Save database on external hard drive - sql

I am creating some databases using PostgreSQL but I want to save them on an external hard drive due to lack of memory in my computer.
How can I do this?

You can store the database on another disk by specifying it as the data_directory setting. You need to specify this at startup and it will apply to all databases.
You can put it in postgresql.conf:
data_directory = '/volume/path/'
Or, specify it on the command line when you start PostgreSQL:
postgres -c data_directory='/volume/path/'
Reference: 18.2. File Locations

STEP 1: If postgresql is running, stop it:
sudo systemctl stop postgresql
STEP 2: Get the path to access your hard drive.
(if Linux) Find and mount your hard drive by:
# Retrieve your device's name with:
sudo fdisk -l
# Then mount your device
STEP 3: Copy the existing database directory to the new location (in your hard drive) with rsync.
sudo rsync -av /var/lib/postgresql YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH
Then rename the previous postgres main dir with .bak extension to prevent conflicts
sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/11/main /var/lib/postgresql/11/main.bak
Note: my postgres version was 11. Replace in path with your version.
STEP 4: Edit postgres configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf
Change the data_directory line with:
data_directory = 'YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH/postgresql/11/main'
STEP 5: Restart Postgres & Check everything is working
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Output should shows status as 'online'
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
11 main 5432 online postgres YOUR_HD_DIR_PATH/postgresql/11/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log
Finally your can access your PostgresSQL with:
sudo -u postgres psql

You can try following the walkthrough here. This worked well for me and is similar to #Antiez's answer.
Currently, I am trying to do the same and the only conflict that I'm having at the moment is that it seems there is an issue with PostgreSQL's incremental backup and point-in-time recovery proccesses. I think it has something to do with folder permissions. If I try uploading a ~30MB csv to the postgres db, it will crash and the server will not start again because files cannot be written to the pg_wal directory. The only file in that directory is 000000010000000000000001 and does not move on to 000000010000000000000002 etc. while writing to a new table.
My stackoverflow post looking for a solution to this issue can be found here.


PostgreSQL Query To Create A Directory

Files are being written to a directory using the COPY query:
Copy (SELECT * FROM animals) To '/var/lib/postgresql/data/backups/2020-01-01/animals.sql' With CSV DELIMITER ',';
However if the directory 2020-01-01 does not exist, we get the error
could not open file "/var/lib/postgresql/data/backups/2020-01-01/animals.sql" for writing: No such file or directory
PostgeSQL server is running inside a Docker container with the volume mapping /mnt/backups:/var/lib/postgresql/data/backups
The Copy query is being sent from a Node.js app outside of the Docker container.
The mapped host directory /mnt/backups was created by Docker Compose and is owned by root, so the Node.js app sending the COPY query is unable to create the missing directories due to insufficient permissions.
The backup file is meant to be transferred out of the Docker container to the Docker host.
Question: Is it possible to use an SQL query to ask PostgreSQL 11.2 to create a directory if it does not exist? If not, how will you recommend the directory creation be done?
Using Node.js 12.14.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 host. Using PostgreSQL 11.2 inside container, Docker 19.03.5
An easy way to solve it is to create the file directly into the client machine. Using STDOUT from COPY you can let the query output be redirected to the client standard output, which you can catch and save in a file. For instance, using psql in the client machine:
$ psql -U your_user -d your_db -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM animals) TO STDOUT WITH CSV DELIMITER ','" > file.csv
Creating an output directoy in case it does not exist:
$ mkdir -p /mnt/backups/2020-01/ && psql -U your_user -d your_db -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM animals) TO STDOUT WITH CSV DELIMITER ','" > /mnt/backups/2020-01/file.csv
On a side note: try to avoid exporting files into the database server. Although it is possible, I consider it a bad practice. Doing so you will either write a file into the postgres system directories or give the postgres user permission to write somewhere else, and it is something you shouldn't be comfortable with. Export data directly to the client either using COPY as I mentioned or follow the advice from #Schwern. Good luck!
Postgres has its own backup and restore utilities which are likely to be a better choice than rolling your own.
When used with one of the archive file formats and combined with pg_restore, pg_dump provides a flexible archival and transfer mechanism. pg_dump can be used to backup an entire database, then pg_restore can be used to examine the archive and/or select which parts of the database are to be restored. The most flexible output file formats are the “custom” format (-Fc) and the “directory” format (-Fd). They allow for selection and reordering of all archived items, support parallel restoration, and are compressed by default. The “directory” format is the only format that supports parallel dumps.
A simple backup rotation script might look like this:
date=`date -Idate`
mkdir -p `dirname $file`
pg_dump $url -w -Fc --table=$table -f $file
To avoid hard coding the database password, -w means it will not prompt for a password and instead look for a password file. Or you can use any of many Postgres authentication options.

How do I copy a file into a docker-cloud container? (AKA How to copy a file over ssh without using scp)

docker-machine has an scp command, but docker-cloud doesn't seem to have any way to transfer a file from my local machine to the cloud container or vice-versa.
I'm submitting an answer below that I've finally figured out (in hopes that it will help someone), but I'd love to hear better answers if there are any!
(I realize docker-cloud is going away, but perhaps this will be helpful for other cloud platforms as well)
To transfer a file from your local machine to a docker-cloud instance that is running linux with the tee command available:
docker-cloud container exec id12345 tee filename.ext < file_to_copy.ext > /dev/null
(you'll want to redirect output to /dev/null as shown unless you want the entire contents of the file to be echoed to the terminal... twice)
To transfer a file to your local machine, is somewhat easier:
docker-cloud container exec id12345 cat file_to_copy.ext > filename.ext
Note: I'm not sure this works for binary files, and it can even cause issues with linefeed characters in text files, based on terminal settings, etc. - but it's the best answer I've got short of using an external service like

Bacula/Bareos disaster recover from scratch using bextract

On Bacula/Bareos, document stress the importance of Catalog bootstrap file must be save on somewhere safe, I know Catalog consist of MySQL DB dump and optional included Bacula/bareos config file, but how exactly does anyone recover from scratch in case the whole backup infrastructure is gone?
Is it just install all Bacula/bareos software, then import MySQL and config then fire up Director would do the trick?
A bit of an old question, but I'll provide some feed back,
If you've done a mysqldump of the database (or pgdump depending on the backend) you essentially have the catalog in it's full state. I believe that you can simply restore this database to a new server, and restore the old config files (these are not stored in the dump but rather in /etc/bareos). Also, make sure that the same user/password is used for the database user as specified in the bareos-dir.conf file, or else you will not be able to connect to the database. Depending on how your storage devices are setup you may need to mess around with the baroes-sd.conf file.
To answer the other question off the OP, you can use a volume without a catalog. It's a bit cumbersome, but is possible with the following:
For example:
List jobs on a volume: bls -j -V Full_1-1886 FileStorage1
List files on a volume: bls -V Full_1-1886 FileStorage1
Once you have found the file, or directory (Note wildcard characters are supported) you can extract the file:
bextract -i restoreFiles -V Full_2-1277 FileStorage2 /tmp/
restoreFiles specifies a file separated with newlines that lists files/directories to restore
/tmp/ is the destination of the restore

nfsnobody User Privileges

I have setup an NFS file share between two CentOS 6, 64 machines. On the server the folder being shared was originally owned by the root user. On the client it turned up as being owned by nfsnobody. When I tried to write to the folder from the client I got a permissions error. So I changed the folder ownership on the server to nfsnobody and chmod'd it to 777. However, still no joy - I continue to get a permissions error. Clearly, there is more to this. I would be much obliged to any Linux gurus out there (I personally wouldn't merit being called anything more than a newbie) who might be able to help fix this issue.
Edit - I should have mentioned that trying to write to the shared folder from the client actually manages to create a file entry. However, the file size is 0 and the permissions error is reported.
The issue here is to do with the entry in /etc/exports. It should read
folder ip(rw,**all_squash**,sync,no_subtree_check)
I had missed the all_squash bit. That apart, make sure that the folder on the server is owned by nfsnobody. On my setup both my client and server nfsnobodies ended up with a user id if 65534. However, it is well worth checking this (/etc/groups) or else... .
Here are a couple of useful references
How to setup an NFS SErver
NFS on CentOS
For the benefit of anyone looking to setup an NFS server I give below what worked for me on my CentOS 6 64bit machines.
yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib - install NFS
rpm -q nfs-utils - check the install
/etc/init.d/rpcbind start
chkconfig --levels 235 nfs on
/etc/init.d/nfs start
chkconfig --level 35 rpcbind on
With this done you should create the folder you want to share
mkdir folder
chown 65534:65534 folder
chmod 755 folder
Now define the folder to be shared/exported. Use your favorite text editor (vi or whatever) to
open/create /etc/exports
folder clientIP (rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
Install, check, bind and start as above
mount -t nfs serverIP:folder clientFolderLocation
If all goes well you should now be able to write a little script on your client
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../nfsfolder/test.txt";
file_put_contents($file,'Hello world of NFS!');
browse to it and find that test.txt now exists on the server with the content "Hello world of NFS". In the example I have placed my mounted drive one level before document_root.

Postgresql changing data directory in ubuntu [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Postgresql failed to start
This problem has been driving me crazy and nothing seems to be working. I need to change the location where postgresql stores the data base. I am a complete novice when it comes to using commands in the terminal and step by step instructions with the proper commands would really help. I searched all over the web but all instructions assume some prior good knowledge to terminal commands. I did try one approach by creating a symbolic link in the main data folder to my required location. This gives me an error that asks me to check the log file. However, I have no idea where the log file is. A lot of people seem to have this problem and a step by step solution would surely help. My Psql version is 8.4. Ubuntu 10.10
The latest log file full path is /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log but the symbolic link is not the more integrated/easy way to change the data location.
I'd suggest to do it by creating the entire cluster to the desired location, with the pg_createcluster command that comes with the debian/ubuntu postgres packages.
1- delete your current cluster, if it does not contain any prior data:
$ sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 8.4 main
2- create a new cluster at the new location
$ sudo pg_createcluster -d /path/to/new/location 8.4 main
3- restart postgresql
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start