Sum of values per month divided by days of month - sql

I have a Sales table:
id_item, quantity, date_time
What I need is to sum the items sold in a month and divide them by the days of the month from a selected period of months.
Example - The user selects the dates of Oct 1 to Dec 31. I need to show the items_sold/days_of_month:
Month Items sold Days of month Items/Day
Sep 25 30 0.83333
Oct 36 31 1.16
Dec 15 31 0.4838
I have to specify by Kind of item. the kind is obtained from another table called Items. I use dateformat dd/mm/yy.
sum(quantity) / (select(datepart(dd,getdate())))
sales v
join items a on v.id_item=a.id_item
a.kind='Kind of Item'
and cast(Convert(varchar(10), date_time, 112) as datetime)
between '01/10/2012' and '31/12/2012'
group by
My problem is selecting the days of the months, how can I select x number of months and divide the sum(quantity) of each month by the days of each?
I know this part of the code only selects the days of the current month:

Try this on for size:
#FromDate datetime,
#ToDate date; -- inclusive
SET #FromDate = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, '20121118'), 0);
SET #ToDate = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, '20121220') + 1, 0);
Year = Year(S.date_time),
Month = Month(S.date_time),
QtyPerDay =
Sum(s.quantity) * 1.0
/ DateDiff(day, M.MonthStart, DateAdd(month, 1, M.MonthStart))
dbo.Sales S
INNER JOIN dbo.Items I
ON S.id_item = I.id_item
SELECT MonthStart = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, S.date_time), 0)
) M
I.kind = 'Kind of Item'
AND S.date_time >= #FromDate
AND S.date_time < #ToDate
It will select any full month that is partially enclosed by the FromDate and ToDate. The * 1.0 part is required if the quantity column is an integer, otherwise you will get an integer result instead of a decimal one.
Some stylistic notes:
Do NOT use string date conversion on a column to ensure you get whole days. This will completely prevent any index from being used, require more CPU, and furthermore is unclear (what does style 112 do again!?!?). To enclose full date periods, use what I showed in my query of DateCol >= StartDate and DateCol < OneMoreThanEndDate. Do a search for "sargable" to understand a very key concept here. A very safe and valuable general rule is to never put a column inside an expression if the condition can be rewritten to avoid it.
It is good that you're aliasing your tables, but you should use those aliases throughout the query for each column, as I did in my query. I recognize that the aliases V and A came from another language so they make sense there--just in general try to use aliases that match the table names.
Do include the schema name on your objects. Not doing so is not a huge no-no, but there are definite benefits and it is best practice.
When you ask a question it is helpful to explain all the logic so people don't have to guess or ask you--if you know (for example) that users can input mid-month dates but you need whole months then please indicate that in your question and state what needs to be done.
Giving the version of SQL server helps us zero in on the syntax required, as prior versions are less expressive. By telling us the version we can give you the best query possible.
Note: there is nothing wrong with putting the date calculation math in the query itself (instead of using SET to do it). But I figured you would be encoding this in a stored procedure and if so, using SET is just fine.


SQL Get all Saturdays between two Dates

I'm trying to find all the saturdays between two dates (inclusive) without using a loop.
For example, April 1, 2021, to May 1, 2021 should return:
You can use datename
select *
from Table
where Datename(dw,Datecolumn)='Saturday'
and DateColumn >= start and Datecolumn < End;
Alternatively, if you just want to generate a list on the fly, you can do
declare #StartDate date = '20210401', #EndDate date = '20210501';
select DateAdd(day, rn-1, #StartDate)
from (
select Row_Number() over (order by object_id) rn
from sys.columns
) d
where rn - 1 <= DateDiff(day, #StartDate, #EndDate)
and DateName(dw, DateAdd(day, rn-1, #StartDate))='Saturday';
This first generates a list of numbers in the inner query by utilising one of several possible system tables to select just a row number. This is essentially building a numbers / tally table on the fly, and it's usually a good idea to have a permanent table like this available (a single column of integers starting at 1 and going up to a squintillion or whatever you need). You can see how this works by just highlighting the inner query and running it (F5 in SSMS).
An out query selects from this and filters the row numbers to just the right sequential range for the number of days between the two specified dates. Again, you can check this by highlighting the entire query except for the last line, you'll see it generates the list of dates between the specified start and end dates inclusively.
Finally the and criteria extracts the name of the day for each date and further filters the list of dates based on the day's name.

Calculate Recurring User For 12 Months with SQL

I'm trying to see if there is a better way to achieve what I am doing right now. For example, I need to know total number of users who have logged in for the past 12 months. So each user who has logged in at least once a month, for twelve months in a row would count towards the total.
The way I am doing this right now is: I query my table and get all user ids and timestamps of when they were active and return them to my c# code. Then with bunch of loops and LINQ I calculate the value (Its too much code to dump into this question and since I'm trying to get away from doing it in c# I don't believe there is a need for it).
Now this takes some time to run and I'm sure there has to be a better way to do this with SQL. I've searched but haven't found any SQL functions that let you count based on a recurring condition.
For an answer I'm hoping to either get an example or a link to a similar SO question or an article that talks about achieving this.
An example of MyUsersTable:
UserId | Timestamp
1 | '2018-12-23 00:00:00.000'
1 | '2018-11-23 00:00:00.000'
1 | '2018-10-23 00:00:00.000'
EDIT: I did thought of using SUM(CASE WHEN month = 1 and month = 2 and month = 3) but that seems also like not a great solution.
Expected Result:
Total number of users who were active at least once a month in the last 12 months.
If you need users who logged in every month in 2018:
select ut.userid
from MyUsersTable ut
where timestamp >= '2018-01-01' and timestamp < '2019-01-01'
group by ut.userid
having count(distinct month(timestamp)) = 12;
I'd count the distinct number of months a user logged in on:
SELECT userid
FROM mytable
WHERE YEAR(timestamp) = 2018
GROUP BY userid
To get userIDs who logged in for a specific number of consecutive months, you can use:
/* These are your input values */
DECLARE #searchDate date = '2018-12-15' ;
DECLARE #monthsToSearch int = 12 ;
/* First day of search month */
DECLARE #EndDate date = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, #searchDate), 0) ;
/* First day of month to search from */
DECLARE #StartDate date = DATEADD(month, -#monthsToSearch, #EndDate) ;
SELECT userID --, #StartDate AS startDate, #EndDate AS endDate
SELECT userID, ( (YEAR(userLoginDT)*100)+MONTH(userLoginDT) ) AS datePoint /* YYYYMM */
WHERE userLoginDT >= #StartDate
AND userLoginDT < #EndDate
) s1
HAVING count(distinct(datePoint)) = #monthsToSearch
See the db<>fiddle here for my examples.
The fist two declared variables are your input variables. You feed it the date your are running the report on and then telling it how many months you want to go back to. So you can search any number of months. After that, it's pretty much date manipulation and math.
#EndDate essentially takes your declared date and calculates the first day of the month you are currently searching in. You will search for any dates before this date.
#StartDate counts back from your #EndDate to calculate the number of months you want to search.
(YEAR(userLoginDT)*100)+MONTH(userLoginDT) in your sub-select creates an integer variable that you can GROUP BY to get a distinct count of months you're searching over. This part could be sped up with the Calendar Table.
Then you just use the HAVING to pick out how many distinct records your want for #monthsToSearch.
NOTE: As many here can attest, I'm a huge fan of working with Calendar Tables when dealing with date calculations and large amounts of search data. Something like that would likely speed the query up a bit.

Get date for nth day of week in nth week of month

I have a column with values like '3rd-Wednesday', '2nd-Tuesday', 'Every-Thursday'.
I'd like to create a column that reads those strings, and determines if that date has already come this month, and if it has, then return that date of next month. If it has not passed yet for this month, then it would return the date for this month.
Expected results (on 4/22/16) from the above would be: '05-18-2016', '05-10-2016', '04-28-2016'.
I'd prefer to do it mathematically and avoid creating a calendar table if possible.
Partial answer, which is by no means bug free.
This doesn't cater for 'Every-' entries, but hopefully will give you some inspiration. I'm sure there are plenty of test cases this will fail on, and you might be better off writing a stored proc.
I did try to do this by calculating the day name and day number of the first day of the month, then calculating the next wanted day and applying an offset, but it got messy. I know you said no date table but the CTE simplifies things.
How it works
A CTE creates a calendar for the current month of date and dayname. Some rather suspect parsing code pulls the day name from the test data and joins to the CTE. The where clause filters to dates greater than the Nth occurrence, and the select adds 4 weeks if the date has passed. Or at least that's the theory :)
I'm using DATEFROMPARTS to simplify the code, which is a SQL 2012 function - there are alternatives on SO for 2008.
SELECT * INTO #TEST FROM (VALUES ('3rd-Wednesday'), ('2nd-Tuesday'), ('4th-Monday')) A(Value)
FROM master..spt_values N WHERE N.type = 'P' AND N.number BETWEEN 0 AND 31
WHERE D.Date >=
1+ 7*(CAST(SUBSTRING(T.Value, 1,1) AS INT) -1)
Value Date
------------- ----------
2nd-Tuesday 2016-05-10
3rd-Wednesday 2016-05-18
4th-Monday 2016-04-25

Createing a report using financial periods

I have created a report for management that will total everything up by month with in a date range. Management has now decided that rather than by month they would like to go by period. We have 13 periods in a year each is 28 days except the last one is 29 or 30 depending on if its a leap year. The beginning of the first period is always 1-1-YYYY. So now I will need to figure out what the beginning and end of each period is and total up each period. I am not really sure how to do this since every year the dates will change and they may want to look at periods from the previous year through the current period. The code and results I am currently using are enclosed
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, finspecteddate), 0) AS 'Date'
,COUNT(*) AS Lots
,sum(flotSize) as 'Lot Size'
,sum(LReject) 'Lots Rejected'
,sum(fnumreject) as Rejected
,sum(fsampleSize) as 'Sample Size'
,sum(BDueDate) as 'Before Due Date'
finspecteddate >= '01-01-2014'
AND finspecteddate <= '10-15-2014'
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, finspecteddate), 0)
Modify the following queries to suit your needs:
;WITH Period AS (
SELECT 1 AS ReportingPeriod,
CAST('2013-01-01' AS datetime) AS PeriodStartDate,
CAST('2013-01-28' AS datetime) AS PeriodEndDate
WHEN p.ReportingPeriod = 13 THEN 1
ELSE p.ReportingPeriod + 1
WHEN p.ReportingPeriod = 13 THEN DATEADD(YEAR,YEAR(p.PeriodStartDate)-1899,'1900-01-01')
ELSE DATEADD(DAY,28,p.PeriodStartDate)
WHEN p.ReportingPeriod = 12 THEN DATEADD(YEAR,YEAR(p.PeriodStartDate)-1900,'1900-12-31')
ELSE DATEADD(DAY,28,p.PeriodEndDate)
FROM Period p
WHERE p.PeriodStartDate < '2017-12-03'
,COUNT(*) AS Lots
,sum(flotSize) as 'Lot Size'
,sum(LReject) 'Lots Rejected'
,sum(fnumreject) as Rejected
,sum(fsampleSize) as 'Sample Size'
,sum(BDueDate) as 'Before Due Date'
ReportData R
INNER JOIN Period P ON R.finspecteddate >= P.PeriodStartDate AND R.finspecteddate <= P.PeriodEndDate
finspecteddate >= '01-01-2014'
AND finspecteddate <= '10-15-2014'
It uses a recursive CTE to build a period table, which is then joined to ReportData to aggregate asccording to your requirements. I don't have SQL Server 2005 to test it on. It works with 2008. Post a SQL Fiddle if you need help in 2005.
If you haven't got one, create a period calendar table with a year, period number, start date and end date columns. Then when you need to refer to periods, you can refer to the table. When they change the definition of what a period is, you can change the table. When they decide that February 29 doesn't count as one of the 28 days, you can change the table. When they decide to use the first Monday instead of the first Thursday as the start of the year, you just change the table. And best of all, changing how next year works won't change how last year works.
Then you just join to the table to determine which period you're in.

Sales Grouped by Week of the year

I have a requirement to output the number sales in a year to date in weekly format where Monday is the first day of the week and Sunday is the last.
The table structure is as follows.
SalesId | Representative | DateOfSale.
Below is what I have tried but it doesn't seem to give me the correct result. The counts don't seem to add up for a given week. The Sunday results are not included in the correct week. I am thinking it has something to do with the date not including 11:59:59.999 for the last day of the week.
SELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, Sales.DateOfSale), 6) as [Week Ending], count(SalesID) as Sales,
count(distinct(representative)) as Agents, count(SalesID) / count(distinct(representative)) as SPA
FROM Sales
where DateOfSale >= DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)
GROUP BY DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, Sales.DateOfSale), 6)
ORDER BY DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, Sales.DateOfSale), 6)
I am hoping to have something like this:
Week Ending | Sales
01/05/2014 | 5
01/12/2014 | 8
01/19/2014 | 11
01/26/2014 | 14
Please excuse the formatting of the table above. I couldn't seem to figure out how to create a pipe/newline based table using the editor.
I suggest creating a table or table parameter that has all of your calendar information. In this case, it would need at minimum the column WeekEnding.
For example
WeekEnding date
Populate this with your valid WeekEnding dates. I might also make parameters to limit the amount of sales data, e.g. #BeginDate and #EndDate.
If you join using "<=" on the week ending date, then I believe you will get the return you want:
COUNT(Sales.SalesId) Sales,
COUNT(DISTINCT Sales.Representative) Agents,
CAST(COUNT(Sales.SalesId) AS float) / CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT Sales.Representative) AS float) Spa
#MyCalendar MyCalendar
Sales.DateOfSale <= MyCalendar.WeekEnding
Sales.DateOfSale BETWEEN #BeginDate AND #EndDate
I am assuming you are using SQL 2012, but I believe this will work in 2008 too. I might point out two other things. First, consider your data type when dividing the COUNT of SalesId by the distinct count of Representative. You may not get the return you expect, and that is why I cast as float. Second, you apply count distinct slightly differently than what I use; the extra parenthesis are not needed.
I have a simplified version in SQL Fiddle.