Select Query VS View - sql

Generally we are aggregating transaction data to one table using SQL Job periodically. Now the customer needs live data so 1 hour or hour is too high. Instead of running job in minutes, team suggest to create a view which includes the logic for selecting data from the transaction table itself.
But my confusion is any performance related difference between select query and View. Putting data in aggregate table on a periodica manner and select from this aggregation is easy because
1. It does not affect main tables
Direct select statement in direct transactions tables impact insert opertions as it frequently happening. If i create a view i think the concept is same as select statement. Now also we are selecting from the main tables. Or my understanding is wrong?
Please suggest the best approach for this and why

If i create a view i think the concept is same as select statement
Correct, a view in its simplest form is nothing more than saved query definition. When this view is used in a query the definition will be expanded out into the outer query and optimised accordingly. There is not performance benefit. This is not true of course for indexed views, where the view essentially becomes it's own table and using the NOEXPAND query hint will stop the definition being expanded, and will simply read from the view's index(es). Since this is an aggregation query though I suspect an indexed view won't even be possible, never mind a viable solution.
The next part about having a table to store the aggregation is more difficult to answer. Yes this could benefit performance, but at the cost of not having up to the minute data, and also having to maintain the table. Whether this is a suitable solution is entirely dependent on your needs, how up to date the data needs to be, how often it is required, how long it takes to (a) populate the reporting table (b) run the query on it's own.
For example if it takes 20 seconds to run the query, but it is only needed twice a day, then there is no point running this query every hour to maintain a reporting table to assist a query that is run twice a day.
Another option could be maintaining this reporting table through triggers, i.e. when a row is inserted/updated, cascade the change to the reporting table there and then, this would make the reporting table up to date, but again, if you are inserting millions of transactions a day and running the report a few times, you have to weigh up if the additional overhead cause by the trigger is worth it.
You could reduce the impact on write operations by using a transaction isolation level of READ UNCOMMITTED for the SELECT, but as with the summary table option, this comes at the cost of having up to the second accurate information, as you will be reading uncommitted transactions.
A final option could be an intermediate option, create a summary table daily, and partition/index your main table by date, then you can get the summary from historic data from the table created daily, and union this with only today's data which should be relatively fast with the right indexes.

A good approach is to create the view and profile your DB. Yes the best way to check if the view is a good solution is creating it and testing the results.
A similar question was asked here:
Is a view faster than a simple query?


PostgreSQL efficient count of number of rows WHERE parameter=TRUE

I have a very massive PostgreSQL database table. One of its columns stores a boolean parameter. What I want is a very simple query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE myTable.isSthTrue;
The problem I have is that it is very slow as it needs to check every row if it satisfies the criteria. Adding an index to this parameter speeds up the calculation roughly two times, but doesn't really improve the complexity in general.
Some people on the internet suggest adding triggers that update the count which is stored in a separate table. But that feels like too much effort for an easy problem like this.
If you need an exact result.
Then, yes, a trigger-based solution is likely the best path to go.
If an estimate is okay, consider Materialized Views. (Postgres 9.3+)
Something like CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW myCount AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE myTable.isSthTrue; would maintain a copy of the expensive query you reference. The only caveat is that this aggregate view would not be automatically updated. To do that you need to call REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW, which could be done in a cron, or other timed task.

How do I manage large data set spanning multiple tables? UNIONs vs. Big Tables?

I have an aggregate data set that spans multiple years. The data for each respective year is stored in a separate table named Data. The data is currently sitting in MS ACCESS tables, and I will be migrating it to SQL Server.
I would prefer that data for each year is kept in separate tables, to be merged and queried at runtime. I do not want to do this at the expense of efficiency, however, as each year is approx. 1.5M records of 40ish fields.
I am trying to avoid having to do an excessive number of UNIONS in the query. I would also like to avoid having to edit the query as each new year is added, leading to an ever-expanding number of UNIONs.
Is there an easy way to do these UNIONs at runtime without an extensive SQL query and high system utility? Or, if all the data should be managed in one large table, is there a quick and easy way to append all the tables together in a single query?
If you really want to store them in separate tables, then I would create a view that does that unioning for you.
create view AllData
select * from Data2001
union all
select * from Data2002
union all
select * from Data2003
But to be honest, if you use this, why not put all the data into 1 table. Then if you wanted you could create the views the other way.
create view Data2001
select * from AllData
where CreateDate >= '1/1/2001'
and CreateDate < '1/1/2002'
A single table is likely the best choice for this type of query. HOwever you have to balance that gainst the other work the db is doing.
One choice you did not mention is creating a view that contains the unions and then querying on theview. That way at least you only have to add the union statement to the view each year and all queries using the view will be correct. Personally if I did that I would write a createion query that creates the table and then adjusts the view to add the union for that table. Once it was tested and I knew it would run, I woudl schedule it as a job to run on the last day of the year.
One way to do this is by using horizontal partitioning.
You basically create a partitioning function that informs the DBMS to create separate tables for each period, each with a constraint informing the DBMS that there will only be data for a specific year in each.
At query execution time, the optimiser can decide whether it is possible to completely ignore one or more partitions to speed up execution time.
The setup overhead of such a schema is non-trivial, and it only really makes sense if you have a lot of data. Although 1.5 million rows per year might seem a lot, depending on your query plans, it shouldn't be any big deal (for a decently specced SQL server). Refer to documentation
I can't add comments due to low rep, but definitely agree with 1 table, and partitioning is helpful for large data sets, and is supported in SQL Server, where the data will be getting migrated to.
If the data is heavily used and frequently updated then monthly partitioning might be useful, but if not, given the size, partitioning probably isn't going to be very helpful.

Complexity comparison between temporary table + index creation vice multi-table group by without index

I have two potential roads to take on the following problem, the try it and see methodology won't pay off for this solution as the load on the server is constantly in flux. The two approaches I have are as follows:
select *
select foo.a,bar.b,baz.c
from foo,bar,baz
-- updated for clarity sake
group by a,b,c
create table results as
select foo.a,bar.b,baz.c
from foo,bar,baz
and ;
create index results_spanning on results(a,b,c);
select * from results group by a,b,c;
So in case it isn't clear. The top query performs the group by outright against the multi-table select thus preventing me from using an index. The second query allows me to create a new table that stores the results of the query, proceeding to create a spanning index, then finishing the group by query to utilize the index.
What is the complexity difference of these two approaches, i.e. how do they scale and which is preferable in the case of large quantities of data. Also, the main issue is the performance of the overall select so that is what I am attempting to fix here.
Are you really doing a CROSS JOIN on three tables? Are those three
columns indexed in their own right? How often do you want to run the
query which delivers the end result?
1) No.
2) Yes, where clause omitted for the sake of discussion as this is clearly a super trivial example
3) Doesn't matter.
2nd Update
This is a temporary table as it is only valid for a brief moment in time, so yes this table will only be queried against one time.
If your query is executed frequently and unacceptably slow, you could look into creating materialized views to pre-compute the results. This gives you the benefit of an indexable "table", without the overhead of creating a table every time.
You'll need to refresh the materialized view (preferably fast if the tables are large) either on commit or on demand. There are some restrictions on how you can create on commit, fast refreshable views, and they will add to your commit time processing slightly, but they will always give the same result as running the base query. On demand MVs will become stale as the underlying data changes until these are refreshed. You'll need to determine whether this is acceptable or not.
So the question is, which is quicker?
Run a query once and sort the result set?
Run a query once to build a table, then build an index, then run the query again and sort the result set?
Hmmm. Tricky one.
The use cases for temporary tables are pretty rare in Oracle. They normally onlya apply when we need to freeze a result set which we are then going to query repeatedly. That is apparently not the case here.
So, take the first option and just tune the query if necessary.
The answer is, as is so often the case with tuning questions, it depends.
Why are you doing a GROUP BY in the first place. The query as you posted it doesn't do any aggregation so the only reason for doing GROUP BY woudl be to eliminate duplicate rows, i.e. a DISTINCT operation. If this is actually the case then you doing some form of cartesian join and one tuning the query would be to fix the WHERE clause so that it only returns discrete records.

I want to create a copy of a table, fewer columns than original... but still updated from it

I have a 30gb table, which has 30-40 columns. I create reports using this table and it causes performance problems. I just use 4-5 columns of this table for the reports. So that, I want to create a second table for the reports. But the second table must be updated when the original table is changed without using triggers.
No matter what my query is, When the query is executed, sql tries to cache all 30gb. When the cache is fully loaded, sql starts to use disk. Actually I want to aviod this
How can I do this?
Is there a way of doing this using ssis
thanks in advance
column4 * column7
A view is effectively just a stored query, like a macro. You can then select from that view as if it were a normal table.
Unless you go for matierialised views, it's not really a table, it's just a query. So it won't speed anything up, but it does encapsulate code and assist in controlling what data different users/logins can read.
If you are using SQL Server, what you want is an indexed view. Create a view using the column you want and then place an index on them.
An indexed view stores the data in the view. It should keep the view up-to-date with the underlying table, and it should reduce the I/O for reading the table. Note: this assumes that your 4-5 columns are much narrower than the overall table.
Dems answer with the view seems ideal, but if you are truly looking for a new table, create it and have it automatically updated with triggers.
Triggers placed on the primary table can be added for all Insert, Update and Delete actions upon it. When the action happens, the trigger fires and can be used to do additional function... such as update your new secondary table. You will pull from the Inserted and Deleted tables (MSDN)
There are many great existing articles here on triggers:
Article 1, Article 2, Google Search
You can create that second table just like you're thinking, and use triggers to update table 2 whenever table 1 is updated.
However, triggers present performance problems of their own; the speed of your inserts and updates will suffer. I would recommend looking for more conventional alternatives to improve query performance, which sounds like SQL Server since you mentioned SSIS.
Since it's only 4-5 out of 30 columns, have you tried adding an index which covers the query? I'm not sure if there are even more columns in your WHERE clause, but you should try that first. A covering index would actually do exactly what you're describing, since the table would never need to be touched by the query. Of course, this does cost a little in terms of space and insert/update performance. There's always a tradeoff.
On top of that, I can't believe that you would need to pull a large percentage of rows for any given report out of a 30 gb table. It's simply too much data for a report to have. A filtered index can improve query performance even more by only indexing the rows that are most likely to be asked for. If you have a report which lists the results for the past calendar month, you could add a condition to only index the rows WHERE report_date > '5/1/2012' for example.

How do Views work in a DBM?

Say that I have two tables like those:
Employers (id, name, .... , deptId).
Depts(id, deptName, ...).
But Those data is not going to be modified so often and I want that a query like this
SELECT name, deptName FROM Employers, Depts
WHERE deptId = AND"ID"
be as faster as it can.
To my head comes two possible solutions:
Denormalize the table:
Despite that with this solution I will lose some of the great advantages of have "normalized databases, but here the performance is a MUST.
Create a View for that Denormalize data.
I will keep the Data Normalized and (here is my question), the performance of a query over that view will be faster that without that view.
Or another way to ask the same question, the View is "Interpreted" every time that you make a query over it, or how works the views Stuff in a DBA?.
Generally, unless you "materialize" a view, which is an option in some software like MS SQL Server, the view is just translated into queries against the base tables, and is therefore no faster or slower than the original (minus the minuscule amount of time it takes to translate the query, which is nothing compared to actually executing the query).
How do you know you've got performance problems? Are you profiling it under load? Have you verified that the performance bottleneck is these two tables? Generally, until you've got hard data, don't assume you know where performance problems come from, and don't spend any time optimizing until you know you're optimizing the right thing - 80% of the performance issues come from 20% of the code.
If Depts.ID is the primary key of that table, and you index the Employers.DeptID field, then this query should remain very fast even over millions of records.
Denormalizing doesn't make sense to me in that scenario.
Generally speaking, performance of a view will be almost exactly the same as performance when running the query itself. The advantage of a view is simply to abstract that query away, so you don't have to think about it.
You could use a Materialized View (or "snapshot" as some say), but then your data is only going to be as recent as your last refresh.
In a comment to one of the replies, the author of the question explains that he is looking for a way to create a materialized view in MySQL.
MySQL does not wrap the concept of the materialized view in a nice package for you like other DBMSes, but it does have all the tools you need to create one.
What you need to do is this:
Create the initial materialization of the result of your query.
Create a trigger on insert into the employers table that inserts into the materialized table all rows that match the newly inserted employer.
Create a trigger on delete in the employers table that deletes the corresponding rows from the materialized table.
Create a trigger on update in the employers table that updates the corresponding rows in the materialized table.
Same for the departments table.
This may work ok if your underlying tables are not frequently updated; but you need to be aware of the added cost of create/update/delete operations once you do this.
Also you'll want to make sure some DBA who doesn't know about your trickery doesn't go migrating the database without migrating the triggers, when time comes. So document it well.
Sounds like premature optimisation unless you know it is a clear and present problem.
MySQL does not materialise views, they are no faster than queries against the base tables. Moreover, in some cases they are slower as they get optimised less well.
But views also "hide" stuff from developers maintaining the code in the future to make them imagine that the query is less complex than it actually is.