Setting ColdFusion variables during a HTTP request - variables

I'm currently working on the acknowledge receipt response used in SagePay on my website. I've noticed you can do things such as invoke components, read and output variables, but it doesn't allow you to set variables - even if those variables already exist. Is this the case with all HTTP requests or am i simply doing something wrong? My first thought would be if it can execute server side script then surely setting variables (session i must state - not local) should not be an issue.


Persits ASPPDF ImportFromUrl ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out

We have a test website that uses Persits ASPPDF to build a PDF using the ImportFromUrl method. It works fine on our test domain, but when I use the same code on another domain (and crucially perhaps, a sub-domain) I get the "MSXML2::ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out." error.
This leads me to think its related to the problem outlined in
"the calling Active Server Page (ASP) should not send requests to an ASP in the same virtual directory or to another virtual directory in the same pool or process. This can result in poor performance due to thread starvation."
So perhaps the config of the two servers hosting the two sites (test and live) are different - and if so what would that be? - Or you can't run this method on a sub-domain? Any guidance out there please?
I've had the same issue for weeks and finally found out what the problem was. In my case, it was because I had set to True the options that allow the debug of classic ASP code, without which I could not debug using visual studio. Setting those options back to False fixed the issue.

Re-route/Divert some WL.Client Adapter Invocation traffic to WL Server through different URL (for PCI payment and security requirements)?

We are having a specific requirement from our client about using a PCI Appliance from Intel ( to avoid a PCI Audit for the application and server.
Therefore, the Adapter calls that have something to do with payment data would need to go through this hardware appliance before hitting the worklight server. All other adapter calls should go to the worklight server directly (to not overload the appliance).
The idea is to have two different URLs but the same worklight server in the background. It is assumed that the calls through the appliance will be transparent for the worklight server, so worklight functionality should not be impacted.
My questions around this would be:
a Worklight best-practice for having two different URLs for the same worklight server and alternating those URLs from the client for Adapter invocations (only; not direct update or anything else, since we assume this is executed native)?
is it possible to dynamically overwrite the worklight server URL that is used for an adapter invocation through JavaScript code in the client code? e.g. overwrite a specific JS function that gets/returns the worklight URL from somewhere before the WL.Client AJAX adapter invocation?
We are also looking into having a load-balancer switch the route based on a regex of the AdapterName that is being invoked or so. But it is not sure right now if that is possible and what the performance impact is.
Though possible, this is not something supported by WL. You will not be able to get help from support in case something goes wrong (and it will). You have to keep in mind that all server cookies (e.g. session id) are per domain. Therefore when you're dynamically changing server URL you will loose them. Therefore WL server will treat your request as a new session, unrelated to an old (existing) one. This is not something specific to WL, this is how HTTP works.
WL keeps server URLs in two global properties - WL.AppProp.WORKLIGHT_ROOT_URL and WL.AppProp.APP_SERVICES_URL. You can override them thus changing server URLs.
First one is used for all requests triggered by developer (init, connect, login etc). Second one is used for miscellaneous internal functionality (e.g. encrypted cache).
Once again - this is a hack, definitely not a solution. Use with caution if at all:)
How About this,if we define our own function that will call some static properties and update them ?
function changeServerUrl(serverURL) {
WL.StaticAppProps.WORKLIGHT_BASE_URL = serverURL;
and call it
if you dig into the worklight.js file there is a function "setWLUrl(url)" that can be use to change the serevr URL.
call it like this and its done
its kind a hack but i think it should not have anny issue since its a function within there api.
Good Luck

405 (POST not allowed) HttpException when trying to apply HttpResponse.Filter

We are getting a 405 error and the following exception from IIS7 when attempting to apply a ResponseStreamFilter to HttpResponse.Filter:
The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/app/Thing.asmx/Command' is not allowed.
We are applying the filter by using an HttpModule with code like this:
var rfs = new ResponseFilterStream(HttpContext.Current.Response.Filter);
rfs.TransformStream +=
new Func<System.IO.MemoryStream, System.IO.MemoryStream>(ProcessStream);
HttpContext.Current.Response.Filter = rfs;
Log("Response stream filter applied correctly.");
All of the code in our HttpModule works just fine... it's all wrapped in a try-catch just to be safe and isn't throwing any exceptions, and diagnostic logging like the last line above is working correctly.
But it looks like our ProcessStream method in the above code is never being called. If we apply the filter to HttpResponse.Filter at all, IIS throws the 405 exception before our filter begins processing.
Our code has worked before on several similar systems, so we suspect IIS/machine configuration on this specific server is responsible. What could be causing this?
The most commonly reported cause for a 405 error in a situation like this seems to be using Url.Rewrite. (The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/test.html' is not allowed) However, we are never using a Url.Rewrite.
Another commonly reported cause is trailing slashes in the request URL. (HTTP 405 on Error on HTTP POST IIS ASP .NET) But as mentioned above, the URL being requested does not end with a slash.
The app pool is running .NET 4.0 in a Classic pipeline (jQuery AJAX post receives 405 error (HTTP verb POST not allowed)), but our code has run without issue on many other systems under a Classic app pool, so there would still have to be something unique to this server's configuration. Changing to Integrated pipeline breaks the application our code is filtering, so that's not a possible workaround anyway.
Turns out, it was a very obscure IIS bug:
The ExtensionlessUrl handler (*.) was incorrectly getting involved with the request instead of just the WebServiceHandlerFactory (*.asmx) as expected. The workaround was:
Manually deleting the ExtensionlessUrl handler entries from the web application's handler mappings
Manually moving the ExtensionlessUrl handler entries under anything you actually expect to be hit
Adding a web.config entry under system.webServer/handlers to remove the ExtensionslessUrl handler as needed (we went with this option to make sure it got included with app demployment)
We had to burn a Microsoft support ticket on this one, since there's no way we would have figured this out in any reasonable timeframe. Hopefully this helps someone else.

Sporadic invalid_request 400 errors connecting to Shopify /admin/oauth/access_token

I am using a java raw HTTP client to connect to Shopify API (specifically, using Play Framework with the non-defualt sync driver which is actually the JDK's default driver).
My application usually manages to connect successfully and convert the temporary access token into a permanent one by calling the /admin/oauth/access_token endpoint.
However, sometimes I get this error result from the API:
Generic Error(400)
I haven't been able to reproduce the issue with my test stores - I've tried installing a fresh store, reinstalling existing stores after uninstalling, I'm not sure why this call sometimes fail and how to debug it. The API call still continues to succeed for some stores using our application.
Some things that I am doing:
Even if the URL of the store is on a custom domain, I'm always using the URL and not the URL of the custom domain, to prevent a redirect.
I am always using an https URL and never an http one, again to prevent a redirect (we noticed a few issues with redirect with the Java HTTP client, so we aim to have zero redirects)
A thread I found about this error suggest possible problems with our SSL certificates, however I don't think this is my problem because some requests work for us, and the result of running openssl on our machine does't show any issues.
How should I proceed? Open a support ticket with Shopify?
FYI, I see that this specific problem only started yesterday on Feb 19 2013, so it might be a temporary issue.
FYI, the problem was caused by reusing a temporary access code.
Our fault - Shopify could have been more clear in their error message though.

header variables go missing in production

I'm running Rails 3.1 with PhusionPassenger and NGINX in the back. I'm sending requests via a simple HttpClient (GrahpicalHttpClient for OS X). My code expects a token and an ID in the header to verify the authenticity of the caller. In developement mode this is no problem, but once I move it into production the header variables go missing. Nothing is displayed.
Here is the code:
#caller = Person.check_authentication_token(request.headers['person_id'], request.headers['authentication_token'])
The method check_authentication_token returns nil if either variable is nil. As I said, this works fine in development but the request.headers['person_id'] and request.headers['authentication_token'] are both nil in production. Has anyone else seen this issue before?
Nginx defaults to considering underscores in request headers invalid and subsequently removes them, see for how to fix this.