-box solution - but am not at the level of a full ISP or dedicated web-hosting company.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some good expertise on setting up a great apache web-farm with a view to security and future expansion?
My web environment consists of 2 redundant MySQL servers, 2 redundant web-content servers, 2 load balancing front-end apache servers that mount the content via nfs and share apache config and sessions directories between them, and a single "developer's" server which also mounts the web-content via nfs, and contains all the developer accounts.
I'm pretty happy with alot of this setup, but it seems to be choking on the load prematurely.
Turns out the "choking on the load" is related to mod_log_sql, which I use to send my apache logs to a mysql database. By re-configuring the webservers to write their sql statements to a disk file, and then creating a separate process to submit those to the database it allows the webservers to free up their threads much quicker, and handle a much greater load.
You need to be able to identify bottlenecks and test improvements.
To identify bottlenecks, you need to use your system's reporting tools. Some examples:
MySQL has a slow query log.
Linux provides stats like load average, iostat, vmstat, netstat, etc.
Apache has the access log and the server-status page.
Programming languages have profilers, like Pear Benchmark.
Use these tools to identifyy the slowest/biggest offenders and concentrate on them. Try an improvement and measure to see if it actually improves performance.
This becomes a never ending loop for two reasons: there's always something in a complex system that can be faster and as your system grows, different functions will start slowing down.
Based on the description of your system, my first hunch would be disk io and network io on the NFS servers, then I'd look at MySQL query times. I'd also check the performance of the shared sessions.
The schoolbook way of doing it would be to identify the bottlenecks with real empirical data.
Is it the database, apache, network, cpu, memory,io? Do you need more ram, sharding(+), is the DiskIO, the NFS network load, cpu for doing full table scans?
When you find out where the problem is you might run into the problem that its not enough to scale the infrastructure, because of the way the code works, and you end up with the need to either just create more instances of you current setup or make the code different.
I would also recommend as a first step in terms of scalability, off-load your content to a CDN like Edgecast. Use your current two content servers as additional web servers.