How can I start a process using activiti-restapi and soapui or restclient - process

I want to start a simple process that can be in activiti-explorer or I deployed,using activiti-rest api. I use SoapUI or RESTClient.Actually I wrote URL and I can see all of the process,after I start the process with rest-services, I can see the process started in SoapUI,becasuse the reponse is true,but in activiti-explorer,process isn t starting.What should I do? I m waiting your helps

My guess is that you deployed the activiti-webapp-explorer2 and activiti-webapp-rest as separate war files and each is using an in memory database.
This means, the applications are essentially seperate.
You have two choices.
Deploy as separate webapps but set them to use the same database instance/
Merge the rest API jar into the explorer webapp.
Both methods are acceptable.


Unable to host an NServiceBus Saga from another Service with SQL Persistence

I am attempting to host a Saga from one project in another project using NServiceBus 6 with SqlPersistence and SqlDialect.MsSqlServer. In most examples I have found, the Saga is contained in the same assembly as the hosting app, and perhaps this is why I am struggling.
When hosting everything in the same app, the NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql.MsBuild package correctly outputs Saga .sql files during the build and then picks these up and executes them on run. Using a separate app, only the Outbox, Subscription and Timeout .sql files are generated, not the Saga ones. The following entry is then logged on run:
INFO NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql.Installer Directory '[PATH]\SagaPersistence\Service\bin\Debug\NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql\MsSqlServer\Sagas' not found so no saga creation scripts will be executed.
A full VS 2017 repro may be found at
Firstly, is it a bad idea to host a Sagas from another service, rather than being self-hosted? If not, can someone advise the best way to resolve the SQL Persistence issue?
Can you add NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql.MsBuild to the Saga project? The scripts should then be found there. Unfortunately they're not copied to the host its folder, so you'll have to take them from there into production. Or have them generated by using EnableInstallers, like you're already doing.

What is proper way for fixtures while using chimp with Meteor

I'm playing with chimp testing tool. At the moment I can easily run cucumber and mocha tests. The problem is that I don't know how to add DB fixtures. I'd like to have initial data before running some tests (e.g. add test user into system).
BTW that data can be added only by authenticated user and users can be create only by admin or from server level.
Can't find any docs about this for now. Any suggestions?
If you are using Meteor, you can pass the DDP parameter on the command line --DDP=http://localhost:3000 and then use server.execute to run code on the server. This code can then setup data.
If you are not using Meteor, you can use a HTTP call using request.get('http://localhost:8080/addUser').
Through HTTP / DDP you can access the server and create a testing backdoor to setup the data you need.

Is restlet + simple combination suitable for production environment?

I have a processing application which accepts REST requests and doesn't include a GUI such as a web front-end. Processing is light but the number of requests is quite high (more than 10,000 requests in a second).
I wonder if Restlet + Simple combination is appropriate for this scenario or do I have to use a Java EE edition?
Does anyone have experience with Restlet + Simple combination?
In Restlet, you have the concept of server connectors. This means that you could choose the appropriate connector for your need in a JSE environment (edition jse). It's clear that the default connector isn't suitable for production (it was even not present within org.restlet in the last version 2.3). So you can choose to use the Jetty extension (simply put the extension org.restlet.ext.jetty in your classpath - no impact in your application code) to use it as transport. We use successfully this approach in production (with load balancy in front of this) for one of our application.
If you don't want to handle load balancing, ... by yourself, you could prefer to use an application server to let it handle this.
Hope it helps you,

In YARN what is the difference between a managed and an unmanaged Application Manager

I'm experimenting with the Distributed Shell example in YARN 2.2 and am hoping that someone can clarify what the difference between a managed and and an un-managed application manager is?
For example the following lines appear in the client code
// unmanaged AM
but I am unable to find documentation explaining the difference this line makes to the execution behaviour.
Many thanks.
The setUnmanagedAM(true) is used for debugging purposes i.e. it runs an application manager in local mode and does not submit it to a cluster so it is easier to step into code and debug.
You can see it in use in the hadoop-yarn-applications-unmanaged-am-launcher.jar that ships with yarn
Check the respective JIRA tickets: JIRA-420 and JIRA-419 (client side)
Currently, the RM itself manages the AM by allocating a container for it and negotiating the launch on the NodeManager and manages the AM lifecycle. Thereafter, the AM negotiates resources with the RM and launches tasks to do the real work.
It would be a useful improvement to enhance this model by allowing the AM to be launched independently by the client without requiring the RM. These AM's would be launched on a gateway machine that can talk to the cluster. This would open up new use cases such as the following
1) Easy debugging of AM, specially during initial development. Having the AM launched on an arbitrary cluster node makes it hard to looks at logs or attach a debugger to the AM. If it can be launched locally then these tasks would be easier.
2) Running AM's that need special privileges that may not be available on machines managed by the NodeManager
Blog post with more implementation details on unmanaged AM: click-me
Example of how Impala manages its resources with the help of unmanaged applications: Llama

flex 3 and acessing remote java objects

im just starting to learn flex and im trying to understand how Flex does remoting? From what i have read it looks like Flex provides a LifeCycle data services war which sits on your server and intercepts your remote calls , is this close?
Im concerned that if i use this option that 1. Ill have to add an extra war to my server - the lifecycle data service war and 2. That i will have to pay for a license for each instance i use on each cpu.
Is there an easier [free] option out there which i can use to call my remote java objects from within my flex mxml?
Blaze DS is based off the same APIs / code base as LiveCycle Data Services and is completely free and open source:
There are a number of other options available including:
Granite DS
FluorineFX (for .NET)
There are also solutions for PHP, Python and Ruby, although I can't recall their names right now.
Easiest option is to send xml from the server and to use it in Flex.
However if you want to use java Objects you can go for BlazeDs. It would require you to put an extra jar files (an no incensing) Also there are other options available as WebOrb for java nr meraapi.