Sales Grouped by Week of the year - sql

I have a requirement to output the number sales in a year to date in weekly format where Monday is the first day of the week and Sunday is the last.
The table structure is as follows.
SalesId | Representative | DateOfSale.
Below is what I have tried but it doesn't seem to give me the correct result. The counts don't seem to add up for a given week. The Sunday results are not included in the correct week. I am thinking it has something to do with the date not including 11:59:59.999 for the last day of the week.
SELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, Sales.DateOfSale), 6) as [Week Ending], count(SalesID) as Sales,
count(distinct(representative)) as Agents, count(SalesID) / count(distinct(representative)) as SPA
FROM Sales
where DateOfSale >= DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)
GROUP BY DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, Sales.DateOfSale), 6)
ORDER BY DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, Sales.DateOfSale), 6)
I am hoping to have something like this:
Week Ending | Sales
01/05/2014 | 5
01/12/2014 | 8
01/19/2014 | 11
01/26/2014 | 14
Please excuse the formatting of the table above. I couldn't seem to figure out how to create a pipe/newline based table using the editor.

I suggest creating a table or table parameter that has all of your calendar information. In this case, it would need at minimum the column WeekEnding.
For example
WeekEnding date
Populate this with your valid WeekEnding dates. I might also make parameters to limit the amount of sales data, e.g. #BeginDate and #EndDate.
If you join using "<=" on the week ending date, then I believe you will get the return you want:
COUNT(Sales.SalesId) Sales,
COUNT(DISTINCT Sales.Representative) Agents,
CAST(COUNT(Sales.SalesId) AS float) / CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT Sales.Representative) AS float) Spa
#MyCalendar MyCalendar
Sales.DateOfSale <= MyCalendar.WeekEnding
Sales.DateOfSale BETWEEN #BeginDate AND #EndDate
I am assuming you are using SQL 2012, but I believe this will work in 2008 too. I might point out two other things. First, consider your data type when dividing the COUNT of SalesId by the distinct count of Representative. You may not get the return you expect, and that is why I cast as float. Second, you apply count distinct slightly differently than what I use; the extra parenthesis are not needed.
I have a simplified version in SQL Fiddle.


Get the latest full week's data for analysis in SQL

I was given sales data, where I have items and sales on a particular date. Now, the company wants to analyze the latest full week’s data against the total sales of company.
Item date Sales
Apple 08/25/2020 10
Orange 08/24/2020 20
Orange 08/21/2020 30
Now the full week is defined by a complete week from Sunday-Saturday. In the above made up example, it is clear that, these two data Apple 08/25/2020 10 Orange 08/24/2020 20 are from days Friday and Thursday respectively, so it is not a full week, hence we cannot take this week’s data. We need to check the last week’s data which would be for 08/21/2020
I was given 10 minutes to think on this, my immediate solution was, find the weekday number for the maximum data in the table. And subtract it from 7. If that is equal to 0 then we have a full week, and we can take the max date as the end date of our analysis and use a dateadd() to subtract 7 days from the max date to make it a start date. If I have something other than the 0, for example 6, then I use dateadd to go 6 days prior to my max date and use it as end date, again go 7 days behind this and get the start date.
CREATE TABLE SALES(Item nvarchar(10), dates date, Sales Numeric)
INSERT INTO SALES VALUES('Apple',CAST('08/25/2020' AS DATE),10),
('Orange',CAST('08/24/2020' AS DATE),20),
('Orange',CAST('08/21/2020' AS DATE),30)
WITH end_dates AS
SELECT CASE WHEN 7-DATEPART(dw, max(dates))=0 THEN max(dates)
ELSE DATEADD(day,- DATEPART(dw, max(dates)),max(dates)) END AS end_date
Full_Week_Date AS
SELECT DATEADD(day,-6,end_date) as start_date ,end_date FROM end_dates
SELECT (SELECT SUM(SALES.sales)*100 FROM SALES JOIN Full_Week_Date ON(dates BETWEEN start_date AND end_date))/(SELECT SUM(SALES.sales) FROM SALES) AS revenue_per
This is the best I could think of, but the interviewer said, given a large amount of data, this would run like forever. What would be an optimum solution for this problem? I only want to know, how to get start and end date of the week that I want to analyze. Rest the revenue and % revenue will be fairly easy I believe if I have this in place.
In an actual database the query to use will depend on indexes and other things. For a basic answer, there are a few things to consider here.
They state "a complete week from Sunday-Saturday". Unless you are reporting at 11:59PM on Saturday you never will really have that full weeks sales in the same week. Since that is the case there is no reason to do all the checks you mentioned. They will cause unnecessary processing.
One thing you didn't mention is if the total company sales included the week your sales you are checking are for. I am going to assume they want to exclude that weeks sales.
I am not going to claim this is the most efficient way, but I would do it like this.
('Apple', '08/25/2020', 10),
('Orange', '08/24/2020', 20),
('Orange', '08/21/2020', 30),
('Apple', '11/14/2020', 25);
-- Get week to check (last week)
DECLARE #curWeek int = DATEPART(WW, DATEADD(wk, -1, GETDATE()));
-- Get Sales
SUM(COALESCE(SalesAmt, 0)) AS CompanySales
, (SELECT SUM(COALESCE(SalesAmt, 0)) FROM #Sales WHERE DATEPART(WW, SalesDate) = #curWeek) AS WeekSales
FROM #Sales
WHERE DATEPART(WW, SalesDate) <= #curWeek;

Generate custom start and end of months in SQL Server

I'm facing an issue while working with custom dates in T-SQL, we have a client that works with a different methodology of start and end of his month, instead of the default day 01 to start the month and ending in 31, 30 or 29, it's month start at day 26 and ends at 25 of the next month.
E.g., how usually is:
select sum(sales) as sales
from sales
where salesDate between '2020-09-01' and '2020-09-30'
-- or left(salesDate,7) = '2020-09'
Client custom month:
select sum(sales) as sales
from sales
where salesDate between '2020-08-26' and '2020-09-25' -- for setember
So, for this need, I have to calculate how many sales this client did from january until now, month per month, with this custom way... how can I do that?
Example of the query result I want to perform with this month determination:
This is a pretty awful situation. One method is to construct the first date of the month based on the rules:
select mon, sum(sales) as sales
from sales s cross apply
(values (case when day(salesdate) >= 26
then dateadd(month, 1, datefromparts(year(salesdate), month(salesdate), 1))
else datefromparts(year(salesdate), month(salesdate), 1)
) v(mon)
where v.mon >= '2020-01-01'
group by v.mon;
I would recommend adding the fiscal month column as a persisted computed column in the salesDate table so you can add an index and not have to worry about the computation.
Or, better yet, add a calendar table where you can look up the fiscal month for any (reasonable) date.

Dividing by number of days not referencing correct month/number of days

I have a table that users enter a daily population. How many people in a particular facility that day. The table looks similar to this:
select * from stat_summary where MONTH(report_date) = 9
stat_summary_id | report_date | facility | adp
29 |2015-09-01 | YORK | 1855
30 |2015-09-02 | YORK | 1750
31 |2015-09-04 | YORK | 1655
32 |2015-09-04 | YORK | 1699
What I want to do is calculate the average daily population grouped by month. I want to take the MAX(report_date) in case a corrected value has to be re-entered. My query looks like:
MONTH(t.report_date) as 'report_month',
stat_summary ss1
(SELECT MAX(stat_summary_id) as 'stat_summary_id', report_date
FROM stat_summary
GROUP BY report_date
) t ON t.stat_summary_id = ss1.stat_summary_id
ss1.facility_id = 'YORK'
AND MONTH(t.report_date) = 9
I've referenced this thread:
Dividing a value by number of days in a month in a date field in SQL table
And I was able to see how to dynamically divide by the number of days in the month, but it looks like it is dividing by the current month (October) which has 31 days, when I need the query to divide by the referenced month of September which has 30 days.
Currently my results look like:
The adp value should be 176.8 since there are 30 days in September, not 31.
So quick check it looks like that formula returns 31 for all months. The proper formula can be found here: How to determine the number of days in a month in SQL Server?
datediff(day, dateadd(day, 1-day(#date), #date),
dateadd(month, 1, dateadd(day, 1-day(#date), #date)))
More precisely use:
datediff(day, dateadd(day, 1-day(MIN(t.report_date)), MIN(t.report_date)),
dateadd(month, 1, dateadd(day, 1-day(MIN(t.report_date)), MIN(t.report_date))))
EDIT: Note the original formula was in fact correct, the problem was that you were passing in a month instead of a day. Months are numbers from 1-12, so all of your dates were in January.
I should use
day(DateAdd(day, DateAdd(month, MONTH(t.report_date), DateAdd(Year, YEAR(t.report_date)-1900, 0)), -1)) as monthDays
Also sounds to me that to obtain average, it is wrong to divide by that number, it is only correct if the number of records match the number of days in the month, in other case, just the count is enough
SUM(ss1.adp)/count(ss1.adp) as average

Sum of values per month divided by days of month

I have a Sales table:
id_item, quantity, date_time
What I need is to sum the items sold in a month and divide them by the days of the month from a selected period of months.
Example - The user selects the dates of Oct 1 to Dec 31. I need to show the items_sold/days_of_month:
Month Items sold Days of month Items/Day
Sep 25 30 0.83333
Oct 36 31 1.16
Dec 15 31 0.4838
I have to specify by Kind of item. the kind is obtained from another table called Items. I use dateformat dd/mm/yy.
sum(quantity) / (select(datepart(dd,getdate())))
sales v
join items a on v.id_item=a.id_item
a.kind='Kind of Item'
and cast(Convert(varchar(10), date_time, 112) as datetime)
between '01/10/2012' and '31/12/2012'
group by
My problem is selecting the days of the months, how can I select x number of months and divide the sum(quantity) of each month by the days of each?
I know this part of the code only selects the days of the current month:
Try this on for size:
#FromDate datetime,
#ToDate date; -- inclusive
SET #FromDate = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, '20121118'), 0);
SET #ToDate = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, '20121220') + 1, 0);
Year = Year(S.date_time),
Month = Month(S.date_time),
QtyPerDay =
Sum(s.quantity) * 1.0
/ DateDiff(day, M.MonthStart, DateAdd(month, 1, M.MonthStart))
dbo.Sales S
INNER JOIN dbo.Items I
ON S.id_item = I.id_item
SELECT MonthStart = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, S.date_time), 0)
) M
I.kind = 'Kind of Item'
AND S.date_time >= #FromDate
AND S.date_time < #ToDate
It will select any full month that is partially enclosed by the FromDate and ToDate. The * 1.0 part is required if the quantity column is an integer, otherwise you will get an integer result instead of a decimal one.
Some stylistic notes:
Do NOT use string date conversion on a column to ensure you get whole days. This will completely prevent any index from being used, require more CPU, and furthermore is unclear (what does style 112 do again!?!?). To enclose full date periods, use what I showed in my query of DateCol >= StartDate and DateCol < OneMoreThanEndDate. Do a search for "sargable" to understand a very key concept here. A very safe and valuable general rule is to never put a column inside an expression if the condition can be rewritten to avoid it.
It is good that you're aliasing your tables, but you should use those aliases throughout the query for each column, as I did in my query. I recognize that the aliases V and A came from another language so they make sense there--just in general try to use aliases that match the table names.
Do include the schema name on your objects. Not doing so is not a huge no-no, but there are definite benefits and it is best practice.
When you ask a question it is helpful to explain all the logic so people don't have to guess or ask you--if you know (for example) that users can input mid-month dates but you need whole months then please indicate that in your question and state what needs to be done.
Giving the version of SQL server helps us zero in on the syntax required, as prior versions are less expressive. By telling us the version we can give you the best query possible.
Note: there is nothing wrong with putting the date calculation math in the query itself (instead of using SET to do it). But I figured you would be encoding this in a stored procedure and if so, using SET is just fine.

SQL Server 2005, Calculating upcoming birthdays from date of birth

This one has bugged me for a while now. Recently when revisiting some code I wrote for a customer a few years ago I was wondering if there is a more elegant solution to the problem.
The customer stores all of their clients information including date of birth (date time field)
They run an extract every Monday that retrieves any customer whose birthday will fall within the following week.
I.e. if the extract was run on Monday Jan 1st, Customers whose birthday fell between (and including) Monday Jan 8th -> Sunday Jan 14th would be retrieved.
My solution was to use the Datepart(dy) function and calculate all upcoming birthdays based off the customers date of birth converted to day of year, adding some logic to include for the extract being run at the end of a year.
The problem was that using Day of year throws results off by 1 day if the customer was born on a leap year and / or the extract is run on a leap-year after the 29th of Feb, so once again I had to add more logic so the procedure returned the expected results.
This seemed quite over-kill for what should be a simple task
For simplicity let’s say the table 'customer' contains 4 fields, first name, last name, dob, and address.
Any suggestions on how to simplify this would really be appreciated
Would something like this work for you?
select * from Customers c
where dateadd(year, 1900-year(dob), dob)
between dateadd(year, 1900-year(getdate()), getdate())
and dateadd(year, 1900-year(getdate()), getdate())+7
Why not use DATEPART(wk) on this year's birthday?
SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Set first day of week to monday
SELECT * FROM customer
WHERE DATEPART(wk, DATEADD(yy, DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()) - DATEPART(yy, customer.dob), customer.dob)) = DATEPART(wk, GETDATE()) + 1
It selects all customers who's birthday's weeknumber is one greater than the current weeknumber.
I think DATEADD should do the proper thing.
YEAR(GETDATE() - dbo.Patients.Dob) - 1900
I can safely assume you will never have customers born before 1900
Please Try This one.
SELECT TOP 10 BirthDate, FirstName
FROM Customers
AND DATEPART(day,BirthDate) >= DATEPART(day,getdate())
OR DATEPART(mm,BirthDate) > DATEPART(mm,getdate())
ORDER BY DatePart(mm,BirthDate),DatePart(day,BirthDate)
this query will get upcoming birthdays including today itself