working with sqlite3 in mac os x 10.9 - sql

I know that Mac OSx has pre-installed sqlite3.But when I am entering this command, when in
/usr/bin directory, sqlite3 test.db i get this displayed on terminal..
Adityas-MacBook-Air:bin adityabahuguna$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-07-17 17:46:21
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
Its fine till now. But when i try to create a table by
sqlite> create table t(name text);
I always get this error:
Error: unable to open database "test.db": unable to open database file
This however does not occur when i directly use create table command without creating a new database. I want to figure out the way to create a new database (say test.db as above).

You're trying to create the database in /usr/bin where normal users don't have write access.
You can write to /usr/bin with root/sudo as suggested by Atul but that's not really something you should do.
Instead, specify a database path that is writable by your normal user, for example
sqlite3 ~/test.db
so the test.db gets created in your home directory.

you need to be logged in as root user to have create database privilege. you can become root user by following these steps: How to Become root user.


Importing sample database into phpMyAdmin

I am trying to import a sample database "employees.sql" from official phpMyAdmin webpage. I am using uwamp server and getting the following error when using phpMyAdmin "import" option:
Unrecognized statement type. (near "source" at position 0)
SELECT 'LOADING departments' as 'INFO';
source load_departments.dump ;
I am not sure what to change to successfully import the database. I also tried different things like putting load_departments.dump in quotes, but it still didn't work.
How do you use MySQL's source command to import large files in windows
must read and you will definitely get many ideas!
I think you should fire source command from cmd (command prompt)
I suggest you to create an empty database and import that sql file inside of it. Check it out..
Assumption: MySQL Server was installed and you have downloaded the employees database from github. Unzip the package and go to the directory from command prompt.
Enter the following command and on prompt, provide the sql password.
mysql -u root -p -t < employees.sql
Verify your installation by entering the following command.
mysql -u root -p -t < test_employees_md5.sql

Save database on external hard drive

I am creating some databases using PostgreSQL but I want to save them on an external hard drive due to lack of memory in my computer.
How can I do this?
You can store the database on another disk by specifying it as the data_directory setting. You need to specify this at startup and it will apply to all databases.
You can put it in postgresql.conf:
data_directory = '/volume/path/'
Or, specify it on the command line when you start PostgreSQL:
postgres -c data_directory='/volume/path/'
Reference: 18.2. File Locations
STEP 1: If postgresql is running, stop it:
sudo systemctl stop postgresql
STEP 2: Get the path to access your hard drive.
(if Linux) Find and mount your hard drive by:
# Retrieve your device's name with:
sudo fdisk -l
# Then mount your device
STEP 3: Copy the existing database directory to the new location (in your hard drive) with rsync.
sudo rsync -av /var/lib/postgresql YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH
Then rename the previous postgres main dir with .bak extension to prevent conflicts
sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/11/main /var/lib/postgresql/11/main.bak
Note: my postgres version was 11. Replace in path with your version.
STEP 4: Edit postgres configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf
Change the data_directory line with:
data_directory = 'YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH/postgresql/11/main'
STEP 5: Restart Postgres & Check everything is working
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Output should shows status as 'online'
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
11 main 5432 online postgres YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH/postgresql/11/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log
Finally your can access your PostgresSQL with:
sudo -u postgres psql
You can try following the walkthrough here. This worked well for me and is similar to #Antiez's answer.
Currently, I am trying to do the same and the only conflict that I'm having at the moment is that it seems there is an issue with PostgreSQL's incremental backup and point-in-time recovery proccesses. I think it has something to do with folder permissions. If I try uploading a ~30MB csv to the postgres db, it will crash and the server will not start again because files cannot be written to the pg_wal directory. The only file in that directory is 000000010000000000000001 and does not move on to 000000010000000000000002 etc. while writing to a new table.
My stackoverflow post looking for a solution to this issue can be found here.

Failed to create database 'metastore_db', see the next exception for details

I'm getting the following exception while trying to start the hive in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS,Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create database 'metastore_db', see the next exception for details. Hadoop installation is correct and it's working fine. Please tell me anyone what's problem?
It is because you're not in the same folder where you have created your metadata. I was facing the same problem because I was in my main user folder. When I changed the folder from main user to hduser my hive stated working.
See the mistake
I tried to find the xml file but it was not their so I searched and found where it was.
Similar to #dk14, In my case, I was in a folder on which I had no permission to write as user, moved directory and worked fine.
The reason for above error is, the user through which you are login doesn't have permission to write in that particular directory. I mean the directory in which you are running the schematool command.
For example my setup of Apache Hive was in /opt/apache-hive-3.1.2-bin I ran the command :-
sudo chown -R hadoopusr /opt/apache-hive-3.1.2-bin/
it is happening because you are on the other folder than your hive is installed.
so first of all change directory to the folder where your hive is installed and you and after that try to run hive once again.
and the hive should work properly.
Best of luck.
After spending some(lot) of time I got that issue is with creating that directory metastore_db inside DERBY_HOME/bin path was already there and I didn't had admin access for this you either:
delete that folder by using admin rights.
open hive-site.xml inside HIVE_HOME/conf path open in notepad and check connection string there change the database name to something else, it worked for me.

Sometimes databse is created but sometimes it isn't

I just started with sql using sqlite 3.7.17. I tried reading through here. As suggested I ran
create table test (id);
commands in sqlite terminal. No .db file was created in the current directory.
Then I tried to read through the documentation and ran
sqlite3 test.db
in the terminal. No .db file was created but sqlite terminal opened up. I ran
in the sqlite terminal and the .db file was created.
I am using Windows 7 and the terminal that I keep talking about is the Windows Powershell. I have placed the binaries for Windows in C:\Windows\system32\ folder so that the terminal recognizes sqlite3.
What did I do wrong? Why was .db file created once?
In the first case you probably ran sqlite3 without specifying a database file, so the program wouldn't know which file to create. In the second case you specified a file, but it isn't created before you're running an actual SQL statement against it (; is an empty SQL statement, but a statement nonetheless).

PostgreSQL - inconsistent COPY permissions errors

I am using the EnterpriseDB pgAdmin III (v. 1.12.1) on a Windows 7, 32-bit machine to work with PostgreSQL databases on a remote Linux server. I am logged in as the user postgres, which allows me to access the $PGDATA directory (in this instance, it is found here: /var/lib/pgsql/data/)
If I log into the server via a terminal, run psql, and use the \copy command to import data from csv files into newly created tables, I have no problems.
If I'm in pgAdmin, however, I use the COPY command to import data from csv files into newly created tables.
COPY table_name FROM '/var/lib/pgsql/data/file.csv'
WITH DELIMITER AS ',' csv header
Sometimes this works fine, other times I get a permissions error:
ERROR: could not open file '/var/lib/pgsql/data/file.csv" for reading: Permission denied
SQL state: 42501
It is the inconsistency of the error that is confusing to me. When the error arises, I change the file permission to anywhere from 644 - 777, with no effect. I also try moving the file to other folders, e.g., var/tmp/, also with no effect.
Any ideas?
The problem is the access permissions trough the directories to the file. Postgres user does not have access to your home folder, for example. The answer is to use a folder all users have access like /tmp, or create one with the correct permissions so any user can access/read/write there, a sort of users shared folder.
I think your postgres user still don't have access to your file.
Did you tried the folowing commands ?
chown postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data/file.csv
chmod u+r /var/lib/pgsql/data/file.csv
Try \COPY table_name FROM '/var/lib/pgsql/data/file.csv'
WITH DELIMITER AS ',' csv header
Notice the backslash before copy, when you run it with back slash it runs with user permissions other wise it just runs as postmaster which in the documentation is deprecated for recent versions of pg :|, anyways this might probably do the trick for ya .