im using youtrack to manage my tasks in the project.
The problem is that other users than me cant reorder issues in the backlog - even though they have admin permisions on this project and I cant dissable shotrcuts - for example Im from poland and right_alt+c is ć and I would like to use it in the task description but I simply cant cause alt+c is apply command window :/
I am new to using BigQuery. I tried to select my trial project vertical-idea-303617 and run a query against it. But the browser keeps complaining about permissions related to erudite-buckeye-3032181. I don't know what that erudite-buckeye-3032181 project is and I do not have it selected. Why am I still getting errors? See this image here:
How do I run queries against my vertical-idea-303617.perftest.reportgraphs ?
I had a similar problem, not exactly the same, and to solve it I just had to click that Hide Preview Features button.
apparently Google released some new features that are all broken in the new Front-end, but not in the old
Without creating a new project for each bug/ticket I have to work in within a project, is it possible to save the open files for each of the different bugs/ticket I am working on.
As a very simple example, I am working on Project Golf and have two bugs. #1 - Add CRUD functionality for Player. #2 - Add CRUD functionality for Course.
Within Bug #1 I am working on files views/players/index.php, views/players/add.php, views/players/edit.php and views/players/view.php
Within Bug #2 I am working on files views/courses/index.php, views/courses/add.php, views/courses/edit.php and views/courses/view.php
I would like to be able to easily switch between bug by opening project Golf > Bug #1 or Golf > bug #2 and open the required files that I am working on. The current functionality for me is that PhpStorm will open whatever files I was last working on within that project. If I switch to a completely new bug with completely different I then need to go and reopen them all again.
Although I could create a new project for each bug, this feels a bit cumbersome and the Project Manager screen would also become very cluttered.
If you are using integration with an Issue Tracking System in PhpStorm then IDE will load your tabs that you had open when last time worked on that particular ticket/task.
Regardless if you use such integration or not -- this functionality is called "Contexts" and you can switch between them using Tools | Tasks & Contexts | Load Context.
More on this in official Help pages:
After using youtrack for quite a while my organization is considering a move to JIRA (because of many reasons). However JIRA doesn't seem to include a youtrack importer/migration out of the box (though there seems to be plenty of importers/migrations the other way around).
Has anyone migrated from youtrack to JIRA and have any experience in this?
To anyone who might have this problem later, my final solution ended up something like this:
transfer all "basic" data by hand (user accounts, basic project setup etc)
write a small C# program using the atlassian sdk and the youtrack sdk that transfers from one to the other (creating empty placeholder issues if issues was missing due to someone deleting them in youtrack in order to keep numbering).
This approach worked good enough and I managed to transfer pretty much all data without any loss of any very important data (though of course all timestamps are messed up now, but we saw that as an acceptable loss).
Important to know is that youtrack handles issues moved from one project to another a bit counter-intuitive (they still show up in their first project even when they're moved away from there, but they have an issue id from their new project - a slight wtf when I ran into that the first time).
Also, while the atlassian sdk did allow me to "spoof" the creator of an issue (that is, being logged in as used A and creating an issue while telling the system that it's actually user B who is creating this issue) it does not allow you to do this with comments. So in order to transfer those properly I had to actually loop through the comments and log in with the corresponding new user and post the comments.
Also, attachments from youtrack was a bit annoying to download, so I ended up having to download those "by hand". :/
But all in all, it was relatively pain-free. Some assembly required, some final touch-ups required, but it was all done within a couple of days.
I had the same problem. After a discussion with JIM (Jira Importer) developer, I used YouTrack Rest API and Python script to make JSON files. Then I used JIM JSON import.
With this solution you can import almost all fields from YT - the standard one and files with description, links between issues and projects and so on...
I don't know if I can push it to GitHub, I have to ask my boss - I did it during my work hours.... But of course you can ask me if you want.
The easiest approach is probably to export the data from youtrack into CSV and use the JIRA CSV importer. You may have to modify some of the data to fit the expected format for the CSV importer
I'm trying to make an application that will create a windows user. This is to aid me in the work I'm currently doing at my internship. I have been looking on Google for days for someway to do this but only found one script so far Though when I try running it I get "undefined error" I also tried making a .bat file that will create a user though there I met problems with the encoding as described here
If anyone have any idea on how to do this I would be grateful if you could share it!
Our continous integration setup is TFS as source control, TeamCity as build, and YouTrack for issue management. All these are linked together through the tight integration of TeamCity and YouTrack and through the comments mechanism of check-ins via TFS.
This means that a comment check-in of "PROJECT-1 added xyz functionality" would automatically associate the check-in and associated team city build with the issue in YouTrack.
We have set this up so all check-ins have to be associated with a YouTrack issue and a custom check-in policy uses the YouTrack .NET API ( to communicate with YouTrack and ensure that the comments for each check-in contains a valid YouTrack Id.
The problem we have is that it is still too easy to get the ID wrong in the comments i.e. typing in PROJECT-2 instead of PROJECT-1 and associating a check-in with the wrong issue.
Is there a way to fix these issues by re-associating the check-in with the correct issue, either by:
changing the changeset comments in the source control system and doing something so that YouTrack picks these changes up and reflects the changes, or;
manually editing in YouTrack to move the change to the correct issue
Currently it is not possible, you may, however, vote for the respective issue to speed up it's implementation.
For the first option, you've mentioned, there is a request in TeamCity: