NSButton rendering issues when displayed over NSImageView - objective-c

I have a NSButton sibling on top of a NSImageView.
Whenever I click the window, there are some rendering issues. It looks like this:
As you can see, the white edges are the problem.
Strangely, this problem even persists if I override drawRect:.
Nothing gets rendered at all, but whenever I click it, those white edges appear.
Also, when the background-image changes, the button gets redrawn and the edges disappear.
Any idea what might cause this?
I found out that this actually happens with every single instance of NSView
and it actually clears part of the buffer (you can see the desktop wallpaper):
I also just found out that this does not happen if I layer-back the windows content-view.

Well, this question was impossible for anyone to answer.
My window had a custom contentView, which was just drawing a view with rounded corners.
Instead of using self.bounds, I used dirtyRect to draw the background.
So when the contentView wanted to redraw the background of the controls that were updated, those rounded corners were cut out.


NSCollectionView loses scrollbars after changing minItemSize until view gets resized

I have an NSCollectionView with a vertical NSCollectionViewFlowLayout. I display rectangular icons in it.
I also have a slider in the UI, and when that changes, I adjust the minItemSize, which I then use in collectionView:itemForRepresentedObjectAtIndexPath: to create an equally sized NSImageView to the returned NSCollectionViewItem's imageView. Then I reload the view by invoking reloadData.
After that, the view shows the icons in the new size as intended.
The problem is, provided I have more data to show than fits into the current scoll view, that when the General System Preferences are set to Show scroll bars: When scrolling, the scrollbar disappears after reloading the collection view, and trying to scroll with the trackpad leads to a bounce that's telling me that the scroll view thinks that the content is just what's visible, nothing more to scroll.
But as soon as I resize the window, which also resizes the collection view inside, the scrollbars come back.
Curiously, if the System Prefs are set to Show scroll bars: Always, then the issue does not appear and the scrolling always works, and the scrollbars always remain visible.
I've tried a lot of things to trigger the re-calculation of the scroll view, such as invalidating the layout of the collection view's layout, the scroll view itself, its content view, and also tried to set their needsLayout to true. Nothing makes this work.
Update: The potential duplicate (NSCollectionView does not scroll items past initial visible rect), neither the collectionView.setFrameSize: nor the window.setFrame: suggestions work for my case (I tried adding these line before and after reloadData).
Even if I force a resize of the window like this, it doesn't bring the scrollbars back, only a manual dragging of the window edges does:
[self.collectionView.window setFrame:NSInsetRect(self.view.window.frame, 1, 1) display:YES];
Also note that in my case, initially the scrolling works, just not after resizing and reloading.
Another finding: When I call selectItemsAtIndexPaths:scrollPosition: after reloadData, then the scrollbar comes back. But only if I pass a non-empty NSSet for the paths. And since I may not have selected any items, this isn't a permanent solution.
If no other ideas come up, I'll try to make a demo project.
I've solved it:
I had to delay the call to reloadData, e.g. by calling it from within the block code of dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ ... });
Before the fix, I did call reloadData right from the setSliderValue: handler, which is bound to the slider's value. It appears that this didn't go well together.

Objective C Tap Gesture no working after frame resize

I making an ipad application with screen split in half. Each side contains a container and each container holds UIView.
In the left uiView i have a uiScrollView with multiple elements (customs uiview) inside, like a grid but with scroll, and each element support tap gesture.
When i tap each element they work fine and behave like they are suppose to. lets say they do a NSLog(#"tapped!").
Problem comes when i resize either the entire view that holds the scroll view or the Container like so:
navigationVC.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,0, 338,768);
The tap stops working! But if i resize back to its original frame, tap starts working again.
navigationVC.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,0, originalWidth ,768);
I thought the problem would be the elements re-arrange when i resize the scroll view, but in fact its not.
The frame is being resized when i swipe the entire application either left or right.
Behaviour diagram: http://i.imgur.com/4vKpHLQ.png?1
EDIT2: didnt figure it out yet, but i see now that element bound's are changing when the frame is resized.
Got it!
Problem was that when i resized the scrollView the elements.Bounds where changing too. Then i went digging why... could only be something like a anchor... i then started to change a few properties on my XIB.
Under "Simulated Metrics", changed the "Size" drop-down from "Freeform" (add 150, 45) to "Inferred".
Forced the size on initWithCoder, compiled, and it worked.
Thanks Burhanuddin Sunelwala for trying to debug this with me.

Blue border appearing around NSScrollView

I'm sure this is normal and I'm just misunderstanding something, but since making one of my NSScrollViews slightly inset from the bottom of the window (as opposed to taking the full height), a blue border has appeared around it.
I've set NSNoBorder on the scroll view, so this must be something else.
[scrollView setBorderType:NSNoBorder];
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I'd like the border to go away as it spoils the look of the app and just looks broken.
I assume it's the scroll view. The view inside it as an NSOutlineView, so maybe it's something on that?
That's the focus ring. It shows which view is going to get the keystrokes if the user types anything. If you suppress it, then your app will not be in compliance with the UI guidelines.

Resizing an NSView smaller than its subviews?

Couldn't find anything on the net about this and wondered if anyone on SO has a solution.
I have an NSView with several subviews that are centered by removing the left and right anchor points. When I resize my view, programatically or with the mouse, to a smaller width than the subviews: it pushes them off center. Has anyone come across this before and do you have a solution?
EDIT: I want to be able to resize my view to a zero width. The reason being, the view is actually part of a split view and I have hooked up a button to 'collapse' it. When it collapses all of the subviews are pushed off-center and aren't re-centered when the view is resized, effectively un-collapsing it.
I have solved my problem now and thought I would share incase anyone comes across this issue in the future.
No amount of playing with autosizing options or view layouts in Interface Builder seemed to stop my subviews from getting moved off center. I did manage to find this link here and from this page, the advice:
Springs and struts, as currently
implemented, are really no good for
anything but keeping either one or
both sides of a view "stuck" to the
nearest edge. Any sort of centering
behavior, division of gained/lost area
between multiple views, etc. has to be
done by hand.
Based on this I overrode my view's setFrame: method and manually laid out my subviews using their setFrame: method. This works great and gives me the results I'm looking for.
There is the same issue using NSSplitView, resizing here one Subview to be smaller than the Subview Subviews makes sense,e.g. having small charts in the upper subview, and an rss reader in the lower subview.
If you want to show only the rss reader in the lower subview, you can "hide" the upper subview, but after resizing the upper subview the NSImageView are not layed out the same as in the beginning. Check this nib/xCode Project and the following screenshot to see this behaviour.
Only workaroung is to override the resize function to stop getting smaller.

How to center NSSegmentedControl

I've added an NSSegmentedControl to a pane on an horizontal split view on a normal window. I thought that adjusting the springs would make the segmented control centre itself automatically, but it doesn't. How can keep it centred?
I was told to add an observer for when the parent view's frame changes, and manually adjust the position of the centered view, but I've no idea how to go about that.
Any ideas are very welcome.
The layout you describe sounds totally plausible in IB.
Just testing it out, I dropped a segmented control in one of the views in a split view, and it stays centered, so I'm sure there's just a configuration issue.
Be sure that:
Your split view is set to stay centered and resize appropriately with the window as appropriate (just to make sure the behaviour you're seeing is not related to the segmented control's container not resizing properly).
You position your segmented control dead centre, and then leave all 3 horizontal "springs" unclicked (ie: no left anchoring, no right anchoring, no horizontal growing).
I don't know if it's been "fixed" in recent OS versions, but if I recall correctly, NSSegmentedControl does a -sizeToFit each time segments change. If the control isn't changing at all, Jarrett's instructions should work.