What is the relation between .h and .m files? - objective-c

I know that .m files are where the implementation is and .h files have the method signatures, etc. When one wants to use a certain class in his class, then he imports the .h file. Preprocessor replaces the import .h file with the content of the .h file. What I don't understand is how come access to implementation become available from just preprocessor bringing the .h content? What is the runtime mechanism that allows this?

Importing the .h file isn't actually what does that, so you're correct to be confused!
When a program is compiled, each file is compiled to an "object file", and those are all linked together into an executable program. It's this linking step that provides access to the implementation.
Similarly, any libraries you use need to be linked against (Xcode's project templates do this for you for Foundation, UIKit/AppKit, and other common libraries). This type of linkage is done partially at compile time, then finished dynamically when your app launches, so that it gets the version of the libraries included with the OS instead of the version you compiled with.
Importing the header simply lets the compiler know what things are in the linked library so that it can compile code that references them. If you look up the functionality you use dynamically instead of letting the compiler do it (via dlopen, dlsym, NSClassFromString, NSSelectorFromString, etc...), then you can use linked code without importing its header.


Is there a way to force XCode to provide autocompletion of imports and/or classes in header files that are not included by an implementation file?

I've noticed that while editing header files, XCode does not auto-suggest header files to import or classes from imported files unless the file you are editing is itself imported by some file that is included in the target.
I kind of get the reasons for this, but it's super lame. I'm very happy to take the trade off of disappointment at compile time (oops! that wasn't a class that I could import) for the benefit of saving a ton of time while writing headers.
By the way I'm aware that I can use forward class and protocol declarations but this is not helpful because I often need to use something whose name I've not committed to memory. Once I know the thing to forward-declare, then I will!
Is there any way to get XCode to be more liberal about this?
Edit: with pictures
Here's what I see in a header file included by an implementation file that is added to a target when I type the letters "#i":
Now I comment out the include of the header I was editing
Now here's what I get - but autocomplete still works
When I make a new protocol, of course it is not imported by some implementation file (because it is new and it is not a class, so there is no associated implementation file already created).
So autocomplete of imports (and classes) doesn't work... until I import it from an implementation
And now autocomplete works

module.map for accessing (Swift and Objective-C) classes in main target from test target

I am in the process of adding Swift classes to an existing Objective-C project. As part of this, I have added a MyProjectTests.swift to the target MyProjectTests. It imports Swift classes from target MyProject with import MyProject and that works just fine.
I now want to use #import Swift; in MyProjectTests.mas well. However, the compiler issues the error Module 'MyProject' not found.
I have these questions:
Make both import and #import succeed in test target
Why can it be the case that the Swift compiler sees module MyProject but the Objective-C compiler does not? What build settings in MyProjectTest do I have to change to make #import MyProject succeed as well.
Export Objective-C classes from main target
Ultimately MyProjectTest.swift and MyProjectTest.m also need access to Objective-C classes from target MyProject. So far I have multi-targetted such files, but I want to switch to using modules also here.
My current understanding is that this is a matter of providing a module.map file which would list header files for the classes I wish to "export".
What are the exact steps I have to go through? Where should I place the header file and which build settings do I need to change in the two targets MyProject and MyProjectTests?
I currently have a (so far empty) module.map inside my project and build settings for target MyProject include Defines Module: Yes, Product Module Name: MyProject.
UPDATE I am by now wondering whether it might be impossible to expose (Objective-C) files from an iOS application (instead of framework) project as a module. But then it already seems to work for Swift files (somehow).
I've by now concluded that this is not possible with current Xcode (6.1.1) tooling. (What a waste of time!)
The old scheme of bi-targeting source files to both MyProject and MyProjetTest also presents several challenges for a mixed Objective-C/Swift project with a non-trivial amount of code:
Its Objective-C part defines a legacy NS_ENUM(Integer, Repeat) which name-clashes with Swift.Repeat<T>. Referring to it as MyProject.Repeat (not MyProjectTests.Repeat) causes problems when compiling for target MyProjectTests, which changing this target's Project Name (also) to MyProject (not: MyProjectTests) does not seem to solve.
Compilation of constructs where Swift class A employs Objective-C class B, which in turn employs Swift class C does not seem to be possible in a straightforward way. Since the compiler has not yet produced MyProject-Swift.h with the definition of C, it cannot compile B. But since it cannot compile B it cannot compile A and therefore cannot produce MyProject-Swift.h. Catch 22, or so it seems.
Bi-targeted Swift code imports Swift classes from auto-generated MyProject-Swift.h. For the target MyProjectTests this name does not apply, yet that's what it is in the source files. I did not want to go down the road of changing MyProjectTests' Project Name (see above). Importing the right auto-generated file via the targets *.pch may be possible, but then it may be not ...

import = dynamic linking? & include = static linking?

I wonder the difference of import and include in Object-c
By the way, I am not clear about the difference of dynamic and static linking.
If I use a library with static linking,
is that mean I copy the code i need from library for my program and link with them?
Then my program can work with the code from library.
If i use a library with dynamic linking,
is that mean I only reference the code i need from library to my program when my program is running.
Then my program can work with the "reference code".
#import vs. #include and static vs. dynamic linking are two completely unrelated topics.
#include includes the contents of a file directly in another file, and is available in C (and therefore also in Objective-C). However, it's common to want to include the contents of a file only if that file hasn't already been included. (You don't, for example, want to declare the same variables twice; it'd cause compiler errors!) That's why #import was added in Objective-C; it does exactly that: includes the contents of a file only if that file hasn't already been #imported. If you're not sure what to use, you should probably be using #import.
Static vs. dynamic linking is completely different--linking happens after compilation, so it couldn't possibly be related to #import and #include, which are part of the source code. Your thoughts on linking are exactly correct, however--statically linked libraries are included in your app, and your users don't need them. Dynamically linked libraries are referenced, and must be present on your users' machines for your app to run.

after importing '.h' into the '.m' file, are they FOREVER linked?

I have a CarClass.h file that declares CarClass.
I then #import this CarClass.h file into my CarClass.m file where I of course then go on to implement all my CarClass methods.
Finally, my CarAPP.m file (which contains the main) ALSO #imports CarClass.h - and everything works just fine.
Ss there are actually no problems there :-)
However, I'm not sure I understand WHY it works - cause the linkage seems a little off: if CarAPP.m imports ONLY the CarClass.h file - without also importing the CarClass.m file, then where does it GET or SEE the implementations from?
Is it the case that once the ".m" file - which imports the ".h" file - is compiled, then the two files (.h and .m) are sorta forever linked or something?
I just don't get it...
The compiling process is split in different phases, and #import directives are interpreted long before any linkage occurs.
When you give code files (.c, .m) to your compiler, it will try to generate a code object file (.o) from it; that is, a binary representation of your code. This file is not yet executable because it needs more information. Especially, it's not linked to any other file. Header files, supposed to contain only declarations and no definition, typically don't get their own matching .o file.
After all your code files have been made into code objects, the compiler will put them all together and invoke the linker. The linker will resolve all external references, and then will produce an executable file.
The point is that header files tell the compiler that a function or method exists somewhere. This is enough at the current phase of compilation to produce object files: the compiler just needs to be told what exists, not where's the definition. Only when you actually link you need to know this.
Since all your code object files get packaged together, your whole program gets access to everything that was publicly declared within itself. This is why you don't need to explicitly "link" CarAPP.m against CarClass.m.
It's also possible to mislead the compiler and declare functions in header files that not defined anywhere. If you use them in your program, the first phases of compilation will go just fine (no syntax error, no "undeclared function") but it will break at link-time, since the linker won't be able to locate the nonexistent function.
When you have #import whatEver.h, the pre-processer tries to finds the corresponding file in the default location. If found, it just pastes the content of the whatEver.h to the corresponding source file where ever you use #import whatEver.h. So, to get a final executable, your source files should pass Pre-Process, Compile and Linker stages.
When you have CarClass.h in CarAPP.m, the linker goes to find the implementations of CarClass.h in CarClass.m. Strictly, speaking it goes to find the definitions in CarClass.o. Compiler is happy as long as there are declarations of what you use and the linker is happy as long as there are definitions for the declarations when you intend to use.
When you import CarClass.h to your CarAPP.m, you are saying to linker to find the CarClass.h method implementations in CarClass.o. So, your final executable is a combination of CarAPP.o and CarClass.o. To understand more about how compiling and linking is done, Program Compilation. Though link is C/C++ specific, it should give you an idea.

Working with the Objective-C/Cocoa flat namespace

I've not found anything that addresses my specific name space question as yet.
I am working on some AudioUnit plug-ins featuring Cocoa based GUIs. The plug-ins use a common library of user interface classes (sliders, buttons etc) which are simply added to each Xcode project.
When I recompile and distribute updates it is pretty much guaranteed that at least one user interface class will have been updated since the last release. If the user launches an older plug-in before an updated plug-in then the old Cocoa classes are already loaded into the run time and the plug-in attempts to use the older implementations - often resulting in a failure one way or another.
I know frameworks are the intended solution but the overhead and backwards compatibility issues are not ideal. I prefix all class names where possible but what options do I have to ensure that each plug-in contains unique class names for the shared user interface classes?
The solution I seem to be arriving at is as follows:
Set a preprocessor compiler flag e.g. OBJC_PREFIX=1.
Create a header file to contain all the class name redefinitions and conditionally include it in the header of each class you want to 'rename' e.g:
#include "CocoaPrefixHeader.h"
#interface MySlider : ... etc
Fill the header file (in this case CocoaPrefixHeader) with something like the following:
#define MySlider Prefix_MySlider
#define MyButton Prefix_MyButton
Using ibtool convert all your class names in an existing nib/xib file to the new names e.g:
ibtool --convert MySlider-Prefix_MySlider nibfile.xib --write nibfile2.xib
ibtool --convert MyButton-Prefix_MyButton nibfile2.xib --write nibfile2.xib
This last step converts all class names and outlets etc in the nib file. Once converted you can edit the nib as normal and IB keeps track of the redefined names.
This process is tedious and laborious but it is working for me. Far better to cater for it at the outset.
In your pre-compiled header (.pch) file for each plug-in, you can #define the classes to have different names, e.g.:
#define ClassNameUsedInYourCode ClassNameCompiledInThisProject
#define WidgetButton WahWahPedalPluginWidgetButton
As long as you're creating your UI programmatically, this will ensure that the class names are unique per-plugin. Unfortunately this won't work if you have class names baked into nib files.
In that case, you'd probably need to have some sort of pre-processing script that runs before compilation and replaces any instances of the shared class names with the project-specific class names in all files in the project, including the .xib files. This could get pretty messy but I can't see too many options.
I had a similar issue. I needed to have more than one version of the same bundle running in the same application space at the same time (I can't even remember why). It was not easy, I discussed my problems and options on the Objective-C mailing list. In the end, I modified the build-environment to:
Scan every header for classes declared with #interface.
Create a new header filled with only preprocessor macros that redefine classnames from MyClass to MyClass_v1_00 (or whatever version was defined by the Info.plist file). This header was called ClassRenamer.h.
As an intermediate build step, parse all xib XML files and replace references of MyClass to MyClass_v1_00. This doesn't modify the original xib files, which is handy.
Modify the command-line build flags to include ClassRenamer.h for all .m files.
Surprisingly, everything works perfectly, both at runtime and even in the debugger. If I put a breakpoint on a particular line, it breaks on any version of the class that is loaded, and Xcode even shows the class's name as MyClass_v1_00. The biggest concern is code that looks up classes by name, i.e. using NSClassFromString.
Whilst the solution I arrived at in the updated part of the question works as the final step in a project I can't recommend it for anything where your classes are in a state of flux. I was unable to add additional outlets to classes and have them show up in IB, for example.
In the end I just duplicated my classes and added unique name prefixes for different projects. Using ibtool --convert to update the xib file made this process a lot faster.
Once things settle down maybe a framework will be a better idea.