JGit Performance Issue - eclipse-plugin

I'm using Eclipse JGit, it is a wonderful plugin for Java developers to read files and content from a Git based repository. However, I have observed a performance issue of 22 secs+ to clone and open a repository using the APIs. Has anyone experienced the same issue?
Below is the code:
String localRepoFolder = "C:\\temp\\some-project";
Git localGit = Git.open(new File(localRepoFolder));
The above two statements take about 22 secs, not sure if there is solution for this problem or if there is a better plugin out there.
If anybody knows a solution for this, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.


Cloud Bigtable HBase Client not functioning

After following steps outlined in the below link, I can get the hbase shell launching however all those hbase commands throwing;ERROR: NPN/ALPN extensions not installed
I have java version of 1.7.0_60-b19 and I used ALPN 7.1.0.v20141016
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for any help
On the doc, HBASE_CLASSPATH points to"$(pwd)/lib/bigtable/bigtable-hbase-0.1.5.jar" and in your comment above it is under mvn folder and new version thus I was searching alpn-boot file there. I found the issue with your help though. It is a copy past problem while downloading the jars. I truly appreciated your support

Expired time for acquiring lock pentaho

I'm using pentaho BI (spoon) and I have a problem with it.
At each action (open job/transformation or save for example) it show this window
now I can't open existing transformation. Does anyone know this issue?
I know this is an old post, but the problem is still current (version 8.2 CE), and I was unable to find any help (other than the workaround to delete the .lock files, but this only solves it for a few minutes, possibly even less).
I had exactly the same problem, it basically rendered Spoon useless. In my case, the culprit was the antivirus program. I noticed it only because I installed the AV after I used Spoon for some time. I just removed the AV (and installed another one) - no more problems.
It seems that your repository is having some issue in connecting.
Try checking the repo. connection and also check for the permission of accessing the repo.
I faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock file under
(local-repository root)\.meta\metastore\.lock
Kettle - Spoon version
I was also facing a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock.
Pentaho tool creates .pentaho directory in the home directory.
inside .pentaho delete .lock from
and also delete .lock file
restart your pentaho tool.
hope above solution works for you.
I faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock file under C:\Users\myuser.pentaho\metastore

Using IntelliJ Golang plugin, how to run entire Golang project instead of a single file?

I am using the latest (2014-01-03) Golang plugin for IntelliJ - for the first time.
Usually, my terminal workflow is to do go build && ./executable -args=1
So I am attempting to create a launch configuration to do the same thing, I took these actions:
Create a "Go Application" configuration
Fill in GOPATH/GOROOT environment variable
Fill in CLI arguments
Because there has to be a file to run, so I chose the one with func main()
Then there is a problem. When I run the configuration, the Golang plugin does not build the project, but instead builds the single script file with main method, then attempt to run it - obviously it does not work.
How to create a configuration equivelent of go build && ./executable -args=1?
Try to use the latest version from the official plugin manager.
If that doesn't work, please help us identify the issue by submitting a report here
Also, we are working hard to update the plugin with better type checks, debugging, go appengine support, improved formatter and much more but any help in improving the plugin is greatly appreciated.
Hope it helps.
However, I prefer to use goclipse which support auto-build, auto code completion and debug.

CircleCi *configure the build* couldn't find commit

If somebody uses CircleCi for test integration
today we found next problem (after some months of using):
$ configure the build (0s)
Could not find commit our_last_commit_number in the repo
All settings for the git presented in the Circle.
Anyone saw this problem?
This is a temporary problem with CircleCI, it should be fixed shortly! See https://twitter.com/circleci/status/319473067481001985

Problems running paster shell example.ini in Ubuntu while trying to install reddit

When I try to run paster shell example.ini, I run into:
connection failure: TLEngine(postgres://reddit/password#
followed by a laundry list of traceback.
At the end, I get:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "reddit"
Would anyone be able to help me resolve this issue? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
The Reddit Setup Guide seems to be out of date or something. I had the exact same problem as you on two different machines.
Here's how I overcame it:
$ sudo su - postgresq
$ psql reddit
reddit=# CREATE USER reddit WITH PASSWORD 'password';
I looked in the example.ini file and reddit/password was the default username/password for the DB. At this point, if you re-run your command (paster shell example.ini), it should complete successfully.
Fair warning, there are more problems with this setup after you get past this point, but I haven't yet conquered those myself.
Best of luck, friend!