jasper reports page break increases blank space at bottom - pdf

I have a requirement to create a PDF page using jasper report. PDF is very huge so I need to divide it into three pages or multiple pages. Jasper studio has only one page to work. We can insert page break into the same jasper file. Once I put two page break in designer mode (which will create three pages) then each page size will remain the same but creates unnecessary blank space. Attaching snapshot.
How to resolve the blank space space ?

To get the required Result (as shown in the right hand side images), you need to Decrease the band Height. It seems you have to half your current band size to get the desired Layout


How to break a SSRS Report page only in PDF?

I am using BIDS to develop a report that needs to be configured in one page when viewed on the internet explorer but still needs page breaks for good display in PDF when exported. The problem is that when i insert page breaks beetween tables another page is added to the report and i only want that in the PDF. Is there any way i can insert page breaks in the PDF but not on the report view itself?
You can achieve this by setting the InteractiveSize property to the wanted value (0 can be used to make it infinite).
If you wish to keep the same width, then you should only change the Height.
Edit: Defining specific page breaks will always force the viewer to use paging as well. This was implemented to improve the performance of large reports to allows users to begin viewing the initial pages of the report while waiting for additional pages to become available.
HTML and Excel output shows a report as a single page if there are no
page breaks. If you do specify InteractiveHeight and InteractiveWidth,
the HTML and Excel output formats render reports using soft page
breaks. Soft page breaks are placed on a page using an estimated page
size, which makes the size of the reports less exact than reports
produced by an output format that supports page size. Soft page breaks
are calculated at run time by the control. Although it is not
recommended, you can disable soft page breaks by setting
InteractiveHeight to 0.
Source: Defining Page Size and Page Breaks in a ReportViewer Report
As described in the quote above, the InteractiveHeight is used to apply soft page breaking when using the report viewer. So the solution is to only use soft page breaks.
You can manipulate your report to break correctly with paging without using hard page breaks by wrapping the wanted blocks inside rectangles. These rectangles you then re-size to be the size of a page and set the property KeepTogetheras true.
This will try to fit the content of the rectangles on the same page, adding a break when you reach the next rectangle. Because your InteractiveSize has no limit, this will not be displayed in the report viewer.

How to put a table at the bottom of a RDLC report page?

I have been pulling my hair for a few days on this problem. I want to keep a table at the bottom of the first report page, NO MATTER how much other content there is (less than one page or more than one page). In other words, I want the table to behave just like a footer which is set to be printed only on the first page. However, as you may all know already, tables can't be put into a page footer in RDLC report (what a pity!).
I know I can put the rest content in a rectangle and consume the white space if there is any. However, this only works when my report is less than one-page. My table will be pushed to the next page if the content length in the rectangle exceeds the rectangle length.
Btw, I'm using VS 2012. Any help would be much appreciated!

SSRS report display varies completely in PDF when compared to on screen display

I have couple of SSRS reports deployed to test server.
The report layout/formatting looks OKAY on the screen but when I export to PDF and view in PDF, everything is messed up.
For example, I see two columns shown in separate page. Even one of the tablix region comes up separately in another page.
So totally one page on-screen display comes to PDF in about 3 to 4 pages.
Also the 2nd and 3rd pages are always blank.
Did I mess up the report defination or any width/height parameters? The report is set to print in landscape and is in inches.
Any help is appreciated.
You probably need to increase the page width, from the Report menu. This will keep all your columns on a single page. As for blank pages when report is exported to PDF, you will have to squeeze out all white space while designing the report. The size of the canvas should not be more than what is just needed. If you have groups on your report and there are page breaks separating each group, setting the ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace property of the Report to true will ensure there are no blank pages at the end.

SSRS05 A one page report in preview shows a second page with only footer in print layout

I have a user sign off report where it shows a users rights/access to the system which all fits nicely onto one page when I hit preview. However when I then go to print layout it shows me two pages with the second page only containg the footer.
Any ideas please?
Are you sure the page size matches the paper size?
If so, have you tried setting the page footer's PrintOnLastPage property to false? Then again, if you really need that footer to be there (seeing that there's only one page), you might have to try fiddling with the margins to get it to fit within the first page.
The report size at design time, plus the margins must be less than the paper size. Sometimes you can have a report that is too wide that is essentially generating a blank page "to the right" rather than underneath the first page.
Yes I have scrunched it all up so that it is WELL within the page size and I have tried all combinations of Footers (and headers).
It is a slightly wierd report in that it has fields that need to grow to show all the information and a small table too, but even at full growth the data looks like it fits on one page (in preview in Visual Studio) but as soon as it goes to print preview and printing it reverts to two pages.
Make sure you do not have extra area to the right of the last field of the report.
Are you sure you've adjusted the report's display size in the property sheet, too?
Hope this helps,

How to get rid of blank pages in PDF exported from SSRS

I have a two-page SSRS report. When I exported it to PDF it was taking 4 pages due to its width, where the 2nd and 4th pages were displaying one of my fields from the table. I tried to set the layout size in report properties as width=18in and height =8.5in.
It gave me the whole table in a single page of PDF, but I am still getting the 2nd and 4th pages blank.
Is the way I am doing it incorrect? How else can I get rid of those blank pages?
In BIDS or SSDT-BI, do the following:
Click on Report > Report Properties > Layout tab (Page Setup tab in SSDT-BI)
Make a note of the values for Page width, Left margin, Right margin
Close and go back to the design surface
In the Properties window, select Body
Click the + symbol to expand the Size node
Make a note of the value for Width
To render in PDF correctly Body Width + Left margin + Right margin must be less than or equal to Page width. When you see blank pages being rendered it is almost always because the body width plus margins is greater than the page width.
Remember: (Body Width + Left margin + Right margin) <= (Page width)
Another thing to try is to set the report property called ConsumeContainerWhitespace to True (the default is false). That's how it got resolved for me.
After hours of struggling with this problem, I stumbled upon a solution that worked for me:
In SSDT (2012), I had originally had my Page Setup/Page units set to Centimeters. When I changed this to Inches, strangely enough, I was able to export my report to PDF without having every other page be blank.
It is better to do this on the design surface (Visual Studio 2012 is shown but can be done in other versions) first before calculating any maths when editing an SSRS document.
Below the following numbers in red circles that map to these following steps:
In the design surface, sometimes the editor will create a page which is larger than the actual controls; hence the ghost area being printed.
Resize to the controls. Visually look at the width/height and see if you can't bring in the page on the design surface to size it to the space actually needed by the controls and no more.
Then try to create a PDF and see if that fixes it.
If #3 does not resolve the issue, then there are controls requiring too much of the actual page size and going over in either length/width. So one will need to make the size of the controls smaller to accommodate a smaller page size.
Also in some circumstances one can just change a property of the report page by setting ConsumeContainerWhitespace to true to automatically consume the spaces.
The problem for me was that SSRS purposely treats your white space as if you intend it be honored:
As well as white space, make sure there is no right margin.
If the pages are blank coming from SSRS, you need to tweak your report layout. This will be far more efficient than running the output through and post process to repair the side effects of a layout problem.
SSRS is very finicky when it comes to pushing the boundaries of the margins. It is easy to accidentally widen/lengthen the report just by adjusting text box or other control on the report. Check the width and height property of the report surface carefully and squeeze them as much as possible. Watch out for large headers and footers.
I have worked with SSRS for over 10 years and the answers above are the go to answers. BUT. If nothing works, and you are completely stuffed....remove items from the report until the problem goes away. Once you have identified which row or report item is causing the problem, put it inside a rectangle container. That's it. Has helped us many many times! Extra pages are mostly caused by report items flowing over the right margin. When all else fails, putting things inside a rectangle or an empty rectangle to the right of an item, can stop this from happening. Good luck out there!
In addition to the margins, the most common issue by far, I have also seen two additional possibilities:
Using + to concatenate text. You should use & instead.
Text overflowing the width of the specified textbox. So if your textbox only holds 30 characters and you try to cram 300 in there, you might end up with extra pages.
Have you tried to see if there is any white space on the right of your report? If so you can drag it back to the end of your report and then drag the report background back to the same spot.
On the properties tab of the report (myReport.rdlc), change the "Keep Together" attribute to False. I've been struggling with this issue for a while and this seems to have solved my issue.
I recently inherited a report that I needed to make a few changes. After following all the recommendations above, it did not help. The report historically had this extra page, and nobody could figure out why.
I right clicked on the tablix and selected properties. There was a checkbox checked that said add a page break after. After removing this, it prints on one page now.
I fixed this issue by doing the following. ( Using the latest version of Report Builder )
Step 1.) Go to View Tab
Step 2.) Check the Properties checkbox
Step 3.) Click inside the body of your report (it will update values in properties tab)
Step 4.) Take not of the width here
Step 5.) Right click in the gray area outside the report and click report properties
Step 6.) Add your left + right margin to your body width ( if that equals 10 then make your width 11)
Step 7.) Save
If your report includes a subreport, the width of the subreport could push the boundaries of the body if subreport and hierarchy are allowed to grow.
I had a similar problem arise with a subreport that could be placed in a cell (spanning 2 columns). It looked like the span could contain it in the designer and it rendered fine in a winform or a browser and, originally, it could generate printer output (or pdf file) without spilling over onto excess pages.
Then, after changing some other column widths (and without exceeding the body width plus margins), the winform and browser renderings looked still looked fine but when the output (printer or pdf) was generated, it grew past the margins and wrote the right side of each page as a 2nd (4th, etc.) page. I could eliminate my problem by increasing colspan where the subreport was placed.
Whether or not you're using subreports, if you have page spillover and your body design fits within the margins of the page, look for something allowed to grow that pushes the width of the body out.
Make sure the designer in visual studio is not going beyond your max width. Hover over the right page border and drag to the left to make sure the page does not go over your desired layout.
I just reduced all elements Width shorter than 8 inch and it is being corrected,
I did that with mouse,
your report Body should be shorter than 8 inch.
I've successfully used pdftk to remove pages I didn't want/need in pdfs. You can download the program here
You might try something like the following. Taken from here under examples
Remove 'page 13' from in1.pdf to create out1.pdf
pdftk in.pdf cat 1-12 14-end output out1.pdf
pdftk A=in1.pdf cat A1-12 A14-end output out1.pdf