Rails Remote Development Server iPad/Laptop Demos - ruby-on-rails-3

I have a Rails application running on a remote Linux desktop at work via localhost. I wanted to be able to do live demos when I'm away from my desktop for business meetings and such without going through the hassle of pushing to my production server. I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to perhaps remotely connect to my desktop and run my Rails application on another device as if it was running locally? The remote device in question could be something like an iPad or net-book.
My application is sitting on a Github repository if it counts for anything, with that in mind would it be easier to just get rails up and running on an iPad and download the repository?

I'm not sure if safari on the ipad would support it, but for the netbook scenario I think proxying through an ssh tunnel would probably work best (I'm assuming you don't want to deal with the lag involved with a graphical remote desktop connection).
You could also deploy to an alternate environment like heroku or temporarily provision a publicly accessible VM somewhere for demo purposes.


Using Electron based app as a web server

I'm developing a cross-platform application (Windows/Linux/macOS), which:
Should be able to run locally as a desktop application
Should be able to run on a remote machine, preferably with the same UI as on local.
So far Electron looks good enough for the first bullet.
The question is about the second one. I'd like to reuse both the logic and the UI from the local scenario for the remote scenario. In other words, I'd like to use Electron based application as a web server and connect to it via browser.
Is there any way to do that?
You can create a remote web server without Electron, just with Node.js, and deliver a web page like a PHP server for example.
But if you want to deliver a complete remote UI and manage the window remotely, that's VERY complicated to do... That needs to configure a lot of things and manage connections between client and server, using asynchronous keyboard & mouse and encryption to secure the communications.
You want a hybrid app I think, like a few of them that out out there (i.e. Slack). Generally there's a web app plus an Electron client version with some shared UI code but it's not Electron all around. The main point of electron is to be a local web server acting as a desktop app. You could certainly keep it all node though.

Internet Connectivity To worklight apps

I am using worklight 5.0.6 in Eclipse juno on Windows 7.
I made a simple form filling app. I am deploying this app on my PC, Making it a worklight server. I am accessing it from the instance of the app which is running on my phone.
It works fine as long as my Phone and PC are on the same network, that is, on local LAN.
But when I change the network to Internet, the app is not able to connect to the worklight server - which is, again, my PC.
My Questions are:
Where should i put the public IP address to access the worklight server?
Should i change the worklight version to make it work?
Also, I read solutions that you gotta run the "Build and deploy on remote servers" But i couldn't find the option for it, what i found was "Run on Server"
But i really don't know how to proceed after that.
Should i change the worklight version to make it work?
You should upgrade your Worklight from 5.0.6 to a later release regardless of the connectivity problem - it is a very, very, old release.
Also, I read solutions that you gotta run the "Build and deploy on
remote servers" But i couldn't find the option for it, what i found
was "Run on Server"
This is not related to what you are facing. This option is meant to be used as you prepare to move the development environment (the developer workstation) to other environments, such as QA, UAT and Production. This feature is meant to change the connectivity settings in the application. Again, not relevant for you at this time.
But when I change the network to Internet, the app is not able to
connect to the worklight server - which is, again, my PC.
The problem you are experiencing is expected. There is your PC, which acts as the local server, connected to the Internet via your router. And there is the device, also connected to the same network via the router.
As you disconnect the device from the local network, it is no longer able to connect to the server, which is still in the local network.
If you want that work still, you'd need to setup a server with an external IP address that your device will attempt to connect to, and be able to route the request to the Worklight Server... in short, in a development environment it is expected that you will be on the same network.

Disable Direct Update for worklight6.1 development platform

Right now i am developing an app on remote DEV server. Every time when i update the code (js,html,css etc) then test on the device locally. There is a popup to force me to update the app. But my app need to connect DEV server for testing some backend feature like login.
DEV server is a remote Websphere running WL6.1 for development purpose. Why i need it because my app connect to some web services like Auth server via internal environment (actually is VPN). And those services i cannot set up easily in local environment. That makes using localhost for development is not really possible.
My problem is feeling the development process not really handy. Every time i change the code and want to run on the devices. I need to upload the .wlapp via console. It takes time! Everyday i change the code thousands time. That's why i need a solution.
And now i am seeking for 2 possible ways:
Auto push the .wlapp to remote server when i run and build. Can ANT do that? i read the Doc and find it's a bit of complicated.
Disable Direct Update. Actually i do a tricky hack inside worklight.js to override this feature. But i think it is not a good solution. So, is there any server config can switch the that off?
And i read this thread IBM Worklight - How to disable Direct Update?
Not working.
From what you are describing, things seem to work exactly as they should.
You have your local Worklight Development Server (that's the Worklight Studio plug-in you've installed in your Eclipse).
You have a remote server - here I am presuming this is actually some application server with Worklight Server deployed on it (that is, not the plug-in, but an actual installation of the server component) as well as your deployed project's .war file.
If that's not your setup, you need to think again about your 'testing setup'.
Auto push the .wlapp file to remote server. So the dev server always
keep the latest resource. Not to force me "update" the older version
on the server.
No. You can't do this. You need to manually build your app with the correct connectivity settings for the remote server via Run As > Build Settings and Remote Target.
In addition to the native project that will now contain these connectivity settings for the actual app, you will also have a .wlapp file in the bin folder. You will need to manually deploy it each time you're changing your app's contents. That's why you do development testing in the local development server... when moving to a remote server, that's for QA/UAT/PROD purposes usually.
Just disable this annoying feature in DEV environment.
You will need to do this in both servers via their respective Worklight Console as described in the question you've linked to, so that once you deploy the .wlapp file, it will not send a Direct Update request.
Instead, you'll need to manually re-install the app each time.
I suspect you didn't do this action on the remote server?
If you did, then you need to explain your setup, as the only thing you've wrote about was its name... "dev".
No. You need to manually deploy the .wlapp to your remote server.

XSockets on Linux for WebRTC Voice Conferencing Setup?

I am very new to WebRTC and XSockets.
I have been struggling to work out how to start coding a WebRTC app running through XSockets. Ideally my production server would be running Ubuntu or similar but all I see is talk about Visual Studio, MVC etc. But I have also read it works perfectly with Mono on any platform.
Would someone be able to explain to me (in the simplest terms possible) the steps I need to take to make a XSockets/WebRTC page run?

Online product demo environment for Windows applications

I'm looking for a way to allow potential customers to try my application before they buy it.
The product is a windows forms application that requires an SQL Server database to operate.
Although I have a functional demo that the customer can install on their network, I want to make it easier for them by have them "play" with it at my environment.
I remember Microsoft had (has?) something similar. I was testing Visual Studio a few years ago in a virtual environment where I was connecting to a server at Microsoft.
They setup the environment this way so when a user logs off after using it rollback his actions. Or to explain it better: when a user logins it starts with a new, clean environment.
So any projects I've created testing Visual Studio were lost after I logged off.
Any suggestions?
Some solutions that come to mind:
Provide remote access
You could provide access to a running instance of your application via some sort of remote connection protocol, e.g. via RDP or via VNC.
For example, there is a Java VNC client which can run as a Java applet; you could put that on a webpage and have it connect to a VNC session you host on your servers.
Or use Windows Terminal Server, and allow connection via RDP.
Both solutions of course have the drawback that people need to open the appropriate ports, if they are behind a firewall. There might be ways around that, however (e.g. you can run VNC over HTTP).
VM image
A completely different solution: Provide a ready-to-run VM image (for VMWare, VirtualBox or similar) of your application, including server and everything. You would need a demo version of your app though, plus getting redistribution rights for all the proprietary components (Windows OS, SQL server) might get hairy.
Offer videos
Often people do not really need to actually use the app; they are mainly interested to see how it works. So maybe it is enough to host videos of the app in operation. That allows you to put in some advertising for your features, and lets you show the users what they might miss when testing on their own.