Clear cache in netbeans 7.3 - netbeans-7

I want to clear my netbeans cache because when I try to run my project, it is showing the error "Low memory to run this project" and
Cancelled by user.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 19 seconds)
But if I delete my cache folder (C:\Users\Nidhi\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache) I think some of the registry files are also deleted because my netbeans stops working... How can I delete my local history?

Please post the full error message.
BTW I do not think the error message is about disk space. It is about unsufficient heap/perm gen.

This answer from user133408 could help you.
Clear the cache using the %USERPROFILE% Windows variable:
del /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\


console application is not building in vs 2019

I am constantly this error in debug mode.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB3027 Could not copy "C:\Users\N3617\Source\Repos\Core\CoreData\ConsoleApp1\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ConsoleApp1.exe" to "bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ConsoleApp1.exe". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed. The file is locked by: "ConsoleApp1 (1080)" ConsoleApp1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 4643
I had to restart system to get rid off this error. Can anyone tell why is this happening?
It seems an old problem that your project is locked by some other process due to some reasons. You can see this similar issue.
It is complex to explain that but you can try the following steps if you faced them next time:
1) open Task Manager--> shut down ConsoleApp1.exe process, any dotnet process, NET Core Host process or similar process every time when you faced this issue and then build your project again.
2) close VS, delete .vs hidden folder under solution folder, bin and obj folder and then restart VS
3) enter Tools-->Options-->Projects and Solutions-->Build and Run-->set maximum numbers of parallel project builds to 1.
4) uncheck option Use Managed Compatibility Mode under Tools-->Options-->Debugging-->General

Docker build fails always with error hcsshim::PrepareLayer - failed failed in Win32: Incorrect function. (0x1) Windows Containers

Steps to reproduce are very easy.
Create a Dockerfile.
My Dockerfile has many more lines, but I have trimmed them so we can focus in the source of the problem.
Said that, these two lines alone (without anything more) show the problem.
FROM microsoft/iis
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'; "]
Run docker build . and you get hcsshim::PrepareLayer - failed failed in Win32: FunciĆ³n incorrecta. (0x1).
Windows 10 Pro 1909 (but it happened too in 1903)
Docker version:
Engine: 19.03.5
Machine: 0.16.2
I have found the solution to the problem.
Reading all the bug, some have found a simple solution: rename C:\windows\system32\driver\cbfsconnect2017.sys so it isn't loaded the next boot.
Disabling that driver enables me to do a docker build for the first time in windows containers in almost a year.
In my case Box Sync was the one using that driver.
EDIT: #GustavoTM have found that pCloud raises the same problem.
EDIT2: #VonC have noticed that some people in the issue in GitHub has solved it deleting this other file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cbfs6.sys. I haven't tried that, but i put it if it helps others.
The good thing is that I don't need to uninstall Box, but only rename that file.
This is still an issue (still open) with Win10.
Looks like uninstalling cloud storage providers with file system filters like Dropbox, Box, etc. as a workaround is an option for some users.
Deinstall cloud storage providers or virus scanners; if you identify which one is not working please share in
In my case was the problem similar but the file cbfs6.sys was placed somewhere in the rest of uninstalled application Jungle disk, somewhere in the folder c:\Program files\Jungle disk .... It's part of Callback File System signed by EldoS Corporation.
The folder could be rename only and not delete directly. So I could delete its immediately after the PC restart, before running the Docker. So it could be delete during the Docker service restart too.

How do I remove my IntelliJ 2019.1 license?

I went through How do I remove my IntelliJ license? and follow all the steps as mentioned here.
For .IntelliJIdea2019.1 in Windows 10
locate the folder .IntelliJIdea2019.1
move the location .IntelliJIdea2019.1\config\eval
remove the file idea191.evaluation.key
But just after couple of mins, I'm getting below error and it causing the IDE to close out.
How to solve this issue ?
You can solve the issue by buying a license for IntelliJ IDEA. If you need an extended evaluation, you can obtain one by emailing
Uninstall intellij app from the system
Remove the entire folder .IntelliJIdea2019.1
Get rid of JavaSoft folder with all subfolders from the registry
If you want your intellij's back, restart the system and install version 2019.1 again.
Goto bellow location
windows key+R tyepe %appdata% or
and delete everything and restart the app will allow you to use evaluate again.

Cpanel - There is another upcp process running

I have this error when i try to use cpanel upgrade to new version
There is another upcp process running, and you are watching the log from the existing process.
And then in box i see
Unable to find log file: /var/cpanel/updatelogs/last
please help how can i terminate as ps aux | grep upcp shows no process running. I also have deleted update_in_progress.txt from /usr/local/cpanel. I am able to access tweak settings but not able to upgrade. Also tried upcp --force. Please help
If /scripts/upcp --force is not working, then I think your best option is to reboot the server and run it again.

phpStorm 7 Code completion stopped working

I have been working with phpStorm and it had suddenly stopped showing suggestions for code completion. When i do Ctrl + space its behaving correctly by showing all the possible options in a drop down.
I have followed the below link and have did invalidate cache but still of no use.
PhpStorm code completion doesn't show core classes/extensions
My Setup is:
OS: Mac - 10.9.2 (Mavericks)
PHPStorm: 7.1.3
I just had the same problem, fixed it when I realized I mistakenly put PHPStorm in Power Save Mode. Click the little fellow on the bottom right of your PHPStorm window and switch that off
Indeed, the Power saving mode (File > Power Saving Mode) allow you to disable the code inspection functionnality.
However sometimes the PhpStorm code analysis failed and you lost your code completion. In this case you juste have to ask for a new code analysis (File > Synchronize [CTRL+ALT+Y]) or invalid the cache and force a restart (File > Invalid cache / Restart).
Hope that helps.
Invalidating the cache did not work for me, but this did:
Enable power save mode (File > Power Save Mode), then disable it.
If your are using a Linux distro (Ubuntu, Debian, Centos) etc, it is due to ibus.
Just change the Shortcut (run: ibus-setup and change to Super+Ctrl+Space for instance) and everything will be fine again.
Or (my favorite): uninstall ibus if you are not using it.
In a Debian/Ubuntu distro should be:
sudo apt-get remove ibus
Ctrl+Space autocompletion should be back.
It was power saving mode for me too. It's an option at the bottom of the File menu.
install a previous version
Worked for me after I tried everything.
I struggled with this for a few hours this morning. After invalidation of caches, a complete reinstall, etc.. nothing worked.
I closed phpstorm and removed the .idea folder in the filesystem. I then renamed the project folder and reopened it. Autocomplete was now working!
I noticed that phpstorm then created the old project directory in the background, even though I did not open it and put a .idea folder in it. Something is obviously corrupted here.
" ... stopped showing suggestions for code completion".
On mac you can invoke it by fn+ctrl+space.
Going to php-storm -> Settings -> Keymap -> Set Active Changelist you can see it is associated with ^+space.
on windows ctrl+space