API for historical traffic data? [closed] - api

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a public API for historical traffic data?
Some quick googling pulls up an API from Yahoo which offers real-time data, but I'd be curious if anyone hosts a service for historical data - i.e., what was the "severity" (one of the attributes the Yahoo API returns) for a given location at a given date and time.
(I'm going to guess that such a thing doesn't exist today, or at least no public options, as this would be an immense amount of data to store, but it never hurts to ask...)

While yahoo has shut down its traffic apis, there are a number of companies providing traffic information.
HERE from Nokia
Traffic API from Microsoft
Traffic API from MapQuest
Predictive Traffic API from INRIX

These guys certainly have the data, but I don't know how easy it is to get access to the API: http://inrix.com/developers


Is there anyway to use google distance matrix API, and google places API for free? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to embed google distance matrix api and places api in one of my assessment projects. Can someone tell me if there is anyway i can get them for free since the usage will be very low?
Yes, as you mentioned that the usage would be low. You get $200 in free usage for Maps, Routes, and Places every month as per the Google maps platform pricing detail page. So you could get a total of 40000 x 1000 requests free out of $200.
You would need to set up a billing account in the Google Cloud Platform console.

How do I access scores and schedule API? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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ESPN: How to get access to scores and schedule API for IPL tournament building mobile app as an individual developer? I have registered as public API, but that's not useful!!
It looks like scores and schedules are only available to strategic partners of ESPN, or ESPN employees.
There are some other sites that you can pay to get live stats from, but they get a bit expensive. One example:
ESPN has a dedicated cricket site: ESPNcricinfo (You mention looking specifically for India Premier League scores, which I'm assuming this should cover.)
This site provides a live scores RSS feed, which may reliably provide enough information for your use case: https://static.cricinfo.com/rss/livescores.xml
Inspecting the XHR requests, I found a couple other endpoints that might be of use:
Details: https://hs-consumer-api.espncricinfo.com/v1/pages/match/details?lang=en&seriesId=1327237&matchId=1327273&latest=true (get the series and match ID from the previous endpoint, or from inspecting the "fixtures and results" URLs on the site)

Api / services for receiving sms (text messaging) online [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My current project requires us to receive text messages online. It's hard to wade through the search results as many of the are just websites with about 10 numbers for everyone to use.
I am looking for services along the lines of what is being offered at http://www.tropo.com
You can send and receive text messages online on your own private generated phone number within the US or Canada.
Preferably free, just need a few more before I make any decisions
Disclaimer, I do developer evangelism part time at Nexmo.
Here are a few paid SMS APIs:
You may be able to hack something together that works for free, but you risk that solution being disabled by whatever provider you use (for example, some people send SMS via Google Voice, but I wouldn't recommend relying on that).
Since you're receiving SMS, Nexmo would be a good solution when it comes to price. You only pay for the virtual number (roughly $1 a month), and all incoming messages are free.
Try www.twilio.com they have a good API and it is free while testing.

Using tfl data api - tutorial? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have developed apps for 3 years and am now looking to build an app that uses TFL (transport for london) api calls. I was reading their guidelines and read the following:
Developers consuming TfL data and providing public services built on it are expected
to provide the hosting capacity necessary to serve those public consumers. You
should take our data and proxy it, you shouldn’t allow all your clients to hit our service
driectly. This is intended to reduce TfL’s cost liability for hosting and content delivery."
While I have done a lot of app development, I have never hosted my own proxy receiving responses from an api. I have searched the internet for tutorials on this (ideally specific to TFL, but general ones would be awesome too), but can't find any that help.
Does anyone know of any?
Spoke to TFL about the Bus Times and it turns out you don't need to run this data via a database and can instead have users making direct calls to the API via your iPhone app. Great news :-)

Which (popular) websites support mashable APIs? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which popular websites out there support an HTTP based API?
I am looking for content of general public interest (hence, Amazon's RESTful API wouldn't qualify, for example).
Some sites which I am aware of:
Please note that
Although not a direct programming question, it will help programmers find some inspiration for new projects
A similar question has been asked but didn't get many responses probably because it was very specific about being RESTful.
The site (with blog) "Programmable Web" collects sites, apis and howtos to create mash-ups.
You can search by programming language, protocols, wether you want something with JSON or SOAP and so on and check out existing mash-ups.