How to prevent ._ (dot underscore) files? - sshfs

I am using Textmate 2 to edit a rails project on remote Linux server via sshfs.
When I save a file (e.g. README.rdoc) there is another file created (i.e. ._README.rdoc):
-rw-rw-r-- 1 4096 Feb 17 17:19 ._README.rdoc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 486 Feb 17 17:19 README.rdoc
The Textmate doc mentioned how to disable extended attributes:
defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakDocumentDisableFSMetaData 1
but ._ files are still created after the above defaults write.
Is there a way to disable creation of ._ files when using sshfs + Textmate 2?

To disable Extended Attributes in Textmate 2, use:
defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview volumeSettings '{ "/Users/ohho/Mount/" = { extendedAttributes = 0; }; }'
Where /Users/ohho/Mount/ is the parent folder of all my sshfs mounted folders.

As I have tried with following command THIS IS NOT WORKING :
NOT WORKING:-"defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakDocumentDisableFSMetaData 1"
I have taken reference from :
and its working fine now.
TextMate use extended attributes to store caret position, etc.
On file systems which don’t support extended attributes
(most network file systems), OS X will create an auxiliary file with
a dot-underscore prefix (e.g. ._filename).
If you don’t want these files, you can disable the use of extended
attributes. This is presently controlled with the volumeSettings key.
Its values are (1) an associative array with path prefix; and (2) another associative array with settings for that path. (Presently, only extendedAttributes
is supported.)
So, if we wanted to disable extended attributes for files under /net/:
defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview volumeSettings '{ "/net/" = { extendedAttributes = 0; }; }'


knitr 1.5 / patchDVI 1.9 doesn't seem to generate a concordance acceptable to evince + emacs

Setup : here is sessionInfo() :
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] patchDVI_1.9 knitr_1.5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.0.2 evaluate_0.5.1 formatR_0.9 highr_0.2.1 stringr_0.6.2
[6] tcltk_3.0.2 tools_3.0.2
I am trying to get emacs and AucTeX to synchronize my .Rnw source file with evince to go to comiled text from source and back.
I have already checked that the synchronization works fine between a .tex source and a PDF.
My .Rnw file starts with :
\synctex=1 %% Should force concordance generation
\pdfcompresslevel=0 %% Should force avoidance of PDF compression, which patchDVI does
\pdfobjcompresslevel=0 %% not handle
<<include=FALSE>>= %% Modificaton of what Sweave2kinitr does
## opts_chunk$set(concordance=TRUE, self.contained=TRUE) ## No possible effect
opts_knit$set(concordance=TRUE, self.contained=TRUE) ## Seems reasonable
%% \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} %% That's where inspiration came from
Consider the following log (unrelevant parts edited) :
> options("knitr.concordance")
[1] TRUE
> opts_knit$get("concordance")
[1] TRUE
> knit("IntroStat.Rnw")
processing file: IntroStat.Rnw
|...................... | 33%
ordinary text without R code
|........................................... | 67%
label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options)
List of 1
$ include: logi FALSE
|.................................................................| 100%
ordinary text without R code
output file: IntroStat.tex
[1] "IntroStat.tex"
> system("pdflatex -synctex=1 IntroStat.tex")
[ Edited irrelevancies ]
SyncTeX written on IntroStat.synctex.gz.
Note : a concordance has *been* generated !!! **
Transcript written on IntroStat.log.
Let's do that again to fix references :
> system("pdflatex -synctex=1 IntroStat.tex")
[ Edited irrelevancies ]
Output written on IntroStat.pdf (1 page, 136907 bytes).
SyncTeX written on IntroStat.synctex.gz.
Note : a concordance has *been* generated *again* !!! **
Transcript written on IntroStat.log.
> patchDVI("IntroStat.pdf")
[1] "0 patches made. Did you set \\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}?"
* This I do not understand *
> patchSynctex("IntroStat.synctex.gz")
[1] "0 patches made. Did you set \\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}?"
* Ditto *
It appears that something in the set of tools does not work as advertized : either dviPatch does not recognize legal concordance \specials or pdflatex dfoes not generate them. It does generate something, however...
I checked that the resulting PDF enables evince to synchronize with the .tex file, but not in the .Rnw file. Furthermore, when the .Rnw file is open in emacs, starting the viewer with 'C-c C-v View" in AucTeX indeed starts the viewer (after requesting to open a server, which I authorize), but the viewers is empty, and i get this :
"TeX-evince-sync-view: Couldn't find the Evince instance for file:///home/charpent/Boulot/Cours/ODF/Chapitres/Ch3-StatMath/IntroStat.Rnw.pdf"
in the "Messages" buffer.
So we have a second problem here.
A third one would be to integrate all of this transparently in the AucTeX production chain, but this is another story...
I'd really like to keep emacs as my main tool for R/\LaTeX/Sage work, rather tha switch to RStudio, which probably won't like much SageTeX and othe various tools I need on a daily/weekly basis...
Any thoughts ?
Maybe this will help. I tried it on a simple file, and it does work.
As for the second and third problems, I have this script (note that I source the above code from jan-glx; modify path accordingly):
BASENAME=$(basename $FILE .Rnw)
Rscript -e 'library(knitr); opts_knit$set("concordance" = TRUE); knit("'$1'")'
pdflatex --synctex=1 --file-line-error --shell-escape "${1%.*}"
Rscript -e "source('~/Sources/patchKnitrSynctex.R'); patchKnitrSynctex('${1%.*}.tex')"
ln -s $BASENAME.synctex.gz $BASENAME.Rnw.synctex.gz
ln -s $BASENAME.pdf $BASENAME.Rnw.pdf
The links are my kludgy way of getting around the "Couldn't find the instance (...) ".
If you have your .Rnw in an Emacs buffer, go to a shell buffer, and call that script. When finished, C-c C-v from Emacs will open your configured PDF viewer (okular in my case). In the PDF, shift + left mouse click (okular at least) will bring you to the right place in the Emacs .Rnw buffer.
This is not ideal: if you jump to an error, it goest to the .tex, not the .Rnw. And I'd like to be able to invoke it via C-c C-c or similar (but I don't know how ---elisp ignorance).

WebLogic - Using environment variable / double quotes in "Arguments" in "Server Start"

I have an admin server, NodeManager, and 1 managed server, all on the same machine.
I am trying to enter something similar to this to the arguments field in the Server Start tab:\someDir\someJar.jar
But when the managed server is started it throws this exception:
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : %USERPROFILE%\someDir\someJar.jar
It appears that the environment variable is not being translated into it's value. It is just passed on to the managed server as plain-text.
I tried surrounding the path with double quotes (") but the console validates the input and does not allow this: "Arguments may not contain '"'"
Even editing the config.xml file manually cannot work, as the admin server fails to startup after this:
<Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000362> <Server failed. Reason: [Management:141266]Parsing failure in config.xml: java.lang
.IllegalArgumentException: Arguments may not contain '"'.>
I also tried using %20 to no avail, it is just passed as %20.
I thought that perhaps this had something to do with the spaces in the value of %USERPROFILE% (which is "C:\documents and settings.."), but the same thing happens with other env. variables which point to other directories with no spaces.
My question:
Is there any supported way of :
using double quotes? what if i have to reference a folder with spaces in it's name?
reference an environment variable? What if i have to rely on it's value for distributed servers where i do not know in advance the variable's value?
Edit based on comments:
Approach 1:
Open setDomainEnv.cmd and search for export SERVER_NAME in Linux or for set SERVER_NAME in Windows. Skip to next to next line (i.e skip current and the next line)
On the current line, insert:
customServerList="server1,server2" #this serverList should be taken as input
isCurrServerCustom=$(echo ${customServerList} | tr ',' '\n' | grep ${SERVER_NAME} | wc -l)
if [ $isCurrServerCustom -gt 0 ]; then
# add customJavaArg
Save the file and re-start servers
Note that I have only given logic for Linux , for Windows similar logic can be used but with batch scripting syntax.
Approach 2:
Assuming domain is already installed and user provides the list of servers to which the JVM argument need to be added. Jython script (use to execute). WLST Reference.
Usage: script_name props_file_location
import os
from import File
from import FileInputStream
# extract properties from properties file.
print 'Loading input properties...'
propsFile = sys.argv[1]
propInputStream = FileInputStream(propsFile)
configProps = Properties()
domainDir = configProps.get("domainDir")
# serverList in properties file should be comma seperated
serverList = configProps.get("serverList")
# The current machine's logical name as mentioned while creating the domain has to be given. Basically the machine name on which NM for current host is configured on.
# This param may not be required as an input if the machine name is configured as same as the hostname , in which case , socket module can be imported and socket.getHostName can be used.
currMachineName = configProps.get("machineName")
jarDir = os.environ("USERPROFILE")
argToAdd = '' + jarDir + File.separator + 'someDir' + File.separator + 'someJar.jar'
for srvr in serverList.split(",") :
cd('/Server/' + srvr)
listenAddr = get('ListenAddress')
if listenAddr != currMachineName :
# Only change current host's servers
cd('/Server/' + srvr + '/ServerStart/' + srvr)
argsOld = get('Arguments')
if argsOld is not None :
set('Arguments', argsOld + ' ' + argToAdd)
set('Arguments', argToAdd)
# now restart all affected servers (i.e serverList)
# one way is to connect to adminserver and shutdown them and then start again
Script has to be run from all hosts where the managed servers are going to be deployed in order to have the host specific value of "USERPROFILE" in the JVM argument.
BTW, to answer your question in a line : looks like the JVM arguments have to be supplied with the literal text eventually. But looks like WLS doesn't translate the environment variables if provided as JVM arguments. It gives an impression that it is translating when its done from startWebLogic.cmd (ex: using %DOMAIN_HOME% etc.) but its the shell/cmd executor that translates and then starts the JVM.

PhantomJS: exported PDF to stdout

Is there a way to trigger the PDF export feature in PhantomJS without specifying an output file with the .pdf extension? We'd like to use stdout to output the PDF.
You can output directly to stdout without a need for a temporary file.
page.render('/dev/stdout', { format: 'pdf' });
See here for history on when this was added.
If you want to get HTML from stdin and output the PDF to stdout, see here
Sorry for the extremely long answer; I have a feeling that I'll need to refer to this method several dozen times in my life, so I'll write "one answer to rule them all". I'll first babble a little about files, file descriptors, (named) pipes, and output redirection, and then answer your question.
Consider this simple C99 program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: %s file_name\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
FILE* file = fopen(argv[1], "w");
if (!file) {
printf("No such file: %s\n", argv[1]);
return 2;
fprintf(file, "some text...");
return 0;
Very straightforward. It takes an argument (a file name) and prints some text into it. Couldn't be any simpler.
Compile it with clang write_to_file.c -o write_to_file.o or gcc write_to_file.c -o write_to_file.o.
Now, run ./write_to_file.o some_file (which prints into some_file). Then run cat some_file. The result, as expected, is some text...
Now let's get more fancy. Type (./write_to_file.o /dev/stdout) > some_file in the terminal. We're asking the program to write to its standard output (instead of a regular file), and then we're redirecting that stdout to some_file (using > some_file). We could've used any of the following to achieve this:
(./write_to_file.o /dev/stdout) > some_file, which means "use stdout"
(./write_to_file.o /dev/stderr) 2> some_file, which means "use stderr, and redirect it using 2>"
(./write_to_file.o /dev/fd/2) 2> some_file, which is the same as above; stderr is the third file descriptor assigned to Unix processes by default (after stdin and stdout)
(./write_to_file.o /dev/fd/5) 5> some_file, which means "use your sixth file descriptor, and redirect it to some_file"
In case it's not clear, we're using a Unix pipe instead of an actual file (everything is a file in Unix after all). We can do all sort of fancy things with this pipe: write it to a file, or write it to a named pipe and share it between different processes.
Now, let's create a named pipe:
mkfifo my_pipe
If you type ls -l now, you'll see:
total 32
prw-r--r-- 1 pooriaazimi staff 0 Jul 15 09:12 my_pipe
-rw-r--r-- 1 pooriaazimi staff 336 Jul 15 08:29 write_to_file.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pooriaazimi staff 8832 Jul 15 08:34 write_to_file.o
Note the p at the beginning of second line. It means that my_pipe is a (named) pipe.
Now, let's specify what we want to do with our pipe:
gzip -c < my_pipe > out.gz &
It means: gzip what I put inside my_pipe and write the results in out.gz. The & at the end asks the shell to run this command in the background. You'll get something like [1] 10449 and the control gets back to the terminal.
Then, simply redirect the output of our C program to this pipe:
(./write_to_file.o /dev/fd/5) 5> my_pipe
./write_to_file.o my_pipe
You'll get
[1]+ Done gzip -c < my_pipe > out.gz
which means the gzip command has finished.
Now, do another ls -l:
total 40
prw-r--r-- 1 pooriaazimi staff 0 Jul 15 09:14 my_pipe
-rw-r--r-- 1 pooriaazimi staff 32 Jul 15 09:14 out.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 pooriaazimi staff 336 Jul 15 08:29 write_to_file.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pooriaazimi staff 8832 Jul 15 08:34 write_to_file.o
We've successfully gziped our text!
Execute gzip -d out.gz to decompress this gziped file. It will be deleted and a new file (out) will be created. cat out gets us:
some text...
which is what we expected.
Don't forget to remove the pipe with rm my_pipe!
Now back to PhantomJS.
This is a simple PhantomJS script (, written in CoffeeScript) that takes two arguments: a URL and a file name. It loads the URL, renders it and writes it to the given file name:
system = require 'system'
renderUrlToFile = (url, file, callback) ->
page = require('webpage').create()
page.viewportSize = { width: 1024, height : 800 }
page.settings.userAgent = 'Phantom.js bot' url, (status) ->
if status isnt 'success'
console.log "Unable to render '#{url}'"
page.render file
delete page
callback url, file
url = system.args[1]
file_name = system.args[2]
console.log "Will render to #{file_name}"
renderUrlToFile "http://#{url}", file_name, (url, file) ->
console.log "Rendered '#{url}' to '#{file}'"
Now type phantomjs hn.png in the terminal to render Hacker News front page into file hn.png. It works as expected. So does phantomjs hn.pdf.
Let's repeat what we did earlier with our C program:
(phantomjs /dev/fd/5) 5> hn.pdf
It doesn't work... :( Why? Because, as stated on PhantomJS's manual:
Renders the web page to an image buffer and save it
as the specified file.
Currently the output format is automatically set based on the file
extension. Supported formats are PNG, JPEG, and PDF.
It fails, simply because neither /dev/fd/2 nor /dev/stdout end in .PNG, etc.
But no fear, named pipes can help you!
Create another named pipe, but this time use the extension .pdf:
mkfifo my_pipe.pdf
Now, tell it to simply cat its inout to hn.pdf:
cat < my_pipe.pdf > hn.pdf &
Then run:
phantomjs my_pipe.pdf
And behold the beautiful hn.pdf!
Obviously you want to do something more sophisticated that just cating the output, but I'm sure it's clear now what you should do :)
Create a named pipe, using ".pdf" file extension (so it fools PhantomJS to think it's a PDF file):
mkfifo my_pipe.pdf
Do whatever you want to do with the contents of the file, like:
cat < my_pipe.pdf > hn.pdf
which simply cats it to hn.pdf
In PhantomJS, render to this file/pipe.
Later on, you should remove the pipe:
rm my_pipe.pdf
As pointed out by Niko you can use renderBase64() to render the web page to an image buffer and return the result as a base64-encoded string.But for now this will only work for PNG, JPEG and GIF.
To write something from a phantomjs script to stdout just use the filesystem API.
I use something like this for images :
var base64image = page.renderBase64('PNG');
var fs = require("fs");
fs.write("/dev/stdout", base64image, "w");
I don't know if the PDF format for renderBase64() will be in a future version of phanthomjs but as a workaround something along these lines may work for you:
var fs = require("fs");
var pdf =;
fs.write("/dev/stdout", pdf, "w");
Where output is the path to the pdf file.
I don't know if it would address your problem, but you may also check the new renderBase64() method added to PhantomJS 1.6:
Unfortunately, the feature is not documented on the wiki yet :/

Programmatically changing the User's account image in OSX

Is there some way I can programmatically change the users account image on OSX?I know I can retrieve it, but can it be changed like apple does on the account page in the settings app?
You can use the Address Book framework. You need to use the me method to get the record for the current user, and then the setImageData: method to set the user's image:
#import <AddressBook/AddressBook.h>
#implementation YourClass
- (void)setUserImage:(NSImage*)anImage
ABPerson* me = [[ABAddressBook addressBook] me];
[me setImageData:[anImage TIFFRepresentation]];
There's more detail here in the docs.
You can path out to a file and merge it with the current record using the /usr/bin/dsimport command, which could be run from a NSTask. Here is an example of how to do so with BASH as root, this could be done with passed credentials as well
export OsVersion=`sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F"." '{print $2;exit}'`
declare -x UserPicture="/path/to/$UserName.jpg"
# Add the LDAP picture to the user record if dsimport is avaiable 10.6+
if [ -f "$UserPicture" ] ; then
# On 10.6 and higher this works
if [ "$OsVersion" -ge "6" ] ; then
declare -x Mappings='0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C'
declare -x Attributes='dsRecTypeStandard:Users 2 dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName externalbinary:dsAttrTypeStandard:JPEGPhoto'
declare -x PictureImport="/Library/Caches/$UserName.picture.dsimport"
printf "%s %s \n%s:%s" "$Mappings" "$Attributes" "$UserName" "$UserPicture" >"$PictureImport"
# Check to see if the username is correct and import picture
if id "$UserName" &>/dev/null ; then
# No credentials passed as we are running as root
dsimport -g "$PictureImport" /Local/Default M &&
echo "Successfully imported users picture."
Gist of this code
I am almost certain that you can do this through the OpenDirectory interface. See this guide:
Basically you have to open a Open Directory Node (say the /Search node), and then find the ODRecord for your user, then use:
on the ODRecord to set the JPEGPhoto attribute.
If you query using dscl from the command line for this attribute you will see the attribute's value:
dscl /Search read /Users/luser JPEGPhoto
I believe the dscl tool uses the Open Directory framework (or the older/harder to use/deprecated directory service framework) to read and write attributes to user records. You can read and write any other attribute using this tool and the associated framework. I don't see any reason the JPEGPhoto would be any different.
The /Search node MIGHT be read only (since it is kind of a meta node). Not really sure. You might have to explicitly open the appropriate node (for example the /Local/Default node) before you can write to the record:
dscl /Local/Default read /Users/luser JPEGPhoto

Re-structuring CVS repositories and retaining history

Currently, we have the following in our CVS Repository :
We want o restructure this module such that the sub directories A and B appears as high level modules. What I could do is to check Module1 out and then pull A and B out and then do a fresh cvs add for A and B individually, thus making them new cvs modules. But I am sure if I do this, I am going to lose the history as well as I would have to remove all internal CVS folders under A and B.
Q1: So is there a way to restructure this and retain the history?
What I essentially am trying to do is to filter out access between A and B.
So -
Q2: Is there a way to set up security so that certain users can check out Module1/A only and not Module1/B ? and vice-versa?
Q1: So is there a way to restructure this and retain the history?
Like you wrote in your comment, if you have sys privs you can mv modules around the repository and keep the history of all the files below A and B but in doing so, you lose the history that /A used to be Module1/A and /B used to be in Module1/B (not to mention build scripts probably break now). Subversion resolves this for you by offering the move (or rename) command which remembers the move/rename history of a module.
Q2: Is there a way to set up security so that certain users can check out Module1/A only and not Module1/B ? and vice-versa?
There sure is, used group permissions. From this page,
Here's the snip I'm referring to in case that page ever goes away
To every module its group
We have seen earlier how creating a
cvsusers group helped with the
coordination of the work of several
developers. We can extend this
approach to permit directory level
check-in restrictions.
In our example, let's say that the
module "cujo" is to be r/w for jack
and john, and the module "carrie" is
r/w for john and jill. We will create
two groups, g_cujo and g_carrie, and
add the appropriate users to each - in
/etc/group we add
Now in the repository (as root), run
find $CVSROOT/cujo -exec chgrp g_cujo {} \;
find $CVSROOT/carrie -exec chgrp g_carrie {} \;
ensuring, as before, that all
directories have the gid bit set.
Now if we have a look in the
john#bolsh:~/cvs$ ls -l
total 16
drwxrwsr-x 3 john cvsadmin 4096 Dec 28 19:42 CVSROOT
drwxrwsr-x 2 john g_carrie 4096 Dec 28 19:35 carrie
drwxrwsr-x 2 john g_cujo 4096 Dec 28 19:40 cujo
and if Jack tries to commit a change
to carrie...
jack#bolsh:~/carrie$ cvs update
cvs server: Updating .
M test
jack#bolsh:~/carrie$ cvs commit -m "test"
cvs commit: Examining .
Checking in test;
/home/john/cvs/carrie/test,v <-- test
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
cvs [server aborted]: could not open lock file
`/home/john/cvs/carrie/,test,': Permission denied
But in cujo, there is no problem.
jack#bolsh:~/cujo$ cvs update
cvs server: Updating .
M test
jack#bolsh:~/cujo$ cvs commit -m "Updating test"
cvs commit: Examining .
Checking in test;
/home/john/cvs/cujo/test,v <-- test
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
The procedure for adding a user is now
a little more complicated that it
might be. To create a new CVS user, we
have to create a system user, add them
to the groups corresponding to the
modules they may write to, and (if
you're using a pserver method)
generate a password for them, and add
an entry to CVSROOT/passwd.
To add a project, we need to create a
group, import the sources, change the
groups on all the files in the
repository and make sure the set gid
on execution bit is set on all
directories inside the module, and add
the relevant users to the group.
There is undoubtedly more
administration needed to do all this
than when we jab people with a pointy
stick. In that method, we never have
to add a system user or a group or
change the groups on directories - all
that is taken care of once we set up
the repository. This means that an
unpriveleged user can be the CVS admin
without ever having root priveleges on
the machine.