XSockets on Linux for WebRTC Voice Conferencing Setup? - webrtc

I am very new to WebRTC and XSockets.
I have been struggling to work out how to start coding a WebRTC app running through XSockets. Ideally my production server would be running Ubuntu or similar but all I see is talk about Visual Studio, MVC etc. But I have also read it works perfectly with Mono on any platform.
Would someone be able to explain to me (in the simplest terms possible) the steps I need to take to make a XSockets/WebRTC page run?


Connecting to libswift-p2p with WebRTC

I'm trying to port a video player Android App to a Web App. The app uses a library called "libSwiftP2P.so".
From looking at the code of the app, all I managed to figure out is that it connects to a STUN server and uses libSwift for Peer-To-Peer connections.
There isn't much information about libSwift online. The only somewhat useful results I found was this GitHub repository, and the libswift.org website, neither of which have been updated in the last 5 years.
I understand that there is a high chance that what I am trying to do is near to impossible. Although both technologies utilize P2P, WebRTC and libSwift might be completely incompatible with one another.
Another option I considered was compiling libSwift's C++ code into WebAssembly, and using that to connect.
However, I haven't ever done anything with WASM and it is probably a way more complicated process than I am putting it.
I would be very grateful if someone could shed some light on this, or if you just tell me that it's not possible, and to give up. Thank you.

Can I run a LabVIEW webservice from Raspberry Pi?

I noticed that there's a recent released apps that enables Raspberry Pi to run a deployed LabVIEW program all by itself and to set the program run as RPi boots. Since I was planning to remotely control the LabVIEW program through the internet using a Web UI, is it possible to setup a webservice of the program on the RPi? By the way, I'm currently planning to use RPi 2 for my project.
If I am getting you right you are about LINX at Makers hub: https://www.labviewmakerhub.com/doku.php?id=blog:users:makerhub:2016-04-07-linx-3
It is open source, free tool. You are free to modify and it and add custom command on LINX Firmware as I understand. After that, you can call LabVIEW Custom Command vi which is part of the API.
You can have a look on all API VIs here: https://www.labviewmakerhub.com/doku.php?id=learn:libraries:linx:reference:labview:start
From the discussion thread here:
We're running the LabVIEW Runtime on the target just like we do on our Linux based RIO devices. The great thing about using the full runtime is that you get the standard LabVIEW expereince with interactive mode, highlight execute, probes, startup executables, etc. This also means that all of the core LabVIEW functionality will work. One way to think about it is anything that works without explicitly installing it on the target from MAX should work on BBB/RPI. We actually don't plug into MAX at all. We currently do not support any toolkits or modules, but we've been experimenting with a couple to see what it would take to support things like web services.
So native LabVIEW web services aren't available yet, but may be coming soon - I'm sure development is responsive to what people ask for, so go to that discussion thread and let them know your interest.
You might be able to 'roll your own' simple web service using the TCP VI's, which as far as I can see should be available on the Raspberry Pi.
Note that deployment to Raspberry Pi or (BeagleBone Black) is only licensed for noncommercial use, as stated in the same thread.

Rails Remote Development Server iPad/Laptop Demos

I have a Rails application running on a remote Linux desktop at work via localhost. I wanted to be able to do live demos when I'm away from my desktop for business meetings and such without going through the hassle of pushing to my production server. I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to perhaps remotely connect to my desktop and run my Rails application on another device as if it was running locally? The remote device in question could be something like an iPad or net-book.
My application is sitting on a Github repository if it counts for anything, with that in mind would it be easier to just get rails up and running on an iPad and download the repository?
I'm not sure if safari on the ipad would support it, but for the netbook scenario I think proxying through an ssh tunnel would probably work best (I'm assuming you don't want to deal with the lag involved with a graphical remote desktop connection).
You could also deploy to an alternate environment like heroku or temporarily provision a publicly accessible VM somewhere for demo purposes.

Web server to host Sencha app?

I am looking to develop some web app for my Android device. Found Sencha and think it might be a good tool to try out.
I suppose I would need to find a web server to host the Sencha app to run the app? What kind of web server is needed? I suppose one that able to run HTML5, CSS, Javascript is enough?
Can anybody recommend one (free one)?
Thanks for the answers to the above post. I am new to this stuff, so got some more follow-up and somewhat related questions:
1) I read from the Sencha site that the app can be developed locally using things like XAMPP installed on local Windows PC. Question -- Why need this local host when I can just use an external Web Host?
2) It was also mentioned that for Windows may not need XAMPP if Window's Internet Information Server (IIS) is already running. How do I know if my computer is running this and so don't need to install another local server? (I asking this because I had installed an XAMPP before on another computer and things got quite messed up and so I want to avoid doing it if possible).
3) Once I got a web host, to have an app running, I would just have to have the JS files in the web host together with the Sencha framework right? If so, then I don't understand what is meant by "Build" in the Sencha documentation.
Sencha Touch is a client side framework, therefore there are no server side requirements. That said, any web host should do.
However, I'll go ahead an make a recommendation... a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySql) will work the best. Of course you can substitute any of the stack for something of your favor, this setup seems to be the most favorable. Some of my colleagues utilize Ruby/RoR instead of PHP, so as you can see it is quite flexible in terms of environment.
When searching for a hosting provider, do your research and select something that fits with your budget but still gives you the best bang for your buck. Be sure to ask them questions!
Tip: Make sure you have access to your web server's configuration file so you can add mime_types and make other mobile oriented tweaks if needed.
First you must know that HTML5, CSS and Javascript are all front end stuff that do not count when you talk about Hosting. These are taken care of by the client agent (browser).
What really matters is your server side language: PHP, Python(Django), Ruby, etc.
So it mainly doesn't matter which framework, as much as which language that framework use.
This is a generic answer that will help you decide not only in terms of Sencha but for any other framework.
Take for instance WordPress. It uses PHP and MySQL, so first I look if my Web host supports Mysql and PHP and in general this would be enough to know that I can use if for my WordPress site.
And by the way, most Web host companies allow you to ask them questions before buying. So go ahead and question them about anything that concerns your requests.
Sencha provides an app hosting service through its Sencha.io cloud services.

svctraceviewer for windows server 2003

I am trying to get the svctraceviewer installed on windows server 2003. I found that it's part of the Windows SDK which is of huge size. Moreover, i wouldn't want install Windows SDK on a server unless it's a hot patch. Is there a way to download or copy the tool separately(probably from windows vista)?
Is there an alternative tool that can be downloaded with reasonable size?
Appreciate your response!
Your right, you probably don't want to push the Windows SDK to all of your servers! :) However, the SvcTraceViewer will run just fine by itself.
We copy it, and some other 'standard' tools to our servers to aid operators/developers in debugging those environments if absolutely necessary.
I don't know of any alternative tools that function as well as it does for specifically reviewing WCF/WF trace logs, but a protocol analyzer (NetMon, Wireshark) will let you see the network traffic. This doesn't help you if your problem is not at the wire level though!
Good Luck!