How to add layers on mapbox? - layer

I just checked the documentation to add the layer on mapbox. But it is not working for me.
Please have a look.
When I am trying to add a layer it pops up a blank window and there is no provision to add a layer.
What is the mistake?

In the link you provided you will notice the following line.
A window will open allowing you to add or remove layers to your
project. Layers are any .MBTiles you have uploaded to your Data page.
What this implies is that you need to firstly download the "Mapbox Studio" application.
In the app you can then create styles and sources. Its a source you need here. You then have to import some data, after which you can uploaded it to your online account. Afraid i don't now much about this step.
Once you've saved and uploaded this to your account it should then appear in the popup you speak off.
Download MapBox Studio
View you uploaded data here


React native image annotations containing a link to a site

I am a complete beginner at react-native. I am trying to create an app where i can take multiple photos and add a tag/label with a link to a website to each of the photos. These links when tapped need to take the user to the specified website. I also want to be able to save all of the tags along with the images for later in the app. I have found some resources(components) regarding this but as a beginner, i do not know how to use any of them. I am listing these below. If anyone can help to use these or give me any direction as to how i can make this project, i would be really grateful.
resources i found:

Custom Tileset won't appear on Android - mapboxsdk

I have created a custom tile on mapbox studio and it is visible correctly on the studio but when I use that tile ID in my kotlin code using the Vector source, it does not show, although the logcat shows the request is successful. The tileset I created is also set to public. Even though I've tried loading the built in tile of mapbox "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2" which is taken from the github repository of mapbox here. This one shown below is also not visible on android although it is visible on mapbox studio.
VectorSource("terrain-data", "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2")
LineLayer("terrain-layer", "terrain-data")
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
I got it working after adding the name of source layer (that can be found on the top left corner, when you open the custom tileset), like below:
Custom Tileset
LineLayer("terrain-layer", "terrain-data").withSourceLayer("name_of_source_layer")

Wallet pass fails to display if it has no images

I am trying to create an ios Wallet Event Ticket. I managed to give all the info I needed to create the pass.json and I have signed and zipped it. When I try to open this on a Mac, I am able to see the pass in the preview. When I email it and try to open it from an iPhone, the screen just goes to the main screen as if it crashed.
After lots of experimentation I found out that if I add at least one of t he images (icon) I am able to see it in preview and add it to the Wallet.
Since I do not care to add any image, this seems way too much just to make it work.
The question is, are images required in the pass? And if not, why does it not work without them. I repeat, it was displayed on Mac preview either with or without the image file.
Yes! manifest.json required the image correctly, moreover the pass.json also need to ensure everything is correct. Some elements must add in json for iPhone open, for example:serialNumber, webServiceURL, authenticationToken, relevantDate
Also, iPhone open .pkpass as difference format with mac. In my case , the signature file is wrong will also make the .pkpass file cannot open in iPhone.

How can i add the Image Filter plugin in Xamarin.Form?

First of all I am new in Xamarin.Form. I am trying to get best from Google but some of functionality I am not able to get even searched a lot.
I am creating a Xamarin.Form app. In that app I want to provide a functionality of image filter. In that, the image captured by user or get from their internal memory should by filter.
I have tried to search on google to get some idea for it in Xamarin.Form but I still not get any link which can help me to get start.
First of all I don't know whether it is possible in Xamarin.Form or not. Can anybody suggest me a link or idea to achieve it?
I attached a Screenshot so you can easily understand the problem.
There are no out of the box APIs in Xamarin.Forms for Image filters.
Each platforms handles the images differently, you will need to implement these filters per platform bases.
You can find the instructions for iOS here and here for Android, then you can use the DependencyServices to access them in Forms app

How to upload and size a profile picture for a site?

I have a site that has a profile page and I would like to allow the users to upload an image for the profile picture. I forsee a problem if the user select an image that is larger than what I am allowing for the site. Is their a good refrence or example how to accomplish this?
The site is developed in Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET 3.5.
The following site contains a good example of how to do this - Hybrid ASP.NET File Upload and Resize Sample (VB.NET).
If the image is the right shape but just too large you can use the method that Bermo talks about.
However if you'd like to choose the most interesting part of the image you can use the technique that Reddit uses for it's thumbnails.
See here for some info and the source code (Python) is here. Basically it splits the image up into sections and works out which ones are the most interesting by using the entropy value.