Auto resize font size of component in sencha touch - sencha-touch

In my app font-size of component remain same for all screen size of mobile,tablet,browser.
i have try to use em but not helpful.
can any one help me.

found solution :
Add vh or vw in font size property.


Change font size based on Accessibility Settings in Appcelerator Studio

I am working on Titanium application which I am giving support for Android and iPhone. My goal is to change the overall app's font size whenever we change font size from Accessibility Settings. (Settings->General-> Accessibility->Larger Text->Setting maximum size)
Currently font size change is reflecting only in AlertDialog. I want to happen changes in all elements like Label, button, listview etc.
In android, font size is reflecting when I am setting font size from Accessibility.
Could you please suggest any solution for this!
Thanks !!
Try to use font size in sp (scale-independant pixel)
"#myLabel": {
font: {
fontSize: '14sp'
That would make it work

How to give a fixed size to image in magnific-popup pluggin

I am using magnific-popup pluggin to display some image links in my application. It displays all the images with their actual size. However, I want to display those images with my custom width and height.. How can I do that.. Is there option to give size of content in the magnific-popup during initialization..? Do any one have an idea..
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer. It can be done by changing the respective class's css properties manually. But, that is also fixed for all images.

Image slider or carousel that handles different image sizes

NivoSlider, Flexslider, and others all require the images to be the same width and height. I need a slider that will allow me to have images with varying widths. has a good example, but it only works if you have the slider take up the full width of the screen.
Any direction would be greatly greatly appreciated!
RoyalSlider fits the bill. It accommodates different size images.
Check this out
Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive
carousel slider.

Unable to set height of NSButton

I have some NSButtons of style Round Textured inserted into an NSToolbar.
I have created some custom images for the buttons and would like to make them vertically bigger, however the height field for the button is greyed out.
Anyone got any ideas why, and if there is a way around it?
From NSButtonCell Class Reference
NSTexturedRoundedBezelStyle The height of this button is fixed.
You can use NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle Bezel Styles
You have to uncheck Bordered in the latest version of XCode

flexslider resizing issue for iphone/ipad

I've implemented flexslider before, but this time it is not resizing when I view it in i-phone or i-pad. Also its not working when I'm resizing my browser window.
Please suggest any workarounds..
For now I've made it work by adding media query in flexslider.css file.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Finally I got it, the problem was because of Bootstrap framework. Elements with classname "span1/2/3.." in bootstrap don't resize beyond a fix browser width, even when using fluid structure. Because of that my flexslider div was not getting resized.
I just changed the fixed with of .span class from "px" to "%" and it started working.