WebLogic - Using environment variable / double quotes in "Arguments" in "Server Start" - weblogic

I have an admin server, NodeManager, and 1 managed server, all on the same machine.
I am trying to enter something similar to this to the arguments field in the Server Start tab:
But when the managed server is started it throws this exception:
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : %USERPROFILE%\someDir\someJar.jar
It appears that the environment variable is not being translated into it's value. It is just passed on to the managed server as plain-text.
I tried surrounding the path with double quotes (") but the console validates the input and does not allow this: "Arguments may not contain '"'"
Even editing the config.xml file manually cannot work, as the admin server fails to startup after this:
<Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000362> <Server failed. Reason: [Management:141266]Parsing failure in config.xml: java.lang
.IllegalArgumentException: Arguments may not contain '"'.>
I also tried using %20 to no avail, it is just passed as %20.
I thought that perhaps this had something to do with the spaces in the value of %USERPROFILE% (which is "C:\documents and settings.."), but the same thing happens with other env. variables which point to other directories with no spaces.
My question:
Is there any supported way of :
using double quotes? what if i have to reference a folder with spaces in it's name?
reference an environment variable? What if i have to rely on it's value for distributed servers where i do not know in advance the variable's value?

Edit based on comments:
Approach 1:
Open setDomainEnv.cmd and search for export SERVER_NAME in Linux or for set SERVER_NAME in Windows. Skip to next to next line (i.e skip current and the next line)
On the current line, insert:
customServerList="server1,server2" #this serverList should be taken as input
isCurrServerCustom=$(echo ${customServerList} | tr ',' '\n' | grep ${SERVER_NAME} | wc -l)
if [ $isCurrServerCustom -gt 0 ]; then
# add customJavaArg
Save the setDomainEnv.sh file and re-start servers
Note that I have only given logic for Linux , for Windows similar logic can be used but with batch scripting syntax.
Approach 2:
Assuming domain is already installed and user provides the list of servers to which the JVM argument -Dmy.property need to be added. Jython script (use wlst.sh to execute). WLST Reference.
Usage: wlst.sh script_name props_file_location
import os
from java.io import File
from java.io import FileInputStream
# extract properties from properties file.
print 'Loading input properties...'
propsFile = sys.argv[1]
propInputStream = FileInputStream(propsFile)
configProps = Properties()
domainDir = configProps.get("domainDir")
# serverList in properties file should be comma seperated
serverList = configProps.get("serverList")
# The current machine's logical name as mentioned while creating the domain has to be given. Basically the machine name on which NM for current host is configured on.
# This param may not be required as an input if the machine name is configured as same as the hostname , in which case , socket module can be imported and socket.getHostName can be used.
currMachineName = configProps.get("machineName")
jarDir = os.environ("USERPROFILE")
argToAdd = '-Dmy.property=' + jarDir + File.separator + 'someDir' + File.separator + 'someJar.jar'
for srvr in serverList.split(",") :
cd('/Server/' + srvr)
listenAddr = get('ListenAddress')
if listenAddr != currMachineName :
# Only change current host's servers
cd('/Server/' + srvr + '/ServerStart/' + srvr)
argsOld = get('Arguments')
if argsOld is not None :
set('Arguments', argsOld + ' ' + argToAdd)
set('Arguments', argToAdd)
# now restart all affected servers (i.e serverList)
# one way is to connect to adminserver and shutdown them and then start again
Script has to be run from all hosts where the managed servers are going to be deployed in order to have the host specific value of "USERPROFILE" in the JVM argument.
BTW, to answer your question in a line : looks like the JVM arguments have to be supplied with the literal text eventually. But looks like WLS doesn't translate the environment variables if provided as JVM arguments. It gives an impression that it is translating when its done from startWebLogic.cmd (ex: using %DOMAIN_HOME% etc.) but its the shell/cmd executor that translates and then starts the JVM.


Traverse directory at URL to root in Python

How can you traverse directory to get to root in Python? I wrote some code using BeautifulSoup, but it says 'module not found'. So I have this:
# There is a directory traversal vulnerability in the
# following page
# Write a script which will attempt various levels of directory
# traversal to find the right amount that will give access
# to the root directory. Inside will be a human.conf with the flag.
# Note: The script can timeout if this occurs try narrowing
# down your search
import urllib.request
import os
req = urllib.request.urlopen("")
dirName = "/tmp"
def getListOfFiles(dirName):
listOfFile = os.listdir(dirName)
allFiles = list()
for entry in listOfFile:
# Create full path
fullPath = os.path.join(dirName, entry)
if os.path.isdir(fullPath):
allFiles = allFiles + getListOfFiles(fullPath)
return allFiles
listOfFiles = getListOfFiles(dirName)
for file in listOfFiles:
if file.endswith(".conf"):
f = open(file, "r")
This outputs:
User : Human 66
Flag: Not-Set (Must be Root Human)
However. If I change the URL to '' it gives me the output:
User : Human 66
Flag: Not-Set (Must be Root Human)
User : Root Human
Flag: Well done the flag is: {}
The level of directory traversal it is at fluctuates wildly, from /tmp/level-2 to /tmp/level-15; if it's at the one I wrote, then it says I'm 'Root Human'. But it won't give me the flag, despite the fact that I am suddenly 'Root Human'. Is there something wrong with the way I am traversing directory?
It doesn't seem to matter at all if I take away the req = urllib.request.urlopen("") line. How can I actually send the code to that URL?
cyber discovery moon base challenge?
For this one, you need to keep adding '../' in front of human.conf (for example '') which becomes your URL. This URL you need to request (using urllib.request.urlopen(URL)).
The main bit of the challenge is to attach the ../ multiple times which shall not be very hard using a simple loop. You don't need to use the OS.
Make sure to break the loop once you find the flag (or it will go into an infinite loop and give you errors).

Universal Robot TCP/IP communication: cannot send crlf ("\r\n")

I'm trying to get our UR5e to talk to query another machine via TCP/IP.
This machine requires each received command to end with "\r\n" (I cannot change this).
This is the problem.
I cannot get the UR to append "\r\n" to the command because the backslashes are escaped automatically.
This is what I've tried so far:
socket_send_string("command\r\n") # results in "command\\r\\n"
socket_send_byte(10) # results in "command\r"
socket_send_line("command") # results in "command\n"
Any help appreciated.

How to create a file with terrafom and include variable as literal?

Using terraform v0.12.9 and building a file using template_file data source, I could not use double dollar signs $$ to treat input ${data_directory} as literals.
Looking for solution to sort out this in a right way or looking for any other suggestion or workaround that can help to create a file with this content.
I have tried to use double dollar sign (like in a code example below) to isolate this ${data_directory} as literals in a file output.
Here is a code that I'm trying to use to create postfix main.cf file with terraform:
variable "hostname" {
default = "test"
variable "domain_name" {
default = "test.com"
variable "fn_main_cf" {
default = "main.cf"
data "template_file" "main_cf" {
template = <<EOF
## Network settings
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
inet_interfaces =, ::1,, 2a03:b0a0:3:d0::5e79:4001
myhostname = ${var.hostname}.${var.domain_name}
### Outbound SMTP connections (Postfix as sender)
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:$${data_directory}/smtp_scache
data "template_cloudinit_config" "main_cf" {
gzip = false
base64_encode = false
part {
filename = "${var.fn_main_cf}"
content_type = "text/cloud-config"
content = "${data.template_file.main_cf.rendered}"
resource "null_resource" "main_cf" {
triggers = {
template = "${data.template_file.main_cf.rendered}"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo \"${data.template_file.main_cf.rendered}\" > ~/projects/mail-server/files/etc/postfix/${var.fn_main_cf}"
As you can see there is a lot of variables and all this is working fine, but ${data_directory} should not be treated as variable but just as literals and should stay as it is in output file on a disk.
Expected output in the main.cf created file saved on a disk should be like following:
## Network settings
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
inet_interfaces =, ::1,, 2a03:b0a0:3:d0::5e79:4001
myhostname = test.test.com
### Outbound SMTP connections (Postfix as sender)
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache
So ${data_directory} should not be treated by terraform as a terraform variable but just as group of characters, literals (a regular text input).
Running terraform plan the output with double dollar signs $$ is following:
Error: failed to render : <template_file>:11,43-57: Unknown variable; There is no variable named "data_directory".
template_file remains available in Terraform primarily for Terraform 0.11 users. In Terraform 0.12 there is no need to use template_file, because it has been replaced with two other features:
For templates in separate files, the built in templatefile function can render an external template from directly in the language, without the need for a separate provider and data source.
For inline templates (specified directly within the configuration) you can just write them in directly where they need to be, or factor them out via Local Values.
The local_file resource is also a better way to create a local file on disk than to use a local-exec provisioner. By using template_file and local-exec here you're forcing yourself to contend with two levels of additional escaping: Terraform template escaping to get the literal template into the template_file data source, and then shell escaping inside your provisioner.
Here's a more direct way to represent your template and your file:
variable "postfix_config_path" {
# Note that for my example this is expected to be the full path
# to the file, not just the filename. Terraform idiom is to be
# explicit about this sort of thing, rather than relying on
# environment variables like HOME.
type = string
locals {
postfix_config = <<-EOT
## Network settings
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
inet_interfaces =, ::1,, 2a03:b0a0:3:d0::5e79:4001
myhostname = ${var.hostname}.${var.domain_name}
### Outbound SMTP connections (Postfix as sender)
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:$${data_directory}/smtp_scache
resource "local_file" "postfix_config" {
filename = var.postfix_config_path
content = local.postfix_config
As the local provider documentation warns, Terraform isn't really designed for directly managing files and other resources on a local machine. The local provider is there for unusual situations, and this might be one of those situations, in which case the above is a reasonable way to address it.
Note though that a more standard Terraform usage pattern would be for Terraform to be used to start up a new virtual machine that will run Postfix and pass in the necessary configuration via a vendor-specific user_data or metadata argument.
If the postfix server is managed separately from this Terraform configuration, then an alternative pattern is to arrange for Terraform to write the necessary data to a shared configuration store (e.g. AWS SSM Parameter Store, or HashiCorp Consul) and then use separate software on the postfix server to read that and update the main.cf file. For HashiCorp Consul, that separate software might be consul-template. Similar software exists for other parameter stores, allowing you to decouple the configuration of individual virtual machines from the configuration of your overall infrastructure.

How to change the max size for file upload on AOLServer/CentOS 6?

We have a portal for our customers that allow them to start new projects directly on our platform. The problem is that we cannot upload documents bigger than 10MO.
Every time I try to upload a file bigger than 10Mo, I have a "The connection was reset" error. After some research it seems that I need to change the max size for uploads but I don't know where to do it.
I'm on CentOS 6.4/RedHat with AOL Server.
Language: TCL.
Anyone has an idea on how to do it?
In the end I could solve the problem with the command ns_limits set default -maxupload 500000000.
In your config.tcl, add the following line to the nssock module section:
set max_file_upload_mb 25
# ...
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
# ...
ns_param maxinput [expr {$max_file_upload_mb * 1024 * 1024}]
# ...
It is also advised to constrain the upload times, by setting:
set max_file_upload_min 5
# ...
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
# ...
ns_param recvwait [expr {$max_file_upload_min * 60}]
If running on top of nsopenssl, you will have to set those configuration values (maxinput, recvwait) in a different section.
I see that you are running Project Open. As well as setting the maxinput value for AOLserver, as described by mrcalvin, you also need to set 2 parameters in the Site Map:
Attachments package: parameter "MaximumFileSize"
File Storage package: parameter "MaximumFileSize"
These should be set to values in bytes, but not larger than the maxinput value for AOLserver. See the Project Open documentation for more info.
In the case where you are running Project Open using a reverse proxy, check the documentation here for Pound and here for Nginx. Most likely you will need to set a larger file upload limit there too.

Registering a new Command Line Option in RYU App

I need to be able to read in a path file from my simple_switch.py application.I have added the following code to my simple_switch.py in python.
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfg.StrOpt('path-file', default='test.txt',
I attempt to start the application as follows.
bin/ryu-manager --observe-links --path-file test.txt ryu/app/simple_switch.py
However I get the following error.
usage: ryu-manager [-h] [--app-lists APP_LISTS] [--ca-certs CA_CERTS]
[--config-dir DIR] [--config-file PATH]
[--ctl-cert CTL_CERT] [--ctl-privkey CTL_PRIVKEY]
[--default-log-level DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL] [--explicit-drop]
[--install-lldp-flow] [--log-config-file LOG_CONFIG_FILE]
[--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
[--log-file-mode LOG_FILE_MODE]
[--neutron-admin-auth-url NEUTRON_ADMIN_AUTH_URL]
[--neutron-admin-password NEUTRON_ADMIN_PASSWORD]
[--neutron-admin-tenant-name NEUTRON_ADMIN_TENANT_NAME]
[--neutron-admin-username NEUTRON_ADMIN_USERNAME]
[--neutron-auth-strategy NEUTRON_AUTH_STRATEGY]
[--neutron-controller-addr NEUTRON_CONTROLLER_ADDR]
[--neutron-url NEUTRON_URL]
[--neutron-url-timeout NEUTRON_URL_TIMEOUT]
[--noexplicit-drop] [--noinstall-lldp-flow]
[--noobserve-links] [--nouse-stderr] [--nouse-syslog]
[--noverbose] [--observe-links]
[--ofp-listen-host OFP_LISTEN_HOST]
[--ofp-ssl-listen-port OFP_SSL_LISTEN_PORT]
[--ofp-tcp-listen-port OFP_TCP_LISTEN_PORT] [--use-stderr]
[--use-syslog] [--verbose] [--version]
[--wsapi-host WSAPI_HOST] [--wsapi-port WSAPI_PORT]
[--test-switch-dir TEST-SWITCH_DIR]
[--test-switch-target TEST-SWITCH_TARGET]
[--test-switch-tester TEST-SWITCH_TESTER]
[app [app ...]]
ryu-manager: error: unrecognized arguments: --path-file
It does look like I need to register a new command line option somewhere before I can use it.Can some-one point out to me how to do that? Also can someone explain how to access the file(text.txt) inside the program?
You're on the right track, however the CONF entry that you are creating actually needs to be loaded before your app is loaded, otherwise ryu-manager has no way of knowing it exists!
The file you are looking for is flags.py, under the ryu directory of the source tree (or under the root installation directory).
This is how the ryu/tests/switch/tester.py Ryu app defines it's own arguments, so you might use that as your reference:
# tests/switch/tester
cfg.StrOpt('target', default='0000000000000001', help='target sw dp-id'),
cfg.StrOpt('tester', default='0000000000000002', help='tester sw dp-id'),
cfg.StrOpt('dir', default='ryu/tests/switch/of13',
help='test files directory')
], group='test-switch')
Following this format, the CONF.register_cli_opts takes an array of config types exactly as you have done it (see ryu/cfg.py for the different types available).
You'll notice that when you run the ryu-manager help, i.e.
ryu-manager --help
the list that comes up is sorted by application (e.g. the group of arguments under 'test-switch options'). For that reason, you will want to specify a group name for your set of commands.
Now let us say that you used the group name 'my-app' and have an argument named 'path-file' in that group, the command line argument will be --my-app-path-file (this can get a little long), while you can access it in your application like this:
from ryu import cfg
path_file = CONF['my-app']['path_file']
Note the use of dash versus the use of underscores.