ImageResizer preserve metadata - imageresizer

Does any one know if there is a way to tell ImageResizer to preserve image metadata (IPTC, XMP etc) ?.
This was a feature that was supposed to make it into 3.4 but I can't seem to find any documentation for it, and out of the box the metadata is still removed.
If this feature was not added, does anyone know any similar image resizers that offer this feature?

Install ImageResizer.Plugins.CopyMetadata. It was released with V3.4.3.
When installed, you can use the &copymetadata=true command to copy metadata onto the resulting image.


How to make a backup of a pharo image

What is the recommended way to make a backup of a pharo 3.0 image on linux? I do not need anything too fancy, just a single backup.
I will be upgrading to pharo 4 soon; is there anything different I need to do on that version?
Thank you.
You just need to copy the .image and .changes files. As long as they're kept together and have the same root name, you should be good to go.
Alternatively, if you choose "Save As.." from the world menu, you can create a backup copy of both files with a new name. (Though that will change the name the currently running instance uses, so if you were just backing up, you'd want to exit immediately after doing that).
I prefer to backup code I use in github repos, this make the code way more modular for moving around images. Even in the case of moving from Pharo 3 to Pharo 4 or even Pharo 5. Of course you could achieve the same using StHub. To make things even easier you can make the code install with a single click via Configuration Browser.
in addition to the responses above - If your code is defined within your own packages then from the system browser you can File out and or commit in a repository - that way you will find it easier to import in your Pharo 4 image

Can I generate a patch(.msp) without the upgrade image(.msi)

I've googled a lot, but there's little information about my question.
The question for short is "Suppose you have the target image(.msi), the list of changed binaries, but you don't have the upgrade image. How to make a patch based on those inputs?".
The detailed description is:
Currently, We use TFS as the source control. And each time when making a new MSI, we will increment the AssemblyFileVersion of all projects whether the project is really changed or not firstly. This is fine when there's no requirement to make a patch.But, actually, we DO have the requirement to make a patch now. I have tried to create a patch using Purely WiX or Patch Creation Properties, but almost all projects will be considered as changed when we use these MSIs directly.So if I have three inputs:
Target Image(.msi)
A list of really changed binaries
Upgrade Image(all binaries' file version is incremented) <--- this input may be useless
How Can I make use of above inputs to create a patch?
Thanks in advance.
Alternative to Phils answer, you could add an ignore switch for the only incremented files in your Patch Creative Properties File.
<UpgradeFile File="YourFileID" Ignore="yes" />
Depending on how many files there are to ignore might make Phils method easier. Although if you get the file table id list (export the table in orca and edit in excel, copy A3 down) and remove all the ids from you're really changed list, then add the xml around each shouldn't take long.
You can still use the upgraded MSI build when you make a patch. I don't know all the WiX things you may need to do, but I've done exactly what you want to do by setting IgnoreMissingSrcFiles in the TargetImages table:
and just delete all the files you don't want to be patched. You use admin images anyway to create the patch, so all you'll have are two admin images wiyth MSI files and only the files you want to patch.

Set Version information for an existing .dll?

Need To Set Version Information on the existing .dll
I need to add these to dll
1.File Version
2.Product Version
Tried this free version.
does not work
any Idea ?
There is a tool named verpatch that does exactly that.
After you download it you can run it from command line as below:
verpatch your.dll /pv "product.version" /va "file.version"
There are many other flags that can be used to add extra information.
verpatch /?
There is Resource Tuner Console from Heaventools Software.
Resource Tuner Console is a command-line tool that enables developers to automate editing of different resource types in large numbers of Windows 32- and 64-bit executable files.
See specifically the Changing Version Variables And Updating The Version Information page for greater details.
I've created a tool for this purpose because didn't find anything that is enough easy to use and easy to automate. Developers find it useful.
I'm sorry if that might seem as a self-ad but I know how annoying is to sync versions...

How to get metadata from video-movie file using Objective-c?

Any help? Now can get NSSize, duration and its all.
You can do this almost entirely using Spotlight's metadata.
For example, I do the following in one of my apps
MDItemRef fileMetadata=MDItemCreate(NULL,(CFStringRef)eachPath);
NSDictionary *metadataDictionary = (NSDictionary*)MDItemCopyAttributes (fileMetadata,
(CFArrayRef)[NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)kMDItemPixelHeight,(id)kMDItemPixelWidth,nil]);
This code essentially asks for the pixel width and height for a movie file (to determine if it's the dimension of an HD movie or not is the reason).
The Spotlight Metadata Attributes Reference lists all the available keys for various file types by category. You can probably get the required data this way without doing anything significant, provided that the media type you're examining has a Spotlight plug-in.
This functionality may not be built in (I'm honestly not sure), but I do know of two third-party libraries which can tell you the information you need.
VLCKit, the framework being used by the newest beta versions of VLC for Mac.
libmediainfo, a multi-purpose library that can read practically any bit of information you need out of practically any media file.
I can go into more depth with how to use either of these, but I'd rather only do so if you end up needing me to. Let me know!

Is AssemblyInfo.cpp necessary?

I want to remove AssemblyInfo.cpp, because of some metadata errors that sometimes come up.
Is AssemblyInfo.cpp useful for anything? Or can it be removed without any problem?
I've discovered one distinction for this file: it has to do with values reported under calls to Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies. I was working on tracking version numbers of our binaries from our SVN repository by embedding the revision numbers into them. Initially I too was updating AssemblyInfo.cpp and found nothing reported in the file property details tab for the binary. It seemed this file did nothing for me in terms of updating those details, which was not the case with similar updates to a csproj's AssemblyInfo.cs. Why the difference right?
Now in one such csproj we happen to reference a vcxproj and that csproj dumps to a log the versions of all its referenced assemblies using the .NET Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies method. What I discovered was that the number that was being reported in that log was not the vcxproj's version as given by the VS_VERSIONINFO resource I added (which does get the version details into the file properties details tab). Instead the number reported was actually matching that defined in the AssemblyInfo.cpp.
So for vcxproj files it looks like VS_VERSIONINFO is capable of updating the contents you find under the file properties details tab but AssemblyInfo.cpp is capable of exposing the version to GetReferencedAssemblies. In C# these two areas of reporting seem to be unified. Maybe there's a way to direct AssemblyInfo.cpp to propagate into the file details in some fashion, but what I'm going to wind up doing is duplicating the build info to both locations in a prebuild step. Maybe someone can find a better approach.
So far I never had the AssemblyInfo.cpp in my managed c++ dlls, so I don't think it is necessary.
(I just added the file to have version information for my c++ dlls).
Why not just fix the errors? On that note, what errors are you getting?
This file provides information such as a version number which is definitely needed in order to use the assembly you have built.