Merging multiple .bak files in SQL Server - sql-server-2005

I have a database named Bibek. I have created multiple backups for this database by updating the value of the records present inside the database for different table.
For e.g - Bibek1.bak, Bibek2.bak, Bibek3.bak
Now I want to merge all those .bak files to create one single .bak file named BibekFinal which has all the updates from all the above 3 .bak files .
Please help me on this. I am new to SQL Server .


I copied an SQL folder that contains database info and I would like to add it to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. How Do I do this?

Not very familiar with databases, but I have a task where an entire database folder was backed up and copied to a drive on my computer. I have SQL Server installed and Microsoft SQL Server opened. How do I use this folder and its contents as a database?
The folder has the following subfolders
SQL Server -> Backup, binn, DATA, FTData, Install, Jobs, Log, Upgrade and two files: sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll, sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll
For each .ldf+.mdf file sets you have you can restore a database using the following sql. You cannot create the databases in bulk and will have to do them one at a time if you have multiple.
For each .ldf + .mdf combo you have update the dbname and the two filenames
create database dbname
Filename= 'path where you copied .mdf data file',
Filename ='path where you copied .ldf log file'

Appending multiple SQLite DB files into one single giant file

I have multiple SQLite .db files. Each DB file has the same schema having multiple tables but different values in them. I want to merge the DB files in such a way that if a duplicate row exists in other database files, it is discarded otherwise appended in a master DB file that would contain values from all the files.
Preferably, I would like to automate the process.

How to find file names of deleted database in SQL server

I need to find the LDF and MDF file names of a database which was restored on SQL server but now it has been deleted.
ALready tried Master tables such as restoreHistory, backupset and backupmediafamily.
I don't actually need to restore any data or query anything from the DB. Just need the file names.
I have full access to the SQL Server and know the DB name.

Copy database data from one server to another server

I need to copy all my data from a database on Server "x" to server "z". Both have the same data base name and table names. I need to copy my prod data to my test server without loosing my test servers data.
Try using SSIS to copy your databases. You can also use replication (push or pull or even merge), or you can manually backup a db as a *.bak file then create and restore it onto another server.

SQL Server 2005 backup and restore

I have two backup files
1) is named 'backup.sql' with a bunch of SQL defining TABLES
2) is named 'backup' with a bunch of encoded data, which I believe are the ROWS
I need to restore these TABLES + ROWS, but all I am able to figure out is how to restore the tables.
Any tips on dealing with these files? It's the first time I ever deal with SQL Server.
The backup process would not create a file with actual SQL statements, it would create a binary file. So #1 is not a backup file (it's probably a script someone saved to re-create the schema).
I would try to use SQL Server Management Studio to restore the second file and see what happens. I don't think it will allow you to restore an invalid file, but I would take some basic precautions like backing up the system first.
What is the extension for the 'backup' file? Is the filename backup.bak? If you have a backup file created by sql server then it 'should' contain the logic to create both the tables and restore the data, but it could depend on how the backup was created.
It is possible for a .SQL file to contain data values as well as the logic to create the tables/columns for a database. I used to run backups of a MySql database in this way a long time just is not seen very often with SQL server since it has built in backup/restore funcationality.
Seems unlikely they would export all the rows from all tables into CSV file, and given you said it looks encrypted, it's making me think that's your actual backup file.
try this, save a copy of the "backup" file, rename it to backup.bak and run this from SQL Server Management Studio
restore filelistonly from disk='C:\backup.bak'
(assuming your file is saved on the root of the C: drive)
Any results/errors?