after importing '.h' into the '.m' file, are they FOREVER linked? - objective-c

I have a CarClass.h file that declares CarClass.
I then #import this CarClass.h file into my CarClass.m file where I of course then go on to implement all my CarClass methods.
Finally, my CarAPP.m file (which contains the main) ALSO #imports CarClass.h - and everything works just fine.
Ss there are actually no problems there :-)
However, I'm not sure I understand WHY it works - cause the linkage seems a little off: if CarAPP.m imports ONLY the CarClass.h file - without also importing the CarClass.m file, then where does it GET or SEE the implementations from?
Is it the case that once the ".m" file - which imports the ".h" file - is compiled, then the two files (.h and .m) are sorta forever linked or something?
I just don't get it...

The compiling process is split in different phases, and #import directives are interpreted long before any linkage occurs.
When you give code files (.c, .m) to your compiler, it will try to generate a code object file (.o) from it; that is, a binary representation of your code. This file is not yet executable because it needs more information. Especially, it's not linked to any other file. Header files, supposed to contain only declarations and no definition, typically don't get their own matching .o file.
After all your code files have been made into code objects, the compiler will put them all together and invoke the linker. The linker will resolve all external references, and then will produce an executable file.
The point is that header files tell the compiler that a function or method exists somewhere. This is enough at the current phase of compilation to produce object files: the compiler just needs to be told what exists, not where's the definition. Only when you actually link you need to know this.
Since all your code object files get packaged together, your whole program gets access to everything that was publicly declared within itself. This is why you don't need to explicitly "link" CarAPP.m against CarClass.m.
It's also possible to mislead the compiler and declare functions in header files that not defined anywhere. If you use them in your program, the first phases of compilation will go just fine (no syntax error, no "undeclared function") but it will break at link-time, since the linker won't be able to locate the nonexistent function.

When you have #import whatEver.h, the pre-processer tries to finds the corresponding file in the default location. If found, it just pastes the content of the whatEver.h to the corresponding source file where ever you use #import whatEver.h. So, to get a final executable, your source files should pass Pre-Process, Compile and Linker stages.
When you have CarClass.h in CarAPP.m, the linker goes to find the implementations of CarClass.h in CarClass.m. Strictly, speaking it goes to find the definitions in CarClass.o. Compiler is happy as long as there are declarations of what you use and the linker is happy as long as there are definitions for the declarations when you intend to use.
When you import CarClass.h to your CarAPP.m, you are saying to linker to find the CarClass.h method implementations in CarClass.o. So, your final executable is a combination of CarAPP.o and CarClass.o. To understand more about how compiling and linking is done, Program Compilation. Though link is C/C++ specific, it should give you an idea.


Problems with midl.exe and cppwinrt.exe from CMake

This is somewhat of a follow-on to How to use midlrt.exe to compile .idl to .winmd?
I have this in my CMakeLists.txt . My questions are less about the CMake logic and more about the output of the midl and cppwinrt commands, and subsequent errors in compiling and linking. I suspect maybe I'm missing some command-line options.
# Pathnames for WinRT References
set (WINSDKREFDIR "$ENV{WindowsSdkDir}References\\$ENV{WindowsSDKVersion}")
# Remove trailing \ from $ENV{WindowsSDKVersion}
string (REGEX MATCH "[^\\]*" WINSDKVER $ENV{WindowsSDKVersion})
# COMMAND lines wrapped in this post for readability, not wrapped in the actual CMakeLists.txt
add_custom_target (MYLIB_PREBUILD ALL
COMMAND midl /winrt /ns_prefix /x64 /nomidl
/out "${MYDIR}\\GeneratedFiles" "${MYDIR}\\MyClass.idl"
COMMAND cppwinrt
-in "${MYDIR}\\GeneratedFiles\\MyClass.winmd"
-ref ${WINSDKVER} -component -pch "pch.h" -out "${MYDIR}\\GeneratedFiles"
add_dependencies (MYLIB MYLIB_PREBUILD)
In the cppwinrt command, I've tried different forms of -ref [spec] and -pch options, but seem to get the same results regardless. These are the problems I've run into:
MIDLRT generates a header file "MyClass.h" with several problems:
It #includes <windows.h>, which ultimately #defines preprocessor macros for GetClassName and GetCurrentTime that cause compiler errors in WinRT functions with those names.
I spent some hours tracking that down and learning to compile with #define COM_NO_WINDOWS_H to prevent that.
It #includes non-existent *.h files from WinRT References Contracts directories instead of the Include directories:
#include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References\10.0.18362.0\Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract\\Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract.h"
#include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References\10.0.18362.0\Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract\\Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract.h"
So I made a copy of this file and replaced those with
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
CPPWINRT generates "module.g.cpp" that #includes "MyNamespace.MyClass.h", but does not also generate that .h file. It does generate "MyNamespace/MyClass.h" (note "/" instead of "."), so I created the former .h and simply #include the latter .h from it.
CPPWINRT doesn't generate all of the base headers that I see in Microsoft examples. It generates only headers directly related to MyClass -- e.g., defining the template base class winrt::MyNamespace::implementation::MyClassT<>, the wrapper winrt::MyNamespace::MyClass, etc.
winrt::MyNamespace::factory_implementation::MyClass is not defined. MyClassT<> is defined there, but not MyClass. I find a paradigm for that from a Microsoft example and paste it in:
// Missing from the generated stuff -- derived from a Microsoft example:
namespace winrt::MyNamespace::factory_implementation
struct MyClass : MyClassT<MyClass, implementation::MyClass>
I received compiler warnings about inconsistent definitions of CHECK_NS_PREFIX_STATE: in some places it was "always" and in other places it was "never". So now I #define MIDL_NS_PREFIX and #define CHECK_NS_PREFIX_STATE="always"
Now the build gets through the compiler, but I have unresolved external symbols in the linker. I think these things are supposed to be defined inline in a "winrt/base.h", but cppwinrt did not export such a file (as I see in Microsoft examples), and the equivalent file in the system directory contains only prototypes, not bodies:
Am I missing some simple thing that would resolve all of these problems with missing, incomplete, and incorrect generated files?
The unresolved external symbol errors indicate that you are missing an import library. In this case you will want to link against the WindowsApp.lib umbrella library, that exports the required symbols.
Note that the symbol names you are observing are an artifact of C++/WinRT's requirement to build with as well as without the Windows SDK headers. It addresses this by declaring the imports (with a WINRT_ prefix to prevent clashes with the SDK header declarations), and then maps the renamed symbols using the /ALTERNATENAME linker switch.
I'm not sure this is going to solve all of your issues, but you certainly would want to add ${MYDIR}\\GeneratedFiles to your additional include directories. That should take care of the inability to include the generated headers from the winrt subdirectory (base.h as well as the projected Windows Runtime type headers).
cppwinrt also writes stub implementations for your own types into ${MYDIR}\\GeneratedFiles\\sources, when it processes the .winmd file previously complied from your .idl(s). It's unfortunate, but there's a manual step involved here: You need to copy the generated .h and .cpp files to your source tree, and implement the skeleton implementations. This is required whenever you modify one of your interface definitions.
As a note, the module.g.cpp files generated for my projects do not include any of my custom type headers. Maybe you are using an older version of C++/WinRT (I'm using v2.0.200203.5). I believe this was changed with the introduction of type-erased factories in C++/WinRT version 2.0. Unless you are doing this already, you should use cppwinrt from the Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT NuGet package as opposed to the binary that (used to) ship with the Windows SDK.

What is the relation between .h and .m files?

I know that .m files are where the implementation is and .h files have the method signatures, etc. When one wants to use a certain class in his class, then he imports the .h file. Preprocessor replaces the import .h file with the content of the .h file. What I don't understand is how come access to implementation become available from just preprocessor bringing the .h content? What is the runtime mechanism that allows this?
Importing the .h file isn't actually what does that, so you're correct to be confused!
When a program is compiled, each file is compiled to an "object file", and those are all linked together into an executable program. It's this linking step that provides access to the implementation.
Similarly, any libraries you use need to be linked against (Xcode's project templates do this for you for Foundation, UIKit/AppKit, and other common libraries). This type of linkage is done partially at compile time, then finished dynamically when your app launches, so that it gets the version of the libraries included with the OS instead of the version you compiled with.
Importing the header simply lets the compiler know what things are in the linked library so that it can compile code that references them. If you look up the functionality you use dynamically instead of letting the compiler do it (via dlopen, dlsym, NSClassFromString, NSSelectorFromString, etc...), then you can use linked code without importing its header.

GTest not finding tests in separate compilation units

I've got a program written in C++, with some subfolders containing libraries linked in. There's a top level SConscript, which calls SConscript files in the subfolders/libraries.
Inside a library cpp, there is a GTest test function:
TEST(X, just_a_passing_test) {
EXPECT_EQ(true, true);
There is main() in the top level program source, which just calls GTests main, and has another GTest test within it:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
TEST(Dummy, should_pass){
EXPECT_EQ(true, true);
Now the issue is that when I run the program, GTest only runs the test in the main.cpp source. Ignoring the test in the library. Now it gets bizarre when I reference an unrelated class in the same library cpp in main.cpp, in a no side-effect kind of way (eg. SomeClass foo;), the test magically appears. I've tried using -O0 and other tricks to force gcc to not optimize out code that isn't called. I've even tried Clang.
I suspect it's something to do with how GTest does test discovery during compilation, but I can't find any info on this issue. I believe it uses static initialization, so maybe there's some weird ordering going on there.
Any help/info is greatly appreciated!
Update: Found a section in the FAQ that sounds like this problem, despite it referring specifically to Visual C++. Which includes a trick/hack to force the compiler to not discard the library if not referenced.
It recommends not putting tests in libraries, but that leaves me wondering how else would you test libraries, without having an executable for every one, making quickly running them a pain and with bloated output.
From the scene-setting one gathers that the library whose gtest test case
goes missing is statically linked in the application build. Also that the
GNU toolchain is in use.
The cause of the problem behaviour is straightforward. The test
program contains no references to anything in the library that contains
TEST(X, just_a_passing_test). So the linker doesn't need to link any
object file from that library to link the program. So it doesn't. So the
gtest runtime doesn't find that test in the executable, because it's not there.
It helps to understand that a static library in GNU format is an archive
of object files, adorned with a house-keeping header block and a global symbol table.
The OP discovered that by coding in the program an ad hoc reference to
any public symbol in the problem library, he could "magically" compel its
test case into the program.
No magic. To satisfy the reference to that public symbol, the linker is
now obliged to link an object file from the library - the one that contains
the definition of the symbol. And the OP imparts that the library is made
from a .cpp. So there is only one object file in the library, and it
contains the definition of the test case, too. With that object file in the
linkage, the test case is in program.
The OP twiddled in vain with the compiler options, switching from GCC to clang,
in search of a more respectable way to achieve the same end. The compiler is
irrelevant. GCC or clang, it gets its linking done by the system linker, ld
(unless unusual measures have been taken to replace it).
Is there a more respectable way to get ld to link an object file from a
static library even when the program refers to no symbols in that object file?
There is. Say the problem program is app and the problem static library is
Then the usual GCC commandline that links app resembles this, in the relevant
g++ -o app -L/path/to/the/libcool/archive -lcool
This delegates a commandline to ld, with additional linker options and
libraries that g++ deems to be defaults for the system where it finds itself.
When the linker comes to consider -lcool, it will figure out this is a request
for the archive /path/to/the/libcool/archive/libcool.a. Then it will figure
out whether at this point it has still got any unresolved symbol references in hand
whose definitions are compiled in object files in libcool.a. If there are
any, then it will link those object files into app. If not, then it links
nothing from libcool.a and passes on.
But we know there are symbol definitions in libcool.a that we want to
link, even though app does not refer to them. In that case, we can tell
the linker to link the object files from libcool.a even though they are
not referenced. More precisely, we can tell g++ to tell the linker to do that,
like so:
g++ -o app -L/path/to/the/libcool/archive -Wl,--whole-archive -lcool -Wl,-no-whole-archive
Those -Wl,... options tell g++ to pass the options ... to ld. The --whole-archive
option tells ld to link all object files from subsequent archives, whether they
are referenced or not, until further notice. The -no-whole-archive tells the
ld to stop doing that and resume business as usual.
It may look as if -Wl,-no-whole-archive is redundant, as it's the last thing on the
g++ commandline. But it's not. Remember that g++ appends system default libraries
to the commandline, behind the scenes, before passing it to the ld. You definitely
do not want --whole-archive to be in force when those default libraries are linked.
(The linkage will fail with multiple definition errors).
Apply this solution to the problem case and TEST(X, just_a_passing_test)
will be executed, without the hack of forcing the program to make some no-op
reference into the object file that defines that test.
There's an obvious downside to this solution in the general case. If it happens that the library from
which we want to force linkage of some unreferenced object file contains a
bunch of other unreferenced object files that we really don't need.
--whole-archive links them all of them too, and they're just bloat in the program.
The --whole-archive solution may be more respectable that the no-op reference
hack, but it's not respectable. It doesn't even look respectable.
The real solution here is just to do the reasonable thing. If you want the
linker to link the definition of something in your program, then don't keep that a secret from
the linker. At least declare the thing in each compilation unit where you
expect its definition to be used.
Doing the reasonable thing with gtest test-cases involves understanding that
a gtest macro like TEST(X, just_a_passing_test) expands to a class definition,
in this case:
class X_just_a_passing_test_Test : public ::testing::Test {
X_just_a_passing_test_Test() {}
virtual void TestBody();
static ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info_ __attribute__ ((unused));
X_just_a_passing_test_Test(X_just_a_passing_test_Test const &);
void operator=(X_just_a_passing_test_Test const &);
(plus a static initializer for test_info_ and a definition for TestBody()).
Likewise for the TEST_F, TEST_P variants. Consequently, you can deploy these
macros in your code with just the same constraints and expectations that would
apply to class definitions.
In this light, if you have a library libcool defined in cool.h, implemented in cool.cpp
and want gtest unit tests for it, to be executed by a test program tests
that is implemented in tests.cpp, the reasonable thing is:-
Write a header file, cool_test.h
#include "cool.h" in it
#include <gtest/gtest.h> in it.
Then define your libcool test cases in it
#include "cool_test.h" in tests.cpp,
Compile and link tests.cpp with libcool and libgtest
And it's obvious why you wouldn't do what the OP has done. You would not define
classes that are needed by tests.cpp, and not needed by cool.cpp, within cool.cpp
and not in tests.cpp.
The OP was averse to the advice against defining the test cases in the library
how else would you test libraries, without having an executable for every one,
making quickly running them a pain.
As a rule of thumb I would recommend the practice of maintaining a gtest executable
per library to be unit-tested: running them quickly is painless with commonplace automation tools
such a make, and it's far better to get a pass/fail verdict per library than
just a verdict for a bunch of libraries. But if you don't want to do that there's still nothing to the
// tests.cpp
#include "cool_test.h"
#include "cooler_test.h"
#include "coolest_test.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
Compile and link with libcool, libcooler, libcoolest and libgtest

import = dynamic linking? & include = static linking?

I wonder the difference of import and include in Object-c
By the way, I am not clear about the difference of dynamic and static linking.
If I use a library with static linking,
is that mean I copy the code i need from library for my program and link with them?
Then my program can work with the code from library.
If i use a library with dynamic linking,
is that mean I only reference the code i need from library to my program when my program is running.
Then my program can work with the "reference code".
#import vs. #include and static vs. dynamic linking are two completely unrelated topics.
#include includes the contents of a file directly in another file, and is available in C (and therefore also in Objective-C). However, it's common to want to include the contents of a file only if that file hasn't already been included. (You don't, for example, want to declare the same variables twice; it'd cause compiler errors!) That's why #import was added in Objective-C; it does exactly that: includes the contents of a file only if that file hasn't already been #imported. If you're not sure what to use, you should probably be using #import.
Static vs. dynamic linking is completely different--linking happens after compilation, so it couldn't possibly be related to #import and #include, which are part of the source code. Your thoughts on linking are exactly correct, however--statically linked libraries are included in your app, and your users don't need them. Dynamically linked libraries are referenced, and must be present on your users' machines for your app to run.

Why can't I define plain C functions in header file?

I always get a build error when I try to define a C function in the header file just above the interface of the class.
but when I do the same in the implementation file and give a declaration in the header. Things work out.
I wanted to know, why is it so becuase I have defined enums, structs , constant NSStrings in the header-file , so why not C functions ?
This is to do with the way that the C linker (or link editor) works. When the C compiler comes across a function definition, it prepares the assembler code that implements that function and marks it with a symbol that says to the linker "this is where the function with this name starts". The symbol is usually named with an underscore followed by the function name, e.g. _printf.
If you define the function in a header file, then every .c or .m file that imports this header will compile the function, and will cause the compiler to emit the same symbol. The linker expects to only find one instance of each symbol, so this is an error.
This is unrelated to the existence of #include guards, or to using #import instead of #include. The C compiler works on individual translation units - by which it means individual source files. Preprocessor strategies stop you including the same header file twice into a single source file, but do nothing to coordinate activities across multiple files. That means that it's valid to include the same headers in different source files: it also means that when you compile different files, they can (legitimately) contain the same symbol.
It's the job of the link editor to put these files together, resolving any references to symbols that were unknown at compilation time. If you try to link objects (the name of compiled and assembled translation units) that have the same symbol into the same archive, shared library or executable, then you'll get the error you're seeing here.
Don't define the function in the header, just declare it there and define it in an implementation file; as you've already found this works.
Define the function in the header, but only include that header in one place in your code. This is often unacceptable for design reasons.
Define the function in the header with the modifier inline. Inline functions are just copied by the compiler into the function where they're called, so a linker symbol is never emitted for them. This has its own trade-offs that you may wish to read more about.