How do Views work in a DBM? - sql

Say that I have two tables like those:
Employers (id, name, .... , deptId).
Depts(id, deptName, ...).
But Those data is not going to be modified so often and I want that a query like this
SELECT name, deptName FROM Employers, Depts
WHERE deptId = AND"ID"
be as faster as it can.
To my head comes two possible solutions:
Denormalize the table:
Despite that with this solution I will lose some of the great advantages of have "normalized databases, but here the performance is a MUST.
Create a View for that Denormalize data.
I will keep the Data Normalized and (here is my question), the performance of a query over that view will be faster that without that view.
Or another way to ask the same question, the View is "Interpreted" every time that you make a query over it, or how works the views Stuff in a DBA?.

Generally, unless you "materialize" a view, which is an option in some software like MS SQL Server, the view is just translated into queries against the base tables, and is therefore no faster or slower than the original (minus the minuscule amount of time it takes to translate the query, which is nothing compared to actually executing the query).
How do you know you've got performance problems? Are you profiling it under load? Have you verified that the performance bottleneck is these two tables? Generally, until you've got hard data, don't assume you know where performance problems come from, and don't spend any time optimizing until you know you're optimizing the right thing - 80% of the performance issues come from 20% of the code.

If Depts.ID is the primary key of that table, and you index the Employers.DeptID field, then this query should remain very fast even over millions of records.
Denormalizing doesn't make sense to me in that scenario.
Generally speaking, performance of a view will be almost exactly the same as performance when running the query itself. The advantage of a view is simply to abstract that query away, so you don't have to think about it.
You could use a Materialized View (or "snapshot" as some say), but then your data is only going to be as recent as your last refresh.

In a comment to one of the replies, the author of the question explains that he is looking for a way to create a materialized view in MySQL.
MySQL does not wrap the concept of the materialized view in a nice package for you like other DBMSes, but it does have all the tools you need to create one.
What you need to do is this:
Create the initial materialization of the result of your query.
Create a trigger on insert into the employers table that inserts into the materialized table all rows that match the newly inserted employer.
Create a trigger on delete in the employers table that deletes the corresponding rows from the materialized table.
Create a trigger on update in the employers table that updates the corresponding rows in the materialized table.
Same for the departments table.
This may work ok if your underlying tables are not frequently updated; but you need to be aware of the added cost of create/update/delete operations once you do this.
Also you'll want to make sure some DBA who doesn't know about your trickery doesn't go migrating the database without migrating the triggers, when time comes. So document it well.

Sounds like premature optimisation unless you know it is a clear and present problem.
MySQL does not materialise views, they are no faster than queries against the base tables. Moreover, in some cases they are slower as they get optimised less well.
But views also "hide" stuff from developers maintaining the code in the future to make them imagine that the query is less complex than it actually is.


Which DBMS should I use for 1000s of columns and no joins?

We have a table design that consists of 10,000,000 records and 200,000 columns.
The columns are a mixture of:
Binary flags.
The queries need to perform and / or operations on 1-100 columns at a time, and should complete in under 0.1 seconds, returning a only projection/subset of each matched row.
Around 10 new columns get added per day.
Around 1,000 new rows get added per day.
There are no joins.
Which DBMS is best suited for this?
Reason behind this approach:
The columns are materialized indexes from user defined queries: that's why new columns get added each day (as more users come up with their own queries). The other option would be to not use materialized views, and have the user's queries perform joins. Problem here is the queries could take any form and in aggregate there would be a large number of very different execution plans across everyones query... since the user defines the query, it's kinda impossible to optimise a traditional SQL database using indexes, normalised tables, etc.
First, I'd suggest measuring ad-hoc JOINs, and only doing further optimization if you find the performance lacking. I understand it could be difficult to measure every possible query, but you may be able to cover most common/representative cases, and if they perform well-enough just stop there. There is a lot that can be done with good indexing!
Second, and only if the measurements above warrant it, create a new separate materialized view for each ad-hoc query.
Some databases will be able to maintain such views automatically for you1, so if the "base" data changes, relevant results will be automatically added or removed from the materialized view (just as they would from the "live" query result).
Other databases may allow periodic refresh2.
Be warned though: maintaining materialized views is not free, and having thousands of them (especially if they are constantly kept up-to-date, as opposed to periodically refreshed) will definitely impact the insert/update/delete performance on the base data!
1 E.g. SQL Server indexed views.
2 E.g. Oracle Materialized views, although it looks like 12c can also do something close to SQL Server's immediate refresh.
Keeping aside ,why you want to go with 1000 of columns,you can look at below databases which support,unlimited columns

Select Query VS View

Generally we are aggregating transaction data to one table using SQL Job periodically. Now the customer needs live data so 1 hour or hour is too high. Instead of running job in minutes, team suggest to create a view which includes the logic for selecting data from the transaction table itself.
But my confusion is any performance related difference between select query and View. Putting data in aggregate table on a periodica manner and select from this aggregation is easy because
1. It does not affect main tables
Direct select statement in direct transactions tables impact insert opertions as it frequently happening. If i create a view i think the concept is same as select statement. Now also we are selecting from the main tables. Or my understanding is wrong?
Please suggest the best approach for this and why
If i create a view i think the concept is same as select statement
Correct, a view in its simplest form is nothing more than saved query definition. When this view is used in a query the definition will be expanded out into the outer query and optimised accordingly. There is not performance benefit. This is not true of course for indexed views, where the view essentially becomes it's own table and using the NOEXPAND query hint will stop the definition being expanded, and will simply read from the view's index(es). Since this is an aggregation query though I suspect an indexed view won't even be possible, never mind a viable solution.
The next part about having a table to store the aggregation is more difficult to answer. Yes this could benefit performance, but at the cost of not having up to the minute data, and also having to maintain the table. Whether this is a suitable solution is entirely dependent on your needs, how up to date the data needs to be, how often it is required, how long it takes to (a) populate the reporting table (b) run the query on it's own.
For example if it takes 20 seconds to run the query, but it is only needed twice a day, then there is no point running this query every hour to maintain a reporting table to assist a query that is run twice a day.
Another option could be maintaining this reporting table through triggers, i.e. when a row is inserted/updated, cascade the change to the reporting table there and then, this would make the reporting table up to date, but again, if you are inserting millions of transactions a day and running the report a few times, you have to weigh up if the additional overhead cause by the trigger is worth it.
You could reduce the impact on write operations by using a transaction isolation level of READ UNCOMMITTED for the SELECT, but as with the summary table option, this comes at the cost of having up to the second accurate information, as you will be reading uncommitted transactions.
A final option could be an intermediate option, create a summary table daily, and partition/index your main table by date, then you can get the summary from historic data from the table created daily, and union this with only today's data which should be relatively fast with the right indexes.
A good approach is to create the view and profile your DB. Yes the best way to check if the view is a good solution is creating it and testing the results.
A similar question was asked here:
Is a view faster than a simple query?

lookup table or something else?

I have 8 tables;
Now, I need to be able to search out outlets and employees within a range of different geographies and based on a range of subjets.
My questions is: Is there a good strategy and is it a good idea to create a somewhat static lookup table where I have inserted all the data I need in my range ?
The table would potentially grow to +50 million rows but I would be able to say
SELECT ... FROM lookup WHERE subId = 1 OR subId = 2 OR geoId = 1 geoId = 2...etc etc.
So I get to keep the joins out.
Vague, yes, but I need guidance on this!
That question cannot be answered in general. In some contexts you have to keep redundant, denormalized data for performance reasons (in particular for data warehouses). However, you should not introduce redundancies or potential inconsistencies lightly.
I suggest to first measure the query performance and check your execution plans. Make sure that you create all the indexes that you need. If the query turns out to be still too slow, you might consider using a materialized view (called indexed view for sql server, see, e.g., here). A materialized is quite like the table that you suggest, but it is kept in sync with your data automatically by the DBMS.
In a Datawarehouse context for analytics queries (pulling out numbers and statistics from your system) that could make sense, but for an oltp system regularly updated by users, a big lookup table is a very bad design, hard to maintain (lot of uneeded data: not all columns needed for all records etc), bad data etc.
Keeping out joins just for querying the system does not sounds like good idea too
as it could break the work of Sql Server optimizer and has more chances to lead to table scans
(that could be hard with a big table).
Here is an interesting article from Joe Celko on big lookup tables, that sounds related to your problem, not exactly the same but could give you some insights.
A general advice would be : keep a normalized design (and especially for and oltp system).

How to tell if a query will scale well?

What are some of the methods/techniques experienced SQL developers use to determine if a particular SQL query will scale well as load increases, rows in associated tables increase etc.
Some rules that I follow that make the most difference.
Don't use per-row functions in your queries like if, case, coalesce and so on. Work around them by putting data in the database in the format you're going to need it, even if that involves duplicate data.
For example, if you need to lookup surnames fast, store them in the entered form and in their lowercase form, and index the lowercase form. Then you don't have to worry about things like select * from tbl where lowercase(surname) = 'smith';
Yes, I know that breaks 3NF but you can still guarantee data integrity by judicious use of triggers or pre-computed columns. For example, an insert/update trigger on the table can force the lower_surname column to be set to the lowercase version of surname.
This moves the cost of conversion to the insert/update (which happens infrequently) and away from the select (which happens quite a lot more). You basically amortise the cost of conversion.
Make sure that every column used in a where clause is indexed. Not necessarily on its own but at least as the primary part of a composite key.
Always start off in 3NF and only revert if you have performance problems (in production). 3NF is often the easiest to handle and reverting should only be done when absolutely necessary.
Profile, in production (or elsewhere, as long as you have production data and schemas). Database tuning is not a set-and-forget operation unless the data in your tables never changes (very rare). You should be monitoring, and possibly tuning, periodically to avoid the possibility that changing data will bring down performance.
Don't, unless absolutely necessary, allow naked queries to your database. Try to control what queries can be run. Your job as a DBA will be much harder if some manager can come along and just run:
select * from very_big_table order by column_without_index;
on your database.
If managers want to be able to run ad-hoc queries, give them a cloned DBMS (or replica) so that your real users (the ones that need performance) aren't affected.
Don't use union when union all will suffice. If you know that there can be no duplicates between two selects of a union, there's no point letting the DBMS try to remove them.
Similarly, don't use select distinct on a table if you're retrieving all the primary key columns (or all columns in a unique constraint). There is no possibility of duplicates in those cases so, again, you're asking the DBMS to do unnecessary work.
Example: we had a customer with a view using select distinct * on one of their tables. Querying the view took 50 seconds. When we replaced it with a view starting select *, the time came down to sub-second. Needless to say, I got a good bottle of red wine out of that :-)
Try to avoid select * as much as possible. In other words, only get the columns you need. This makes little difference when you're using MySQL on your local PC but, when you have an app in California querying a database in Inner Mongolia, you want to minimise the amount of traffic being sent across the wire as much as possible.
don't make tables wide, keep them narrow as well as the indexes. Make sure that queries are fully covered by indexes and that those queries are SARGable.
Test with a ton of data before going in production, take a look at this: Your testbed has to have the same volume of data as on production in order to simulate normal usage
Pull up the execution plan and look for any of the following:
Table Scan
[Clustered] Index Scan
RID Lookup
Bookmark Lookup
Key Lookup
Nested Loops
Any of those things (in descending order from most to least scalable) mean that the database/query likely won't scale to much larger tables. An ideal query will have mostly index seeks, hash or merge joins, the occasional sort, and other low-impact operations (spools and so on).
The only way to prove that it will scale, as other answers have pointed out, is to test it on data of the desired size. The above is just a rule of thumb.
In addition (and along the same lines) to Robert's suggestion, consider the execution plan. Is it utilizing indexes? Are there any scans or such? Can you simply for the query in any way? For example, Eliminate IN in favor of EXISTS and only join to tables you need to join to.
You don't mention the technology -- keep in mind that different technologies can affect the efficiency of more complex queries.
I strongly recommend reading some reference material on this. This (hyperlink below) is probably a pretty good book to look into. Make sure to look under "Selectivity", among other topics.
SQL Tuning - Dan Tow

How do you optimize tables for specific queries?

What are the patterns you use to determine the frequent queries?
How do you select the optimization factors?
What are the types of changes one can make?
This is a nice question, if rather broad (and none the worse for that).
If I understand you, then you're asking how to attack the problem of optimisation starting from scratch.
The first question to ask is: "is there a performance problem?"
If there is no problem, then you're done. This is often the case. Nice.
On the other hand...
Determine Frequent Queries
Logging will get you your frequent queries.
If you're using some kind of data access layer, then it might be simple to add code to log all queries.
It is also a good idea to log when the query was executed and how long each query takes. This can give you an idea of where the problems are.
Also, ask the users which bits annoy them. If a slow response doesn't annoy the user, then it doesn't matter.
Select the optimization factors?
(I may be misunderstanding this part of the question)
You're looking for any patterns in the queries / response times.
These will typically be queries over large tables or queries which join many tables in a single query. ... but if you log response times, you can be guided by those.
Types of changes one can make?
You're specifically asking about optimising tables.
Here are some of the things you can look for:
Denormalisation. This brings several tables together into one wider table, so in stead of your query joining several tables together, you can just read one table. This is a very common and powerful technique. NB. I advise keeping the original normalised tables and building the denormalised table in addition - this way, you're not throwing anything away. How you keep it up to date is another question. You might use triggers on the underlying tables, or run a refresh process periodically.
Normalisation. This is not often considered to be an optimisation process, but it is in 2 cases:
updates. Normalisation makes updates much faster because each update is the smallest it can be (you are updating the smallest - in terms of columns and rows - possible table. This is almost the very definition of normalisation.
Querying a denormalised table to get information which exists on a much smaller (fewer rows) table may be causing a problem. In this case, store the normalised table as well as the denormalised one (see above).
Horizontal partitionning. This means making tables smaller by putting some rows in another, identical table. A common use case is to have all of this month's rows in table ThisMonthSales, and all older rows in table OldSales, where both tables have an identical schema. If most queries are for recent data, this strategy can mean that 99% of all queries are only looking at 1% of the data - a huge performance win.
Vertical partitionning. This is Chopping fields off a table and putting them in a new table which is joinned back to the main table by the primary key. This can be useful for very wide tables (e.g. with dozens of fields), and may possibly help if tables are sparsely populated.
Indeces. I'm not sure if your quesion covers these, but there are plenty of other answers on SO concerning the use of indeces. A good way to find a case for an index is: find a slow query. look at the query plan and find a table scan. Index fields on that table so as to remove the table scan. I can write more on this if required - leave a comment.
You might also like my post on this.
That's difficult to answer without knowing which system you're talking about.
In Oracle, for example, the Enterprise Manager lets you see which queries took up the most time, lets you compare different execution profiles, and lets you analyze queries over a block of time so that you don't add an index that's going to help one query at the expense of every other one you run.
Your question is a bit vague. Which DB platform?
If we are talking about SQL Server:
Use the Dynamic Management Views. Use SQL Profiler. Install the SP2 and the performance dashboard reports.
After determining the most costly queries (i.e. number of times run x cost one one query), examine their execution plans, and look at the sizes of the tables involved, and whether they are predominately Read or Write, or a mixture of both.
If the system is under your full control (apps. and DB) you can often re-write queries that are badly formed (quite a common occurrance), such as deep correlated sub-queries which can often be re-written as derived table joins with a little thought. Otherwise, you options are to create covering non-clustered indexes and ensure that statistics are kept up to date.
For MySQL there is a feature called log slow queries
The rest is based on what kind of data you have and how it is setup.
In SQL server you can use trace to find out how your query is performing. Use ctrl + k or l
For example if u see full table scan happening in a table with large number of records then it probably is not a good query.
A more specific question will definitely fetch you better answers.
If your table is predominantly read, place a clustered index on the table.
My experience is with mainly DB2 and a smattering of Oracle in the early days.
If your DBMS is any good, it will have the ability to collect stats on specific queries and explain the plan it used for extracting the data.
For example, if you have a table (x) with two columns (date and diskusage) and only have an index on date, the query:
select diskusage from x where date = '2008-01-01'
will be very efficient since it can use the index. On the other hand, the query
select date from x where diskusage > 90
would not be so efficient. In the former case, the "explain plan" would tell you that it could use the index. In the latter, it would have said that it had to do a table scan to get the rows (that's basically looking at every row to see if it matches).
Really intelligent DBMS' may also explain what you should do to improve the performance (add an index on diskusage in this case).
As to how to see what queries are being run, you can either collect that from the DBMS (if it allows it) or force everyone to do their queries through stored procedures so that the DBA control what the queries are - that's their job, keeping the DB running efficiently.
indices on PKs and FKs and one thing that always helps PARTITIONING...
1. What are the patterns you use to determine the frequent queries?
Depends on what level you are dealing with the database. If you're a DBA or a have access to the tools, db's like Oracle allow you to run jobs and generate stats/reports over a specified period of time. If you're a developer writing an application against a db, you can just do performance profiling within your app.
2. How do you select the optimization factors?
I try and get a general feel for how the table is being used and the data it contains. I go about with the following questions.
Is it going to be updated a ton and on what fields do updates occur?
Does it have columns with low cardinality?
Is it worth indexing? (tables that are very small can be slowed down if accessed by an index)
How much maintenance/headache is it worth to have it run faster?
Ratio of updates/inserts vs queries?
3. What are the types of changes one can make?
-- If using Oracle, keep statistics up to date! =)
-- Normalization/De-Normalization either one can improve performance depending on the usage of the table. I almost always normalize and then only if I can in no other practical way make the query faster will de-normalize. A nice way to denormalize for queries and when your situation allows it is to keep the real tables normalized and create a denormalized "table" with a materialized view.
-- Index judiciously. Too many can be bad on many levels. BitMap indexes are great in Oracle as long as you're not updating the column frequently and that column has a low cardinality.
-- Using Index organized tables.
-- Partitioned and sub-partitioned tables and indexes
-- Use stored procedures to reduce round trips by applications, increase security, and enable query optimization without affecting users.
-- Pin tables in memory if appropriate (accessed a lot and fairly small)
-- Device partitioning between index and table database files.
..... the list goes on. =)
Hope this is helpful for you.