How do I access scores and schedule API? [closed] - api

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Closed 3 months ago.
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ESPN: How to get access to scores and schedule API for IPL tournament building mobile app as an individual developer? I have registered as public API, but that's not useful!!

It looks like scores and schedules are only available to strategic partners of ESPN, or ESPN employees.
There are some other sites that you can pay to get live stats from, but they get a bit expensive. One example:

ESPN has a dedicated cricket site: ESPNcricinfo (You mention looking specifically for India Premier League scores, which I'm assuming this should cover.)
This site provides a live scores RSS feed, which may reliably provide enough information for your use case:
Inspecting the XHR requests, I found a couple other endpoints that might be of use:
Details: (get the series and match ID from the previous endpoint, or from inspecting the "fixtures and results" URLs on the site)


Is there anyway to use google distance matrix API, and google places API for free? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to embed google distance matrix api and places api in one of my assessment projects. Can someone tell me if there is anyway i can get them for free since the usage will be very low?
Yes, as you mentioned that the usage would be low. You get $200 in free usage for Maps, Routes, and Places every month as per the Google maps platform pricing detail page. So you could get a total of 40000 x 1000 requests free out of $200.
You would need to set up a billing account in the Google Cloud Platform console.

API for olympics? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am developing a quick and fun little app which will display in a lobby. All it really does is go country to country showing flag, population, etc.... for all countries particapting in this years olympics.
I am reusing code we created for the 2010 olympics, and one of its features was a feed how many medals each country had won (plus a total count on the side). The data was hosted on the offical website, but has since been removed. Its easy to build out this feature, but it makes the app much more interesting if I can get it working
Is there an free API available anywhere which feeds this information?
I googled "olympic data feed". The first two results were:
Down the page, I saw this:
Sounds like they are the official data people for the 2012 olympics.

Foursquare venue stats - all in one shot [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a list of managed venues.
There is a Venue Stats endpoint, which allows me to get statistics for given venue.
Is there an API (existing or planned) for getting such stats for all managed venues, in one shot?
It is easy to hit rate limit if you have more than several hundreds of venues.
And the files output is not what we like - we would prefer to use the API.
There is no way, currently, to access aggregated stats for a group of venues, but that's a great suggestion and I'll ask the relevant team if they can look into supporting this behavior. Thanks for the feedback!

Alternatives to Google Book Search API? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for alternatives to Google Book Search API.
Ideally, something with more detailed information about books.
Try the RESTful API from ISBN DB
I have been using the API from the literature social network GoodReads
I find the results are a lot more relevant then Google Books because there relevance ordering takes a books popularity on the site into account. You don't get results like multiple versions of the same book or some obscure essay (this could be a plus or a minus depending on what you're doing).
However, the images are often missing and when they are there they are very low res!

API for historical traffic data? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a public API for historical traffic data?
Some quick googling pulls up an API from Yahoo which offers real-time data, but I'd be curious if anyone hosts a service for historical data - i.e., what was the "severity" (one of the attributes the Yahoo API returns) for a given location at a given date and time.
(I'm going to guess that such a thing doesn't exist today, or at least no public options, as this would be an immense amount of data to store, but it never hurts to ask...)
While yahoo has shut down its traffic apis, there are a number of companies providing traffic information.
HERE from Nokia
Traffic API from Microsoft
Traffic API from MapQuest
Predictive Traffic API from INRIX
These guys certainly have the data, but I don't know how easy it is to get access to the API: